Alcoholism teenage: causes, harm, risk, consequences and prevention

Adolescent alcoholism is a rather difficult problem. In adolescence, even small doses of alcohol bring the body irreparable harm, because the young body is not yet formed. The personal qualities of a teenager are deformed.


Causes of teenage alcoholism

alcoholism among teenagers, according to statistics, it starts with family feasts. Teenagers see how guests come to their house seated at a table, pour alcoholic drinks into glasses and glasses, clink glasses, say toasts. It is imprinted in the adolescent consciousness as it should, it is allowed and it is necessary. On the part of perception of young consciousness holidays are built with the obligatory alcoholic attribute. Well, and if at all, they also poured a beer or wine for the teenager, vodka. .. The situation is even more complicated.

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One of the important factors in the development of alcoholism among young people is the availability of alcoholic beverages, attractive packaging, advertising. In adolescence, the desire to imitate the elders is expressed. And in the behavior of adolescents traced features of the domestic way. The child understands that it is possible to drink, and although now it can not be yet, but when he grows up, then no one will forbid me to drink. Watching adults, the child understands that you can drink and large portions. You can drink it with juice, if very disgusting. Food serves as a snack and sometimes you can do without it and just drink it. You can boast to the peers that he tried alcohol.

The psychological characteristics of adolescents consist in the desire to resemble and imitate their idols. Looking at the heroes of the TV screen, who smilely smoke, drink and mate, adolescents tend to behave as well. Imitation is based on satisfying the need for recognition, gaining a sense of superiority over oneself like.

Conformism plays a significant role in alcoholism among young people. Conformism is to be like everything, or matching your own circle of communication. In a drinking company, a sober girl or boy is perceived as a white crow. And they either are expelled from the group, or become similar to the group.

Education on the street and neglect - this is another reason for alcoholism among adolescents. But a hyperopeak over a teenager can also lead to the opposite effect. It happens that excessively protecting the child from bad influence, it is not possible to save the child from alcoholism.

When a teenager attends drinking, his life values ​​and habits change. Teenagers spend time aimlessly in companies, hang around the streets. The desire to engage, there is no self-development. Half of teens do not read the book at all. Medical examinations at school annually identify drinking senior students at the age of 16 years. Teenage and children's alcoholism is formed for 2 - 3 years of active abuse of alcoholic beverages. The leading drinks are beer and aerated cocktails with alcohol.

Harm of alcohol for a young organism

Adolescent alcoholism affects the deterioration of reproductive functions. The probability of birth of inferior children is increasing. Impairment of the liver and pancreas, threatening the early development of cirrhosis and reactive pancreatitis. The stability of the immune system decreases, infectious, nervous and mental diseases appear. Drinking teens are subject to endocrine disorders, cardiac and pulmonary diseases. Adolescents are socially inactive, uncommunicative, irritable and suggestible from bad influence. They feel comfort only in the company of their own kind.

Minor alcoholics are unceremonious, unleashed, played with unstable emotional-volitional and motivational spheres.

Risk of teenage alcoholism

A young and growing body soon gets used to large doses of alcohol. Attitudes toward oneself and others are frivolous, there is not a shadow of doubt about the imminent danger. Teenage narcologists have developed a gradation of the use of alcoholic drinks:

  1. Drinking alcohol as an experiment is one or two times;
  2. Episodic - 1 - 2 times a month;
  3. The use is systematic.

Alcoholism is not only a habit, but also a disease in which there is a genetic predisposition. When a father drinks in a family, the risk of alcoholism in adolescence is increased by 4 times. For an adult, the daily non-hazardous dose of alcohol does not exceed 100 ml.40% alcohol solution, for adolescents any dose is dangerous. And an alarming symptom is satisfaction from intoxication. When it is observed, it is a hereditary predisposition to dependence on alcohol.

Treatment of alcoholism in adolescents

For any reasons of adolescent alcoholism, treatment is urgently needed! Alcohol destroys the brain and nervous system of a young person, slows down the development of the body, prematurely wears out and ages the body. Treatment of teenage alcoholism is complicated by the pubertal period of a person's life. It changes not only the body, but also the personality of the adolescent. The teenager sees everything through the "rose-colored glasses" of a spike of hormones catalyzed by alcohol.

How to treat alcoholism in adolescents, if many directions and methods of treatment, which are used in cases with adults, are not suitable for the developing and growing organism? Conditional reflex therapy sometimes has a negative effect on the condition of the internal organs of the adolescent organism. Age limits treatment and coding against alcoholism.

When treating teenage alcoholism, you need to diagnose the whole body in a hospital clinic, self-treatment is unacceptable! Under stationary conditions, detoxification is carried out, the liver and kidneys are normalized, nootropic drugs and vitamins are used.

The main method of treatment of adolescent alcoholism is psychotherapy with coding by hypnotic methods. The instability of mental processes in minors is taken into account. Use restorative and maintenance therapy. In the case of treatment in a narcological dispensary, adolescents are placed in special wards to exclude contact and influence on adolescents from adult alcoholics.

Prevention of adolescent alcoholism

Prevention of alcoholism among adolescents is of paramount importance. It consists in organizational and educational measures. Measures are aimed at informing adolescents about the negative impact of alcohol on the body and mind. A number of activities are also being carried out to stimulate various hobbies among young people, increase their interests in education and the acquisition of professions. Parents play a huge role in the prevention of alcoholism among adolescents. Parents should understand the main fact - for a teenager there are no harmless alcoholic drinks!