Symptoms of sciatica and tactics of treating the disease at home

Piercing pain in the lumbar region with radiating in the leg, fettering the movement, making it difficult to walk - sciatica. The disease often occurs after mechanical damage to the sciatic nerve, which carries nerve impulses to the lower extremities. The patient in more difficult cases can not perform the usual daily activities.

Such pain affects up to 50% of people after 45 years, more often it is experienced by elderly people, less often observed in 30-year-olds. The disease is considered a pathology of the musculoskeletal system and the nervous system at the same time.

Article Content:
  • Causes of
  • Symptoms
  • General Recommendations
  • How to treat folk remedies?
  • What is not recommended?
  • Prevention measures

Causes of

Among the many possible causes of sciatica, the following are considered to be the main ones:

  • hypothermia;
  • complication after an infectious disease( tuberculosis, malaria, scarlet fever, influenza);
  • spine trauma;
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  • spondylolisthesis( displacement of one of the vertebrae relative to the other);
  • diseases of the spine( tumors, degeneration of intervertebral discs, osteochondrosis, intervertebral hernia);
  • change in the shape of the vertebrae;
  • gynecological diseases, constipation;
  • exogenous disorders as a result of toxic substances coming in from outside( chronic alcoholism, mercury poisoning, lead, arsenic);
  • arthritis;
  • endogenous disorders leading to the formation of toxic substances( gout, diabetes mellitus).

In pregnancy, sciatica occurs due to increased load on the spine and displacement of the center of gravity. In some cases, women's spine is not able to make such changes.

Characteristic symptoms of

Manifestations of sciatica are diverse. Pain sensations can be local( only in the lumbar region), but manifested in different ways( stitching, burning, shooting pain, numbness or crawling crawling).

Often the pain occurs in the lower back and spreads through the buttock, thigh, shin to the fingertips. There may be discomfort in the knee, numbness of the toes.

In all cases the pain is intense, the patient experiences difficulty walking, can not bend over and sit. The body is involuntarily diverted forward, the gait is asymmetrical. In most cases one leg is affected, but both can be involved in the process.

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General recommendations

The pain can not be tolerated regardless of the cause of its occurrence. Gradually the process begins to progress, and the pain intensifies. In neglected cases, a person can not sleep properly.

Treat sciatica immediately after the onset of an attack. Anesthetic or anti-inflammatory drugs may be used, but the effect will be short-lived. You should consult a doctor to determine the cause and its remedy.

After the examination, the doctor prescribes adequate treatment that promotes improvement of metabolic processes in the spine, elimination of inflammatory processes, removal of spasm and getting rid of squeezing of nerve endings.

How to treat folk remedies?

For the treatment of sciatica at home, folk medicine is often used. For the preparation of compresses, specially prepared dough, black radish, beeswax, cabbage leaves, baths with horseradish, needles are used.

With the help of muscle baths, tension is removed, the nervous system relaxes. Follow the rules:

  • do not use water with a temperature above 37 degrees( hot causes increased inflammation);
  • after bathing to pour clean water and lie down, wrapped the waist;
  • start taking medical baths with 5 minutes, you can gradually increase the time to 10 minutes;
  • it is better to take a bath at night so that the pain does not disturb during sleep.

Cautious rubbing movements in the affected area relieve tension, reduce pain. For greater effect, it is recommended to use ointments that have a warming effect or essential oils.

Folk methods of treatment for sciatica:

Ingredients Dosage Method of use
Propolis Bee Wax 1: 1 Mix components, use for compresses.
The root of elecampane 1 tbsp.l. Shredded root pour a glass of water, boil for 5 minutes, drink daily ½ stack.x 2 times.
Calendula flowers 1 tbsp.l. A decoction of marigold and 1 cup.boiling water. Drink daily before meals.
Beeswax 50 g Prepare the bead from the heated wax by the size of the affected area and attach it to the waist. Heat wrap, go to bed. Repeating the procedure daily, after half a month you can get rid of the manifestations of sciatica.
Radish black 1 pc. Put the grated radish on a cloth napkin, attach it to a sore spot, cover with a film or parchment, and wrap it warmly. Keep as long as possible to suffer burning.
Pine needles Water 1 kg
3 l
Add boiling water to the pine shoots, insist 4 hours, strain, pour into the bath water in the ratio 1:15.
Chestnut horse 2 tbsp.l. Chop the dry leaves with a glass of boiling water, boil for 15 minutes, drain after cooling. Drink daily ½ cup x 4 times.

An effective method of treatment is the performance of stretching exercises. To do this:

  • lying on his back to clasp his knee with his hands, pointing him slowly to the opposite shoulder. After returning to the starting position, repeat the exercise with the other knee;
  • with back pain to lie on the floor, legs bend at the knees, feet on the floor. Raise the trunk upward to tear the shoulders off the floor( repeat 15 times).

What is not recommended?

A suffering sciatica should not:

  • sit without a break for more than 2 hours;
  • wear high-heeled shoes;
  • to be overweight;
  • sleep lying on the back( best position is on the side, knees bent);
  • sit with your leg crossed;
  • is in an uncomfortable position for a long time;
  • hold the phone with your shoulder;
  • to sit, hunched over.

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Diet and folk remedies for the treatment of neurodermatitis - http: // narodnye-sredstva / kozhnye-bolezni / nejrodermit.html

Prevention measures

To prevent the onset of sciatica it is important to strengthen the back muscles. Therefore, keep it smoothly, do not carry weights in one hand, do not be in an uncomfortable position for a long time.

Preventing the appearance of sciatica is much easier than treating it:

  • regularly perform gymnastics for stretching the spine and strengthening it;
  • avoid supercooling;
  • strengthen immunity;
  • does not lift weights;
  • monitor diet( prevent the accumulation of toxic substances that have a negative effect on the nervous system).

In the absence of timely effective treatment, sciatica becomes chronic. The use of home therapies, previously agreed with the doctor, will get rid of sciatica nerve inflammation.

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