Computed tomography of the spine


  • 1Computer tomography of the spine: the essence of the method, indications, contraindications, preparation
    • 1.1Computer tomography of the spine, what is this method of research
    • 1.2What does the computer tomography of the spine show?
    • 1.3Indications for computed tomography of the spine
    • 1.4Contraindications to computer tomography of the spine
    • 1.5How is CT of the spine carried out?
    • 1.6What allows you to find the CT of the spine
    • 1.7Spiral computed tomography of the spine
  • 2Computed tomography of the spine
    • 2.1Principle of operation of computed tomography
    • 2.2For what purpose do they appoint
    • 2.3What can determine CT
    • 2.4How to prepare
    • 2.5How passes and how long the scanning process takes
    • 2.6Contraindications
    • 2.7Signs of an allergic reaction to a contrast agent
    • 2.8CT of the cervical spine
    • 2.9CT of thoracic spine
    • 2.10CT of the lumbosacral spine
    • 2.11How often can I go and what do I get as a result?
  • 3Computer tomography (CT) of the spine
    • 3.1A bit of history
    • 3.2Spiral tomography
    • instagram viewer
    • 3.3Multilayered tomography
    • 3.4Computed Tomography and Spine Diseases
    • 3.5Contraindications
    • 3.6Before the study
    • 3.7A burning question, money
    • 3.8Fashion is not an indication
  • 4What is CT of the spine? When is it conducted and what does it show?
    • 4.1The process of computed tomography
    • 4.2When CT is performed
    • 4.3Contraindications and precautions
    • 4.4Ct of lumbar spine
    • 4.5CT for children
    • 4.6What can be seen on the CT of the cervical department
    • 4.7Preparation for the procedure
    • 4.8Cost of CT
  • 5Кт of a backbone - in detail about diagnostics
    • 5.1Types of tomography of the spine
    • 5.2How much does the CT of the spine cost?
    • 5.3Contraindications, indications and preparation for CT
    • 5.4How are CT scans made? Advantages and disadvantages of diagnosis
  • 6Kt spine: features of the diagnostic process
    • 6.1Computer tomography of the back and its features
    • 6.2Comparison of two methods of diagnosis of the spine
    • 6.3General contraindications for CT
    • 6.4Cost of computer diagnostics

Computer tomography of the spine: the essence of the method, indications, contraindications, preparation

Computer tomography is the most high-tech and modern method of diagnosis, which, in its ability to recognize diseases by several steps, has surpassed the conventional X-ray examination.

Step by step we will analyze the CT of the spine and its advantages in comparison with other types of examinations.

Computer tomography of the spine, what is this research method What does the computer tomography of the spine show Indications for a computer tomography of the spine Contraindications to computer tomography of the spine Preparation for examination How is CT of the spine carried out What allows to find CT of the spine Spiral computed tomography the spine

Computer tomography of the spine, what is this method of research

The essence of this procedure is the "X-ray" X-ray scan of the body zones of interest to the physician surrounding the spine. Then the processing of data on the computer by special programs takes place.

In this case, the physician is able to see the dynamics of the process on the monitor screen and record the entire diagnostic process to the available memory device.

This allows you to repeatedly view the information received for the purpose of clarification and discussion with colleagues.

What does the computer tomography of the spine show?

The CT method contributes to a more detailed assessment of the bone and cartilage structures of the spine, vessels and nervous tissue, and the recognition of pathological processes occurring in them.

Most often, the study is used in the practice of traumatology to detect, confirm, or vice versa, excluding injuries to the spine.

Also, computed tomography reveals the phases of degenerative diseases of the spine, early oncological processes, barely noticeable by other diagnostic examinations.

"CT anatomy and CT examination techniques of the spinal column

Indications for computed tomography of the spine

The examination is appointed by the attending physician after a thorough examination of the patient, collection of an anamnesis of the disease, preliminary diagnostic procedures. The need for CT application should be strictly justified. It can not be carried out often.

The patient needs a study for:

  • clarification of the volume and method of surgical intervention on the spine, surrounding tissues and organs;
  • control of the performed operation on the vertebral column and nearby anatomical formations;
  • confirmation of an existing cancer, or suspected of it;
  • detection of metastatic foci;
  • recognition of intervertebral hernias and complications caused by them;
  • detection of osteoporosis of bone tissue;
  • detection of congenital anomalies of the spine;
  • the presence of metabolic, dystrophic and degenerative processes in the bone structures of the spinal column, arthrosis, inflammatory changes in the intervertebral articulations (arthritis);
  • ascertaining the fact of injuries and vertebral fractures;
  • diagnosis of infectious diseases occurring in the spinal cord, purulent complications (abscesses);
  • finding diseases that cause severe pain with an unclear cause;
  • the specification of the volume of injuries with back injuries, accompanied by a violation of the integrity of the spine, fractures and deformities;
  • measuring the density and uniformity of bone structures.

Contraindications to computer tomography of the spine

The researcher must tell the doctor about his illnesses in order to prevent the negative effect of the procedure on health.

What can serve as a limitation to CT? Absolute contraindications do not exist. But, nevertheless, there are diseases and conditions that can introduce corrections in the appointment procedure.

Pay special attention if the patient has:

  • decompensated heart disease;
  • congenital and acquired heart defects, acute myocardial infarction;
  • state of hypertensive crisis;
  • disorders of cerebral circulation in an acute period;
  • a severe form of bronchial asthma with frequent attacks of suffocation;
  • complicated diabetes mellitus;
  • neglected forms of liver and kidney disease with complications;
  • Thyroid gland diseases with obvious clinical manifestations and laboratory abnormalities;
  • allergic diseases with a severe clinic (angioedema);
  • severe mental illness with inadequate reactions;
  • chronic alcoholism and drug addiction in the phase of exacerbation;
  • fear of enclosed space;
  • obesity, in which the patient's weight can reach 200 kg, which will not allow him to fit into the narrow opening of the arc-shaped tomograph (for such patients, there is a specially developed technique);
  • pregnancy, especially with complications;

Also, computed tomography of the spine is not recommended for infants and young children. The radiation load even in the most modern devices is still present and has a more negative impact on them than on adults. Therefore, the indications for research should be treated more strictly.

How is CT of the spine carried out?

The examination takes place in the office, protected from the effects of ionizing radiation. The patient occupies a reclining position on a special moving tomograph table. The position of the test on the back is usually used, but you may need a position on your side or on your stomach.

The frame with the table on which the patient is located will move forward with respect to the emitter and the receiving detectors.

A narrow stream of a source of rays pulses passes through the investigated areas of the body, hits the sensitive surfaces of the sensing sensors and is transmitted to the computer.

Next, layered snapshots and video with visualization on the monitor screen are created, with a record for later re-viewing.

The duration of the session is usually 5-30 minutes. The timing will depend on the available pathological abnormalities, which sometimes require a more detailed examination. Analysis of the findings by a specialist usually takes an hour and a half.

Note: the study is absolutely painless for a person, but in the process unpleasant sensations caused by an unusual position, the droning of a tomograph, the movement of the table, mental features personality. Therefore, the patient is fixed with special devices to exclude inadequate reactions.

Computer tomography of the spine can be supplemented by the introduction of a contrast agent into the vascular bed of the patient.


This allows you to obtain detailed information about the arteries of the spine. In this case, sometimes there are unpleasant sensations in the place of injection of the diagnostic solution.


In some cases - nausea, the desire to go to the toilet. But these complaints quickly pass.

If the examination is carried out by the child, in order to avoid fear and crying, parents are allowed to stay next to him, who previously put on themselves the means of protection from exposure.

What allows you to find the CT of the spine

On the survey you can clearly see all the details:

  • developed osteochondrosis - pathology of cartilaginous tissue of intervertebral discs,
  • stenosis of the spinal canal - a disease that most often occurs in the lumbar spine. With it, there is a proliferation of bone formations into the lumen of the canal opening, which can lead to infringement of the spinal cord causing severe pain, impaired sensitivity and movement;
  • osteoarthrosis - loss of elasticity of the cartilage, which is covered with "cracks roughness and, in the end "Erases which leads to a violation of elasticity, pain, reduced mobility, up to full immobility;
  • spondylosis - pathology, located most often in the cervical region. It is expressed by the presence of spiny growths of the degenerate ligaments of the spine, which people incorrectly call "salt deposition".

Spiral computed tomography of the spine

The structure of the human spinal column is very difficult from the anatomical point of view.

A large number of bone, articular formations, holes makes it difficult to accurately diagnose diseases.

In solving this problem, helical (SCT) and multislice (MSCT) computed tomography are particularly helpful.

The technology of this survey is built on a multiple number of snapshots in the given planes, the directions of which are chosen by the doctor depending on the tasks assigned.

Technically, the procedure is provided not only by moving the table with the patient, but also by rotating the radiators and sensors in a spiral, which allows you to take pictures and videos at a qualitatively new level.

Please note: with the MSCT spine, you can view very small details of the images in excellent quality, achieved by very thin slices in relation to conventional computed tomography. These slices are thinner by about 10 times. At the same time, a reduction in the radiation load on the patient is achieved. The time spent on the procedure is half that in comparison with CT.

The only drawback of this type of examination is high cost.

Summarizing the analyzed material, we note that the computer tomography of the spine increasingly replaces the traditional radiographic methods of investigation.

Over time, the cost of devices will be reduced, and technology will rise to an even higher level.


This will lead to an increase in the quality of diagnostics, the possibility of acquiring devices by all hospitals and eliminating (minimizing) the available x-ray irradiation of patients.


More details about the benefits of computed tomography are described in this video review:

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Alexander Lotin, Radiologist

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Computed tomography of the spine

CT of the spine is a hardware method of investigation of various tissues and organs, it is deciphered as a computer tomography.

Computer tomography of the spine is a modern and effective method of diagnosing injuries and diseases of the spinal column.

The principle of operation is based on irradiation of the investigated part of the body with X-rays, i.e. the same as in a conventional X-ray.

The peculiarity of this method is the use of computer technology to process the data obtained, which makes it possible to see the tissues under investigation in longitudinal and transverse sections. As a result of the study, a three-dimensional snapshot of the investigated area is obtained. The diagnostic method is effective in studying bone structure and soft tissues.

Principle of operation of computed tomography

Computer tomography of the spine is performed using a device called a tomograph. It consists of a special moving table and a block with a round hole in the middle, during which the table with the patient comes in during the study.

In the ring part of the device there is an X-ray source, and on the opposite side of the ring there is a receiving grid, which receives X-rays.

The beam passes through the tissues under investigation, and, depending on their density, changes their physical characteristics that are recorded on the receiving part, then transmitted to the computer for further processing.

A feature of this method, in contrast to conventional X-rays, is that the source and receiver radiation is moving at a high speed in a circle, which makes it possible to consider the organ under study under different angles.

Also, at the time of the study, the table is moving, on which the patient is located.

As a result of such actions, a large number of images taken at different angles and step slices are obtained, which form a three-dimensional picture of the diagnosed area of ​​the body.

Tomographs differ in the number of sections of the part of the body being examined in a minute of time and I happen to be 16, 32, 128 and even 256 slices per minute. An increase in this characteristic is allowed to increase the scanning zone per unit time.

The change in the cutoff pitch makes it possible to detect the smallest tumors and formations.

For what purpose do they appoint

Carrying out of a computer tomography also allows:

  • get a digital snapshot of the problem area of ​​the body;
  • assess the condition of surrounding tissues;
  • note changes in the state of nerve fibers;
  • screening;
  • Emergency diagnosis in case of injuries.

What can determine CT

There was an unpleasant opinion that if a baby is assigned to the thoracic spine, then there is certainly a suspicion of a tumor. Do not upset yourself in advance.

A CT can determine:

  • degree of osteochondrosis;
  • hernia of intervertebral discs;
  • presence of osteophytes;
  • tumors;
  • foci of inflammation;
  • spine trauma.

How to prepare

For carrying out a computer tomography without the use of a contrast agent, special preparation is not required.

In cases of using contrast, it is necessary to refrain from eating for six hours before the scan begins. When carrying out the CT of the cervical spine, abstinence should be made not only from food, but also from water 1 hour before the start of the scan.

When the CT of the lumbar spine, on the eve, before the diagnosis is necessary to refrain from the products of gases forming in the intestine, and also to make a cleansing enema.

One can also refer to the recommendation the presence of a referral from a doctor, in order to reduce the range of diagnostic search.

In cases where CT is performed in the lumbosacral spine in women, a contrasting substance is administered as part of the tampon in the vagina.

How passes and how long the scanning process takes

Consider how to make the spine:

  1. First of all, you need to remove all metal objects;
  2. Next, the doctor puts the patient on the table;
  3. In the case of a contrast agent, the physician inserts an intravenous catheter with an iodine-containing substance. This gives a feeling of heat and a taste of metal in the mouth. Do not be afraid of this - this is normal.
  4. At the time of diagnosis, the doctor is in the next room, from which the management and monitoring of the examination will be conducted.
  5. During the scan, the table begins to enter the opening of the device, in which the ring moves at high speed. The noise is small. The doctor on the speakerphone gives instructions on the delay of breathing. A prerequisite for obtaining a high-quality image is the observance of the immobility during the diagnosis.

The approximate time of the procedure is a few minutes, and with the use of contrast, 25 minutes.

In some situations, the pictures reveal so-called artifacts - noise in the image that appear during movements, incorrect breathing, or the presence of metal objects.


Contraindications include:

  • In pregnancy, this type of diagnosis is used only as a last resort, if there is a threat to the life of the mother and child;
  • Weight of a patient with a body weight above 150 kg, also need to pay attention to the volume, which is limited by the size of the movable ring of the tomograph;
  • Impossibility of ensuring immobility during the diagnosis

Contraindications when using a contrast agent:

  • an allergy to a substance entering the contrast, usually it is iodine;
  • heart disease;
  • breast-feeding;
  • kidney failure;
  • multiple myeloma;
  • increased indications of creatinine and urea;
  • diabetes.

Before the passage of a computer tomography with the use of contrast, it is recommended to make a biochemical blood test in order to assess the kidney function.

In the case of an elevated level of creatinine and urea in the blood, it is believed that the function of the kidneys is reduced, so the use of contrast is contraindicated.

If this rule is ignored, a progressive decrease in renal function may occur 10 days after the use of contrast.


If the weight of the patient exceeds 150 kg, 16 shearing units are used, and if the weight is more than 227 kg, 64 slices are used.


There is an age limit in the conduct of computed tomography in children, the reason for this is the need to observe immobility. To comply with this condition, anesthesia is used

Signs of an allergic reaction to a contrast agent

Symptoms of an allergy to contrast:

  • the appearance of edema of the face and ears;
  • heavy breathing due to laryngeal edema;
  • a feeling of nausea and possibly vomiting;
  • itching;
  • increased pressure;
  • hives.

The risk of an allergic reaction increases with intolerance to iodine, seafood, asthma.

The departments of the spine in which the examinations are carried out:

  1. CT of the cervical spine
  2. CT of thoracic spine
  3. CT of the lumbosacral spine

CT of the cervical spine

Computer tomography of the cervical spine examines the conditions:

  • vertebrae;
  • vertebral canal;
  • vascular and lymphatic systems;
  • thyroid and thymus glands.

With less quality, in comparison with MRI, the condition of ligaments, intervertebral discs and spinal cord is seen. Effectively defines fractures, tumors, hematomas and congenital anomalies in bone structures.

In cases where it is necessary to undergo such examination during pregnancy, use a protective apron on the stomach to prevent exposure to the baby.

Assign to clarify the diagnosis and operational planning for injuries.

CT of thoracic spine

Computed tomography of the chest is prescribed in cases of suspected tumors in the lungs.

CT of the thoracic spine with the use of a contrast agent effectively determines the metastases, area and extent of tissue damage. And it will also show the condition of the lymph nodes and localize the foci of inflammation.

The examination of the thoracic spine is used to detect foreign objects in the lungs.

CT of the lumbosacral spine

Computer tomography of the lumbar sacral spine allows you to evaluate:

  • lumen of the spinal canal;
  • condition of nerve roots;
  • fracture;
  • tumors and metastases;
  • dynamics of osteochondrosis and rheumatic diseases;
  • spondylosis;
  • bleeding in the spinal cord;
  • instability of vertebrae;
  • herniated intervertebral discs;
  • changes in the spine due to ankylosing spondylitis and rheumatoid arthritis;
  • consequences of trauma for surgical intervention.

How often can I go and what do I get as a result?

Computer tomography is recommended to be taken at a frequency of once a year - this is due to the fact that during the examination a person receives a dose of X-ray irradiation. In acute cases, it is permissible to go every 6 months.

The decoding of the results obtained is handled by a radiologist or a doctor of radiation diagnostics, an estimated time of one hour in cases of absence of difficult situations. In case of serious and controversial diseases, a medical consultation may be collected and the transcript may be delayed for 1 day.

Pictures are displayed on a digital medium and in printed form. Also the results are stored in the archive database of the tomograph.

Computer tomography of the spine allows you to get a complete description of the state of the bone structures of the spine and surrounding soft tissues.

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Computer tomography (CT) of the spine

Computer tomography of the spine is more effective than a simple x-ray diagnostic study.

With the help of computer tomography, you can study in detail the structure of the bone tissue of the spine, the state of the intervertebral discs, as well as see the pathology of the spinal cord. Fabrics of different densities perceive x-rays in different ways.

By measuring these data, physicians make a conclusion about the presence or absence of signs of the disease. A special scale for X-ray measurements was invented by the British, Nobel laureate Godfrey Hounsfield.


Measurements on the Hounsfield scale are carried out in conventional units and include a fairly wide range: from -1024 to + 3071.


The average values ​​of these measurements correspond to the density of water, the highest positive values ​​are the densities of the soft and bony structures, negative figures indicate the density of fat and air.

Thus, computed tomography allows you to determine the state of any tissue to the smallest structures.

A bit of history

To use the CT method began in 1972. But long before the application of CT, the Russian physiologist N.I. Pirogov made a number of discoveries, which he combined into a subject of topographic anatomy.

The anatomical atlas created by him contained illustrations, which are in many respects similar to those that allow you to see a computer tomography.

The researches of the scientist consisted in studying layered sections of human cadaver tissue, so-called. ice anatomy.

It is truly surprising that, not having a computer at hand, but also an elementary camera, the scientist managed to achieve high accuracy of the images obtained.

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Spiral tomography

Spiral computed tomography is used for diagnosis since 1988. The source of radiation rotates around the body of the patient "in a spiral".

The table on which the patient lies also performs longitudinal translational motion.

Due to the combination of table movements and the rotation of the radiator, spiral computed tomography is performed in a short period of time, and the dose of irradiation of the patient is significantly reduced.

Results of spiral tomography of the cervical spine

Multilayered tomography

Multilayered computed tomography is an advanced technology. Several special detectors take radiation, and the beam of X-ray beams is volumetric rather than flat.

Multilayer computed tomography has the following advantages:

  • High scanning speed;
  • Survey conducted in a short time;
  • High quality of spatial and contrast resolution;
  • Expansion of the boundaries of the investigated zone;
  • Low dose of irradiation.

Computed Tomography and Spine Diseases

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Signs of breast chondrosis

Computer tomography of the spine is carried out for diagnosis:

  • Injury of the spine;
  • Clarification of the causes of vertebral pain and diagnosis of herniated intervertebral discs;
  • Assessment of the spine before and after surgery, instrumental manipulation;
  • Diagnosis of neoplastic processes of the spinal column;
  • Diagnosis of osteoporosis.


Absolute contraindications to CT, with the exception of pregnancy, do not exist.

With caution should be carried out computed tomography to patients with severe renal pathologies and diabetes mellitus.

Do not perform CT and patients with a high degree of obesity - a study of too full people is not effective.

Absolute contraindication is pregnancy

Before the study

Preparation of the patient for CT is as follows:

  1. Before carrying out CT scan of the spine, all metal ornaments, as well as dentures, if any, should be removed.
  2. If the study recommends the introduction of a contrast agent, the patient should be aware of the side effects of the drug: the contrast can cause nausea, dizziness, a feeling of heat. But this is not a pathology.
  3. 4 - 5 hours before the introduction of contrast, food intake is prohibited.
  4. When CT is performed using contrast, the patient should be excluded from allergy to preparations containing iodine.
  5. In the study, the patient is offered to wear a special gown and warn that during the examination he should lie still.

A burning question, money

Now about how much is the computer tomography of the spine.

The price for conducting CT of any spine in Moscow is about $ 100, in Minsk you can conduct the same study twice cheaper, i.e. for 50 dollars.

In Kiev, the cost of CT of one department of the spine can be made for $ 40. But such prices assume CT without contrast. If the contrast medium is used, the cost of the examination is doubled.

For comparison, the same service in Israel or Germany treat patients in the 850-1000 dollars.

Fashion is not an indication

Among the patients, the popularity of computer tomography of the spine is unusually high,

its conduct is associated with a fairly large dose of X-ray radiation, it should be performed strictly according to vital indications.

The abundance of paid medical centers allows anyone who wants to undergo a fashionable examination, but remember that the reason for it is still the direction from the doctor.

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What is CT of the spine? When is it conducted and what does it show?

CT of the spine is an examination of the vertebra on a CT scan.

Such a device differs from radiography with a large volume of functions, the presence of a clear three-dimensional image and the ability to scan in transverse and longitudinal projections.

This leads to the fact that the photo better displays all internal organs, soft and bony tissues, nerve threads, blood vessels.

During the CT scan, all parts of the spine are clearly displayed:

  • intervertebral discs;
  • vertebrae;
  • canal of the spinal cord (partially seen).

The process of computed tomography

The procedure for CT is divided into several stages.

  1. The patient should lie down on the table and, if possible, do not move.
  2. The table moves along a cylindrical scanner.
  3. When the first batch of pictures is taken, the table is pulled back.
  4. Doctors introduce a contrast agent. At this stage, you should carefully monitor the occurrence of an allergic reaction.
  5. The table moves again along the cylindrical scanner. A number of pictures are taken, which are recorded on a magnetic tape.
  6. After the last study, once again make sure that the patient does not have symptoms of vomiting, dizziness and nausea.

During CT, experts set the parameters of the movement of the rays. They make small slices from which an image is made.

According to the pictures, doctors can determine the deformation of the intervertebral discs and vertebrae, poor circulation blood, damage to the spinal canal, various kinds of fractures, the presence of hematomas and muscle stagnation.

Printed images are transferred to the patient, and their electronic version is stored in the computer, in archival documents. Therefore, if necessary, you can always restore the pictures.

When CT is performed

Elements that can not be traced on radiography should be examined on more powerful devices, such as computed tomography.

In modern times, such a procedure can be carried out for a variety of purposes:

  • screening;
  • emergency diagnostics;
  • routine diagnostics;
  • full examination before surgery.

Screening examination is carried out in the case when the patient has no symptoms of the disease. So, CT of the cervical spine is assigned in some cases:

  • impassable pain in the head;
  • presence of permanent syncope;
  • neck and head injuries without losing consciousness.

Emergency diagnosis takes place when the patient has a critical health condition, which can occur for several reasons:

  • fracture of the spine;
  • trauma related to spinal cord injury;
  • presence of compressed vessels.

Routine diagnosis of CT of the spine is performed to determine the exact diagnosis of the patient in the event that the disease is accompanied by certain conditions:

  • intervertebral hernia;
  • determination of the degree of severity of congenital defects of the spine;
  • presence of tumors on the spine;
  • spondylosis and so on.

Contraindications and precautions

Like other scanning devices, with CT of the spine, there may be contraindications that must be prevented:

  • It is forbidden to conduct a procedure for people who are allergic and have an individual intolerance to iodine and iodine-containing foods;
  • It is forbidden to carry out the procedure for pregnant women at any time;
  • patients suffering from claustrophobia, before sinking into the capsule of the scanner, you must take sedatives;
  • CT scans are not performed in cases where the patient's body weight exceeds the mass of the device;
  • people who experience painful syndromes in the back should anesthetize them by drinking analgesic medicines.

Ct of lumbar spine

After carrying out Кт the lumbar department of a backbone it is possible to see the general condition of a bone tissue, partially structure of a spinal canal. If the situation is somewhat worse, then the following is observed:

  • violation of ligaments;
  • damage to intervertebral discs;
  • inflammation of an individual part of the spine;
  • degeneration of tissues and other.

In such cases, CT is assigned to confirm the results of radiography.

However, sometimes a more extensive examination of the vertebra - CT of the lumbosacral spine is required. Such cases are related to:

  • a fracture of the spine;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • malignant and benign tumors of the vertebrae;
  • presence of herniated intervertebral discs;
  • hemorrhage in the spinal canal;
  • osteoporosis;
  • congenital developmental defect of the spine;
  • mobility of the vertebrae;
  • stenosis of the spinal canal.

Preparation for CT of the lumbosacral spine

If the examination is carried out with the introduction of contrast medium for 6 hours, then it is necessary to refrain from eating. In other cases, special training is not required.

The patient should take the following documents with him:

  • direction to CT;
  • an outpatient card or an extract from it;
  • Pictures and their description when passing earlier other procedures;
  • other documents that relate to the disease.

CT for children

The safest age of passage of CT in children is the age of 12 years and above. At the age of 12 years, CT can be performed in special children's medical centers. In many cases, children are anesthetized, as every stir inside the scanner capsule can give an erroneous result.

At a sensation of pains in a back it is necessary to spend diagnostics of all departments of a vertebra:

  • CT of the sacroiliac joint;
  • CT of the cervical spine;
  • CT of the coccyx region;
  • CT of thoracic spine.

What can be seen on the CT of the cervical department

CT scan of the cervical spine is performed to fully diagnose and study the spinal column diseases at the neck level.

Such a tomography can sufficiently clearly show the general state of vertebral processes and bodies, vertebral canals, spinal cord.

Slightly worse, it shows ligaments and intervertebral discs.

Thanks to the three-dimensional image, CT can quickly and clearly determine the presence of fractures, hematomas, various types of tumors, congenital anomalies and other changes.

Preparation for the procedure

Before carrying out a computer tomography, it is necessary to carry out various kinds of preparatory measures:

  • the patient should wear a disposable gown;
  • it is forbidden to lie down on a tomographic table of various kinds of ornaments made of metal: brooches, barrettes, rings, chains and so on.
  • be sure to remove the devices and accessories that can spoil the image of the pictures: dentures, glasses, brassiere;
  • if the patient suffers from an allergy, then it is necessary to warn the doctor about this, since with the introduction of a contrast agent, the allergic reaction may reappear;
  • During the procedure, the patient must be completely immobilized.

Cost of CT

Depending on the examined spine department, the cost of computed tomography can vary from 3500 rubles and more. However, you should not save on your health, it is better to have a checkup and diagnose the disease correctly.

A source:

Кт of a backbone - in detail about diagnostics

In our time, computed tomography of the spine is one of the most sought-after studies and has wide application in neurosurgery and neurology.

CT is a unique, innovative device, indispensable in modern medicine.

Thanks to him, doctors can diagnose, prescribe effective treatment, determine whether a patient needs surgery, and also prevent possible complications of illness.

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Computer tomography is based on complex software, with which the human body is scanned by X-rays. CT analyzes and compiles information on the different degrees of absorption of rays by human tissues.

The result is a whole series of layered X-ray images. After the examination was completed, the radiologist gives the patient a conclusion, which the treating doctor will later analyze.

CT examination provides the doctor with a detailed picture of the spine of the patient.

Types of tomography of the spine

  1. computer - CT
  2. magnetic resonance - MRI

MRI is based on the study of the body by means of a magnetic field and its effect on human tissues, so there is no x-ray radiation here. Thanks to magnetic resonance imaging, soft tissues hidden under the bone structures are much better diagnosed. On the device MRI is more often conduct a survey of muscles, ligaments, nervous tissue. Computer tomography is a good example of bone and, in some cases, cartilaginous tissue. This makes it possible to study the structure of the vertebrae, vertebral canal and intervertebral discs.

How much does the CT of the spine cost?

The cost of computed tomography of the spine depends on the clinic in which the study will be carried out, and also on the tomograph itself.

The average price for a CT scan of one department of the spine is in the range of 4000 to 6000 rubles. If it is necessary to introduce a contrast medium, the cost may be 8000 - 9000 rubles.

If you need to explore just a few segments of the spine, then in this case the price will be 2000 - 3000 rubles for 1-3 segments.

Contraindications, indications and preparation for CT

This study lasts no more than 2 minutes (with a contrast agent up to 25 minutes) and does not need special preparation of the body.

It is carried out in both ordinary and seriously ill patients who are on an outpatient or inpatient treatment. During the procedure of diagnosis, a person does not feel any discomfort.

Complications in this survey are completely excluded, so there are no special contraindications to CT diagnosis, but there are exceptions to each rule.


Contraindications to CT


CT is strictly prohibited for pregnant women. When using a contrast medium, the contraindications will be as follows:

  • Breastfeeding period.
  • Severe kidney disease.
  • Strong allergic reactions to iodine.
  • The general severe condition of the patient.

Indications for CT

  1. The most varied injuries of the spine.
  2. Study of the spine in order to determine the cause of severe pain.
  3. Examination of the spine to determine its condition before and after surgery.
  4. Determination of the presence of malignant and benign tumors.
  5. Stenosis of the spinal canal.
  6. Examination of bone tissue in people with osteoporosis.
  7. Osteocondritis of the spine.
  8. Intervertebral hernia (not always).
  9. Abscesses.

Preparing for computed tomography

  • The study is conducted exclusively on an empty stomach.
  • For better visualization of the lumbar region, it is advisable not to consume food that causes gas formation within 2 days.
  • The patient should remove all jewelry, chains, earrings, bracelets and other similar items.

How are CT scans made? Advantages and disadvantages of diagnosis

The CT device is made in the form of a large cylinder, in the middle of which there is a movable table. A computer is connected to the device, with which the control is carried out, as well as data processing and storage of the received pictures.

Using a system of sensors and rotating X-ray beams inside the device, a process of scanning the patient located on the moving table takes place.

As a result of the scan, pictures will be taken, which are issued 15-20 minutes after the examination.

Advantages of CT:

  1. High-quality image sharpness in pictures.
  2. Absence of pain during examination.
  3. Fast and accurate diagnosis of the spine.
  4. The minimum radiation (much lower than for radiography)
  5. Previously installed implants of metal or electronic devices do not interfere with the diagnosis.
  6. CT is less sensitive to accidental movement of the patient during diagnosis, rather than MRI.
  7. When examining a child, it is possible to reduce the radiation dose.

Disadvantages of CT:

  • The device can not give an accurate picture of the human spinal cord (MRI is best for this).
  • Patients with overweight (more than 120 kg) will not be able to undergo the examination, but in some clinics there are more expensive tomographs with a limit of 200kg.

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Kt spine: features of the diagnostic process

We are used to traditional methods of diagnosing back problems, which we have known since childhood: for example, with x-ray or ultrasound.

But these methods are rather approximate and far from omnipotent, and they can often be used to obtain only a general picture of the condition of the diseased organ.

According to the x-ray image of the spine, we can see a vertebral fracture, displacement, the presence of pathology: osteochondrosis, spondylosis, and other dystrophic processes. However, radiography will not show everything:

  • Initial signs of the process and its stage
  • Condition of the spinal cord
  • Herniation
  • Stenosis of the intervertebral canal
  • Condition of intervertebral discs, ligaments and joints and many other details

This is all by computer tomography of the spine.Let's look at how the process of computer diagnostics is going on and how it differs from other types of examination.

Computer tomography of the back and its features

The distance between the layers is 0.5 - 1 mm.

The method has many possibilities:

  • With the help of this device, you can examine all parts of the spine:
    cervical, thoracic, lumbar, lumbosacral and coccygeal
  • Full details of all elements of the spine and spinal cord
  • Diagnosis of the following pathologies:
    • intervertebral hernia and other DDP (degenerative dystrophic processes)
    • injuries and displacements
    • congenital anomalies of the vertebrae and joints
    • cysts, tumors and metastases
    • osteoporosis
    • narrowing of the spinal canal
    • osteomyelitis
    • spondylarthrosis
    • arthritis
    • epidural abscess
  • Control of spine biopsy or spinal cord puncture
  • Angiography
  • Examination of the spine before and after surgery and many other possibilities

It is desirable to periodically conduct CT in oncology of the breast or prostate - these diseases are "famous" for metastasis in the spine.

How does a computer tomograph work?

  • The desired back area is examined by moving the X-ray emitter and chamber along the vertebral part:
    Step-by-step shots are taken at the cutoff distance
  • Simultaneously, by rotating the tomograph camera, the angle of the beam projection changes - thus spiral tomography is realized, which allows:
    • Get images not only of the vertebrae, but also the soft tissues behind them
    • reduce the time of examination, which is very important in the diagnosis of children and people with a shaky psyche, which can not withstand prolonged immobility and being in a confined space
  • A more accurate computer study of the spine is carried out using a contrast agent injected into the vein shortly before the procedure
  • Computer tomography of the spine is also used in parallel with myelography - the introduction of contrast into the spinal canal, in order to identify tumors, inflammation, nerve infringement
  • You can get a three-dimensional image

How is the examination conducted

  • Diagnosis is done on an empty stomach: there is no can for six hours, and drinking - one hour before the CT
  • Between the x-ray of the stomach or intestines using a barium mixture and CT, the test should take at least eight hours
  • Before the tomography session, you must remove all objects that can be projected onto the image (eyeglasses, hairpins, crosses, etc.)
  • Then you need to lie down on the tomograph table
  • During the entire movement of the table, the patient tries to stay still
  • The laboratory assistant conducting the examination is in another room and keeps in touch with the subject

Comparison of two methods of diagnosis of the spine

CT is often compared with another method of diagnosis - magnetic resonance imaging (MRI).

  • MRI is even more accurate examination: it allows you to get not only a very accurate snapshot of the department spine, vertebrae and their processes, joints and ligaments, but also the image of the smallest nerves and blood vessels
  • At MRI there is no harmful radiation - here the principle of magnetic influence

But CT scans have their advantages in comparison with MRI:

  • High speed of examination (for example, the speed of passage of CT of the lumbar region - about five minutes)
  • Contraindications for MSCT virtually no, except for allergies to radiopaque substance

  • The requirements for immobility during the survey are less strict than for MRI
  • CT scan can be performed in the presence of metal implants and pacemakers
  • CT costs less than MRI

Compare the two methods in the plan, which one is better, does not make sense: in some studies it is more expedient to use CT, while for others - it is MRI.

As always, Dr. Sperling will be available on this in a video at the end of the article.

Preparing for CT of the back

Conduction of CT of the lumbar and lumbosacral divisions requires preliminary preparation. This is necessary for greater reliability of the image:

  • One day before the examination, foods that cause increased gas production are excluded from the diet
  • The night before the cleansing enema is done

If there is an allergy to iodine, contrast tomography for the lumbar region is not done.

The results of CT diagnostics are studied by a radiologist, who then proceeds, depending on the medical report, and sends the patient to one of the following specialists:

  • Traumatologist
  • Vertebrologu (orthopedist, neurologist, neurosurgeon)
  • Rheumatologist
  • To the oncologist

General contraindications for CT

  1. Pregnancy and lactation
  2. Age to 6 years
    These limitations are relative, their cause is the radial load, which is from 2 to 10 microsievers (msv).

    To understand how much this is - a lot or a little, you need to compare this dose with the total background training that a person receives for three to five years

  3. Claustrophobia
    Fear of enclosed space is also a relative contraindication.

    The use of sedative sedative in addition to a short time of the procedure allows you to fully cope with this problem

  4. Mental exacerbations
  5. Too much weight

This, alas, is an absolute contraindication: if a person is too obese, he simply can not fit in the tomograph chamber.

Modern devices, for example, Siemens brand, can support the patient's weight up to 180 kg.

Cost of computer diagnostics

Among the advantages of CT, we mentioned a relatively inexpensive price for this type of diagnosis. In conclusion of the article, we will tell our readers how much the CT scan is worth for the various departments of the back.

  • Computed tomography of the cervical spine in (CT) at the medical center "Stolitsa" costs about 4200 rubles
  • The cost of CT of the lumbar region lies within the same limits
  • The most expensive examination of the spine is with metastatic prostate cancer:
    CT in this case is carried out three-dimensional, using contrast medium. The price of such an investigation is about 2, 00 rubles

The figures given are relative:

  • they could change over time
  • the cost of the same diagnosis in different centers does not match

Therefore, if you want to know exactly how much CT diagnostics costs, and what exactly you should do, contact the diagnostic center consultants directly.

: CT and MRI

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