Blepharitis: Symptoms and Treatment at Home

Blepharitis in adults and children is a very common, long-lasting and persistent disease, which is inflammation of the edges of the eyelids. It often develops in adults with reduced nutrition, in children with tuberculosis and allergic diseases, with metabolic disorders. At the heart of ulcerative blepharitis are various infectious lesions of the skin of the eyelids. Unfavorable external conditions( dust, wind, smoke) contribute to the development of blepharitis and complicate the fight against it. Here we will examine the symptoms and treatment of blepharitis with medical drugs and medications, as well as how to treat and cure blepharitis in the home by folk remedies.



Respectivelyblepharitis etiology can be divided into 2 groups: non-infectious and infectious. If only the ciliary edge of the eyelid is involved in the inflammatory process, they speak of anterior marginal blepharitis;when involving meibomian glands - on posterior marginal blepharitis;and in cases of predominance of inflammation in the corners of the eyes - about angular or angular blepharitis.

The clinical picture of the disease is blepharitis:

  • Simple.
  • Seborrheic, or scaly.
  • Ulcerous, or staphylococcal.
  • Demodectic.
  • Allergic.
  • Acne or rosacea-blepharitis.
  • Mixed.

Symptoms of blepharitis

Common symptoms of blepharitis: swelling and redness of the eyelids, itching, rapid eye fatigue and increased sensitivity to irritants( light, wind, cold).The resulting tear film creates blurred vision. Discharge from the eyes lead to the appearance on the eyelid of the plaque and the gluing of the eyelashes.

Simple blepharitis is characterized by hyperemia and thickening of the edges of the eyelids, a whitish-gray secret accumulates in the corners of the eye slits. Conjunctiva moderately red, the channels of meibomian glands are widened.

With scaly blepharitis on the hyperemic and thickened edge of the eyelid, scales of the desquamated epidermis and the epithelium of the sebaceous glands accumulate. They are tightly attached to the base of the eyelashes. Scales of the skin along the way are determined on the eyebrows and hair.

The course of of seborrhoeic blepharitis can be combined with loss and lingering of eyelashes.

Ulcerous form of blepharitis is characterized by the formation of yellowish crusts, when they are removed, ulcers open. After their healing scars are formed, normal growth of eyelashes is broken. It happens that the eyelashes become discolored and fall out, and the front ciliated edge becomes hypertrophic and becomes wrinkled.

Demodectic blepharitis is accompanied by a permanent unbearable pruritus of the eyelids, especially pronounced after sleep. The edges of the eyelids thicken like a reddish cushion. In the afternoon, there is a note in the eyes, a secretion of a sticky secret that accumulates between the eyelashes during drying.

Symptoms of of the allergic blepharitis appear suddenly and are associated with some external factor. The disease is accompanied by swelling and itching of the eyelids, lacrimation, mucous discharge from the eyes, a cut in the eyes and photophobia. Allergic blepharitis is characterized by darkening of the eyelid skin.

With rosacea-blepharitis , small grayish-red nodules, topped with pustules, are seen on the eyelids.

Treatment of blepharitis: general recommendations of

In the treatment of a patient with blepharitis, improvement of the general condition of the patient( hygiene, nutrition, rich in vitamins, fish oil, brewer's yeast), elimination of unfavorable external factors that support and enhance the disease is of great importance.

How to treat and cure blepharitis at home with folk remedies

Aloe vera

As a stimulant of protective reactions of aloe is widely used in ophthalmology in the treatment of blepharitis, diseases of the cornea and retina of the eye, with optic nerve atrophy, and also used to enhance regenerative processes in trauma and slowlyhealing wounds and ulcers. It is used internally in the form of extracts and infusions. Outer preparations of aloe are used in the form of liquid ointments.

Rose oil

Obtained from the petals of a red rose, has a good effect on blepharitis and other long healing wounds and ulcers. Apply externally in the form of lubrication 2-3 times a day. The course of treatment is 1-1.5 months. When treating, you can drink decoctions and infusions of red rose petals( brew as tea).


Inside is prescribed as infusions: 1 tablespoon per cup of boiling water. Insist 1 hour, strain. Take one third of the glass 3 times a day.

For external use, leaves are cooked in the form of gruel. Kashitsu is applied to the affected area with blepharitis, eczema, and pressure sores.

Ophthalmic drug

It is used as an external agent for blepharitis and barley. Decoction of 3 teaspoons ovary on 2 cups of water is used in the form of warm baths, using a special cup for this.

Medical preparations and medications

For blepharitis, scales and crusts from the eyelids are removed with a cotton swab moistened with 2% boric acid solution or cyanide mercury solution( 1: 1000).The edges of the eyelids at the roots of the eyelashes are treated with a 1% alcoholic solution of brilliant green and smeared with disinfectant ointments( sintomycin, mercury).

Albacide and Penicillin are also effective in the form of lotions or ointments.

In a day, you need to do eyelid massage with the help of a glass rod to squeeze out the secret of meibomian glands. After squeezing the secret edge of the eyelids, where the excretory ducts of these glands are located, grease with a solution of brilliant green.

Antibacterial eye drops will help to remove the inflammatory process of the conjunctiva and eyelid edges, for example, ophthalmic drops of levomycetin, ciprolet, tsipromed, tetracycline ointment. All medicines can be bought in a pharmacy without a prescription and begin to apply according to the attached instructions, given the indications and contraindications to taking medications.

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Dr. Skachko's school. Treatment of the inflammation of the eyelids( blepharitis) by folk remedies according to the method of Dr. Skachko:( 044) -383-19-20 Kiev, Ukraine. Treatment of the inflammation of the eyelids( blepharitis) by folk remedies is easy. Locally used infusions or decoctions of medicinal plants with antibacterial activity. And inwardly taken funds that improve the state of the intestines and liver( treatment of intestinal dysbiosis, removal of worms and parasites).


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