If ill, how quickly to recover from a cold at home for 1 day

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When we feel that we are starting to get sick, the mood is clouded and we really want to quickly recover from a cold. Most people do not want to be ill, except that only those who are satisfied with the hospital sheet, to distract from work.

But those who are active, on whom all work in the organization is simply "tied up", who can not be sick, one must know how to cure a cold properly, what can be done and what can not be done.

Consider the signs of the common cold, where to begin treatment for the common cold, which is best for a cold. But, at first, we will analyze the most common mistakes that are made not only by schoolchildren, but also by adults.


What to do is contraindicated, how can I not be treated and when

Is it really possible to cure a cold at home, when you have a high fever for 2 weeks?

If the fever does not go away for more than three days, this is a serious reason to contact a local GP for an adult or a pediatrician for a child.

Not always that much, the better!

Quickly treating a cold will not help a pile of various medicines. After all some preparations can not be combined among themselves at their application. Read the instructions on how to use drugs and how they interact with other drugs.

Do not carry the disease on your feet, if this is certainly possible!

Curing a cold is easier when the body is in a calm state, and not in constant motion. When the cold comes to you, the body weakens for a little while, as the immunity tries to cope with the virus itself, so it spends a lot of energy, which needs to be filled. If you are constantly on your feet in such a difficult period for the body, you can not wait for a quick recovery.

Do I need to immediately grab for taking antibiotics at the first sign of a cold?

People who want to quickly cure a cold, neglect the general condition of the body. Antibiotics should be taken only in extreme cases. After all, they act not locally, but on the whole body - on the intestines, stomach, liver and kidneys. Usual cold is treated with pills, powders and tea. The main thing is to start treatment on time.

And here antiviral agents such as Kagocel, Anaferon, Tsikloferon, Ingaverin - I recommend to start drinking immediately, according to the attached instructions for the use of the drug.

What to do to quickly cure a cold and recover in one day

The most effective drugs and drugs that will help to quickly cure a cold, I bring to your attention.

Food for colds

  1. Lemon, oranges, tangerines, grapefruits .In general, all the citrus fruits need to be added to the diet, as soon as they realized that they had caught cold. And in general, vitamin C should be taken not only during the cold, but throughout the year.
  2. Ginger .Add ginger pieces to salad, soup and tea. The most effective effect ginger possesses if it is brewed with tea. Ginger will disperse blood through the body, which will provoke a quick recovery.
  3. Honey .Cure for colds honey will help with cheers. Honey is the first assistant for cough and sore throat. And this is not surprising, because he is loved by both small and adults for his sweet taste and usefulness.

Conditions for fast recovery

Stay at home .To quickly cure a cold, try to give as much time as possible to bed and bed rest. If you work hard and need to keep in touch - support, only at home. Now it's no longer a problem to work in remote access mode.

If you hold a management position - entrust your business to your deputy and stay online to manage the situation. If you are not yet a boss, take a sick leave. Health is always more important than any work.

Heating means .The funds that disperse blood help to quickly cure a cold, which is what we need. Under warming means, understand all kinds of teas( chamomile, lime, with thyme and sea buckthorn ).

You can drink plain black or green tea with honey .Be sure to drink tea in a snack with honey, but in any case do not add honey to boiling water. In cooperation with boiling water, honey loses all of its healing powers.


Any kind of thermal effect on the respiratory system is welcome. Possible variants of inhalations are several.

Potato .Decoction of potatoes, or rather steam, helps to cure a cold at home. To do this, take 3 medium potatoes, pour water and cook it for 15 minutes. After that, open the lid of the pan and pour the remaining water - you will not need it. Then sit in a comfortable position over the potatoes and cover tightly the head( so there are no crevices) with a towel. You must do at least 70 breaths. For the effectiveness of inhalation, flavored oil can be added. Add better orange oil or juniper.

Mustard .Boil the water and add a tablespoon of mustard. Also make yourself a "house" above your head and breathe deeply. Only the number of breaths and exhalations should be no more than 50, because it is easy to burn the mustard with mucus.

Garlic .To treat a cold will help inhalation with garlic. Take a twig, which holds a clove of garlic, dry it and set it on gently. This smoke, which will emit garlic, inhale and exhale. Do about 30 breaths.

How to cure a cold in one day

To cure a cold at home in one day, stay this day at home. Better yet, in my room and on my bed. Do not do anything this day. You can not even make the bed. Relax one day from everything, from your usual life. The house will help to get rid of colds.

Steam procedures: baths

Partition body .Collect hot water into the tub, add flavored oil, cinnamon and orange skins there. You can also add a bath foam, but without a pungent odor. Any chemical effect on the respiratory tract can act negatively and cause your body to "get stuck" in the midst of recovery.

Part of foot .Put hot water in a bowl and put a kettle with the same hot water next to it. For efficiency, you can add a mustard spoon. As soon as you feel that the water has started to cool down, add hot water from the kettle. Sit like that for at least 20 minutes. Caution - if you have a high temperature, any kind of scorching is prohibited!


Efficient process that will help cure cold at home - gargling. If you do not pay attention in time to redness and wheezing in your throat, it can go not only into a cough, but also into bronchitis and so on. It is important to remove viruses from the whole organism at once. So to say, to strike on all the affected parts of the body.

To treat a cold you need not only home remedies, but also pharmacy. If you add to the useful foods( fresh vegetables and fruits, self-cooked compotes and broths), add powdered teas and antiviral tablets, the disease will recede in a matter of hours.

To cure a cold for 1 day, add to all aspects of treatment( home and medication) sleep. A good sleep after a delicious tea and steaming the whole body or legs, will give you cheerfulness and health. So, do not be lazy and do your best on the first day. Never pull to the point that you can not do without a hospital.

Do not lose sight of

Sometimes fast safe treatment of a protracted cold can harm the body even more than the cold itself.

  1. First, never sit at home until the last, until it becomes very bad. If you know that you will not be able to treat a cold at home, immediately call the doctor who is treating you. Or contact the nearest clinic.
  2. Secondly, if you are allergic to certain substances, do not buy drugs for treatment yourself. Be sure to consult a doctor. Doctors, as a rule, are more aware of the composition of medicines and will be able to prescribe the correct treatment for you.
  3. To help you get rid of the common cold relatively quickly, mark the time of taking tablets and tea. Take the tablets strictly according to the schedule, and drink tea once in one hour. So you will put an absolute blow to your illness.

To a child, how quickly to cure a cold

What can be taken with a cold for an adult is not always allowed to children. So, all known drugs for the treatment of children older than 12 years, have their own analogues for children. For example, in adult preparations, more paracetamol is used, which is not applicable to the child's body.

Vitaminotherapy .What can you cure a cold in a child without harm to the baby? Best of all, of course, all home drugs. It's good to make tea from raspberry, blueberry and currant jam. In such a tea you can add a thin slice of fresh lemon. Such a collection is an excellent combination of vitamin C, which is so necessary for a cold.

The phytoncids of garlic .Buy a child a kinder-surprise to cheer him up and take a yellow box for the future amulet. Put a few cut garlic cloves into it. Make two opposing holes in the yellow box, thread the thread and hang it on the child. The child will be both interesting and useful - he will not even notice how the garlic smell will breathe, which will help to quickly cure a cold at the child.

Regular airing of the room .Fresh air can cure colds in children. One hundred percent information, which, incidentally, applies to adults. The air that accumulates in the room where you stay during the illness is saturated with viruses and microbes. Inhaling them, they remain in the body of the child, which negatively affects immunity. Ventilate the room in the morning and before going to bed for 20-30 minutes in warm seasons and 10 minutes in frosty time and be calm for the health of the baby.

Folk remedies and recipes

Milk will help to cure a cold quickly. You can drink it both at night and throughout the day. In order for the milk to become therapeutic, bring it to a boil, add fat there( butter will do) and sugar. Also, when the milk cools down, you can add a little honey. You need to drink this solution before you spend two hours in bed in bed. If you are going to run for medicines in a pharmacy, postpone the reception of warm milk for later.

Wine as the first assistant for colds. Warm wine helps to cure a cold in one evening. When you just felt that you are starting to get sick, immediately heat the red wine. I advise you not to spare money and not to buy wine from cheap, because the powder is not what you need now. Mulled wine - the first drink that is taken with a cold. There are many recipes for delicious cooking. Some of them, the most delicious, I will share with you right now.

Coffee mulled wine .For 6 servings: 2 cups of espresso, the third part of a glass of cognac or brandy, a glass of sugar and a half-liter of red wine. Mix all the ingredients in a saucepan and put on a slow fire. As soon as the mixture begins to come to a boil, remove.

Mulled wine with orange .One orange, a packing of orange juice, a bottle of red wine, a glass of sugar. It is a very rich in vitamins and sugar drink, which will help you cheer up. By the way, I did not add orange juice and I liked it more. I think this is due to the increased acid concentration that is in the juices.

Mulled wine "Christmas" .Based on the name, you might think that this is an exceptionally festive drink. Not at all, on the contrary, it is the most useful and vitaminized cocktail. Why - you now will understand.

Ingredients: 300 ml.water, 300 ml.red wine, cinnamon, a tablespoon of honey, half a cup of sugar, two apples, two oranges, half a grapefruit, a tubberry, cloves, black tea and karkade - a tablespoon.

You need to start with water. It should be brought to a boil, add fruit. Immediately make the fire quieter, pour in the wine and fill with spices. As soon as the mixture begins to boil, remove the pan from the plate. Give the mulled wine to brew for about ten minutes, after which you can enjoy the excellent taste of the drink.

If you prefer non-alcoholic drinks, replace the wine with pomegranate or cherry juice. But remember that quickly cure a cold will help the blood-dispersing wine.

What else to take with a cold

Medical mask .To quickly get rid of colds, take everything you need, except people. People can serve as carriers of infection and unnecessary viruses, without knowing it. Accepting people as a guest, tie a gauze bandage and offer to buy the same bandage for your guest. Thus, you protect yourself and your friend from a viral infection.

Vitamins .To cure a cold, take vitamins. Ask in the pharmacy an effective vitamin complex that will strengthen your immunity and help the body to cope with the disease more quickly.

Honey-lemon solution .Easy to prepare and healthy drink: a glass of water you need two slices of lemon and a tablespoon of honey. Honey can be replaced with sugar, but you yourself understand - honey is much more useful. When preparing a drink you need to be extremely careful allergy sufferers. The combination of honey and lemon is not the most successful for those people who are sensitive to acids.

What else helps with the common cold

Charge the water with silver .Strangely enough, silverware helps to get rid of colds. Silver kills germs - a fact. You can use silver everywhere. For example, sit down to eat soup - eat soup with a silver spoon. Mix the tea with a silver spoon, and take the salad with a silver fork. If possible, purchase a silver knife to cut them into groceries. Be careful: citrus can not be cut with a silver knife - there is oxidation and silver can not kill germs. By the way, silver can blacken from the influence of acid.

Plasters and ointments .Ointments smell unpleasant, but how they affect and help to cure a cold. So, if you are not going to work tomorrow, spread the chest, feet, the area behind the ears and the wings of the nose with warming ointment. Ointment can be mixed with a few drops of flavored oil. Set the mustard overnight if you do not have a temperature. They will help get rid of coughing and wheezing in the throat.

Nasal wash .Rhinitis is the "first friend" of the common cold. He always comes with her. To runny nose left quickly, flush your nose with a solution or usual warm water. The solution is made from soda and salt( half a teaspoon of soda + a teaspoon of salt in a glass of warm water).This kind of solution will clear the nose well. After this procedure, wait 30 minutes and dip your nose with drops or spray.

Once again about rinsing the throat .With the same solution, caress your throat all day long. Especially do not forget to rinse before eating and after eating. Before meals, rinse so that the food does not fall into the viruses that are in the oral cavity. After eating, you need to rinse to purify the sore throat from the remnants of food.

Take a generous warm drink .If you wish to cure a cold at home, do not forget the simple. .. water! Water is the source of a healthy life. It is best to drink thawed water. When you drink water, always think about pleasant things and say to yourself, "I'm healthy, I'm the healthiest person."It's not self-deception, it's self-suggestion, which has been practiced recently in all seminars and lectures around the world.

Warm up .Do not let your body freeze over. Always keep an eye on the air temperature, in the room where you are. The organism is weak and sensitive to any kind of changes in the air. If you even a little freeze, the cold can go back.

If the voice disappeared .A common occurrence in colds, which somehow scares patients. Vocal cords weaken with the slightest illness. The tonsils can become inflamed and become bigger - do not panic, this is the body's response to a viral infection. Wear a warm scarf not only on the street, but also in the apartment. Do not neglect the hat. The hat will protect your ears and head from the breeze of the cold wind.

Here we examined the most effective methods of complex treatment, examined all the mistakes that so often people make, which prevents a full-fledged speedy recovery. The most important rule for any disease: do not lose heart. All diseases pass.

It is very important to remain calm and sober mind. Do not forget that nothing matters more than health, especially work. If you can not work now at full strength, work for ten percent. The body spends energy during the cold to fight the virus. So, rest and recover!

Source of the article: publication http: //lechenieprostudy.ru/ kak-bystro-vylechit-prostudu /

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