Can I get bronchitis?

I wonder whether bronchitis is contagious or not

If someone in the family gets sick with bronchitis, a logical question arises immediately: is bronchitis contagious for others? Bronchitis can be caused by a bacterial or viral infection, and can also arise as a kind of allergy.

The problem of bronchitisThe latter case is not contagious, provided that the other members of the family do not have an allergy to the same irritant, from which the affected person has suffered. Viral and bacterial infections can participate in the development of the disease individually or together. The time from the moment of infection to the appearance of the first signs of the disease is called the incubation period.

Throughout the incubation period, humans are the source of viruses and bacteria to others. That is, he is already sick and can already spread the infection, but there are no manifestations of the disease yet. Depending on the state of the immune system and the type of causative agent of bronchitis, the incubation period can be from one to five days.

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Protection against bronchitis

Acute bronchitisOften the first cause of bronchitis is the parainfluenza virus or adenovirus. High temperature can last for two to ten days, during which time the immune system actively fights pathogenic microorganisms. During this period, people can get infected by airborne droplets, by using shared dishes, with kisses and breathing in one air.

Bronchitis is contagious and accompanied by a dry and then wet cough, during which the victim actively releases viruses or bacteria into the environment. In order to treat bronchitis quickly and without complications, you need to contact either a specialist.

Acute bronchitis is contagious and proceeds with a lot of unpleasant and reducing the working capacity of symptoms, so an adult should always take a sick leave a sheet for a period of ten to fourteen days for health reasons, and children to refuse at this time from visiting the kindergarten and school. Can I get bronchitis after a person has a fever? It is possible, it all depends on who comes into contact. Which categories of people are most vulnerable to infection:

  • people after surgery, after a serious illness;
  • pregnant women;
  • children under three years, especially newborns up to one month;
  • aged people;
  • persons with weakened immunity, HIV-infected, suffering from chronic diseases, oncology weakened after trauma.
Signs of bronchitis

To protect those people for whom bronchitis is uniquely contagious, they need to limit contact and communication with a sick person. If this is not possible, a respirator should be used to protect the nose and throat.

The simplest version of a respirator is a mask, which is sold in any pharmacy. Bronchitis is transmitted by airborne droplets, so you need to use only individual dishes, do not drink from one mug, do not have one fork. Some families do not understand the importance of personal hygiene, up to the fact that they give the baby food already chewed by someone from adults. To admit such things it is impossible in any case.

Each person has a set of bacteria-symbionts, that is, a set of beneficial or conditionally pathogenic microorganisms. With close contact, for example, with a married couple or with a mother and an infant, this set becomes common. Communication with secondary relatives should not imply such a dense exchange of microorganisms. Each family member in individual use should be:

  • Toothbrush;
  • towel;
  • clean dishes, from which no one had eaten before;
  • for the child - a dummy and a bottle.

Unfortunately, often unconscious mothers begin to lick the nipple from a bottle or pacifier before giving the baby (for example, if the nipple fell to the floor before). This behavior can provoke at best a digestive disorder, and at worst - weaken the immune system. Children and adults who do not follow the rules of hygiene are more likely to get infected from a person with bronchitis.

Diet from bronchitis

Dill from bronchitisIn order to support the immune system of the surrounding family members, it is useful during the illness to prepare meals that contain:
  • garlic;
  • bow;
  • ginger;
  • fresh herbs, parsley, green onions, dill.

Recent research has shown that the role of vitamin C in enhancing immunity was not as significant as it was thought the last twenty years. However, using lemon, lime or tangerines is useful in any case. Spices, greens and garlic should be added to food after the main heat treatment has been completed, ie immediately before consumption. Thus it will be possible to save a maximum of useful properties.

With prolonged cooking, the greens not only lose their taste, but also lose most of the vitamins. With ginger, you can cook not only tea, but soups, second courses. To taste was pleasant, you need to buy a fresh root of ginger and finely cut it. How many days will infectious bronchitis can say only a doctor. Without appropriate treatment, the disease can go on to chronic form in both adults and children.

For chronic bronchitis, the temperature above 38.5 degrees is not typical, usually it either does not increase, or rises to 37.5 degrees.

Chronic bronchitis has remissions when a person is not conditionally contagious. During the remission, the victim does not suffer from severe cough, fever, or swelling of the respiratory tract. Then a relapse occurs, during which all typical manifestations of bronchitis are observed:

  • a wet cough with a large amount of sputum;
  • weakness, headache, soreness in the muscles;
  • spasms when coughing, suffocating lingering cough, which is difficult to stop on your own.

With remission, the probability of getting infected is rather low, for an adult with strong immunity, it is completely absent. During the relapse, there are the same chances to transmit the disease as with acute bronchitis.

How quickly to cope with a bronchitis in a child?

Children should be treated individually by the pediatrician. Do not give your child antibiotics or other medicines if his classmate or classmate from the kindergarten had "something similar."

The purpose of the drugs should not be in bulk, but separately in each case.

Disease of the child with bronchitisChildren who are not sick with bacterial bronchitis do not need to take antibiotics for the prevention. Many mothers do not understand that drugs are selected depending on the specific type of pathogen. If the medicine is not used for its intended purpose, then it will not be of any use.

Bronchitis can give a lot of unpleasant complications. If the temperature of the patient can not be reduced within a week, it allows to suspect the spread of the infection down the respiratory tract. Potentially bronchitis can cause pneumonia, often in children, bronchitis is accompanied by otitis. The infection in the ear occurs through the Eustachian tube. To avoid complications and as soon as possible to cope with the disease, you need to contact a competent pediatrician. Use methods of traditional medicine in children can only be agreed with the doctor.

If the child has a fever, you can not apply any hot compresses, warm-salt socks, hot-water bottles, mustard plasters and pepper patches to the bronchial region. This promotes the spread of the inflammation focus to deeper layers of tissues. Only one day after the temperature has stabilized, it is possible to use these methods according to the doctor's prescription.

Footbaths with mustard or medicinal herbs can be used one day after a drop in temperature.

Prevention of bronchitis

The sufferer must necessarily ensure peace and bed rest for the duration of the illness. Do not go to school or kindergarten, do not play with other children.

Often mothers allow the child not to attend school, but do not prohibit playing with other children and going for a walk. At this time, children become infected from each other, especially at playgrounds. During illness it is enough to air a premise, it is possible to refuse walks. To the child does not get infected with bronchitis from a comrade in games, you need to strengthen his immunity.

Tell me, please... Is bronchitis and pneumonia transmitted if you are in the same room?





If airborne, then YES.

Lyudmila Kuzmina

Bronchitis and pneumonia are not infectious diseases

Tatiana Voeiko

Yes, pneumonia can be contagious. When in contact with a child, wear a medical mask covering the nose and mouth. Ventilate the room where you are. For the time of illness, get a separate dish and a towel for yourself.

La Otra

In most cases, pneumonia is transmitted by airborne droplets. When coughing and sneezing, a sick person releases a large number of bacteria and microorganisms from the respiratory tract and mucous membranes mouth, which, getting into the lungs of a healthy person lead to the development of an inflammatory reaction with the formation of exudate. Exudate is a fluid rich in proteins and blood cells (lymphocytes, leukocytes) that seeps from small blood vessels at the site of inflammation. It is a good breeding ground for microorganisms. Pathogens can also penetrate into the lungs by hematogenous pathway from other organs, in which there are already foci of inflammation. In children, pneumonia often occurs due to swallowing sputum and nasal discharge. The body becomes more vulnerable when its immune defense decreases, as well as its supercooling and overwork.
The opinion that getting bronchitis can not be wrong! If you can not get bronchitis, then why do they all get sick so often?
Doctors distinguish the viral and bacteriological causes of bronchitis. In the first case, the cause is in influenza viruses or a pair of influenza. In the second - pneumococcus, streptococci, etc. Less often as a cause of bronchitis are fungi, allergens or toxic substances.
Is bronchitis contagious? Yes! The main way of spreading bronchitis is airborne: when inhaled infected droplets of saliva come into contact with a sick person (during coughing, sneezing, during yawning and even during conversation).
For example, sneezing allows your body to clear the mucous membrane of the bronchi and pulmonary alveoli from surplus sputum or dust particles. At the same time, the velocity of the evolved air is 150 km / h.
Just imagine when coughing, sneezing, or talking, millions of droplets (saliva or sputum) infected with viruses enter the air. In places of large concentrations of people, these drops can breathe in other people. Poor ventilation significantly increases the chance of getting bronchitis. That is why it is so important to observe simple precautions: to ventilate the room, cover your mouth and nose with a handkerchief when sneezing and coughing, wash hands after visiting public places and wearing a mask.

Roman Konyshev

I will add only that if you have a normally working ciliary apparatus airways, then getting sick with bronchitis is more difficult. As a rule, when smoking, the cilia turn off for 3 hours, and when the temperature drops, their activity decreases. (coughing and sneezing cilia accelerate the particles to a speed of about 60 km / h)

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During childbirth I had terrible bronchopneumonia. And I was terribly afraid that it would be passed on to my daughter who was born, given that she had a weak body. But, Thank God, closely contacting it and having been ill for almost 2 weeks, I did not infect it.


If the bronchitis of a bacterial nature, then you can get infected, it is just a patient to cough. Much depends on the immunity of one who is afraid of getting infected. Well. and pneumonia is another infection, the most that neither is a bacterial infection.

Is pneumonia contagious? And bronchitis?



neither pneumonia nor bronchitis are contagious (infectious) diseases, in those rare exceptions, when caused by a virus

Oleg Gonchar

there is no vyrytsypi aeti diseases are not transmitted


Watching what kind of pneumonia, you need to know the etiology of this disease, if it is caused for example by staphylococcus, then from the patient it is quite possible to pick up (when coughing or sneezing)


If 6 days have passed since the onset of the disease and you started to communicate with this person, then there should be no infection.

Pavel Piskovatsky

Both pneumonia and bronchitis can be contagious. Their pathogens can be respiratory viruses, chlamydia, mycoplasmas, pneumococci, streptococci, mycobacterium tuberculosis, etc. These pathogens are easily spread by airborne droplets.

If you do not know if bronchitis is contagious, then the article for you

Your child has a cold, and you took him to a doctor. In the regional polyclinic, you tasted the delights of state medicine, for example, long hours of waiting, and also defended an endless line consisting mostly of sneezing and coughing people. It is only natural that you are concerned with whether bronchitis is contagious. Consider another option - this diagnosis was put to you. Is it possible to go to work, at the risk of infecting colleagues, or is it better to lie back at home? In autumn and winter, the question: "Is bronchitis contagious?" - is becoming particularly relevant. After all, everything around - on the street, in public transport, in shops - is to some extent chilled.


First of all, it is necessary to understand what kind of illness it is. So, bronchitis is a disease of the respiratory system.

Is bronchitis contagious?From the usual cold with a cough, it is different in that with it inflammation passes into the bronchi, and it is difficult to cure it. In most cases, the disease is caused by a viral or bacterial infection. Specialists distinguish two types of disease: acute and chronic bronchitis. The cause of acute form usually become influenza viruses and various bacteria. The average duration of the disease is about ten days, during which a person suffers from high fever and a damp cough with abundant sputum. If the latter lasts longer than three months, it is believed that the disease has passed into a chronic form. Bronchitis is able to progress, so it can not be run in any case. As you can see, the disease is quite serious.

Is bronchitis contagious?

Periodically on Internet forums dedicated to medical topics, the idea is expressed that this disease is not contagious. This point of view is incorrect.

treatment of bronchitis with antibioticsAsk any physician-therapist, whether bronchitis is contagious, and, no doubt, get a positive answer. In most cases, infection occurs by airborne droplets. If you are in close contact with the carrier of the disease, then involuntarily inhale the agent containing droplets his saliva that stand out when he sneezes, coughs, yawns and even just talks standing close to you. If the patient is in a room with a large number of people, then all the surrounding are at risk, because the air is released from the human bronchi at a speed of 150 km / h. The worse the room is ventilated, the higher the chance of catching the infection. Since it is impossible to completely isolate your child or yourself from society, you should remember that there is a preventive maintenance of bronchitis.

Measures to prevent disease

A room, study or an audience in which sick people can theoretically be located should be ventilated as often as possible.

bronchitis preventionIn general, ventilation should be good. In periods of epidemics, the optimal option is the constant wearing of a medical mask. After visiting public places, wash your hands thoroughly. If you feel that you are starting to get sick, try not to become a source of infection for others. Cover your mouth with a handkerchief or a napkin and try to avoid accumulation of people. Do not ask the question: "Is bronchitis contagious?", Just do not expose others to danger. Until you make sure that you are completely healthy, better spend a few days at home. Eat garlic and onions. Whether you are infected depends only on your immunity. If you still get sick, remember: treating bronchitis with antibiotics is the most effective method. However, self-medication is useless and even dangerous.

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