The knee hurts when walking: causes, treatment


  • 1The knee hurts when walking - symptoms, causes and treatment
    • 1.1Biomechanics and list of triggers
    • 1.2Pathologies that provoke pain
    • 1.3Symptomatic picture of knee area diseases
    • 1.4Pain in the knees with osteochondrosis
    • 1.5Treatment of pathologies articulatio genus
    • 1.6Treatment with folk remedies
  • 2Pain in the knee when walking: causes and treatment of the knee joint
    • 2.1Causes of pain in the knee joint after a long walk
    • 2.2Injuries to the knee joint
    • 2.3The most common pathology of the knee joint
    • 2.4How to treat the pathology of knee joints
    • 2.5Nutrition for pain in the knees
  • 3Pain in the knee when walking: causes and treatment:
    • 3.1General information
    • 3.2Important points
    • 3.3The main characteristic of the state
    • 3.4Possibility of traumatization
    • 3.5Other signs indicative of arthritis
    • 3.6Acute damage to the joint
    • 3.7Other Possible Prerequisites
    • 3.8Other factors
    • 3.9Symptoms in cases of exercise
    • 3.10The course of illnesses
    • 3.11Relieving the condition at home
    • 3.12Reduction of loads
    • 3.13Cold and warm
    • 3.14Essential preparations
    • 3.15Special diets
  • instagram viewer
  • 4The knee hurts when walking
    • 4.1Why do knee pains hurt when walking?
    • 4.2What to do if the knee joint is ill

The knee hurts when walking - symptoms, causes and treatment

Frequent complaints about taking a doctor are pain in the knees. According to statistics, every second patient experiences such pain, especially with long walking.

The causes of the pathological processes of the knee joints are most often traumatized from falling from a height plus mechanical shocks.

In addition to injuries, there are many factors that generate pain in the joints of the bones, so each of us must know everything about: "The knee hurts when walking - causes and treatment, timely prevention, how not to allow further complications ".

Biomechanics and list of triggers

During the walking movement, a whole complex of biomechanical processes is started, in which the musculoskeletal connections take place under the control of the central nervous system. The movements of the articulatio genus, composed of the femur, tibia and patella, are performed sequentially. That is, with the strain of the muscles, the lower limbs bend, unbend, rise up or back, and also sinking under a certain slope, perform a step-by-step motion (forward or backward). Thus, there are rotational plus rotary movements of the limbs.

When the legs are lowered, the muscular corset relaxes, when they are raised, the muscles are strained - this condition of the musculoskeletal system during walking is considered classic.

If one stage of biomechanics is disrupted and an obstacle of inflammatory or mechanical reactive reaction, that is, the knee hurts when walking, it can also hurt in alone.

The pain syndrome has a different character, duration, localization, it depends on the depth of the affected joint (muscle + ligamentous + cartilaginous corset).

The main causes of the appearance of pain in the knee with a walk:

  1. Abnormal development of bone skeleton(scoliosis, lordosis or kyphosis). Wrong forms of the skeleton lead to a change in posture, to intolerable leg pains (in the knee, hip and ankle joints), they become aggravated when walking, pass at rest. Soreness of the joints appear in certain areas, their favorite location: the medial zone or the inside of the leg (when walking hurts below the knee). Curvature of the spine aggravates the condition, the pain intensifies in the ankle joint during walking or lifting up ladder, especially this refers to the side of the body in which the slope is greater and the leg is constantly in tension, supporting body equilibrium.
  2. Congenital diseases of muscles and ligaments(myomalacia and multiple sclerosis).
  3. Metabolic disease: lack of micro and macroelements, vitamins, lipids, carbohydrates, proteins + potassium, magnesium, calcium.
  4. Subcooling of extremities.
  5. Intoxication with toxic chemicals and heavy metals.
  6. Injuries:bruises, fractures, dislocations, cracks, ligament tears + menisci, as well as bursitis and tendovaginitis. All kinds of injuries contribute to the development of edema, bruising, leading to difficulty in the movement of joints. Most often injuries are exposed to basketball players, football players, hockey players or boxers. After the injuries suffered, these athletes always have a knee pain after walking, exercise + training. Completely eliminate pain syndrome in the lower extremities - refusal of exercise, exclusion of lifting weights. Athletes are characterized by "jumping knees".
  7. Obesity.Increased body weight or extra pounds are constantly pressing on the lower limbs, rubbing the cartilage layer plus wear joint construction. Such patients are diagnosed as arthritis-arthrosis or deforming arthritis. The same number of movements of the musculoskeletal structure is often performed under a certain load, the largest part of which falls on the lower limbs from the mass of the body. They support the body in a vertical position, while they are subjected to constant loads on the part of the body weight, plus it adds a load from lifting weights.
  8. Osgut-Schlatter disease.In adolescence (12-15 years) with strong physical exertion + knee joint injuries, the osteal nuclei of the bones are destroyed, the pathology of the tibia (osteochondropathy) develops. Pathology is accompanied by neuritis and trophic disorder due to poor blood supply to the joint.
  9. Infectious, inflammatory and trophic pathologiesgastrointestinal tract, central nervous system and respiratory system.
  10. Inflammatory-infectious reactionsin synovial pockets (suprapatellar or prepatellar bursitis) and meniscus damage to leg joints, after which the knee aches during bending and walking, ranks second among the pathologies of the locomotor apparatus.

Inflammation of tendons (tendinitis) can lead to complete immobilization of the leg or its ankylosis.

Pathologies that provoke pain

Pain syndrome in the knee joints from the dorsal, medial or anterior part when performing a variety of movements (flexion / extension / rotation) with a specific click is the result of infectious and inflammatory pathologies, and exactly:

  • Arthritis-arthrosis.
  • Violations of the calcium balance (osteoporosis).
  • Urolithiasis (gout).
  • Rheumatoid arthritis.
  • The formation of the dorsal cyst (Baker).
  • Neuritis and endarteritis.
  • Malignant formations.
  • Diabetes mellitus.
  • Thyrotoxicosis.
  • Autoimmune pathologies.

Arthritis or arthrosis develops after damage to the joint structure (bones, meniscuses, muscles, knee ligaments, and most importantly after abrasion of the cartilaginous tissue of the joint).

Why does my knee ache during walking? After abrasion of the cartilage, lining the bones and performing the cushioning of the joint and in the exposed area develop pointed osteophytes, they lead to the restriction of function, inflammation + pain in functional movements.

When the leg hurts when walking below the knee - this is the reaction inherent in gout.

With gout in the knee joints, uric acid precipitates, and with rheumatism antigen-antibodies - these processes lead to arthrosis, pain, plus to immobilization of the locomotor organ.

Cysts Baker formed behind the knee, she painfully responds to biomechanical movements. The larger its volume, the greater the pain, and the more difficult it is to move. Poor innervation and blood supply lead to disruption of trophism and pain.

Symptomatic picture of knee area diseases

Symptoms of knee disease, accompanied by pain during walking, depend on the depth of the lesion, the etiology and pathogenesis, as well as the degree of destruction and attachment of microbial infection. With the progressing pathology, the following symptoms are observed:

  1. Increase in anatomical size with smoothing of contours (deformation).
  2. Soreness + tension of tissues upon palpation.
  3. The joint is erythematous and edematous.
  4. With flexion-extensor movements, a specific "click" is heard.
  5. Pain pulsating, cutting or bursting nature (they intensify at night).
  6. Limitation of function plus rapid fatigue of the locomotor organ.
  7. In complicated cases, general weakness is observed, high fever (38-39 degrees), nausea and vomiting.

If the pathology is not of a destructive type, then the joint pains are softer, they can be located with the lateral or medial parts during flexion-extensor movements of the foot, with its rotation or tilt, as well as with squats and walking movement.

Intensity of pain in the form of stitching, cutting; sharp, sudden or aching sensations.

Localization of pain: dorsally under the joint from the medial side, from the front laterally, above or below the joint of the knee bones, and also inside it with flexion or extension movements.

Pain in the knees with osteochondrosis

According to medical research, degenerative plus dystrophic changes in the articular genital arthropathy genus occur under the influence of lumbar osteochondrosis (periarthrosis).

The source of pain is the infringement of the roots of the nerves of the spinal cord, the branch of which innervates the knee. Inflammation is transmitted by a chain, that is, all nerves are affected, up to ramification, responsible for the knee joint.

When the disease worsens, the pain syndrome in the knee joints becomes even more acute.

Osteochondrosis in the region of the waist and sacrum causes sharp pains of the ankle joint, they are present both at walking and at rest.


Injured sciatic nerve with destructive diseases of the cartilaginous, bony and tendon joint corset generates so-called lamp pains. They are characteristic for the lumbar region plus for ankle joints.


Pain is stopped by applying a tight bandage + repositioning of vertebral discs, as well as medical treatment.

All manipulations are carried out by a trauma doctor in a hospital after an instrumental examination (X-ray, MRI or computer tomography of the affected ankle joints). Correct therapy of the osteochondrosis of the spine will permanently eliminate pain in the knees and lower back.

Treatment of pathologies articulatio genus

The success of treatment depends on the depth of involvement of the joint structure plus the involvement of nearby tissues in the process of disease, accession of microbial infection, individual hormonal background, general condition, concomitant diseases + immune reaction. If the knee hurts while walking, treatment should be started immediately after the diagnosis is correctly established. Therapy is aimed at radically eliminating the focus of infection, arresting the pain syndrome, eliminating the infectious-inflammatory reaction, as well as towards the restoration of metabolism in the joints, the cartilage layer + stimulation of the production of synovial fluid.

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When the knee hurts when bending and walking, drug therapy consists of:

  • Anti-inflammatory non-steroid drugs: Diclofenac Sodium, Dicloberl, Movalis, Nimesil (eliminate inflammation and anesthetize);
  • Drugs that relieve pain: Analgin, Tempalgin, Baralgin;
  • Muscle relaxants: Sirdalud, Midokalm, Baclofen;
  • Chondroprotectors: Chondroxide, Chondrolon - they stimulate the production of synovial fluid inside articular bags, improve functional parameters, depreciation and promote cartilage regeneration fabric;
  • Antibiotic therapy: Lincomycin, Tetrciclin;
  • Antifungal agents: Nystatin, Levorin;
  • Desensibilizants: Tavegil, Suprastin, Dimedrol
  • Antifungal drugs: Nystatin, Levorin;
  • Vitaminotherapy: B2, B6, B12, PP, A, the appointment of the drug Neurobion, Cockarnita, Cocarboxylase;
  • Antioxidants: vitamin C;
  • Hormonal group of anti-inflammatory drugs: Kenalog, Dexamethasone, Hydrocortisone plus Prednisolone.

For the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis, the following list is added to the list:

  • Medicines based on gold: Krizanol;
  • Immunosuppressive drugs: Artamine;
  • Antimalarial agent: Plakvenil;
  • Cytostatic medicines: Leukeran or Chlorbutin.

Treatment of gout is aimed at eliminating the main cause - increased urea in the blood. Colchicine is the main drug, then the treatment is identical to arthritis and arthrosis. It is recommended to sanatorium treatment.

The treatment of meniscus rupture is identical to the treatment of arthrosis and arthritis + a tight bandage application from a special elastic bandage that fixes the knee.

A full break is treated only surgically (correction of joint bones, removal of damaged menisci, reconstruction of the cruciate ligament and insertion of artificial menisci).

After suffering such a trauma and surgery, prolonged walking, exercise and lifting weights are strictly prohibited.

Bursitis is subjected to synovial fluid puncture + drug therapy indicated above. Treatment is conducted exclusively in the hospital after a thorough examination.

Treatment with folk remedies

In parallel with drug therapy, infusions, decoctions and ointments made according to the ancient recipes of ancestors are excellent. They relieve edema, improve trophism and relieve pain.

  • Tincture of garlic, onion and honey: 100 g of chopped garlic + 100 g of onion gruel + 2 tablespoons of honey + 200ml of vodka. Infuse 3 days. Used as a rubbing agent and compresses.
  • Tincture of the saber: 200 g of crushed plant + 200ml of vodka, insist for 24 hours. Drink on a spoon before eating 3 times a day.
  • Badger fat and propolis: rub the diseased joints, then cover with a plastic pouch and woolen shawl for 2 hours. Repeat 2 times a day - morning and evening.
  • Tincture of horseradish and honey: 100g horseradish + 100g honey + 100ml vodka. Day is insisted and we take 20 drops internally, we also rub the diseased joints.
  • Mustard ointment based on pork fat: 2 tablespoons mustard powder for 200 g of fat. Mix well, put in a warm place for 2-3 days, then rub our foot. Repeat 1-2 times a day.
  • Compresses from spirit tincture of oak bark and spruce needles: 200g of oak bark and 200g of crushed spruce needles plus 100ml of alcohol. Rub our feet or put a compress for 1-15 minutes: morning and evening.
  • Compresses from grated ginger, honey, beeswax, yellow or blue clay. All the ingredients are taken one tablespoon, filled with 100ml of warm water. The compress lasts 30 minutes. Recommended twice a week.

At the first signs of a pathology or immediately after traumatizing knee joints, you need to undergo a full study of the instrumental nature in eliminating serious injuries and complications.

If you are familiar with the information "the knee hurts when walking - causes and treatment you do not have to endure the pain for a long time limitations of the motor function of the lower limbs, and in time to undergo a course of treatment prescribed by a traumatologist, surgeon or rheumatologist.

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Pain in the knee when walking: causes and treatment of the knee joint

Sore knees when walking - with such a complaint often come to the doctor elderly patients. People are interested not only in the treatment of the disease, but also in the causes of its occurrence. So why does the sharp and severe pain suddenly appear in the knee joint?

Acute pain in the patella often occurs after prolonged physical exertion of the joint.

The reason lies in the wear of the hyaline cartilage, but knee pain while walking can be a signal that a serious pathology develops in the joint, requiring a serious complex examination and a long treatment.

Causes of pain in the knee joint after a long walk

There are several factors that can create unfavorable conditions for the knee joint, in particular:

  • the gait of a person, or rather its features;
  • If the arch is lowered in the ankle, pain will be given to the knee and shoulder;
  • pain in the knee during walking can be caused by a violation of posture (kyphosis, scoliosis), as this phenomenon causes imbalance in the foot, in the knee and in the entire body.

Such a skeleton can be compared to a building built on a crooked foundation.

In addition to the pain of patients, the mobility in the joint is often disturbed: not only the flexion and extensor functions are violated, but also lateral movements.

Soreness can be accompanied by other symptoms:

  1. swelling;
  2. redness;
  3. knee increase in volume;
  4. hemarthrosis;
  5. local increase in temperature.

These signs indicate an inflammatory process occurring in the knee joint (arthritis, arthrosis).

Injuries to the knee joint

Pain in the knee when walking can be a consequence of a "fresh" or previously suffered injury. Sudden damage usually occurs as a result of a direct blow to the kneecap, when it falls on the knee or when the leg is unnatural, from which the person starts moving.

In a few minutes after the injury, severe pain, swelling and bruising may occur.

At the time of injury, vessels or nerve endings are often squeezed, which leads to numbness, a feeling of cold or tingling in the knee.

Skin covers in the place of injury acquire a bluish tinge.

Acute knee injury:

  • dislocations and sprains;
  • breaks or tears of meniscus plates;
  • fractures of the patella, upper part of the peroneal or tibia, lower part of the thigh;
  • dislocation or dislocation in the patella;
  • dislocation of the knee joint - the injury is quite serious, but, fortunately, rare. Treatment of dislocation should occur immediately.

The most common pathology of the knee joint

Knees when walking can be sore due to degenerative-dystrophic changes occurring in the cartilaginous tissue. These diseases can be caused by:

  1. Excessive strain on the joint.
  2. Subcooling.
  3. Poor blood circulation, resulting in articular and periarticular tissue lacks nutrition.
  4. Accumulation on the joints with a crystal of uric acid - gouty arthritis.

Bursitis - an inflammation of the synovial bag. This inflammatory process affects the synovial bag (bursa), which is a small pocket filled with synovial exudate.

The synovial fluid is needed to lubricate the hyaline cartilage and smoothly slide the terminal surfaces of the joint bones. In the knee joint there are three such bags.

If at least one is inflamed, it is a bursitis. Bursitis can be complicated by swelling and swelling of the knee. The pain appears when sitting on his haunches or in a "kneeling" position. Often, pain occurs when climbing or descending the stairs.


Gonarthrosis - arthrosis of the knee joint. Degenerative-dystrophic disease, which is not acute inflammatory, but chronic. The disease leads to destruction of the cartilaginous tissue, deformation of the joint and its immobilization. Why does gonarthrosis occur?


The causes of gonarthrosis lie in the fact that the leg, in particular the knee joint, daily undergoes significant physical exertion. To provoking factors include obesity, frequent injuries and professional sports.

Baker's cyst. A disease that is not so dangerous in itself, how terrible its complications are. The tumor appears on the posterior surface of the tibia, below the popliteal fossa. What are the causes of this phenomenon?

In the popliteal bag, inflammatory fluid accumulates (this is not pus).

The bag is located between the muscle tendons and communicates with the joint with the help of small holes - this anatomical structure is considered normal.

If the joint is inflammatory for a long time, the liquid has no way out and accumulates in this bag.

Tendonitis is an inflammation of one or more tendons.

Athletes, especially cyclists, runners and skiers are a group of people most prone to trauma (rupture) of tendons.

Tendonitis can develop in one or both laps, resulting in pain in the anterior part of the articulation and in the patella.

However, the pain is not permanent. Most often they appear when:

  • climbing the stairs;
  • running and jumping;
  • squats;
  • squatting.

How to treat the pathology of knee joints

Treatment should be only complex, it includes:

  1. taking medications;
  2. physiotherapeutic procedures;
  3. treatment with folk remedies;
  4. therapeutic physical training.

The initial goal is to relieve the pain symptom and inflammation, after which it is necessary to influence the causes of the disease. With edema and inflammation, a course of NSAIDs (indomethacin, aceclofenac, diclofenac, paracetamol) is indicated. But you can take these medicines only after a trial selection.

To eliminate the causes of the disease, corticosteroid preparations are prescribed, with which a blockade of the knee is performed by injection.

With pain in the knee joint, you can do compresses and rubbing with ointments that are effective for osteochondrosis:

  • Viprosal.
  • Efkamon.
  • Finalgon.
  • Ketonal.
  • Nizvisal.
  • Nyz.

Treatment of arthrosis should be aimed at restoring the cartilaginous tissue, this requires hondoprotectors. However, the result from the action of these drugs will not come immediately, so the patient must be patient with great patience.

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It is very good for joint diseases to do the following procedures:

  1. treatment by magnetic waves;
  2. laser therapy;
  3. X-ray therapy.

Any disease is easier to prevent than after a long time to treat it, that's why doctors attach great importance to the prevention of joint diseases.

Nutrition for pain in the knees

In all joint diseases, therapeutic diets are of great importance, since it is the malnutrition that often causes joint pain. Extra pounds on the body give an extra burden on the joints, so a fat patient should definitely lose weight.

A balanced diet will provide cartilage tissue with all the necessary vitamins and microelements.

In the daily menu of the patient with arthrosis or arthritis must include vitamins A, B, E, C. They can be obtained from vegetables and fruits, cereals and fish. With articular pathologies, it is desirable to exclude flour products altogether, you can take only grain, rye or otrubno bread.

Buckwheat, oatmeal or pearl gruel should be eaten daily. To improve the taste of these dishes, they can add spices, cottage cheese or dried fruits. Consumption of salt should be reduced as much as possible, and if possible, give it up altogether.

Sour-milk products are recommended to use any, but it is better to refrain from fresh milk.


Sugar and any sweets should be replaced with honey, but fish and liver can be consumed in unlimited quantities.


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Pain in the knee when walking: causes and treatment:

Many people know the pain in the knee when walking. Sometimes this is nothing special. The knee joints are stressed every day. This does not exclude their traumatization.

General information

Who can "visit" the pain in the knee while walking? The risk group first of all includes athletes. Nevertheless, it is easy to injure the knee and during active rest. The same applies to the performance of physical work, which requires considerable effort.

Important points

What is the danger of knee pain when walking? In this case it is a serious symptom. The fact is that the joints are very vulnerable.

Even if there is no serious injury, the patient (especially elderly people) can feel uncomfortable pain in the knees.

This is due to their regular wear and tear over time.

The main characteristic of the state

Often after long walks in the legs you can feel discomfort. If the knee functions normally, then after a rest, there will be no unpleasant sensations. This factor is worth paying attention to.

Sometimes pain in the knee when walking can appear suddenly. In the chronic stage, it is acute and prolonged. This can happen because of injuries and inflammation.

Sometimes the basis for the appearance of these sensations is infection.

Possibility of traumatization

Damage to the foot is a very unfortunate accident. It can happen to anyone at home or at work.

Also, there are often situations where pain occurs due to a disease. In particular, this refers to arthritis.

Very often, when a person is suffering from pain in the knees, the reasons for its occurrence lie precisely in this disease. Its appearance is associated with inflammation of various zones of the corresponding joint.

Arthritis is a significant provoker of reduced mobility and stiffness of cartilage. Very often the pain in the leg below the knee can be an obstacle to normal movement.

Other signs indicative of arthritis

It is about swelling and redness of the patella. This also applies to an increase in the local temperature in this area.

If a knee injury is received, the pain can last from a few minutes to 2-3 days from the time the injury occurs. In this case, the walls of the blood vessels may begin to spasms.

In this case, most likely, followed by numbness of the affected area. In this situation, the skin is very often bluish.

Acute damage to the joint

This category includes the following:

  1. Increased stress on the joint.
  2. Various fractures of the upper parts of the small and tibia.
  3. Dislocation of cartilage.
  4. Injuries of ligaments and tendons (sprains, strong dislocations) involved in the maintenance of the patella.
  5. Damage to the meniscus.

Other Possible Prerequisites

If the patient is ill with a knee pain, the reasons for their appearance should be set first. In many cases, their presence may indicate Osgut-Schlatter disease. It is about osteochondropathy of the tibia.

Quite often knee injury is the main cause of this disease. Also there are cases when it arises without any prerequisites. At the same time, the disease gives the patient no less trouble.

In many cases, people complain of increased pain in the knees with the following movements:

  1. The slightest extension and flexion of the limb.
  2. Walking.
  3. Descend and climb the stairs.

In some cases, pain begins in the knee at the back. Unpleasant sensations can last up to three weeks. Sometimes the disease can go into a chronic form. In this case, the stiffness and discomfort in the knee zone will then subside, then begin anew.

Other factors

The crunch and pain in the knees can be caused by another disease. It's about bursitis. This disease is characterized by a marked decrease in motor activity, as well as edema.

Good warm-up exercises help in getting rid of pain at the initial stages. However, as the disease progresses, the patient's condition worsens.

Unpleasant sensations that a person feels while walking on an even surface can be caused by sciatica nerve inflammation.

Symptoms in cases of exercise

Some people (due to their professional activities) often have to squat. They are often disturbed by unpleasant sensations in the knees. It can be caused by various diseases. Say, gonarthrosis.

This disease is accompanied by deterioration of the cartilage. There are also a number of other reasons that can cause pain in the knees during the descent or ascent of the stairs.

The same applies to movement on flat planes.

Other possible reasons:

  1. Irrational nutrition.
  2. Insufficient physical activity.
  3. Viral infection.

The course of illnesses

If during the descent of the stairs there is a sharp pain in the leg below the knee, as well as in other adjacent areas, this will mean that the disease is progressing.

In most cases, after a long walk there are weak unpleasant sensations. With the passage of time, they will begin to increase. In the future, discomfort can be felt even while walking for short distances.

Initially, the pain that arises is weak and rapidly passing at rest. In the event that discomfort does not subside for several hours, you need to contact a specialist.


Sometimes in the knees, when you descend the stairs, you feel pain due to the periarthrosis of this zone. During the time when a man lowers his straightened leg, the vertical load increases.


In this case, the thigh muscle is subjected to an isometric eccentric contraction. It is about the lack of rapprochement of attachment points. The fact is that muscle tension, which has degenerative-dystrophic changes, contributes to the appearance of pain in the knee.

Relieving the condition at home

When a person has knee pain, treatment should be started as soon as possible. Before visiting the doctor to ease the condition of the house you can attach the leaves of burdock or cabbage.

You can use anti-inflammatory ointments.

It should be noted that if the patient is concerned about severe pain in the knee, the folk remedy can be used as an auxiliary, but not the main one.

Reduction of loads

When there is pain in the knee, the treatment should be aimed at unloading the joint. A temporary restriction of movement is recommended. Thus, the patient is assigned a semi-postal regime.

In this case, the knee needs rest. It is required to stop any kind of activity, which is connected with walking. While the joint does not calm down, you need to take a break. The leg should be in the optimal position.

For this, under it you can put a small pad or roller.

Cold and warm

In order to relieve the acute pain, you can use thermal procedures or applying ice. Such manipulations can alleviate pain.

If applied correctly, the patient's condition can be greatly relieved.

As for the effect of low and high temperatures, the following nuances should be remembered when conducting them:

  1. Cold compress, as well as ice, are good remedies for the build-up of puffiness in joints after traumatization. This also applies to the prevention of bruising. Cold compress is changed every 10-20 minutes. This procedure is repeated more than three times during the day.
  2. The first two days after a traumatizing, the joint can not be heated. Otherwise, tenderness and swelling will intensify. It is not recommended to drink alcoholic beverages, apply warming compresses, take a hot bath or shower.
  3. After (on the third day), in case of reduction of edema, it is possible to begin applying heat to the joint.

Essential preparations

When there is an unexpected pain in the knee, "what to treat" is the patient's first question. In this case, it is advisable to use non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. They contribute to the removal of edema in the joint and the relief of pain.

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You can use external means (in the form of ointments), and take the medicine inside. If the patient has severe pain, then rectal forms of drugs and injections are prescribed.

It should be noted that this drug group has many serious side effects. Accordingly, their appointment is carried out exclusively by a doctor. The fact is that some of these drugs are dispensed in pharmacies without a prescription.

The most common side effects of the above group of drugs:

  1. The onset of allergies.
  2. Negative effects on the liver.
  3. Decrease in blood coagulability.
  4. Influence on the gastric mucosa (in some cases ulcers may form).

The most common non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs:

  1. "Ketanol."
  2. "Movalis".
  3. Diclofenac.
  4. "Aspirin".
  5. "Paracetamol".
  6. Ibuprofen.

Special diets

With the help of them you can achieve the following goals:

  1. Provide the body with all the elements that are necessary for the normal recovery of connective and bone tissue, as well as cartilage.
  2. Reduce the load on your knees with body mass correction.

If the patient takes NSAIDs, the stomach should be spared. In order to correct the excess body weight, caloric content of the daily diet is limited:

  1. It is forbidden to eat confectionery and alcohol.
  2. Fats are limited.
  3. The consumption of baked goods and refined carbohydrates is reduced to a minimum.

During the intake of NSAIDs, the stomach needs protection. It can be organized by using the following:

  1. Decoction of flax seed, oatmeal.
  2. Products cooked on steam.

It is forbidden to use the following:

  1. Sauces.
  2. Canned food.
  3. Marinades.
  4. Spicy dishes.
  5. Spice.
  6. Products that promote gassing (whole milk, legumes).

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The knee hurts when walking

For Women »Beauty and Health» Home Doctor »Symptoms

A considerable part of the population faces joint pain, especially after 40-50 years.

The knee joint is one of the largest and is exposed to a huge load, consisting of the weight of a person and the need to participate in his motor activity.

Therefore, there are many situations and conditions that can manifest painful syndrome in the knee, both during walking and at rest. To understand which joint structures can form the impulses of pain and why, it is necessary to understand its structure and functions.

Why do knee pains hurt when walking?

In the formation of the knee joint part of the femur with two condyles, the patella and the tibia participate.

These bone structures are covered with a layer of strong and elastic hyaline cartilage, which allows them to form movable articulation and carry out a variety of movements (flexion and extension of the tibia, insignificant rotation).

The synovial membrane surrounding the bone-cartilaginous formation serves simultaneously as a defense and capsule of the joint.

In addition, it produces in its cavity a special fluid that fulfills the task of lubrication, and also delivers to the tissue hyaline cartilage oxygen and nutrients, since this structure does not have its own blood vessels.

The synovial membrane has its own "pockets" and protrusions, which are located around the knee joint under the muscular layer, as well as between the muscles and tendons.

These cavities, called synovial bags or bursals, are also filled with lubricant and are necessary to serve additional protection for the knee joint, perform an amortization function and protect it from mechanical and physical effects.


To the outside of the joint capsule, tendons of the flexor muscles and extensor muscles are attached, all the joint elements, including subcutaneous fatty tissue and skin (except cartilaginous tissue), permeated with blood vessels and nervous plexuses. Therefore, any pathological process, which began to develop in any articular structure, necessarily affects the nerve endings and conductors. And this means that the signals enter the brain and form in the pain syndrome.


The knee joint can suffer from various injuries, age changes, or inflammatory diseases. All pathological conditions that occur with pain in the knee during motor activity can be represented as follows:

  • acute or chronic injury;
  • degenerative-dystrophic process;
  • arthritis of various origin;
  • arthrosis;
  • bursitis;
  • inflammation of the musculoskeletal system;
  • neuritis (inflammation of the nerves of the knee joint).

Of all these pathologies, the most frequent can be considered degenerative-dystrophic processes, which are observed in almost every person after 40 years.

These are age-related changes, varying in severity, depending on many factors.

There are also many reasons for this pathology, but all of them lead to the onset of a process that takes place in several stages and ends with the formation of gonarthrosis (arthrosis of the knee joint).

At the first stage, there are violations in the blood supply of the hyaline cartilage of the knee joints. Not getting power and oxygen, it begins to lose elasticity and crack. At the same time, there is no pain syndrome.

Then, with further destruction of the cartilage, bone tissue is exposed, which leads to its traumatization during movement and the formation of pain during walking. Further progression of the disease significantly reduces the functionality of the joints.

To the feeling of stiffness in the morning is added the inability to fully bend and unbend legs in the knees, and strong and painful pains remain when walking stops.

The knee joint deforms and practically ceases to participate in movements, which is typical for the last stage of gonarthrosis.


It should be noted that arthrosis of any degree becomes a consequence or complication of not only the inevitable age-related changes. It can be formed after traumatic knee injuries or inflammatory processes in it.


Among all types of injuries, the most frequent can be called bruises and sprains, accompanied by acute pain syndrome, swelling and redness in the joint area, inability to perform normal movements and, with injuries to the tendons or muscles, forced position extremities.

Rarer in frequency are fractures in the knee (patella, condyles of the femur, tibia) and meniscus injury.

The patient feels severe pain during the injury, to which the swelling of the entire area is quickly attached.

Of course, movements in the injured zone are impossible because of severe pain syndrome, and as a result of violation of the integrity of the joint structures.

After such damage in case of their recurrence and the lack of medical measures, posttraumatic arthrosis of the knee joint, in which the intensity of the pain syndrome depends on the stage and degree of pathology.

In clinical practice, inflammatory diseases of the knee joints, or arthritis, are also common. They may have an infectious or autoimmune origin, and may also be a consequence of a metabolic disorder.

The latter group includes gouty arthritis, in which salts of uric acid are deposited on articular surfaces. The patient begins to feel pain in the knees, which increases with any movement.


Another type of arthritis, namely rheumatoid, is caused by the formation of an atypical (autoimmune) reaction organism on the tissue of the joints, in which it perceives them as foreign and activates immunity against them.


Usually minor joints are affected, but with the progression of inflammation the knees also suffer, and at first the pain occurs only when walking, and then at rest.

A common disease of periarticular bags, or bursitis, also occurs with the onset of pain syndrome. Its cause is often chronic injuries of the articular region, not leading to disruption of the integrity of the knee structures.

If bacterial infection takes place, the patient's condition worsens, body temperature rises, and appetite worsens.

The knee deforms and swells; Pain with bursitis is always present, increasing with attempts at motor activity.

In addition, the sensation of pain in the knee joint can be noted not only when it is injured or inflamed.

The patient feels the spread of pain impulses throughout the lower limb, including the knee, with traumatic injury or inflammation in the femoral or sciatic nerves (neuritis, neuralgia).

What to do if the knee joint is ill

The painful syndrome in the knee, even if insignificant, should alert the person and get him to consult a doctor.

Of course, with injuries and diseases accompanied by severe pain, the patient applies for help immediately, since many situations require urgent surgical intervention.


As for the process of formation of arthrosis, which occurs gradually, it is very desirable that the patient does not delay with treatment and begins therapy in the early stages of pathology.


In general, all conditions that occur with pain in the knee joint require an integrated approach that depends on the underlying cause of the disease. Therefore, the treatment regimen can consist of the following directions:

  • immobilization (immobilization) of the joint and cooling it with the help of improvised means, which relieves pain and reduces swelling (mainly with various injuries);
  • prescription of medications (analgesics, antibiotics, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, chondroprotectors, hormonal drugs, multivitamins) for arthritis and arthrosis;
  • carrying out surgical interventions on the knee joint (with trauma) or endoprosthetics with arthrosis;
  • in the recovery phase - massage, physiotherapy, therapeutic gymnastics;
  • regular sanatorium treatment.

Depending on the diagnosis of the patient, the therapy regimen may include all or only certain therapeutic directions.

With the timely application of medical care and competent treatment, as a rule, all manifestations of pathologies of knee joints, including pain during walking, disappear.

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