First aid kit: composition, list of medications, what should be at home

First aid kit first aid should be in every home. When it is completed completely and correctly, it has the most necessary, the first medical pre-medical care is fully, instantly, which is important in case of an accident. In this publication, we will look at the composition of the home medicine chest, the list of medicines, preparations, folk remedies - everything that should be in the home medicine chest.

For the child, the first aid kit can be viewed here: The first aid kit, the list of the necessary for the newborn baby. With anaphylactic shock for first aid - here.


Contents and contents of the first-aid kit

Dressing materials

  1. Elastic bandages 5-8 cm in width( necessary for stopping bleeding and when stretching ligaments);
  2. sterile gauze pads of various sizes( cuts, scratches, abrasions);
  3. sterile tampons;
  4. sterile bandages 5 - 12 cm;
  5. adhesive plaster for retaining bandages;
  6. pure triangular piece of cloth 100: 150( for fixing a broken limb);
  7. tourniquet for stopping bleeding - hemostatic.


  1. Scissors( for cutting bandages and bandages);
  2. tweezers( for removing splinters, ticks, etc.);
  3. pins( for fixing bandages, but apply them carefully: the main thing is that the pin does not open during the process of wearing it);
  4. thermometer( thermometer) for measuring temperature.

Herbs: folk remedies

  1. Swamp feathers.
  2. Aloe.
  3. Initial letter.
  4. Devyasil high.
  5. The medicinal hermit.
  6. St. John's Wort.
  7. Ipecacuana.
  8. Calendula.
  9. Kirkason.
  10. Lime heart-shaped.
  11. Comfrey officinalis.
  12. Plantain.
  13. Camomile.
  14. Yarrow.
  15. Sage.
  16. Echinacea.

Essential Oils

  1. Carnation Oil.
  2. Lavender oil.
  3. Oil of mint.
  4. Eucalyptus oil.
  5. Peach oil.

Household Tools

  1. Activated carbon.
  2. Hydrogen Peroxide.
  3. Baking soda.
  4. Vinegar.
  5. Garlic and onions.

List of medicines


The most common - analgin , has anti-inflammatory and antipyretic properties. Paracetamol ( Efferalgan) - more reduces heat and heat.

It is also desirable to have medicines:

  1. Spazmalgon for various pains caused by spasms, with head and menstrual pain.
  2. Citramone with caffeine helps with headaches and low blood pressure.
  3. Smecta, espumizan with abdominal pain. Without consulting a doctor, an ambulance can not be used, all of a sudden it's appendicitis and a clinic of an acute abdomen!
  4. No-spawn is a complex preparation for spasms in the intestines, liver, kidneys.
  5. Ketanov, Buscopan for menstrual pain.
  6. Tempalgin, baralgin - with toothache.

Specialists advise in the home medicine cabinet to keep painkillers with different active substances to achieve a better analgesic effect.

In addition to the above preparations, it is good to have anesthetic ointments in the medicine cabinet , anti-inflammatory drops:

  1. Apizarthron, viprosal, finalgon, fastum gel, final gel in the form of ointments and gels alleviate the condition with various back pain, joint pain,sprains of ligaments.
  2. The otinum, otofa is used for inflammation of the middle ear, pain in the ear.

Means for colds, flu

For various diseases - flu, colds, tonsillitis, bronchitis.

  1. Paracetamol ( Panadol, Efferalgan, Coldrex), Analginum with Aspirin( Upsarin Oopsa, Ascofen n) - antipyretic.
  2. Ibuprofen and Nimesulide is an analgesic, anti-inflammatory, antipyretic.
  3. Pinosol is a remedy for the common cold. You can buy naphthyzine , sanorin , can be used for allergic rhinitis.
  4. Stopoutsin, bromhexine, zedex, ambroben - cough remedy. Do not forget about the above list of medicinal herbs - folk remedies.
  5. Mukaltin, ambroxol for better sputum discharge, in severe cases use ACS .
  6. Lollipops pharyngosept, strepsils for relieving pain in the throat.
  7. Teraflu and antigrippin are medicines that help fight the symptoms of flu and colds. But do not forget that you need to treat the causes of the disease, not its symptoms.

It's good to have at home medicine cabinet:

  1. gauze masks to avoid infection in case of patient care,
  2. inhaler ,
  3. influferon , oxolin ointment - inexpensive antiviral agents.

Cardiac, sedative

The medication should contain

  1. corvalol , valocordin - in parallel it can be used as a sleeping pill,
  2. tincture motherwort, valerian ,
  3. new passit - a drug that relieves anxiety.

Corvalol and valocordin are calming drugs, not heart medications.

For pains in the heart and a feeling of lack of air in the home medicine cabinet, you should have:

  1. validol,
  2. tincture of valerian,
  3. lily of the valley tincture,
  4. nitroglycerin.

Nitroglycerin, nitrosorbite, aspirin cardio are used to relieve an attack of angina pectoris.

From high blood pressure

People can get high blood pressure. The softest drug is ronatin .Stronger means for relief of hypertensive crisis: captopril , nifedipine .Tablets from high blood pressure are prescribed by a doctor!

For the stomach and intestines

  1. Festal, or enzyme weed forte - to improve digestion after a plentiful meal.
  2. Smecta , enterodesis , ultra adsorbed or activated charcoal - for poisoning, stomach upset - adsorbent preparations.
  3. Cerukal or rehydron will help to remove nausea, vomiting, severe diarrhea.
  4. Fosfalugel , maalox, rheni, GASTAL - means for heartburn.
  5. Acselact, espumizan is used for disorders, bloating, rumbling in the abdomen, gases.
  6. Ersefuril or intetriks - treat a bacterial infection.
  7. Senad, bisacodyl, regulax - relieve constipation.
  8. Linex, linex bio or hilak forte will improve the state of microflora in the intestine.

From the allergy

  1. suprastin,
  2. tavegil,
  3. diazolin.

Of your choice.

Means for wounds, burns

  1. Iodine ( 5% alcohol solution), 1-2% alcohol solution diamond green for the treatment of wound edges, minor scratches.
  2. Chlorhexidine, myramistin serves as a modern replacement for iodine, green, does not stain the skin and does not burn.
  3. Hydrogen Peroxide 3% for stopping bleeding, rinsing, rinsing.
  4. Boric acid , drinking soda ( 0.5-2% aqueous solution), potassium permanganate ( potassium permanganate) is used as a solution for rinses and rinses, including gastric lavage for poisoning - manganese.
  5. Panthenol ( D-Panthenol, dexpanthenol) for wound healing, burns.
  6. Set of corn plasters .
  7. Eye drops type "artificial tear" when dry, getting into the eye of a foreign body.
  8. Sulfacil sodium ( 30% solution) for infections, eye injuries, foreign body eye contact.
  9. can be used for rinsing, including eye wash.

Complementary kit:

  1. bandages of various widths( sterile and non-sterile),
  2. cotton wool( sterile and non-sterile),
  3. cotton wax for antiseptic wounds,
  4. hemostatic sponge for stopping bleeding,
  5. plaster bactericidal and plain,
  6. spatula for lubrication,
  7. fingertipsrubber.
  8. individual dressing packages,
  9. gauze sterile wipes,

Complementary products

  1. Traxevasin gel , giruden , detraleks relieve fatigue, swelling of the legs.
  2. Paste Teymurova from sweating of feet.
  3. Ointment Clenzite With to eliminate acne, acne.

What else is useful

In the composition of the home medicine cabinet include also:

  1. mustard plasters( cold, angina);
  2. compress paper, polyethylene for compresses;
  3. rubber gloves,
  4. medical alcohol( 96%),
  5. ammonia, syncope,
  6. tonometer( pressure measurements),
  7. various disposable syringes,
  8. pipettes( including ophthalmic),
  9. medical jars,
  10. syringes of various sizes,
  11. measuringcups for taking medications of various sizes,
  12. Vaseline,
  13. Warmer with rubber tubes and lugs,
  14. litter of litter,
  15. bubble for ice,
  16. medical tweezers,
  17. blunt scissors.

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Source: NGNogov. Official and traditional medicine. The most detailed encyclopedia.- Moscow: Izd-vo Eksmo, 2012.