Viferon: instructions for use, indications, doses, antiviral analogues, how to be treated


What is it?

Viferon is a preparation of immunomodulating, antiproliferative and antiviral action. How to say "three in one."Let's talk about the forms of drug release, indications and contraindications to its use, methods of application and dosage, possible side effects, as a means interacts with other drugs, drug analogues, terms and conditions of storage.

By the way, the tool is relatively inexpensive for its cost, its price in the pharmacies of the Internet is from 157 rubles. Terms of leave from pharmacies - without a prescription.

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Formulation and Composition

The preparation "Viferon" is manufactured in the following forms:

  1. Ointment for local and external application - homogeneous, viscous, yellowish white or yellow, with a specific smell of lanolin( 6 g or 12 g inaluminum tubes, 12 g in polystyrene cans, 1 tube or a can in a cardboard bundle);
  2. gel for local and for external use is a gel-like, opaque, homogeneous white mass with a grayish shade( 12 g in aluminum tubes or in polystyrene bottles, 1 tube or a can in a cardboard bundle);
  3. Suppositories for rectal application - a bullet-shaped, homogeneous consistency, white with a yellowish tint of color, with a diameter of up to 10 mm( 10 pieces in contour squares, 1 or 2 carton packs each).

One gram of ointment contains:

  1. Active substance: human recombinant interferon alfa-2b - 40,000 International units( IU);
  2. Auxiliary components: anhydrous lanolin - 0.34 g;tocopherol acetate - 0.02 g;peach oil - 0.12 g;Medical Vaseline - 0.45 g;purified water - up to 1 g.

The composition of 1 gr. Gel included:

  1. Active substance: human recombinant interferon alfa-2b - 36000 IU;
  2. Auxiliary components: 95% ethanol - 0.055 g;alpha-tocopherol acetate - 0.055 g;methionine - 0.0012 g;benzoic acid 0.00128 mg;monohydrate of citric acid - 0,001 g;sodium chloride 0.004 g;sodium tetraborate decahydrate 0.0018 mg;distilled glycerol( glycerol) - 0.02 g;10% solution of human serum albumin - 0.02 g;carmellose sodium - 0.02 g;purified water - up to 1 g.

The composition of 1 suppository includes components:

  1. Active substance: human recombinant interferon alfa-2b - 150,000, 500,000, 1,000,000 or 3,000,000 IU;
  2. Auxiliary components: ascorbic acid - 0.0054 / 0.0081 / 0.0081 / 0.0081 g respectively;alpha-tocopherol acetate - to 0.055 g;dihydrate edetate dihydrate - 0.0001 g;sodium ascorbate - 0.0108 / 0.0162 / 0.0162 / 0.0162 g, respectively;polysorbate 80 - to 0.0001 g;
  3. Basis: confectionery fat and cocoa butter - up to 1 g.

Indications for the use of the drug for the treatment of

Viferon in the form of ointment is prescribed for the treatment of the following diseases:

  1. Acute respiratory viral infections( ARVI) and influenza in children older than 1 year;
  2. Viral( including herpetic) lesions of mucous membranes and skin of different localization.

The gel preparation is indicated for use:

  1. ARVI, including influenza, prolonged and frequent ARI, incl.proceeding with complications of bacterial infections( prophylaxis, concomitantly with other drugs);
  2. Recurrent stenosing laryngotraheobronchitis( prophylaxis, concurrent with other drugs);
  3. Herpetic cervicitis( concomitantly with other drugs);
  4. Herpetic infection of mucous and skin( acute and exacerbation of chronic recurrent), including urogenital form of herpetic infection( concomitantly with other drugs).

Viferon in the form of suppositories is used concomitantly with other drugs in the treatment of diseases:

  1. ARVI, including influenza, including pneumonia( chlamydial, viral, bacterial) taking place with complications of bacterial infections in adults and children;
  2. Chronic viral hepatitis B, C, D in adults and children, including in combination with the use of hemosorption and plasmapheresis in chronic viral hepatitis of marked activity, which are complicated by cirrhosis of the liver;
  3. Infectious-inflammatory diseases in newborns( including premature) children: sepsis, meningitis( viral, bacterial), intrauterine infection( enterovirus infection, chlamydia, CMV infection, herpes, mycoplasmosis, candidiasis, including visceral);
  4. Recurrent or primary herpetic infection of the mucous membranes and skin, localized form, moderate and light course, including urogenital form in adults;
  5. Infectious-inflammatory diseases of the urogenital tract( bacterial vaginosis, ureaplasmosis, chlamydia, papillomavirus infection, CMV infection, gardnerellez, trichomoniasis, mycoplasmosis, recurrent vaginal candidiasis) in adults.

Contraindications to use in the treatment of

Contraindications relatively little - it is hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.

What side effects can occur?

Viferon in the form of an ointment in most cases is well tolerated. Side effects when applied to the nasal mucosa usually have a transient and weak character and disappear on their own after the drug is discontinued.

In extremely rare cases, when applying the gel in patients with hypersensitivity, local allergic reactions may develop. When they appear, the treatment is stopped.

In the application of suppositories Viferon in some cases, the development of allergic reactions( itching, skin rashes) is possible. These phenomena are reversible and disappear after 72 hours after discontinuation of therapy.

Special instructions

The opened tube with ointment can be stored in the refrigerator for 1 month, with gel - 2 months.

Viferon in the form of suppositories for pregnant women can be used starting from the 14th week of pregnancy.

Interaction with other drugs

Viferon is well combined with all drugs used in the treatment of viral and other diseases( chemotherapy, antibiotics, glucocorticosteroids).

Methods of application and dosage: how to apply for treatment


Ointment Viferon is applied topically and externally.

Herpetic infection : ointment should be applied 3-4 times a day in a thin layer on the lesions and gently rub. The duration of therapy is from 5 to 7 days. Treatment is recommended to begin when the first signs of the disease appear( redness, burning, itching).When relapsing herpes, it is advisable to start treatment in the prodromal period or when the first signs of relapse appear.

Flu and other ASI : ointment is applied with a thin layer on the nasal mucosa 3-4 times a day during the whole period of the disease. Multiplicity of application for children 1-2 years - 3 times a day, 2-12 years - 4 times a day.


Gel Viferon used topically and externally.

Complex therapy ORVI : gel( strip up to 5 mm in length) should be applied on the surface of the nasal mucosa, which must be dried beforehand, and / or on the surface of the tonsils using a spatula or cotton swab 3-5 times a day. The duration of the treatment course is 5 days, if necessary, therapy can be continued. To prevent ARVI during the rise in the incidence of the disease 2 times a day, apply a strip of gel to 5 mm. Duration of Viferon application is 14-28 days.

Complex therapy of recurring stenosing laryngotraheobronchitis : a gel strip up to 5 mm in length should be applied to the surface of the tonsils. In the acute period of the disease( the first 5-7 days) - 5 times a day, then for 21 days - 3 times a day. To prevent the disease, the gel is used for 21-28 days 2 times a day, it is recommended to repeat the courses 2 times a year.

Complex therapy of acute and of chronic recurrent herpetic infection ( if the first signs of the disease occur): a strip of gel up to 5 mm should be applied with a cotton swab / cotton swab or spatula on the affected surface, previously dried 3-5 times a dayfor 5-6 days. The duration of the course can be increased until the disappearance of clinical manifestations.

Complex therapy of herpetic cervicitis : 1 ml of the gel with a cotton swab should be applied 2 times a day on the surface of the cervix, which must first be cleaned of mucus. The duration of the drug is 7-14 days.

Gel on the surface of the tonsils should be applied after half an hour after eating, on the mucous membrane of the nasal cavity - after cleaning the nasal passages. When Viferon is applied to the affected areas of the mucous membranes and skin for 30-40 minutes, a thin film is formed, on which the next dose is subsequently applied. If desired, the film can be washed off with water or exfoliated.

Suppositories( suppositories)

Suppositories Viferon is applied rectally.

Complex therapy of acute respiratory infections :

  1. Adults and children from 7 years - daily for 5 days( according to indications, possibly longer).2 times a day with a break of 12 hours for 1 suppository 500,000 IU;
  2. Children under 7 years of age, including newborns and prematurity with a gestational age of 34 weeks - 1 suppository every day 150000 IU twice a day, with an interval of 12 hours for 5 days( according to indications, treatment can be continued with a break of 5 days);
  3. Preterm infants with gestational age up to 34 weeks - daily for 1 suppository of 150,000 IU, 3 times a day at intervals of 8 hours for 5 days( according to indications, treatment can be continued with a break of 5 days).

Complex therapy of for infectious and inflammatory diseases ( sepsis, meningitis, fetal infections, including CMV infection, chlamydia, herpes, candidiasis, enterovirus infection) of newborn infants, including premature, with gestational age: older than 34 weeks - daily1 suppository 150,000 IU twice a day at intervals of 12 hours, up to 34 weeks - 1 suppository every day 150000 IU 3 times a day at intervals of 8 hours. Therapeutic course - 5 days.

Depending on the indications, treatment is recommended for courses with a break of 5 days:

  1. Sepsis - 2-3 courses;
  2. CMV infection - 2-3 courses;
  3. Herpetic infection - 2 courses;
  4. Meningitis - 1-2 courses;
  5. Mycoplasmosis, candidiasis, including visceral - 2-3 courses;
  6. Enterovirus infection - 1-2 courses.

In the presence of clinical indications, treatment can be continued.

Complex therapy of chronic viral hepatitis B, C, D: 10 days Viferon is applied daily 2 times a day after 12 hours, then 6-12 months - 3 times a week every other day. The duration of therapy is determined by laboratory performance and clinical efficacy. The daily dose is:

  1. Adults - 2 suppositories of 3,000,000 IU;
  2. Children from 7 years old - 5000000 IU per 1 m2 body surface area;
  3. Children 1-7 years old - 3,000,000 IU per 1 m2 body surface area;
  4. Children 6-12 months - 500,000 IU;
  5. Children under 6 months of age - 300,000-500,000 IU.

Chronic viral hepatitis pronounced activity and liver cirrhosis : before administration of hemosorption and / or plasmapheresis to children under 7 years of age, daily application of Viferon is recommended for 150,000 IU, children over 7 years of age - 500,000 IU twice a day with a break of 12 hours during14 days.

The complex therapy of infectious and inflammatory diseases of the urogenital tract ( mycoplasmosis, ureaplasmosis, papillomavirus infection, chlamydia, CMV infection, gardnerellez, trichomoniasis, recurrent vaginal candidiasis, bacterial vaginosis): adults - 5-10 days daily for 1 suppository Viferon 500000 IU.Multiplicity of application - 2 times a day( every 12 hours).In the presence of clinical indications, treatment can be continued. By the same scheme in the first 10 days of treatment, Viferon is prescribed to pregnant women after 14 weeks of gestation. In the next 10 days, the drug is prescribed 1 suppository 2 times a day with a break of 12 hours every 4 days. Then, every 28 days before delivery, 1 suppository is 150000 IU twice a day at the same interval daily for 5 days. If necessary, before delivery( from the 38th week of gestation) within 10 days, 1 suppository is prescribed 500 000 IU twice a day.

Recurrent or primary herpetic infection of skin and mucous membranes, localized form( moderate and light course): the recommended single dose for adults for 10 days is 1,000,000 IU, pregnant women from the 2nd trimester to 500,000 IU.The drug is used daily 2 times a day( every 12 hours).In the presence of clinical indications, therapy can be continued. Pregnant women in the future, Viferon can be used according to the scheme of treatment of infectious and inflammatory diseases of the urogenital tract.

What are the analogues of medications?

The analogues of Viferon are:

  • Anaferon,
  • Vitaferon,
  • Genferon,
  • Grippferon,
  • Infagel,
  • Kipferon,
  • Laferobion,
  • Laferon.

Terms and conditions for storage

Store in a dry place, out of the reach of children, at a temperature of 2-8 degrees.

Shelf life of the drug in the form of gel and ointment - 1 year, suppositories - 2 years.

What are the prices in online pharmacies for Viferon?

No. Name of the drug Price Pharmacy where you can order and buy the
1 tool Viferon ointment 40000 IU / g 12 g 157 rub. http: // apteka.php? Pharm = 2 & product = 110930
2 Viferon ointment 12 g 159 руб. http: // apteka.php? Pharm = 4 & product = 4463
3 Viferon gel 36000 IU / g 12 g 160 rub. http: // apteka.php? Pharm = 2 & product = 119624
4 Viferon 36000ME / g gel 12g 165 руб. http: // apteka.php? Pharm = 5 & product = 26565
5 Viferon 40000ME / g ointment 12g 174 руб. http: // apteka.php? Pharm = 5 & product = 8540
6 Viferon suppositories( suppositories) 150 thousand IU 10 pcs. 252 rub. http: // apteka.php? Pharm = 2 & product = 102821
7 Viferon suppositories( suppositories) 500 thousand IU 10 pcs. 349 rub. http: // apteka.php? Pharm = 2 & product = 102820

Remember that self-medication is undesirable. Apply the remedy with your doctor's appointment!

Publication source: website page http: // wiferon.php