Proper nutrition: secrets, advice, recommendations

Regarding the restoration of lost health or its preservation at a high level, issues of proper nutrition take a special place.

There are some secrets, advice and recommendations for proper nutrition from Dr. Heinrich Nikolayevich Alongova, disclosed in his book " Official and Traditional Medicine. The most detailed encyclopedia of ", which we will consider with you in this article. At the end of the publication I offer you a few videos: about food, about the mode of eating.


Proper nutrition - secrets

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  1. If the table is black and white bread - choose black.
  2. From dairy products, preference should be given to serum. It is the same structured water.
  3. Do not overeat. You leave from the table with a feeling of easy hunger.
  4. The most biologically valuable water is thawed. This is structured water, and it is a ready-made drug against atherosclerosis.
  5. The fruits of legumes in terms of the amount of strength they develop can completely replace meat food.
  6. Coffee and tea are sources of uric acid. It is better to replace them with thyme, oregano and mint.
Secrets, tips and advice on the proper and rational nutrition

The enemies of longevity are

  1. bakery products from white flour;
  2. salt, sugar, fats, animal proteins;
  3. all fried foods. When frying, most vitamins decompose, the calorie content of food increases significantly;
  4. coffee, tea, alcohol;
  5. overeating.

Useful advices and recommendations

  1. According to the nutritional value, grain plants follow the nutrients: rye, wheat, rice, oats.
  2. The most useful bread with bran and fruit.
  3. In elderly and senile age it is useful to drink on an empty stomach 1 tablespoon of olive oil or vegetable oil. It is especially effective in a mixture with orange juice. Accustom yourself to this and you will forget about constipation and peptic ulcer.
  4. Do not drink water while eating. Diluting gastric juice, water reduces its digestive capacity.
  5. Cabbage is better to ferment sour milk, as vegetables are better combined with acidic dairy products.
  6. Do not mix fruit and vegetables, cereals and milk in one dish.
  7. Meat with bread - the mixture is very undesirable. Bread can be eaten no earlier than an hour after eating meat.
  8. Proteins of fungi and proteins of the human body are completely different in structure. All fungi are toxic to humans.
  9. Fasting can be replaced with juices: a few days drink fruit juice, then a few days vegetable.
  10. Many diseases, including scleroderma, infertility, psoriasis, allergies, mastopathy, prostatitis, myoma and fibromyoma can be cured by starvation and dampness.
  11. It is better to freeze water before drinking, and then thaw.
  12. Boiled and especially germinated wheat rejuvenates the body.
  13. If you collect medicinal herbs, it is better to collect them on the sunny side, where the soils have a large supply of bioenergy.
  14. Black pepper increases the secretion of gastric juice. It is used in the treatment of hemorrhoids, constipation, loss of appetite and increased gas production.
  15. Nutmeg is effective for sexual weakness, urinary incontinence and diarrhea. Tones the heart and brain. Helps with insomnia.
  16. Barley broth is an excellent product for healthy, and good medicine for patients.
  17. Cheese is very nutritious, but difficult to digest. Proverb says: cheese in the morning - gold, for dinner - silver, in the evening - lead.
  18. Yolk is nutritious protein, but protein is easier to digest, since it contains less fat.
  19. All drinks that contain alcohol do not increase strength, but destroy it. Drinking is a mental illness( Gitzig).

Harmful food products: TOP-10

The most harmful food. TOP 10:

  1. Chips and crunches.
  2. Lemons and juices.
  3. Fast food.
  4. Sausage, smoked products and various meat products( semi-finished products).
  5. Harmful smoked products
  6. Mayonnaise, ketchup and various sauces.
  7. Chocolate bars, wafers, chewing sweets, pastilles, lollipops, chewing gums.
  8. Noodles, soups and instant mashed potatoes, bouillon cubes.
  9. Alcohol and energy drinks. ShopDairy products( milk, yoghurts and ice cream).
  10. Popcorn.

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