Lichen otarood colored in humans: treatment, photos, symptoms
A discordant multi-colored lichen in humans is a fungal, slightly contagious cutaneous disease, with characteristic signs of a yellowish-pink or brown spot around the mouth of the hair follicle.
At first, small spots appear, then they go to large ones, merge with each other and form foci of defeat with a scalloped edge. The surface of the spot is scaly with hardly noticeable scurvy scales.
Today we will look at the symptoms, photos and treatment of a pityrious multicolored lichen at home using folk remedies and how to treat and how to cure lichen by using antifungal medications, ointments.
Photo andsymptoms How to treat and how to cure odoriferous multicolored follicles at home with folk remedies and preparations, photos depriving the skin on the back
Fungus affects the stratum corneum of the epidermis and the mouthfollicle. The disease is characterized by the appearance on the body of spots of yellow-pink, dark brown, yellowish-brown or light-brown( "coffee with milk") colors. The spots have irregular contours with a pearly scaling on the surface. They are located on the skin of the back, neck, chest, and if the disease acquires a chronic course - on the upper and lower limbs.
Gradually the spots merge into large foci with fine-grained edges. At sunburn the spots partially discolour, but the peeling remains. This kind of depriving often sick people of young age. The disease can last for months and years.
Predisposing factors for the appearance of a multicolored pityriasis are: diabetes, excessive sweating, vegetovascular dystonia, tuberculosis and a number of other diseases.
As we have said, multicolored pityriasis is usually located on the skin of the chest, back, shoulders, abdomen, much less often it occurs on the scalp and neck. Do not hit the soles of the feet and palms. Symptoms usually do not make a patient, if only for a slight itch.
Treatment of discolored multi-colored lichen
Folk remedies at home
A good effect in the treatment of varicoloured coloring gives clumsy water , which is obtained from roots of Lobel's helix ( PREPARE NUCLEI!).
If ingested, there are phenomena of severe poisoning. Potemkin water is used only for rubbing the affected areas, which are done twice a day - in the morning and in the evening. The course of treatment is 7 days.
Other medicinal herbs use tincture of calendula, onion juice, burdock oil .All this is rubbed into the affected skin 2 times a day. You can apply all these drugs together.
Using caustic water, you should take precautionary measures. - should be well washed with soap and water, do not allow medication to get into eyes and mucous membranes.
The main principle of treatment is the removal and exfoliation of the stratum corneum of the epidermis. This is achieved with the help of drugs such as green soap, resorcinol or salicylic alcohol, 2% iodine solution. Also used are Mikoseptin, Nitrofungin and other antifungal drugs. With the prevalence of the process, the skin is treated by the Demjanovich method.
Drugs: how to treat and how to cure a discordant multi-colored lichen
When treating a disease, remember that the spots with proper treatment disappear after 12-15 days, but it is necessary to hold the second and third courses of treatment.
In severe cases, the use of systemic antimycotics( internal) is indicated, which allows to significantly shorten treatment time and prevent the frequency of relapse. Usually, preparations of the triazole series( fluconazole, ketoconazole, etc.), preparations and shampoos with selenium sulphide( "sulsen") are used.
In recent years, high clinical efficacy with fewer side effects have shown preparations containing imidazole derivatives that inhibit fungal growth.
For example, Sertaconazole( Zalain), which has in its structure 3,7-disubstituted benzothiophene with azole grouping. To combat the changes in pigmentation, Cycloserin is effective, blocking transaminase in the chain of synthesis of pigments of the pathogen.
At the end of treatment, in order to avoid relapse, it is recommended to wipe the skin with 2% salicylic alcohol or 5% hydrochloric acid solution for 2-3 weeks, irradiating UVL.
My story as I cured a multicolored pityriasis lichen on my skin.
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Multicolored pityriasis: photos and treatment
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Treatment of pityriasis lichen on all 100%
Means against pityriasis lichen.
Fluconazole and clotrimazole from pityriasis lichen.
Itching with pungent lishy.
Nizoral shampoo from pityrious lichen.
Treatment of pityrious lichen at home using folk remedies.
Moderator: Irina Lisitsyna. Practicing dermatovenereologist: Makarchuk Vyacheslav. Information reference. It is necessary to consult with the specialist
Malyshev: Pityriasis on the head in children and adults, the correct treatment of
In this issue of the program "To Live Healthily" Elena Malysheva with her medical colleagues will tell you useful information about what is pityriasis on the head in children and adults,how to choose and assign the right treatment and prevent "infection".
. Source: NGNogov. Official and traditional medicine. The most detailed encyclopedia.- Moscow: Izd-vo Eksmo, 2012.