Abortion - termination of pregnancy, what consequences can be

Abortion - artificial termination / termination of pregnancy. This medical procedure is the only medical intervention aimed not at treatment, but at interrupting / terminating the life of the fetus of the future person.

Abortive intervention is performed no later than 12-week period. In gynecology, several abortive techniques are used, none of which does not pass without a trace for the health of women.

The consequences of abortion are available for every patient, although in some cases they manifest serious, and sometimes irreversible, health disorders, others quickly pass by themselves.

What is dangerous is an artificial interruption, can one avoid unpleasant consequences of it and what specific consequences can a woman expect after an abortion.


Types of abortion - a type of abortion

There are several types of abortion: surgical, vacuum and pharmaceutical.

  1. Surgical interruption involves the removal of the embryo from the uterus by curettage scraping through the instrumented cervical canal. Intervention is carried out before the 12-week period.
  2. Pharmaceutical abortion is carried out with the use of medications like Mifepristone ( Mifegina ), inhibiting hormonal progesterone effect and provoking rejection of the fetus. The procedure is performed up to 49 days of menstrual delay, that is, approximately up to 6-7 weeks.
  3. Vacuum aspiration - abortive technique, which is a mini-abortion, in which the extraction of the fetus is made by a special vacuum sucking up to about 5-6 weeks of gestation.

Abortion can be performed at a later date - up to 22 weeks, then it is called late abortion .It is carried out exclusively for medical purposes or in the presence of special indications. Unpleasant consequences of abortion can occur with any type of interruption, depending on the timing of development, they are early and remote.

Postabortion complications

Any abortion always leads to the risk of various consequences or complications.

One of the most frequent is hormonal imbalance, against which women develop endocrine disruptions and gynecological pathologies, as well as metabolic disorders.

In addition, the consequences after an abortion are often associated with a frozen or ectopic pregnancy.

Also, women after the interruption suffer a habit of not bearing, when the patient is confronted with more than two spontaneous miscarriages in a row.

Often, after abortive procedures, sexual inflammatory-infectious diseases occur, and even tubal obstruction, which generally leads to infertility. Any abortive measure inevitably increases the risks of complications, some of which are typical for specific methods of performing an artificial interruption.

What is dangerous is vacuum aspiration

The consequences of vacuum interruption in gynecological practice are quite rare, but still they happen. Although in comparison with all abortive techniques this method is considered the safest, however, 100% of the guarantees that no consequences will not be given by any doctor.

So, the complications of abortion by the vacuum method are often associated with incomplete yield of the fetus, then the woman will experience severe pain in the uterus and observe abundant spotting from the vagina.

But even if the fetus is fully extracted, the patient still does not avoid bleeding, which begins immediately after the aspiration procedure. The duration of such bleeding should be within 10-14-day frames, and the abundance of secretions should decrease every day.

Bleeding is considered abnormal, accompanied by intense pain, too abundant and contains blood clots. If a similar symptom has appeared after a vacuum interruption, you should immediately contact a specialist.

Quite a natural complication after vacuum aspiration are pain in the area of ​​the uterus. Such painful manifestations last about 4-5 days, but they do not need treatment. In a few days they will disappear on their own. The next menstruation after vacuum aspiration comes in about 40 days, and the cycle is fully restored within 3-6 months.

Consequences of interruption of pregnancy by

tablets Probable complications after pharmaceutical abortion are less dangerous than after surgical interruption, then what is dangerous for abortion with tablets? If there is uncontrolled bleeding or serious hormonal disorders, then in the absence of proper medical intervention, they can cause infertility and even lead to death.

Although taking medications for interruption refers to non-invasive abortive methods, it can lead to very serious hormonal disorders. The main female problems after the pharmacist are:

  1. Contractions and uncontrolled hemorrhages;
  2. Inflammatory processes in the genitals;
  3. Menstrual failures;
  4. Hyperthermia;
  5. Ovarian dysfunction;
  6. Pain in the abdomen.

Painful sensations and discharge immediately after the pharmacist are considered normal. The pain begins to increase after about half an hour or so after the use of Misoprostol, but after detachment and the release of the fetal egg, it passes.

For analgesia, you can take Naproxen or Ibuprofen, and with unbearable pain, narcotic analgesics such as Oxycodone or Codeine can be prescribed.

In about 3-4% of cases, an incomplete interruption is observed at the farm or pregnancy continues to develop. Such complications after abortion often occur with improper dosing of drugs or delayed pregnancy, the presence of hidden inflammation or hormonal disorders.

With such consequences, the patient is worried about long-lasting and unremovable bleeding, accompanied by cramping painful spasms and a feverish condition. For the treatment of usually prescribed scraping of the uterine cavity. If this is not done, the residual tissues of the fetus will begin to rot, provoke an infection, a general infection of the blood and even a lethal outcome.

Complications of surgical abortion

The most dangerous for the patients is the surgical termination of pregnancy. The consequences of surgical abortion are quite diverse and can manifest themselves in the form of severe bleeding, which requires emergency measures and even removal of the uterine body. Also, surgical interruption can lead to the development of an infectious process, especially often this is the case with criminal abortions, which are usually conducted in under sterile conditions.

As a result, sepsis or endometritis develops, in the first case, the outcome is often lethal. With insufficient professionalism of the doctor, traumatic injury of the cervix or uterine wall( perforation) or incomplete interruption with residual fetal parts in the uterus may occur.

In the process of surgical abortion, curettage or gynecologic curettage is performed, in which the uterine walls are severely damaged, which subsequently complicates the processes of fixing the egg on the endometrium.

As a result, a woman is diagnosed with infertility. If during the operative removal of the fetal egg inside the uterine body there are at least a few chorionic villi, then subsequently they can develop a placental polyp, which must be removed.

Consequences of abortion may appear even after several years in the form of tubal obstruction or a serious hormonal imbalance. Surgical scraping is considered the most non-preferred abortive method, because it is characterized by increased traumatism and a high risk of adverse effects.

Interruption of pregnancy at an early age of the fetus

To date, statistics are such that more than 70% of pregnant teenagers solve the problem through abortion. And it's sad, because abortive measures at such an early age can turn into a lot of problems, up to the death for the patient.

Such early abortions of a girl, without understanding it herself, can destroy her own life. It is clear that very few people want to burden life at the age of 16 with a child, but abortion at this age can lead to the development of serious consequences like endometritis and the like.

Many believe that, getting rid of unwanted pregnancy with pills, a young girl does not harm herself. However, with pharmaceutical abortion, the strongest high-dose hormonal drugs are used, which can destroy the hormonal background so much that the girl will have to restore it for more than a year, and with the use of hormone therapy. And the guarantee that the hormonal background will be restored, and the girl in the future will be able to become pregnant and have children, will not give any obstetrician-gynecologist.

Abortion at first pregnancy

Abortion procedures pose a danger to women's health, especially during the first pregnancy. The consequences of the first abortion at the first conception in life are considered the most dangerous. Why, for a nulliparous woman, artificial interrupts are so undesirable.

  1. Habitual miscarriages - this term means that the girl's body remembers the course of the first gestation and in subsequent pregnancies he does everything in his power.
  2. Menstrual failures of .Interruption of the first pregnancy is fraught with functional disorders of endocrine activity, which leads to serious deviations in the hormonal sphere - irregular menstruation, mental disorders, sexual pathologies and even obesity.
  3. Failure to bear is quite common after the first abortion. Just the uterine neck is first uncovered forcibly, so it loses its elasticity and tone, and also affects the ability to bear.
  4. Damage to the uterine walls of or infectious infection.

To minimize the consequences of the first abortion for a woman, it is necessary to stop the choice of drug interruption or vacuum aspiration, although such abortive techniques do not give any guarantees regarding the absence of complications.

But what can not be done with the first abortion, is to interrupt pregnancy surgically, because such a technique is always accompanied by negative consequences.

Termination of pregnancy with a negative rhesus

If a girl has a negative Rhesus, then it is dangerous for her not to interrupt herself, but complications after an abortion. The frequency of complications is absolutely the same for different rhesus, but the danger of interruption with negative Rh factor lies in very different factors, one of which is a high risk of hemolytic pathology in the fetus during the next conception and bearing.

The reasons for this lie in the formation of isoimmunization by the factor of blood. It's just that the mother's body produces antibodies to the positive erythrocyte cells of the fetus.

As a result, antibodies destroy and destroy fetal erythrocytes, which provokes the development of hemolytic pathology. To prevent this disease, mothers with negative rhesus are given specialized serum preparations.

Simply the development of antibodies occurs at 4-5 weeks, if conception is interrupted, then these antibodies remain in the female body. At the next pregnancy already formed antibodies begin to affect the fetus, also causing hemolytic pathology.

The relationship between abortion and endometriosis

If a woman suffers endometriosis, in which the cellular structures of the uterine walls grow beyond the endometrium, the chances of conception are significantly reduced, although it is still impossible to rule out the possibility of pregnancy. Interruption in the presence of endometriosis on a long term, or on a small one is highly discouraged, since the inflammatory process after that will only worsen and cause the development of many pathologies. In endometriosis, the risk of side pathologies only increases.

Women complain of heavy bleeding and adhesions in the tubes, rupture of the walls of the uterus and prolonged infertility after interruption. In addition, if the interruption is performed against the background of endometriosis, it is impossible to exclude the death.

Therefore, when detecting endometriosis, doctors are recommended to be protected, in order to rule out the probability of conception.

The most dangerous postabortive consequences of

There are many consequences of abortion, but some of them can be identified as the most dangerous.

  1. Abortion often provokes the development of inflammatory lesions that cause infertility. Usually infertility develops against the background of tubal obstruction, although it happens that problems with conception occur against the background of damage to the uterine body with surgical instruments. And most often infertility is due to abortions, which were carried out with the first bearing.
  2. Also to the dangerous postabortive consequences include the increased probability of development of oncopathologies. A hormonal abnormality caused by abortion increases the likelihood of developing a uterine neck or cervical canal, abdominal cavity or thyroid. Proof of this is the fact that girls who survived abortion before the age of 18, the probability of developing breast cancer increases by 150%.

Criminal interruptions are especially dangerous in this respect, which, as a rule, are carried out illegally and by people far from the skills of an obstetrician-gynecologist. After such abortions, the lethal outcome occurs quite often.

Recovery period

The rehabilitation period after abortion measures begins with the prevention of inflammation, for which antibiotic drugs are prescribed. To restore the hormonal status, oral contraceptives are prescribed.

In general, after abortion, especially long-acting, drugs such as Doxycycline and Metronidazole , Fluconazole , anti-inflammatory and immunomodulating agents, vitamins and oral contraception are used.

After interruption, the body is especially sensitive to a variety of infections, so experts recommend that mothers pay attention to the diet and proper nutrition. To normalize the hormonal imbalance, the patient is assigned a protein diet with vitamins. Depending on the diet, selected dishes that help restore soon.

For the prevention of abortion, the use of contraception is recommended, since today the choice of such remedies is quite extensive. It is necessary to have exhaustive information about what consequences the girl can expect after the interruption of gestation, what is dangerous and other information and educational work among adolescents.

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Source: https: //jdembaby.com/pregnancy/abortion/ posledstviya-aborta.html