Cholagogue preparations and agents for congestion of bile in the gallbladder

Here are provided effective cholagogue preparations and the best natural herbal folk remedies and herbs for bile stasis for adults and children for home use.

However, when gallbladder congestion occurs in cases of dyskinesia of the biliary tract, in the bend of the gallbladder or after its removal, treatment-tablets and medications-must be prescribed by a general practitioner or pediatrician for children!

Do not engage in blind self-medication, find out the real cause of the illness in order to avoid complications.


Folk remedies for choleretic action

How to take folk remedies and herbal remedies is indicated below each description of herbal remedies.

Prepare the collection 1 :

  1. wormwood bitter - 10 g;
  2. sheet of trifoli( watch three-leaved) - 10 g;
  3. leaves peppermint - 10 g.

2 tablespoons of the mixture brew in 200 ml of boiling water, leave for 1 hour. Take three tablespoons of infusion for half an hour before meals three times a day.

Prepare collection 2 :

  1. coriander fruits - 20 g;
  2. flowers of the immortelle - 40 g;
  3. peppermint leaf - 20 g;
  4. three-leaved watch sheet - 30 g.

2 tablespoons of the collection pour 200 ml of water, boil for 10 minutes. Insist 1 hour, strain. Take half the glass 3 times a day for 15 minutes before eating.

Collection 3 :

  1. grass shandra;
  2. herb balm for 10 g;
  3. peppermint grass;
  4. grass of the centipedes;
  5. herb wormwood for 20 g.

2 tablespoons of the collection pour 400 ml of boiling water, leave for 2 hours. Take 1 glass in the morning and in the evening 30 minutes before eating.

Collection 4 :

  1. arnica flowers - 10 g;
  2. watch leaves;
  3. yarrow herb;
  4. herb wormwood for 20 g.

Cook and take as in the previous recipe.

Collection 5 :

  1. St. John's wort( grass) - 150 g;
  2. birch leaves - 150 g;
  3. pounded dogrose fruit - 200 g;
  4. kidney tea - 100 g.

1 tablespoon of the mixture brew 300 ml of boiling water, boil for 5 minutes, insist 4 hours in a warm place. Take in a warm form half the glass 3 times a day for 20 minutes before eating.

Freshly prepared juice from turnip, half diluted with water, promotes better emptying of the gallbladder, and undiluted juice - the formation of bile by the liver.

Very well stimulates the formation of bile in the liver receiving mineral water. Water Truskavets and Berezovskaya are especially useful in this respect.

Choleretic plants and herbs

All choleretic herbs and plants can be divided into two categories:

  1. Cholagogue which can increase the amount of bile produced.
  2. Cholagogue substances, which promote the secretion of bile in the intestinal tract.

Cholagogue grasses and plants, preparations based on them, refer more, just to the first category, that is, to the cholagogue, which stimulates the liver cells in creating bile. Also, in addition to choleretic action, they reduce cholesterol in the blood, and most of the choleretic plants and herbs additionally have a diuretic effect.

Preparations, from cholagogue grasses and plants, are used for diseases of the gallbladder, liver. And, by the way, because bile itself is involved in digestion and helps to assimilate fat-soluble vitamins, cholagogue and plants can be used in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Plants and herbs, in which cholagogue substances are enclosed, are used alone and in combination of several, like cholagogue tea.

List of cholagogue herbs and plants

  1. Sandy cyme, or sandstone immortelle. Angelica officinalis. Corn is common. Peppermint. Oats are common or sown. Radish sowing. Pine is common. Caraway cumin.

Choleretic preparations and tablets

The active cholagogue is bile acid - cholic acid, glycocholic acid, etc. The synthetic derivative of this series is dehydrocholic acid, it has the strongest cholagogic effect.

From preparations of natural bile acids apply Allochol, Holenzim, Kholin, Khologon.

Synthetic cholagogues( not derivatives of cholanic acid) are the most common Tsikvalon, Nikodin.

From drugs of plant origin in medical practice apply immortelle drugs, tansy, corn stigmas, birch buds.

Bile excretory function of the liver is enhanced by pituitrin, histamine, various fats. Emptying the gallbladder is promoted by magnesium sulfate.

List of tablets and medications: taking

The most frequently used choleretic drugs include:

  1. Berberine bisulfate is prescribed by mouth at 0,005-0,01 g 3 times daily before meals for 2-4 weeks.
  2. Convaflavin is administered orally 0.02 g 3 times daily before meals for 3-4 weeks. Form release: tablets for 0.01 g.
  3. Corn stigmas are prescribed inside as a decoction or infusion( 10 g per 200 ml of water) 1-3 tablespoons 3-4 times a day. Extract of corn stigmas liquid is prescribed internally for 30-40 drops 2-3 times daily before meals. Product: 25 ml in glass bottles. Storage: in a cool, dark place.
  4. Nicodin is administered orally 0.5-1 g 3-4 times a day before meals for 10-14 days. Product: tablets of 0.5 g.
  5. Oxafenamide is taken orally 0.25-0.5 g 3 times daily before meals for 15-20 days. Product: tablets of 0.25 g.
  6. Allohol tablets contain dry bile of animals, dry extract of garlic, dried nettle extract and activated charcoal. Assign inside after eating adults 1-2 tablets 3-4 times a day, children( in a special dosage form) to 7 years - 1 tablet, over 7 years - 2 tablets 3 times a day for 3-4 weeks. Forms of release: tablets;Tablets for children containing the above ingredients in half.
  7. Tablets "Liobil" contain lyophilized bovine bile. Assign inside of 1-3 tablets 3 times a day at the end of the meal for 1-2 months. Product: tablets of 0.2 g.
  8. Tablets "Holenzym" contain dry bile, dried pancreas and mucous membrane of small intestines of slaughter cattle. Apply inside 1 tablet 1-3 times a day after meals.
  9. Flacumin contains the sum of flavonol aglycons from scumia leaves. Assign inside 0.02-0.04 g 2-3 times a day before meals for 3-4 weeks.
  10. Flamin contains the sum of flavones of the immortelle sandy. Take inside 0.05 g 3 times daily before meals for 10-40 days. Form release: tablets of 0.05 g.
  11. The cholagol contains the rooting substance of turmeric root, emodin from the buckthorn, magnesium salicylate, essential oils, ethyl alcohol, olive oil. Use inside 5 drops( on sugar) 3 times a day for ½ h before meals, with attacks of cholelithiasis once 20 drops. Product: in bottles of 10 ml.
  12. The flowers of the immortelle sandy are taken inside as a decoction( 10 g per 250 ml of water) in a warm form for ½ cup 2-3 times daily before meals.
  13. Holosas - syrup from the condensed water extract of rose hips and sugar.
  14. Assign adults to 1 teaspoonful each, children - for ¼-½ teaspoon 2-3 times a day.
  15. Tsikvalon is administered orally 0.1 g 3-4 times a day for 3-4 weeks. Product: tablets of 0.1 g
  16. Extract immortelle dry apply to 1 g 3 times a day for 2-3 weeks.

Choleretic folk remedies for congestion of bile: action of

Bile stasis and a significant decrease in its amount entering the duodenum, in medicine is classified as cholestasis. It is noteworthy that diagnosing this disease is simple enough, because the patient will complain about:

  1. pain in the right hypochondrium;
  2. sensation of bitterness in the mouth;
  3. classic signs of indigestion;
  4. enlargement of the liver.

Bile stasis should be treated only under the supervision of a doctor and after a full examination, because complications of this condition are serious enough: hepatic insufficiency, cirrhosis. Therapeutic measures can include both prescription of medicines and physiotherapy, but in the first place there are cholagogic herbs in the stagnation of bile.

Problems with the gallbladder: for children - Dr. Komarovsky's school

It turns out that the well-known expression "work up an appetite" has a great semantic load in relation to the resolution of children's problems with the gallbladder and pancreas. Want to feed the baby properly, wait until he says: "Mom, I want to eat."

Bile stasis in bending / bending of the gallbladder: treatment according to VV Kartavenko

Use another recipe of our School as a safe cholagogue.

My name is Viktor Vladislavovich Kartavenko. I am a professor, MD, one of the authors of the "School of Safe Health of Dr. Kartavenko."Today we will talk with you for 2 minutes about how we can correctly and regularly use the secret closed point of Genghis Khan as the main cholagogue.

And so, you are bothered by nausea, you are troubled by heartburn, belching, you experience unpleasant sensations in the stomach, in the peritoneum, in the area of ​​the gastrointestinal tract - and in this case we will be perfectly helped by the secret, previously closed point of Genghis Khan.

How will we affect it? It is enough to have an index finger or any object that you can manipulate this point without the possibility of injury to the skin surface. And we start working with this point. With the forefinger we fix this place and within 1.5-2 minutes we produce pressing movements that cause slight soreness. After 1.5 -2 minutes after exposure to this place, pleasant warmth appears.

In addition to a finger, we can use a pencil, but without damaging the skin. I draw your attention to the fact that, with all its security and accessibility, the point of Genghis Khan is still the point of emergency aid.

Dear friends, if you have any questions related to the prevention and treatment of the gallbladder, with the use and use of cholagogue, with the appointment of various kinds of diets related to the treatment and prevention of gallbladder and bile stagnation - leave your questions below in the comments. And we will answer them in our new videos.

Dyskinesia of bile ducts: tips, cholagogue preparations for congestion of bile

This video is from the Union of Pediatricians of Russia. Dyskinesia of the bile ducts - what do you need to know? Tips for parents.

Functional disorders of the bile excretory system - a violation of the regularity of bile flow into the duodenum.

Patient complaints: intermittent abdominal pain associated with food intake, stool disorders.

Diagnosis: ultrasound, "choleretic breakfast".

Danger of the disease: stones in the gallbladder.

Treatment: a diet with 4-5 single meals and restriction of fatty and / or fried foods and taking cholagogue preparations.

Describes A. S. Potapov, Head of the Department of Gastroenterology, Scientific Center for Children's Health.

Gepabene: cholagogue tablet of plant origin

Allochnol: tablets, instruction for use

Allochol tablets user's manual contains information on the contraindications and indications( for what is used), the dosages and the method of administration, undesirable side effects. As well as other important information about which you should know before applying Allohol.

OVERDOSE: Diarrhea, nausea, heartburn, skin itching, increased activity of "liver" transaminases in the blood serum. Treatment: symptomatic.

SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS: The preparation contains sucrose, which should be taken into account in patients with diabetes mellitus.

One tablet contains about 0.1 g of sucrose( sugar), which corresponds to 0.01 XE;in the maximum daily dose of the drug contains about 0.8 g of sucrose( sugar), which corresponds to 0.08 XE.

EFFECTS ON CAPABILITY TO MANAGE VEHICLES AND MECHANISMS: The use of the drug does not affect the ability to drive vehicles and engage in other potentially hazardous activities requiring increased concentration and speed of psychomotor reactions.

STORAGE CONDITIONS: In dry, the dark place at a temperature of no higher than 25 ° C.Keep out of the reach of children.

SHELF LIFE: 4 years. Do not use after expiry date.

PHARMACODYNAMICS: Choleretic( cholekinetic and choleretic) remedy, reduces the processes of putrefaction and fermentation in the intestine. Strengthens the secretory function of liver cells, reflexively increases the secretory and motor activity of the organs of the gastrointestinal tract. Strengthens the formation of bile and bile acids.

The effect of bile is due to the reflex effect on the secretory function of the liver parenchyma. Bile strengthens also the secretory and motor functions of the gastrointestinal tract.

Substances contained in garlic, enhance the secretory and motor function of the gastrointestinal tract, stimulate the secretion of bile.

Leaves of nettle have choleretic and anti-inflammatory properties.

Activated charcoal is an adsorbent that binds toxic substances in the gastrointestinal tract.

PHARMACOKINETICS: The drug is well absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract. Cholic and chenodeoxycholic acid, contained in the preparation, undergo 7-alpha-dehydroxylation in the intestine. Chenodeoxycholic acid, in addition, is metabolized in the liver: conjugated with amino acids, secreted into bile, from which it is again released into the intestine, then partially reabsorbed;the remainder is excreted through the intestine.

Important! All information in this video and description is provided for reference purposes only. Do not self-medicate. At the first signs of the disease, contact your doctor.

Source: YNGorgov. Official and traditional medicine. The most detailed encyclopedia.- Moscow: Izd-vo Eksmo, 2012.

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