Arthritis: severity of the process in various joints


  • 1Arthritis of the joints: causes and first signs. How to treat arthritis?
    • 1.1Causes
    • 1.2Degrees of gravity
    • 1.3First degree
    • 1.4Second degree
    • 1.5Third degree
    • 1.6Fourth degree
    • 1.7Symptoms
    • 1.8Diagnostics
    • 1.9Treatment
  • 2Symptomatology for various forms of knee arthritis and methods of treatment
    • 2.1Types of pathologies
    • 2.2Causes
    • 2.3Symptomatology
    • 2.4Diagnostics
    • 2.5Treatment
  • 3Our longevity
    • 3.1Communicate with me:
  • 4Arthritis 1 and 2 degrees
  • 5Arthritis, unspecified: essence, species, recommendations
    • 5.1Arthritis
    • 5.2Nonspecific arthritis: the essence and concept
    • 5.3Arthritis: causes and risk factors
    • 5.4Symptoms of the disease
    • 5.5Arthritis: medical confirmation and treatment
    • 5.6Recommendations for healing

Arthritis of the joints: causes and first signs. How to treat arthritis?

Arthritis is a disease characterized by inflammation and joint damage. The term is collective: arthritis has various acute and chronic forms, and can act not only as separate inflammations, but also as symptoms of a whole range of injuries.

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Arthritis is a very common disease on a global scale, young people under 40 are at risk.


The human joint consists of special surface bones that are covered with cartilage and articular capsule, inside which you can find a kind of cavity filled with a small amount liquid. As soon as there is inflammation, it immediately becomes noticeable (primarily on the synovial membrane).

Because of infections, injuries or tumors, the pathological process actively extends to all joint structures, be it tendons, bags, capsules and epiphyses.

But the final mechanism for the onset of arthritis and the cause of the process itself remains largely unexplored.

Physicians actively argue about them, highlighting among others the following premises:

  • heredity - theoretically, each person can have a genetic predisposition to arthritis, while the probability of its manifestation is almost impossible to calculate;
  • problems with lymph nodes - lead to the fact that human immune cells simply can not cope with the flow of external viruses, they do not detect harmful bacteria, and as a result, do not have time to neutralize;
  • complications after infectious diseases - in this issue, the flu becomes an absolute record for the number of difficulties delivered to the body;
  • emotional stress - psychological upheavals can indeed lead to the development of arthritis, this conclusion was reached by modern scientists in their studies;
  • regular long-term load - if a person longly exposes his joints to a monotonous physical load, they begin to wear out without having to go through the recovery cycle.

Degrees of gravity

Arthritis is divided into 4 degrees of severity.

First degree

The infection is already spreading in the body, but practically does not manifest itself. The person feels a slight malaise, but his symptoms are not yet obvious.

Second degree

At this stage, the symptoms indicate that the virus began to appear. During this period, there are light pains in the joints, and the person begins to realize a certain stiffness in their own movements. He has to make efforts for a number of actions that did not cause difficulties before.

Third degree

You can determine the 3rd degree at a time when pain is already beginning to cause significant inconvenience. At this time, the pain excruciates the person even during sleep and does not go away until the medication is taken.

Fourth degree

To diagnose the 4th degree of arthritis is not difficult, the joints in this period really suffer greatly - there is a tumor, redness, inflammation. This degree of severity gives the right to disability.


Signs of arthritis, if properly examined, leave no doubt and make it possible to diagnose almost immediately.

  • Joints ache at night. And it's not about leaking muscles, but about strong painful spasms that make you wake up early.
  • Stiffness in the joints. Most often it manifests itself in the hands. A person with arthritis needs a warm-up even in order to perform simple actions, whether turning the key in the lock or turning on the lighting.
  • The wrist joints swell. In this case, after the use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, all signs of arthritis mysteriously disappear.
  • Metacarpophalangeal joints become inflamed and begin to cause discomfort.
  • Fingers on the legs or arms begin to deform (ie alternately swell), excessive sweating and chills occur.
  • Arthritis of the joints binds the lower back, and the spine is inactive. A person for a long time can not freely move the body, experiencing pain during attempts.


For the diagnosis of arthritis, it is sufficient to perform a qualitative radiography of the affected joint in the projections approved by the standard.

As a rule, this method is enough to confirm the diagnosis, and for the appointment of procedures the medic has the right to appoint additionally topography, arthrography or other research that can help in determining the most optimal format treatment.


Treatment of such a serious disease as arthritis requires an integrated approach. In order to permanently get rid of unpleasant symptoms, you will have to resort to both medicamental and folk methods.

To remove tumors, physicians prescribe non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and antibiotics that effectively inhibit the activity of unwanted viruses.

In an integrated approach, the patient is strongly encouraged to attend procedures that are in no way associated with chemical drugs. We are talking about curative gymnastics, massage and various kinds of therapy.

During the treatment it is necessary to observe the appropriate diet and adhere to the established daily routine.

Of the methods of traditional medicine, saline baths, a regular hot shower and cold treatment, controversial from a scientific point of view, stand out.

After completing the course of treatment, you should take extra care. Arthritis refers to quite "tricky" diseases, as it can flare up anew at any time.

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Symptomatology for various forms of knee arthritis and methods of treatment


  • Types of pathologies
  • Causes
  • Symptomatology
  • Diagnostics
  • Treatment

Arthritis of the knee joint is a common disease in the elderly and in people involved in sports.

Also, there are a number of reasons why knee injury occurs, and the pathology can also be found in the child.

Symptoms of the disease depend on the extent, age of children and adults, as well as the causes of the onset.


Arthritis of the knee joint, or in another way osteoarthritis, is an inflammation of the intraarticular or surrounding region of the knee.


According to statistics, arthrosis or osteoarthritis in adults affects the knee in 50%, and about 30% are sick among children.

If septic or reactive arthrosis affects more women, then gonorrhea or chlamydial - of men.

Types of pathologies

Isolate monoarthritis, which causes inflammation of the left or right knee, as well as polyarthritis of the knee joint, with the defeat of both joints. Depending on the cause, the main classification of arthritis is distinguished:

  1. Osteoarthritis. It occurs both in children and in adults. In the course of progression, degenerative-degenerative processes, which deplete the cartilage, arise. In a child, pathology is associated with heredity and congenital diseases of the musculoskeletal system. The treatment of the disease is complex and time-consuming, as the joint quickly collapses.
  2. Rheumatoid form, affecting the joint tissue, refers to infectious and allergic diseases. Often rheumatism affects not only the joints, but also internal organs and systems. Disease is characterized by progression with periods of exacerbation and remission, while children suffer rarely. Early treatment at an early stage is necessary to avoid joint destruction and progression of the disease.
  3. Post-traumatic arthritis of the knee joint develops as a result of injury to the joint and surrounding tissues. Trauma from a child in childhood can eventually cause the formation of the disease and cause gradual destruction in the joint.

There are other forms of pathology, which both develop independently, and relate to complications of these forms in neglected degree (septic, chlamydial and others).

Also allocate reactive arthritis, associated with the consequences of infections carried by a person.

Reactive arthritis is considered to be a non-parasitic joint disease due to malfunctions in the human immune system.

Reactive osteoarthritis occurs more often after a lesion of the urogenital organs (chlamydial), gastrointestinal tract and respiratory system.

Dangerous enterocolitis, chlamydia, iersiniosis.

Symptomatic inflammation of the joints occurs with clinical manifestations of the underlying disease, so reactive arthritis is not always possible to detect at an early stage.

In addition to these infections, the infectious type of pathology is separately distinguished: septic arthritis, characterized by symptoms of intoxication, increased body temperature and rapid progression. Septic osteoarthritis occurs when the infection affects the joint.

There are two variants of infection. In the first case, the joints suffer from internal infection with tuberculosis, gonococcus, chlamydia, or dysentery.

The second option is associated with an open knee injury and the occurrence of acute inflammation.

Depending on the fluid accumulated in the joint, fibrotic, serous and purulent (septic) type are distinguished.

Often pain in the joints is observed in the child and when diagnosed, a diagnosis is made - a juvenile form.


Mostly children under 15-16 years old are ill, and the causes of the onset are not always established due to the rapid progression of the disease.


If the treatment is not carried out at an early stage, a disability may be threatened for the child.


Basically arthritis of the knee joint develops after traumas or the transferred diseases both infectious, and allergic genesis.

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Children are more likely to get sick after not having treated a respiratory system (pneumonia, sore throat), and also with frequent colds, viral diseases.

Elderly people suffer from impaired metabolism, with a weakening of immune forces that cause inflammation and joint deformities.

Osteoarthritis of the knee often affects athletes, as joints constantly have a colossal load, and diets and overwork reduce the protective functions of the body. Suffer children who are engaged in debilitating sports in adolescence and drop out of employment, becoming adults.

Body weight plays an important role in the formation of pathology, since overweight increases the load on the joints of the pelvis and knees.

Such a disease happens with the load on the internal organs due to excessive consumption of alcohol, malnutrition and stressful situations.

Septic arthritis can occur as a result of insect bites, snakes in the knee area.


Symptoms of pathology depend on two factors - the degree of the degenerative process and the cause of the disease. In the initial, first degree, the symptoms manifest themselves insignificantly. There is stiffness in joint movements, slight pain, manifested in the morning or after a load.

At children at the first degree there is a refusal of mobile games, passivity in movements.


It is these symptoms that make the parents of the child think about the need to undergo examination and treatment. X-rays indicate the severity of the joint walls in children.


Jet or septic arthritis can lead to signs of fever, general malaise.

At the second degree the symptoms are more pronounced. There are pains in the joint with the load, especially in the mornings or after rest, and crunching when walking.

Locally there is swelling of the joint, skin hyperemia.

Treatment of arthritis usually begins with a second degree, because the symptoms of the disease limit movement and the pain becomes regular.

For the third degree, knee deformation and its destruction are characteristic. Unlike the initial degree, in order to maintain mobility, surgical treatment is necessary.

If you do not carry out treatment, then knee movements become impossible, the symptoms of pain are constantly manifested. Because of small loads, there is atrophy of the leg muscles.

At the fourth degree a person can not move himself because of pain, swelling. Muscles, nerves and vessels suffer because of limited mobility and atrophy. If you do not conduct surgical treatment, the patient must constantly take funds for anesthesia.

Osteoarthritis, depending on the form, manifests itself in different ways. The reactive form in children or adults arises from an acute onset. There is weakness, malaise with attacks of pain in the head and fever. It hurts basically one knee.

Osteoarthritis of the rheumatoid form is characterized by damage to both knees. It is accompanied by edema and pain during palpation of the affected area, tenderness when moving.


It hurts like at night, and during the day, and you can get rid of the symptoms after you move with your foot. The disease is characterized by a change in the acute period with remission.


At an exacerbation there is an increase in body temperature, pain in groups of joints and a decrease in appetite, working capacity.

The septic form, unlike other forms, begins sharply, with a rise in temperature to high figures. The head, muscles begin to hurt. Symptoms of intoxication can cause dizziness and fainting. The knee swells and becomes hyperemic. In children, the form is brighter than in adults.


Diagnosis of the disease begins with examination and clarification of complaints. The presence of the transferred traumas, chronic diseases and infections is established in children and adults.

Osteoarthritis requires examination not only of the knee, but also of the condition of the body, in order to establish the presence of rheumatism, infection or malfunctioning in immunity.

A blood test, including rheumatic tests, biochemistry, is prescribed.

The main diagnostic method for children and adults is x-rays. It is done in different projections. For examination, CT and MRI are prescribed, but not all hospitals offer such methods.

Therefore, in addition to x-rays, arthroscopy, myelography and arthrography are used. With their help, the structure of tissues, bones and muscles is studied.

Based on the results of the diagnosis, the doctor selects the treatment based on the age and condition of the patient.


Osteoarthritis is treated in a conservative way, using medicines, ointments, physiotherapy complexes or performing an operation to restore the joint, or prosthetics.

The doctor selects a course of therapy to relieve the patient of the pain and stop the progression of the pathology. An agent of the NSAID group is Nimesulide, Ibuprofen, Diclofenac, Movalis. It is recommended taking drugs inside and ointment. Ointments are distributed: Dicloberl, Fastum-gel.

Stop the destruction of the joint can be, by appointing such a tool as a chondroprotector.


Of the chondroprotectors, ointments and tablets of different generations are isolated: Teraflu, Chondroxide, which are prescribed for a long time to drink.


There are combined ointments and tablets containing NSAIDs and chondroprotectors. Eliminate pain with the help of muscle relaxants, hormones. Some drugs are injected into the knee.

How much to apply preparations, the doctor will solve, proceeding from results of diagnostics. In order for the treatment to be effective, you must follow the principles:

  • the load on the legs decreases;
  • a course of physiotherapy is prescribed;
  • Requires gymnastics for knee arthritis;
  • corrected body weight.

The doctor prescribes the use of ointments and NSAIDs in the period of exacerbation, and with remission ointments and preparations - chondroprotectors are effective. Drinking them is necessary both during the recovery period and for prevention.

In the future to help restore and prevent relapses will help knee, massage, gymnastics and spa treatment. Boarding houses, engaged in the restoration of joints, are located in the Crimea, Rostov-on-Don and the Caucasus.

The operation is appointed in the absence of the effect of treatment therapy and has a number of indications and contraindications. Age, heart disease, blood vessels, pathology of metabolism can be contraindications. For preventive maintenance strengthen immunity, appoint vitamins of group B, D, calcium and collagen.

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Our longevity

ArthritisIs a disease of the joints, which has an inflammatory character.

In most cases, the disease is a consequence of the transmitted infectious diseases, such as: tuberculosis, angina, typhoid, dysentery and the like.

Arthritis can occur as a result of a joint injury, long intoxications of the body, hypothermia, and others.

Arthritis can appear abruptly, with pains in the affected joint, which are aggravated by movement, then it is acute arthritis. Arthritis is accompanied by a feeling of stiffness in the affected joint and an increase in the temperature of the tissues above it.

Sometimes it is possible to note a swelling and a change in the shape of the joint. This is due to an inflammatory fluid that begins to accumulate in it, from the moment of injury.

Functions affected by the disease, the joints can be disturbed, and expressed in varying degrees of severity - from mild discomfort, to the complete immobility of this joint.

If the disease is formed gradually, then it can develop into a chronic form.

Factors affecting the formation of arthritis are various infections, allergies, malnutrition of the joints.

Arthritis can become an independent disease, but it can also happen that the manifestation of another disease causes arthritis.

If you look at the statistics, every hundredth person, regardless of age, was ill with arthritis. About 80% of people over 65 years of age are mainly susceptible to this disease.

For the prevention of arthritis, it is necessary to treat all infectious diseases in a timely and correct manner, to regularly check the oral cavity of the dentist. It is necessary to monitor the thermoregulation of the body and not subject it to sudden temperature changes, as well as overcooling.

The immediate cause of inflammation of the joint is a drift of a purulent infection by a hematogenous route or directly into the joint cavity when it is injured.

As a complication of arthritis occur in septic conditions, infectious diseases (erysipelas, typhoid fever, influenza, rheumatism, etc.)

) Inflammation of the synovial membrane of the joint is called a sanovitis, an accumulation of pus in the joint cavity. Perhaps the development of periarticular abscesses.

With a prolonged course of purulent arthritis, the cartilage and bone tissue inside the joint, the ligamentous apparatus, are destroyed.


As a consequence,osteoarthritis, sometimes subluxation orankylosisjoint, deformation and restriction of its function.


The complex anatomical structure of the joints with the presence of many synovial bags and twists creates favorable conditions for the development of generalized infection, sepsis.

Risk factors

Risk factors for arthritis can be genetic and acquired. So, the first, this is the hereditary pathology of the joints, the second can be smoking, excess weight, allergies.

Signs of Arthritis
Redness of the skin and an increase in temperature in the affected joint, a feeling of stiffness and pain, swelling and restriction of mobility. In especially severe cases, fever, general weakness and leukocytosis may occur.

Inflammatory processes, arising in the internal - synovial membrane of the joint, lead to the accumulation of exudate, which in turn can to cause the spread of inflammation to other components of the joint: cartilage, epiphyses of bones, joint capsule and periarticular ligament, tendons and bags.

Types of Arthritis
Arthritis of one joint (monoarthritis), two or three joints (oligoarthritis), many joints (polyarthritis). Depending on the types of joint damage, arthritis is divided into:

-traumatic arthritis. It occurs with closed and open joint damage, and with frequent recurrence of its easy traumatization. This arthritis is also called vibrational;

-dystrophic arthritis. The cause of its occurrence can serve as a metabolic disorder, hypothermia, physical overstrain, lack of vitamins, violation of hygienic working conditions and life in the home;

-infectious arthritis. It is associated with the existence of a particular infection in the human body.

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Treatment of arthritis

Unfortunately, this is a very complicated and long process.

It should be aimed at reducing the manifestations of the disease, restoring metabolism in the affected area, as far as possible preserving the functions of damaged joints. Treatment of arthritis consists of two factors that interfere with recovery:

1. elimination of the primary causes of arthritis;
2. treatment of the disease itself, which caused arthritis.


Depending on the types of arthritis and the degree of inflammation of the joint, treatment of this disease can be complex, prolonged or systemic. It should include ways of influencing the repair processes in the cartilaginous tissues and ways of affecting the entire human body as a whole.


Polyarthritis and its symptoms

Arthritis is an inflammation of one joint, polyarthritis is an inflammation of several.

First of all, I want to note thatpolyarthritis- serious illness.

It arises from different causes and therefore each person proceeds in different ways. Polyarthritis is an inflammation of one or more joints.

Causes of inflammation of the joints can be various infectious diseases (dysentery, viral hepatitis, onorea, etc.), metabolic disorders in the body, allergies and even local trauma.

What happens in joints with this disease?
It is known that the tissues of the joints and the membrane surrounding the joint have a variety of nerve endings and vessels. This makes it possible to respond instantly in the form of inflammation to some external or internal effect.

If the joint gets an infection with blood, then infectious polyarthritis develops. It is accompanied by a purulent inflammation of the entire joint.

But if blood products enter the joints of the vital activity of various microorganisms, then the disease proceeds much easier and can be cured.

There are several types of polyarthritis: - infectious; - exchange (also called crystalline); - rheumatoid (or systemic); - Post traumatic;

I would like to tell you more about each species.

Infectious polyarthritis
Occurs in the body due to some infectious process. For example, tuberculosis or gonorrhea polyarthritis.

It should be noted that in the treatment of the underlying disease, the treatment of polyarthritis is significantly improved.

It is impossible to admit that the polyarthritis has passed to the chronic stage, during which there is a violation of joint functions.

Crystalline polyarthritis, which arises from the metabolism, is characterized by the deposition of various salts in the joints of crystals.


These crystals irritate the articular tissues, which causes an inflammatory process.


It should be noted that in one patient such a process can happen once, and another can be repeated several times, which leads to deformation of the joints.

Rheumatoid polyarthritisIs a chronic disease. It is characterized by inflammation of many joints and their defeat. Infection is not the cause of this disease. The reason is that this type of arthritis affects the connective tissue.

Not infrequently, internal organs such as the heart, kidneys, and vessels are involved in the course of this disease. It is very important to begin treatment in the early stages.

Early signs of this disease are swelling and mild joint pain associated with weather changes, fatigue, sometimes sweating, fever, or weight loss.

The course of this disease occurs in different ways: there may be a minor lesion of one or two joints. But if the disease has acquired a septic form, then it is often accompanied by lesions of internal organs or fever.

But usually due to this disease small joints (for example, brushes or feet) are affected. Near the affected joints, muscle atrophy can occur. As a consequence, the joints are deformed, they lose their ability to function properly.

Also, the tendons are affected and the mass of muscles is reduced. Fingers on the hands are leaning to the side. On the foot, small joints are affected, flat feet develop, the toes deform and deviate into the outer side.

It should be noted that the labor activity of patients with rheumatoid arthritis should not be related to severe physical exertion, as well as the body should not be affected by adverse weather conditions. Post-traumatic polyarthritis can occur after various injuries, for example, after a bruise. Causes may be fractures, dislocations, cracks in the joints or any micro-injury.

Symptoms of post-traumatic polyarthritis: the awkwardness of movements, there may be a dull pain in the joints, muscles, characteristic of joint crunching during movement.

Complications can be inflammation of the mucous bags of the joint (there is a watery swelling around the joint itself).

Often this fluid can be mixed with blood, which is dangerous, because infection from the edema can penetrate into other organs. The consequences are erysipelas, abscesses, furunculosis.


If the disease is recognized in time, then there will be a chance to suspend a steadily progressing process.


If you show carelessness about your health, then sooner or later you will lose your ability to work and become disabled.

Get sickarthritiscan be at any age. Arthritis is more common in women than in men.

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Arthritis 1 and 2 degrees

Arthritis is inflammation and joint damage.

The disease has various chronic and acute forms, which can occur as separately flowing inflammations and as inflammations caused by a large range of lesions.

Arthritis is quite common in the world. The younger generation up to the age of 40 is at risk.

Arthritis is characterized by various disorders in the joint.

The human joint is formed by special superficial bones that are covered with cartilage and a special capsule, inside of which is a cavity filled with liquid.

In the case of inflammation, it is immediately noticeable on the synovial membrane. Arthritis arises due to tumors, infections, various injuries.

The pathological process quickly spreads to the entire joint, including tendons, epiphyses, capsules and bags. The ultimate mechanism of the appearance of arthritis and the cause of the process is not fully understood. Modern medicine distinguishes the following prerequisites:

  1. Heredity. A genetic predisposition to arthritis can be found in any person. Calculate the probability of the disease is quite difficult.
  2. Diseases of the lymph nodes. Immune cells can not cope with the harmful effects of external viruses, can not identify harmful bacteria, therefore, can not neutralize them.
  3. Various complications caused by infectious diseases. For example, a viral illness influenza is a record for delivering the body a variety of difficulties.
  4. Emotional stress. Various negative shocks have a harmful effect on the psyche, which can lead to arthritis.
  5. Regular reboot. If a person systematically exposes the joints of the body against a background of under-recovery of the monotonous physical loads, the process of their wear and the subsequent depletion begins.

The disease is classified into four degrees of severity. Consider symptomatology of the first and second degree.

  • The first degree. The infection has got into the body and is already spreading. At this stage it is difficult to recognize arthritis, as it is practically not manifested. There may be slight malaise, but the final symptoms are not obvious.
  • The second degree. The organism recognized the virus, and it begins to manifest itself. There are different possible course of the disease at this stage. There may be minor pain in the joints, some stiffness in the movements is characteristic. A person in this period needs to make certain efforts to perform actions that were previously performed without difficulties.

Arthritis 1, 2 degrees is important to determine as soon as possible, since in the future, irreversible consequences in the structure of the musculoskeletal system are possible.

Signs of the disease with a competent examination are not in doubt and almost immediately give the opportunity to make a diagnosis. It is worth paying attention to the pain in the joints at night.

It's about not swollen muscles, but spasmodic pains that cause you to wake up before the due time.

Arthritis can be manifested stiffness in the hands. A warm-up is required to perform a simple action, for example, turn the key in the lock or turn on the lighting. Begin to swell the wrist joints.

After using anti-inflammatory drugs, the symptoms quickly disappear. Begin to deliver discomfort metacarpophalangeal joints, possible their inflammation.

There is a strong sweating and chills, fingers on the hands and feet may begin to deform. In the future, arthritis fetters the lower back. The spine turns out to be inactive.

There is no possibility to fully move the body, there are strong painful sensations during such attempts.

Arthritis 1, 2 degrees can be detected by carrying out qualitative radiography. This method is in most cases sufficient to confirm the diagnosis.

For the appointment of adequate procedures, the doctor may prescribe an artography, topography or other study that will help determine the most optimal form of treatment.

Arthritis is treated with a complex campaign. To get rid of the symptoms of the disease will have to use medicinal and folk traditional methods.


It is necessary to perform therapeutic gymnastics, massage, observe the diet and the regime of the day, appointed by a specialist. From traditional methods, salt baths and hardening have a good effect.


After the course of treatment should be careful: the fact that arthritis is a clever enough disease, it can break out with renewed vigor at any moment.

To prevent this and reduce the risk of developing arthritis, it is necessary to eat nutritionally, to observe the correct regime of the day, to abandon bad habits, not to overcool and protect joints.

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Arthritis, unspecified: essence, species, recommendations

At present, under the condition of arthritis, unspecified, it is customary to understand a person's condition characterized by pain, inflammation and loss of mobility in a certain number of joints (the number can vary from one to several). Everything depends on the severity of the disease. Factors that lead to the emergence of various types of risks of the disease, directly depend on the type and form of the course of the disease. The concept of "arthritis" includes a sufficient number of inflammatory and degenerative processes, which lead to loss of joints mobility, swelling and pain. The presence of diseases such as psoriasis and Crohn's disease in the patient can contribute to the appearance of arthritis.

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To date, arthritis - a fairly common disease in patients.There are several varieties of this disease, the most frequent is still osteoarthritis.

The essence of this type of ailment lies in the defeat of the joints of the hand (hands) and hip joints along with the knee joints.

Most often, this disease occurs in a group of quite an adult population (mainly pensioners).


In addition, there are other types of arthritis, among which the most studied are:

  1. Spondylosis cervical, when arthritis is affected by the joints of the neck.
  2. Arthritis is rheumatoid, when the chronic disease (inflammation of the organs) affects the heart, lungs and eyes. In children, this disease is called juvenile rheumatoid arthritis.
  3. Ankylosing spondylitis, when the spine, and then the zone of the lower limbs, enter the affected area of ​​a chronic disease. Painful process can also be captured by the patient's eyes.
  4. Arthritis reactive is peculiar to people who have recently undergone an infectious disease of the pelvic organs or gastrointestinal tract. In this case, the inflammatory process is characteristic of knee and ankle joints.
  5. Gout or pseudogout, the term of which is the category of arthritis, characterized by the deposition of salts in the joints of a person. As a result, swelling of the joints and their painful condition occurs.
  6. Arthritis is a septic, which is a fairly rare disease, its appearance is caused by infection in the blood (possibly, with some kind of wound). The treatment method is formed in accordance with the form of arthritis.

In each specific case, the method of treatment, namely the elimination of the symptoms of the disease, is determined by the purpose those or other analgesics (for example, paracetamol), additionally non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Application in the treatment of physiotherapy helps improve the mobility of the affected joints and strengthen the surrounding muscles. In the case of a significant change in the joints, replacement with their prostheses may be recommended.

Nonspecific arthritis: the essence and concept

Common non-specific arthritis is considered by specialists today as a disease in which the gradual destruction of cartilage is manifested, the main task of which is to cover the ends of the bone. This disease is typical mainly for people older than 45 years.

It reaches its greatest value in the mature population over the age of 60 years. Practically they do not suffer people up to 45 years. It is proved that osteoarthritis can affect the joints of young people. This is especially true if they have any injury to the joint.

At the same time, the severity of transference in women is much higher than that of men. In addition, women are 2 times more likely to develop this disease. Quite often the development of osteoarthritis is due to a hereditary factor under the influence of additional conditions.

Speech in this case is about obesity and repetitive movements.

In damaged joints, there is complete destruction of cartilage, which serves to cover the ends of bones.

After this, the bone of the joint is considerably thickened, as a result of which appear peculiar growths, called osteophytes in another way.

In the case of inflammation of the synovial membrane, which lining the inside of the joints, an accumulation of fluid takes place in the articular node. Subsequently, the joint acquires an inherent soreness, swelling while losing its mobility.

As a rule, arthritis, unspecified, affects the joints of the hip and knee sites. But more than once there was a loss of hands, feet, shoulders and neck. At the age of about 70 almost all people suffer from the development of osteoarthritis in one form or another of manifestation.

Arthritis: causes and risk factors

Unfortunately, the causes of the appearance of the disease have not yet been identified, but a number of factors are known that increase the risk of the disease. In those joints that are constantly in motion under stress, the cartilaginous tissue wears out much faster.

An important risk factor is the recurrent trauma of the same joints. As an example, you can use constant physical exertion on the feet (in ballet dancers), which, in turn, contribute to the appearance of an ankle joint osteoarthritis.

Arthritis, unspecified, is a frequent illness among former athletes. Injuries to the joint, obtained in youth, can trigger the development of the disease in a more mature age.


Excess weight is a risk factor for osteoarthritis, which is now characterized by a wide spread due to the nation's propensity to obesity. Influence of excess pressure unquestionably leads to the development of osteoarthritis.


There are other factors that lead to the disease. This transfer of the patient to another disease, resulting in damage to the cartilaginous tissue (for example, septic arthritis), and hereditary aspect.

In the presence of osteoarthritis in close relatives, the possibility of getting this disease from family members increases dramatically.

Symptoms of the disease

Osteoarthritis is characterized by the appearance of the following symptoms in the patient:

  • The joint is painful (soreness increases significantly during movement and decreases at the moment of rest);
  • swelling of the tissues around the joint;
  • some stiffness of the joint after rest;
  • noticeable lack of mobility of the joint;
  • In case of damage to the hand, the fingers are markedly enlarged and curved;
  • crackling of the joints during the movement of the patient (joint crepitation);
  • the emergence of irradiating pain (in those parts of the body that are far from the focus of the disease, but are connected with it through nerves);
  • exacerbation of pain at the end of the day.

As a rule, all these symptoms are not noticeable at the initial stage of the disease, but gradually their aggravation is observed. Osteoarthritis of only one or two joints is quite common today, but the defeat of a larger body part in a patient patient is also possible.

In addition, if the patient does not have the opportunity to move, he may become a prisoner in his own room or apartment. In this case, fatigue and lethargy of the muscles of a person increase, its weakness is increased and quite often a rapid weight loss occurs.

Arthritis: medical confirmation and treatment

To finalize the diagnosis of osteoarthritis, a number of medical studies are usually conducted.

Among them the main are:

  • radiography;
  • a blood test (general analysis, in rare cases, a biochemical blood test is prescribed).

It has been established that osteoarthritis is an incurable disease. Therefore, the help of medical staff contributes only to the reduction of symptoms and manifestations of the disease.

Patients are prescribed oral paracetamol and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. In the presence of sufficiently severe pain in a patient in one affected joint, the use of a local injection of corticosteroids is recommended.

It is possible to insert inside the affected joint an artificial intraarticular fluid to reduce pain and inflammation.

Physiotherapy procedures improve the condition of the muscle near the joint, which is affected by osteoarthritis. For severe cases, surgical intervention is envisaged, which is mainly aimed at restoring or prosthetics of the joint damaged by the disease.

Recommendations for healing

In the case of a mild osteoarthritis in a patient, he can improve his condition by himself, simply by slightly changing habits.If you have extra weight - adhere to an easy or strict diet.

Daily charging is encouraged provided it is simple and gentle. This fact contributes to weight loss, maintenance of muscle tone and joint mobility. Thus, the progression and development of the disease is significantly reduced.

It is recommended for daily walks to wear shoes on the elastic sole, which will contribute to the softness and smoothness of the patient's gait, while not allowing the bones of the joints to wear out further.

In the case of severe pain in the knees or hip joints, the timely use of the cane will help. The use of massage, warm baths, hot heaters also relieves pain and increases the mobility of the affected joint.


If arthritis is already chronic, stopping its progression and development should be followed recommendations on a healthy lifestyle, the main feature of which is mobility and easy physical joints.


It is proved that simple and sparing exercises will help to cope with the disease. The main thing in this business is the regularity of classes.

However, do not forget that when swelling and soreness of an overloaded joint, all physical exercises should immediately stop, while immediately seek advice and help to your doctor the doctor.

Be sure to consult a doctor before treatment of illnesses. This will help to take into account individual tolerance, confirm the diagnosis, make sure the treatment is correct and exclude the negative interactions of the drugs. If you use prescriptions without consulting a doctor, it is entirely at your own risk. All information on the site is provided for informational purposes and is not a medical benefit. All responsibility for the application lies with you.

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