How to cure pneumonia

How to treat pneumonia?



Hello. I'm sorry, but I did not understand if you consulted your doctor or made a diagnosis yourself. Pneumonia, or as it is called - pneumonia, is the infection of one or both of the lungs, which is usually caused by bacteria, fungi and viruses. Symptomatic of pneumonia is quite diverse. In recent years, the asymptomatic course of pneumonia is becoming more common, during a person's illness there is no fever, a cough, sputum does not go away. Such pneumonia is treated with delay, so it is dangerous for a large number of complications. The main symptoms of pneumonia include the following symptoms: fever, in the range of 37 to 3 degrees, respiratory distress and separation of sputum, chills, cough. Sometimes there are bloody discharge that go away in the form of veins of blood, structured in sputum. Also, a typical symptom is chest pain when trying to take a deep breath, usually the pain develops in the place where the main focus of inflammation is. Especially often, painful sensations appear in the pleural form of pneumonia. For proper treatment it is necessary to consult a doctor and urgently, only a specialist pulmonologist can appoint you competent treatment and follow the dynamics (development) of the disease or even hospitalize. Very often, antibiotics of the second and third generations are used in therapy: cephalosporin, amoxicillin, clavulanate, levofloxacin, sulfamethoxazole. With slowly developing pneumonia, it is recommended to use sulfur-containing antibiotics. In the treatment of pneumonia caused by adenoviruses, rhinoviruses, influenza and parainfluenza viruses, antibiotics often do not give the proper therapeutic effect. In such cases, antiviral drugs are necessarily added to them. In fungal forms of inflammation of the respiratory organs (histoplasmosis, blastomycosis, aspergillosis and cryptococcosis) it is mandatory to use drugs acting locally for each species of fungus. In addition, in the treatment of compulsory adherence to a special diet (you can get acquainted with it on this one. In addition, during treatment it is mandatory to adhere to a special diet. Therefore, I hope you will act reasonably and in a positive mood, contact your therapist without delaying the treatment, so that there will be no complications later. Sincerely, Julia.

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alexander ion

urgently to the doctor


If you can not "clear your throat" - expectorating, expectorant drugs in the pharmacy.
These are drugs such as bromhexine, ambroxol, ambroben, broncholitin, ATSTS, etc.
At home, alkaline drink will help clear your throat. Fill a glass of warm-hot water, not hot, so as not to irritate the throat. There 1/4 vat. spoons of soda. It will help. And tomorrow, go to the pharmacy for medicine, because a lot of soda - is harmful to the stomach. Instead of water, a glass of milk is very good. Herbs of herbs are thyme, linden, sage. Abundant drink, - tea with raspberry jam, lemon, honey.
In addition, rubbing and wrapping the back and front of the chest will help.
Massage with any massage aids. If only to achieve during the grinding effect of heat, which will help maintain wrapping after the massage. Best badger fat, different balms, but suitable and improvised means. You can independently rub your chest in front - the sternum, the area under the collarbone, neck, shoulders, ribs. And back, as far as you can reach it yourself. Movement is useful to you, too, the drainage effect and excretion of mucus from the bronchi. You have a cold. Heal, recover, health!

(And pneumonia is treated only in a hospital. Antibiotic therapy is prescribed, treatment aimed at improving the drainage function of the bronchi - coughing, expectorating cough, restorative therapy, physiotherapy after recovery. The criterion of pneumonia is a high, persistent temperature.)

Folk cough and bronchitis treatment at home.
It is recommended to drink plenty of hot infusions of raspberry, lime blossom, black elder flowers or sweatshops. For moderate sweating the following dues were prescribed:

1. Chamomile flowers pharmacy -30 g, blackberry flowers -30 g, lime -25 g, peppermint leaves -25 g. 1 tablespoon of the mixture to brew for 1 cup of boiling water, drain. Infusion from this collection is taken in hot form for 2-3 glasses a day. To calm the paroxysmal coughing, steam inhalations are made from the infusion of pine buds and this infusion is used by 1/4 stakaya-3 times a day.

2. Mother-and-stepmother (leaves) -5 g, black elderberry (flowers) -5 g, sporish (grass) -5 g. This mixture brew 1 glass of boiling water, insist for an hour, strain, drink 3 times a day for bronchitis, pneumonia.

3. Fruits of raspberry -2 parts, leaves of mother-and-stepmother-2 parts, herb of oregano -1 part. Two tablespoons of the mixture brewed with two glasses of boiling water, boil filtered through gauze and drink the broth hot

4. Willow bark 1 part, anise fruits -1 part, mother-and-ma Czechs -1 part, linden flowers 1 part, fruit part. A tablespoon of the mixture to brew with two glasses of boiling water, boil for 5 minutes, strain through gauze and drink the broth hot 3 times a day as tea. Has a mild and diaphoretic effect.

5. Willow bark -2 parts, leaves of mother-and-stepmother-2 parts, herb oregano 1 part. Two tablespoons of the mixture to brew with two glasses of boiling water, to insist 20 minutes, strain through gauze and drink the broth hot for half a glass or 1 glass 3 times a day. Has a strong diaphoretic effect.

6. Chamomile pharmacy (flowers) 1 part, oregano (grass) 1 part. Two teaspoons of the mixture to brew in a glass of boiling water, boil for 10 minutes, strain, cool, take 1 glass in the morning and evening as a carminative.

7. Kidney buds -1 part, plantain (leaves) 1 part, mother-and-stepmother (leaves) 1 part. Two teaspoons of the mixture to insist 2 hours in a glass of cold water, boil for 5 minutes, strain, take 1 glass during the day for three meals. It is used for bronchial asthma, pertussis, tracheobronchitis.



Antibiotics, physio procedures, warm abundant drink, expectorant drugs such as lazolvan and other, vitamin complex.

Anastasia Martynova

Pneumonia of the lungs. The folk remedy is honey lime, aloe, olive oil, birch buds, linden flowers:

honey lime 1 kg, aloe leaves 200 g., olive oil 200 g., birch buds 150 g., linden flowers 50 g. Birch buds and linden color brew separately in, l of water, boil for 1-2 minutes strain. Broth pour into a mixture of honey with finely chopped aloe leaves and add olive oil. Take under Art. spoon 3 times a day; Shake before use.
Means from honey and aloe from pneumonia:

300 gr. honey, 1/2 cup water and a sheet of finely chopped aloe, cook over low heat for 2 hours, cool, stir. Take under Art. spoon 3 times a day.
Garlic oil - treatment of pneumonia:

grate garlic on grater with salt and grill with fresh butter (100 gr. oils of 5 large cloves of garlic). Spread the garlic oil on the bread or add to the food.
Treatment scheme for pneumonia. Vodka with garlic. :

take 10 garlic cloves, finely chop, pour 1 liter of vodka, insist 8 days in a warm place. Take 1/2 teaspoon of spoon 3 times a day.
Eastad the Siberian. Course of treatment of pneumonia. :

8-10 gr. crushed roots of Siberian wasteland on a glass of water. Insist, drink during the day.
Methods of treatment of pneumonia - lungwort and beer:

2 tbsp. spoons of crushed leaves of the lungwort on 1 liter of beer. Add 1 tbsp. a spoonful of honey and all this boil up to a half of the original volume. Take 1-2 hours. spoon 3 times a day before meals, washing down with water.
Treatment of pneumonia in the home. Herbal preparations. :

- Herbage of a lungwort, a plantain of a large, sage medicinal, an umbrella of an umbelliferous, an Artemisia vulgaris - equally. One st. Spoon the mixture into a glass of boiling water. Add 1 tbsp. a spoonful of honey, cook, strain and add to the original volume (1 glass). Drink 1 tbsp. spoon 3 times a day before meals.

- grass sporisha, leaves of mother-and-stepmother, elderberry flowers - for 1 hour. spoon. Brew the mixture with a glass of boiling water, insist 30 minutes. Drink 1/2 cup 4 times a day for 30 minutes before meals.

- Grass grass, anise fruits, dill fruits, pine buds, herb thyme, licorice root (crushed) - equally. 4 hours Spoon mixture pour, a glass of cold water, leave for 2 hours, bring to a boil, boil for 2-3 minutes, cool, drain. Drink 1/2 cup 3 times a day for 30 minutes before meals.
Effective treatment of pneumonia. Lemons, eggs, honey, cognac. :

take 10 lemons, 6 eggs (fresh), 300 gr. honey and 1/2 glasses of cognac. Eggs put in a jar and pour fresh lemon juice. Cover the jar with gauze and refrigerate until the eggshell dissolves (days 6-8). Periodically remove mold. Preheat honey to the state of fluidity, cool and add to it a mixture of eggs and lemon juice, then pour in brandy. Take a dessert spoon 3 times a day right after eating.
How to cure pneumonia with honey and birch buds:

with fine-focal bilateral pneumonia: take 750 gr. honey and half a 100-gram cup of birch buds (sold in a pharmacy). Honey put on a water bath. How to boil honey, put the kidneys, boil for 5-7 minutes, then recline on the sieve (remove the kidneys). Dilute with water, water 1 time per day at night. 1 teaspoon of honey stir in as much hot water as the patient will drink.
The folk way of treating pneumonia is an egg-oil-honey-alcohol mixture with juices:

to take
1 cup carrot juice

1 glass of beet juice

1 cup of honey

1 glass of alcohol

1 glass of butter unsalted

3 eggshell eggs without shell
all mix and put in a dark place for 11 days. Drink 1 tablespoon 3 times a day for 30 minutes before meals.
Honey-mustard cake from the inflammation of the leeks:

to take

1 tbsp. spoon of dry mustard powder

1 tbsp. a spoonful of flour

1 tbsp. a spoonful of honey

1 tbsp. spoon is growing

MUZ CRH Borisoglebsky

the inflammation of the lungs in your case without temperature does not happen. Hot milk with honey, you can drink bromhexine. but it's better to show the therapist

Dr. Mary

15-year-old is a young age in which a neglected course of pneumonia can lead to tuberculosis. Address to the doctor. Let him observe you and prescribe an individual treatment.
Here you will not be helped by this fact.
Just pomu that you need to see your tests!


You need to go to the doctor, the inflammation is dangerous, look so that you do not get asthma!

I was once helped by "lincomycin capsules 250 mg."

Lusia Mashnina

abruptly leaves sputum pine buds thyme

Inflammation of the lungs: the main measures of treatment at home

How to treat pneumonia in the home

Inflammation of the lungs or pneumonia is a serious and dangerous disease. It has an infectious nature, with improper treatment or lack of it can lead to serious complications, up to a lethal outcome, and, of course, requires consultation with a physician in the process treatment.

Pneumonia in children and people over 65 requires mandatory hospitalization.If you refused to go to the hospital and plan to be treated at home, then you need to know some rules that will help to successfully cope with this disease.

Treatment at home of pneumonia in adults lasts approximately10-14 days,a severe form will require at least 21 days of treatment.A similar situation with treatment in children. Consultation with a doctor is still necessary, because pneumonia requires complex treatment, primarily with antibiotics, correctly pick up which, given your condition, age, individual sensitivity to the drugs, the causative agent that caused the inflammation, can only specialist.

How to treat pneumonia in the home with folk remedies

Folk remedies are very effective as an additional treatment for pneumonia in the home, and we will dwell on them in more detail.

  1. Bed rest, regular airing of the room.
  2. Clearing the respiratory tract from sputum. This is a very important aspect, contributing to a speedy recovery.

    The main drug that can be used at home is inhalationwith pneumonia. In this case, you can use either a special inhaler purchased at a pharmacy, or use a saucepan or kettle by making a paper funnel on it.

    Very effective inhalation with decoction of leaves of eucalyptus, sage, mint, chamomile, calendula, essential oils. You can alternate them with saline-alkaline inhalations (salt and soda in equal proportions).


    However, inhalation should be used with caution: they are not recommended for high temperature and the presence of cardiovascular diseases.

    For expectoration use the juice of black radish with honey, onion juice with sugar.

    A well-proven cough remedy is boiled milk with butter and honey.

  3. To relieve the symptoms of intoxication (which often accompanies pneumonia) are well suitedtea from a dogrose, broth of mother-and-stepmother(2 spoons of leaves on a glass of water).
  4. Conduction of inhalations with pneumoniaGorciniks with pneumonia and cans- their use promotes warming of tissues, resorption of inflammatory processes, strengthening of protective mechanisms of the immune system. However, it should be remembered that their use is contraindicated at high temperature and within 24 hours after its normalization, skin diseases, oncology, pregnancy.
  5. Breathing exercises- it is necessary for bed rest to prevent the reduction of lung function. She needs to be engaged from the moment of temperature decrease and it is possible to do it directly in bed. The easiest and most effective way is to use an inflatable toy.

    A good addition is a massage(nose area, thoracic region). Massage with pneumonia does not require special training, and it can be done by any of the family members of the patient: it is necessary to do stroking, rubbing the chest (immediately the front part from the bottom up, then from the back for 10-15 minutes daily, starting from 4-5 days after the start of treatment (ie, when the acute period of inflammation is already passed).

  6. A very important component of successful treatment is adherence to the correct diet under pneumonia, water balance.
    • A mandatory condition is the use of a large amount of liquid (at least two liters per day). This helps to remove toxic substances from the body.
    • Useful broths of medicinal plants (mother-and-stepmother, chamomile, oregano, black elderberry, plantain leaves, pine buds) and their use as tea.
    • The food should be light, diet. This is due to the fact that the organism spends a lot of energy during the period of illness to fight the pathogen, and digesting high-calorie food is additional energy expenditure.

    How to treat pneumonia in the initial stage?The initial stage of the disease is often accompanied by a decrease in appetite. This is normal, do not overly "stuff" the patient, make him eat. In such periods it is best to confine yourself to fruit, fresh juices, compotes, in the initial stages recovery can be added to the diet of chicken broths, light soups, sour-milk products, boiled meat or fish, vegetables. Eat more often, but little by little.


    Better to exclude from the diet until the recovery of products such as salt, sugar, fatty meat and dairy products, avoid fried foods, bakery and confectionery products, spicy sauces.

    You should also take care of the intestinal microflora during antibiotic treatment and use sour-milk products - kefir, yogurts.

  7. Hygiene of the oral cavity.

    During the period of the disease it is recommended, in addition to the standard procedure for cleaning teeth, rinse the mouth and throat with a solution of baking soda, decoctions of herbs (sage, chamomile, calendula).

  8. Use of antipyretics.

    It should be noted that viruses in the body die precisely at a high temperature (above 38 degrees), so antipyretic drugs should be given to patients only if fever is poorly tolerated, otherwise it is better to suffer - this is a guarantee of speedy recovery. Antipyretics, like antibiotics, should be taken as prescribed by the doctor.

  9. Do not hurt.

    A serious obstacle to a successful recovery may be a mistaken belief that with pneumonia it is necessary to steak properly. This in any case can not be done. Elevated body temperature is in itself a great test for the cardiovascular system, so do not create additional stresses for it.

Also, during the illness, pneumonia can not be smoked, drink alcohol, carry the disease on your feet, take a bath, shower in the presence of temperature.

Not for the benefit during the treatment of the sick heat and stuffiness in the room, dry air, dust - all this contributes to the drying up of phlegm and prevents the body from fighting infection.

Thus, in order to cope with the inflammation of the lungs at home, it is necessary to consult a doctor on time, take antibiotics prescribed by him, provide the patient with bed rest, proper care, diet and copious drinking, carefully monitor his condition to prevent complications.


Inflammation of the lungs: treatment and its features

  • ethnoscience
  • Antibiotics
Lung inflammation: treatment with antibiotics

To stop pneumonia, treatment should be aimed at destroying the pathogen.If the doctor correctly picked up the antimicrobial agent, the manifestations of the disease will begin to wane after a few days, and a full recovery usually comes in 1-2 weeks.

If pneumonia is of a bacterial nature, an antibiotic, one or more, is required, depending on the severity of the inflammatory process.Do not interrupt antibiotic therapy before the completion of the full course, despite the improvement in the condition.

The course can be from 3 days to several weeks. Premature withdrawal of the drug in most cases causes a relapse of the disease and the formation of resistance in the bacterium, which complicates further therapy.

For the treatment of pneumonia caused by a virus, fungal or intracellular infection, antibacterial agents are ineffective, and in some cases even dangerous.

In such cases, depending on the cause and course of the disease, appoint:

  • antiviral drugs (Relenza, Arbidol);
  • fungicides (Fluconazole, Itraconazole);
  • anti-inflammatory drugs (Nimesil, Diclobert);
  • immunomodulators (Interferon, Echinacea).

The following factors determine the correct choice of etiologic therapy:

  1. Reduction of the level of hyperthermia is lower than 3, ° С.
  2. Disappearance of symptoms of intoxication (nausea, headache, confusion, etc.).
  3. Restoration of normal respiratory function.
  4. Excretion of mucous sputum only.
  5. Reducing the concentration of leukocytes and neutrophils in the total blood test to less than 10 * 109 / L and less than 80%, respectively.
  6. Positive dynamics in radiography of the lungs.

In addition to etiological treatment, it is necessary to use mucolytic and expectorants to ensure effective drainage of the lower parts of the respiratory organs from sputum. The drugs of choice are Lazolvan (in severe cases in the injectable form), ATSTS, Bromheksin. To reduce the temperature and stop the pain, antipyretic drugs are used (Paracetamol, Aspirin).

To accelerate the healing process, additional methods of treatment of chest massage, exercise therapy and physical therapy are widely used.

In the recovery period, some clinical manifestations of the inflammatory process (from 1 to 2 months) that do not require the use of antimicrobials may persist:

  • stable subfebrile condition (increase in temperature from 3, to 3, ° С);
  • presence on the X-ray of the compaction and enhancement of the pulmonary pattern;
  • unproductive cough, especially in smokers and COPD patients;
  • wheezing, localized in the focus of inflammation;
  • increase in the rate of erythrocyte sedimentation;
  • signs of asthenia.

In the presence of several or one symptom for a long time, it is necessary to exclude the possibility of developing complications (including such as lung cancer, pyotorax, tuberculosis, chronic HF).

How to treat pneumonia with traditional medicine

Considering the question of how to treat pneumonia, do not forget about folk medicine, which perfectly complements the appointment of a doctor. It will complement, not replace. Inflammation of the lungs is a dangerous ailment, the self-medication of which can lead to death. Non-traditional methods of therapy are mainly aimed at increasing the body's resistance to infection, as well as facilitating sputum evacuation.

Recipe # 1

100 g shredded blender cleaned leaves of aloe, 100 g honey, 100 g badger fat or melted butter, if the patient is an adult 100 grams of red dessert wine. Mix and take 1 tbsp. l. three times a day for a month.

Recipe No. 2

Compress to the chest area from behind and in front from crushed cooked potatoes with peel or cabbage honey. Do the procedure in the morning and in the evening for 30 minutes.

Recipe # 3

For 1 tbsp. l. raisins and oats grains pour half a liter of water and cook until the liquid is reduced in volume by 2 times. Drain and after cooling add half of st. l. honey. Drink at least 2 weeks for 1 tbsp. l. decoction from 3 to 4 times a day.

Recipe No. 4

Young green pine cones immerse in honey (in proportion:). The composition should be insisted in a dark place from 2 to 3 months. Take 1 tbsp. l. 4 times a day.

Recipe No. 5

For 100 g walnuts, dried apricots, lemon and honey mixed in a blender and take 1 tbsp. l. 3 times a day for at least a month.

Lung inflammation: treatment with antibiotics and injections

How to treat pneumoniaIn the acute period, it is recommended to keep bed rest and drink plenty of fluids. In severe cases, monitoring in hospital is required, since the disease can lead to serious complications and pose a threat to the life of the patient. Especially hospitalization is necessary if the child is ill.

If the disease is mild, there may be an outpatient treatment, which should be carried out under the supervision of a district doctor.

The duration of the main phase of therapy is usually about 1 to 2 weeks, after this occurs recovery period, during which a person can experience rapid fatigue, weakness, lung malaise.


To quickly restore vitality, they prescribe a course of vitamin therapy, adaptogens (Eleutherococcus, Ovs tincture, Lemongrass), resorbants (Aloe).

Regardless of whether the patient is hospitalized or at home, with a confirmed diagnosis of pneumonia, treatment with antibiotics is mandatory.

Antimicrobial medication may be prescribed only by a specialist (pulmonologist or therapist).The choice of the drug depends on which microorganism triggered the disease, it can be assumed by the features of the clinical picture, degree and area of ​​lesions of lung tissue.

More precise definition of the pathogen allows bacteriological research, but in most cases there is no time for it. Therefore, when assigning an effective antimicrobial drug against pneumonia, the doctor usually chooses the drug with the widest possible spectrum of action and the least toxic. In addition, the positive result depends on the correctly established dosage and frequency of the drug, the optimal method of administration and the duration of the course of treatment.

Often at the beginning of the disease, the doctor prescribes intravenous and intramuscular injections for pneumonia. The introduction of antibiotics, mucolytics and detoxification drugs can quickly and more effectively stop the inflammatory process and reduce the manifestation of the symptoms of the disease.

Subsequently, the patient is transferred to oral medications.

Groups of antibiotics that are used to treat infectious pneumonia:

  1. Beta-lactams in combination with clauvonic acid (Augmentin, Amoxiclav).
  2. Cephalosporins 3 to 4 generations (Cefotaxime, Ceftazidime, Cefixime, Ceftriaxone, Cefepime).
  3. Macrolides (Azithromycin, Clarithromycin).
  4. Aminoglycosides (Amikacin).
  5. Fluoroquinolones (Levofloxacin, Norfloxacin).

Depending on the type and signs of pneumonia, a drug is prescribed from one or more groups.The first 5 to 10 days usually use injectable forms of antibiotics. Then children are transferred to the use of syrups or suspensions, and adult patients are recommended pills or capsules. The doctor determines the dosage and multiplicity of receptions depending on the age and condition of the patient. Since viral pneumonia often combines with bacterial pneumonia, there is often a need for antibiotic therapy in the treatment regimen and this type of disease.


Before you start using antibiotics, you must always test for sensitivity. This will help to avoid an allergic reaction.

Sometimes homeopathy is used to accelerate the healing process in combination with classical drugs.

This method of treatment is used in the form of use:

  1. Monopreparations, which are sold in specialized pharmacies and are selected individually by a practicing homeopath (for example, Aconite or Brionium for lowering temperature, Antimonium Tartaricum or Yodum for easier expectoration phlegm).
  2. Combined funds, increasing the general protective functions of the body (Engistol, Echinacea compositum).

How to cure pneumonia?


Friend of human

What kind of antibiotics do you drink, and who said that this is pneumonia (pneumonia)? There are criteria for prescribing antibiotics "blindly", i.e. without isolation of the causative agent from sputum, urine, etc. environments, their identification and the study of sensitivity to certain antibiotics. All these tests are expensive, and are done for a long time, therefore, in our artisanal conditions, the doctor follows the rule of probability or, more simply, "the method of scientific poking." Begin with cheaper and safer antibiotics of a wide spectrum of action (penicillin, ampicillin, doxycycline). In the absence of positive dynamics for 2-3 days the drug is changed (ideally, by that time and the crop is ready). Preparations of the second series are more expensive and (or) more toxic. This is the summed, and rulid, and gentamicin, and macropen (already so widely used that it is being driven "in the first row"). There are infections, for example, gonorrhea, sore throat, or syphilis, where the causative agent is "present" and accurately known, but not the fact that it is sensitive to this antibiotic. There are antibiotics that dull all the flora. It's not a fact that their blind appointment is fully scientifically justified, but often justified morally.
Expensive antibiotics are often counterfeited, for example, macropen in this summer-autumn in four of my patients did not give any effect at all. All bronchitis was cured with ciprofloxacin, X2 times a day. It is cheap, from 10 to 110 rubles. for 20 tablets. Flora is planted with all antibiotics, so after them you need to drink Linex, Bactisubtil, Bifidum Bacteria, etc. And more - you are treated with a living doctor. COMPUTER DO NOT SIT IN THE PRISON!

Mavr Cypriotovich



to chop antibiotics


And to the doctor tried to address?


Banks, mustards, antibiotics, vitamin C. Antibiotics can not be changed, for at least 5-7 days and should be drunk every 4 hours


only in the hospital, you can not start


Nuzhen xoroshij vra4-spezialist. Spezialist po zabolevanijam legkix - pulmanolog. Vozmozhno, antibiotiki sleduet kolot, a ne pit tabletki. Eto effektivnee. Nemedlenno VRA4A! Eto opasno!


The effectiveness of the antibiotic is determined during the first 3 days.
But with pneumonia, the temperature can hold for a long time. At the same time on antibiotic should appear a tendency to reduce it and improve the condition.
Further, if ineffective, a change in the antibiotic.
Did the doctor prescribe the medicines, or did she appoint herself?

And no mustard plasters and cans - I conjure you. What kind of anachronisms. ??


Do not forget to still use protein foods.
Milk, meat broth for example.

Can I cure pneumonia (PNEUMONIA) at home without drugs? cm. within



Your aunt, you see, does not feel sorry for himself.


without antibiotics?? delirium certainly does not heal

Yulia Yegorovskaya

At home you can. But without medicines - no.
It is necessary to take Doxycycline.


Pneumonia with her? Rather inflammation of cunning
The doctor has quite advanced methods of detecting pneumonia. In addition to listening and tapping, in doubtful cases, a clinical blood test and X-ray examination are used. What of the above, she owns?

Natalia Graff

Well, if not treated, then you can order a coffin.

Forest Guardian

Will not cure

Tatyana Bochkareva

Without antibiotics, pneumonia can not be cured! To confirm the diagnosis, it is necessary to do an x-ray and a blood test

Arman (Pharmacist)

And of course.. Doctors who studied for 8 years do not know a thing about a thing, drinking medicines is a sin, living things have to be healed, that's all! I'm cramming myself with herbs and will be cured, yes, I have an X-ray machine built in, I will diagnose myself. .

And in vain the scientists for centuries puzzled to invent antibiotics.

Inna Tsybulskaya

If you really have pneumonia, then it's very dangerous!! It is necessary to undergo a course of antibiotic treatment. Lungs can not hurt, but immediately refuse.

maria lala

idiot. let the mobile will always call the resuscitation call. PPC. crazy

Sofiya Skobelev's

You can treat, knowing the diagnosis and knowing how to do it. Without antibiotics, this is suicide. Now, sometimes pneumonia occurs in a lubricated form, so the number of deaths has increased due to late-onset treatment. Call her doctor at home. And solve the problem with her treatment. You can stab it at home, it's not difficult, but it still requires the supervision of a doctor. And fluorography is necessary.

LastFM LastFM

I was ill with pneumonia, I can not go without a doctor, you can move horses


It is possible, if to breathe in pairs of iodine, there is such a folk remedy, read about the inhalation of iodine-containing vapors of bogs. In the middle zone this lake is Pleshcheyevo. But it's better not to take risks, lung inflammation is a fatal disease.

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