Ginger root recipes for cough preparations

Ginger from cough: what is the recipe for cooking?

The best medicine for a sore throat is ginger from a cough, the recipe for a medicinal drink from the root of ginger is quite simple, and the effect from it is incredibly great. But if there is no possibility to prepare a medicinal drink, then it should be remembered that in the pharmacies lollies from cough and ginger are sold. However, the "living" root, of course, is better than the concentrate in the candy.

Ginger for cough

Tea with ginger from the seven ailments we drink

Brewed in the form of tea or infusion of ginger root for colds began to use a very long time. This truly "magic spine having a spicy taste and the ability to "warm" the body from the inside for a long time, helps with the treatment of cough, flu, colds. This natural natural remedy, an environmentally friendly product, has antipyretic and expectorant effect. Therefore, the ginger root extracts - these ancient folk remedies - are used in the treatment of laryngitis, pharyngitis, tracheitis, bronchitis, pleurisy, pneumonia and other diseases respiratory tract and lungs, and even with tuberculosis as a powerful expectorant, helping to drain phlegm and mucus, speeding up treatment with official means medicine.

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Ginger - a wonderful antiseptic, which is why it is widely used for colds and any pulmonary inflammation.It increases immunity, speeds up metabolic processes in the body, purifies blood and stimulates blood circulation, which is very important in the treatment of many diseases.

Ginger tea for coughBactericidal, disinfecting, analgesic properties of ginger, as well as sedative, anti-spastic and hypotonic it "Ability" can be called a truly panacea for a variety of ailments, the treatment of which by medication sometimes is difficult.

Buying ginger from cough, you should pay attention to its freshness, because it will depend on this, how healing will be prepared from it a drink. Fresh root has a smooth light, sometimes even golden, thin skin. The older the root, the more wrinkled its skin will look. In addition, the "eyes" (like potato), appearing on the skin of the root of ginger, is also a sign of his "advanced" age. The difference between a young and stale root also affects taste: a drink from the "living" root will be spicy, fragrant, with more pronounced medicinal qualities. Drinking from ginger "herbarium" is sure to be tart and even sharp to the taste, but most importantly - it will not bring the expected therapeutic effect from it.

Secrets of brewing ginger

Ginger for cold and cough is brewed very simply: a piece of ginger root (3-4 cm) must be cleaned of Skins, grate and add to the teapot to the "main" brew (black or green tea).

You can use ground ginger, in the form of powder. However, adding it to the tea leaves, it should be remembered that ginger powder is a much more "concentrated" remedy than the fresh root. The role and method of drying (in the sun, in the oven or in a special dryer), and the "age" of the spine (young and spicy or old and tart) also play a role. Therefore, begin to add ground ginger in therapeutic tea should be very carefully, literally on a pinch.

Composition of ginger teaBoth of the above-described methods of preparing ginger drink "suffer" by one "purely visual" negative quality: tea when used as grated, and powdered ginger is quite cloudy drink. To get a transparent infusion, you can not rub the ginger on a grater, and plan it with tiny plates, cutting them with a thin sharp knife directly from the root (after cleaning the skin of the desired site). By the way, the skin of a young ginger root has diuretic properties, so if a cough is accompanied also temperature, then you can prepare a medicinal drink from the uncleaned (and simply well washed) root ginger. Another way to get a beautiful transparent drink is to use one-time sachets with dry ginger, sold in a pharmacy.

Tableware for ginger beverage can be any: glass french press, porcelain teapot, porcelain jug with lid, enamel saucepan, stainless steel scoop. The only rule concerns enameled dishes: it should be free of chips, so that the drink "does not contact" with the metal.

The time of brewing tea depends on the habit of tasting ginger. "Beginners" are recommended to insist tea no more than 1-4 minutes, and "connoisseurs" can withstand a drink of up to 20 minutes, and in the thermos, so that the root as fully as possible reveals all its taste and healing qualities quality. You can "harvest" the drink for future use and carry it with you in the thermos for work, for study, to take on a business trip. Such a medicine will come to the rescue when you need to urgently bring your throat in order, stop the coughing fit, calm the sick bronchi and lungs.

If the brewed drink turned out too tart - it can be diluted with boiling water or milk.

Ginger and cough: features

Treatment of cough honeyGinger is a wonderful opponent of a cough. In his victory over the disease, there is no doubt. Perhaps its only drawback is a peculiar taste, for many unusual and unusual. But there are fairly simple ways to "neutralize" the astringency and burning of ginger, adding to the drink other ingredients.

So, they combine well with ginger with medicinal properties and honey recommended for coughing, lemon, cinnamon, cardamom, peppermint, cloves, nutmeg. These ingredients can be added either to the main container with the drink to be prepared (in a kettle, in a thermos, in a saucepan) or individually in a cup with a drink.

However, you need to remember: if the cough is dry, then it is best to cope with the infusion of ginger with lemon. Wet cough will be much faster if you drink ginger tea with milk.

In the rest, the taste of the drink depends entirely on the choice of the patient: all the ginger curative herbs, personally "tested" by specific patients on themselves and really providing him with a curative Effect.

The recipe is simple - the effect is large

The recipe for a ginger drink against a dry cough is simple. You need to brew ginger tea (as described above), or take a prepared ginger (grated, planed, powdered or packaged). Put it in boiling water, hold it under a lid (can be covered with a towel or special "baba" for a kettle) from 2 to 20 minutes (depending on the patient's preferences), pour the finished drink into a cup, add slices of lemon or squeeze out lemon juice (to taste); you can add sugar, honey, rose hip syrup, tincture of ginseng or Eleutherococcus.

A recipe for a drink from ginger with milk against a wet cough:

In a container with hot milk (you can dilute it with water) add ginger, bring to a boil, cool, strain; you can add honey, turmeric (at the tip of the knife), drink several times a day with a throat and damp cough.


A recipe for a drink with a starting cold or flu:

Brew tea with ginger, add lemon and honey, drink as much and often (the proportions of the ingredients are any, the taste of the patient).

Recipe mulled wine with ginger:

Pour the red wine into the pot (250 ml), squeeze the juice of one mandarin into it, add the stranded thin slices of ginger, pieces of quarters of pear and lime, mandarin (cut better together with the skin in any way), raisins (1 tbsp. l.), a pinch of ground cinnamon and nutmeg, an asterisk of cloves; all warm up on low heat until thick aroma, remove from heat, lightly cool, add a tablespoon of honey.

Recipe for inhalations with ginger from cough (allowed for pregnant women):

In a saucepan with boiling water, gently slice the ginger root, let it brew for 10-20 minutes, breathe with your mouth open over the container, close with a blanket.


Very carefully, ginger should be used as a medicine for pregnant women and people with gastrointestinal diseases: doses must be small, the concentration of ginger in tea and infusions is weak. The fact is that tart and spicy, and sometimes sharp and burning ginger can lead to colic (gastric, renal, hepatic, intestinal). Therefore, you should start taking ginger drink very carefully, so that it does not work out, as in the well-known folk saying: one treats, the other is crippled.

Ginger from cough and cold

The root of ginger has been successfully used for many centuries to treat a number of pathologies. For the first time, they started using ginger from cough in India, and later it became widespread in China and around the world.

This plant has pronounced antibacterial, wound-healing and antibacterial properties, which explains its high efficiency in such problems as coughing.Ginger is able to enhance human immunity. so tea, cooked from it, is often used for colds.


Unfortunately, ginger, like almost any other plant, is not useful to everyone. Therefore, before using ginger with a cough that appears, it is worth consulting with the doctor. Ginger can not be treated primarily by those who suffer from gastritis, stomach ulcers, duodenal ulcers and tumors located in the gastrointestinal tract. Inflammatory processes in the intestine (for example, colitis) are also contraindications to the use of ginger.

You can not treat cough with the help of this plant and those who have liver diseases and stones in the biliary tract. Any bleeding (for example, with hemorrhoids) can intensify if you use ginger from a cough. It is not recommended to use this plant in a number of other cases:

  • with hypertension, heart attack and stroke;
  • if the patient is in the pre-infarct and pre-sulphurous state;
  • with IHD;
  • in the second half of pregnancy;
  • in the period of breastfeeding, because, when mixed with breast milk, ginger enters the baby's body and can cause insomnia in the baby;
  • at high temperature;
  • when allergic to it.

For the treatment of children this plant is used only if advised by a pediatrician. A child under two years of age, the ginger root is contraindicated.

Recipes with ginger

gingerThere are a variety of recipes to make effective medicines from this plant. The freshest ginger is the most useful, therefore it is recommended to store it in advance. The root of the plant should be stored in the refrigerator, but not in a bag of cellophane. When coughing, as well as with sore throat, you can clean a small piece of it, cut it into thin slices and just hold it in your mouth.

Most often, ginger from cough is used in the form of tea, which is very easy to brew. To do this, several pieces of previously cleaned plants are poured with boiling water and insist for about a quarter of an hour. In the finished drink, if desired, you can add honey and lemon juice. With a cold, you should drink this tea three times a day.

Ginger with a dry cough is prepared as follows: root tinder on a fine grater, then squeeze out the juice from them. Then 1 teaspoon of juice is mixed with the same amount of lemon juice and half a teaspoon of honey. Then the mixture is poured, pour 125 ml of boiling water and cover with a lid for a quarter of an hour. Prepared in this way, the drug should be taken every half hour on a teaspoonful, and it should not be swallowed immediately, but first hold it in your mouth.

A ginger with a wet cough is prepared this way: 1/3 of a teaspoon of dry plant is added to a glass of hot milk and take the resulting mixture 4 times a day. If desired, honey and turmeric may be added to the drink.

When you cough, steam inhalations are quite effective, for which you need ginger oil, which you can buy at a pharmacy. In a cup of hot water, add a couple of drops of oil, and then cover the patient's head with a towel and ask him to bend over the container and breathe a healing steam.

If the cough is very strong, then the following recipe will help: ginger powder (you need very little - at the tip of the knife) to mix with a tablespoon of onion juice. The received medicine should be taken on a half teaspoon from 2 to 4 times a day.

The use of ginger for cough and cold for children

Long since the root of ginger is famous for its useful properties.Today, ginger is widely used for cough for children.For a long time physicians could not come to a common opinion, ginger is useful or harmful for a child's body. But in the end, they all agreed that this root is not capable of harming if it is included in the children's diet from two years on.

The problem of cough in children

This is due to the fact that the root of ginger is practically incapable of causing allergies. For a child's stomach, it is harmless if you give it in small amounts and even when the child starts to eat a little everything.

Healing properties of ginger for children

To better understand how to properly give ginger to children, you should first understand what kind of healing properties this root has for the child's body, what it affects.

The Benefits of Ginger
  1. Ginger helps to cope with renal and hepatic colic, if applied externally. Not many people know this, although such treatment will not give any side effects and will provide quick help.
  2. As a rule, ginger is able to quickly soothe the child due to special substances that are in the composition of this root. This is very important during a strong cough, because, as a rule, the child begins to get too nervous at severe attacks.
  3. The juice from the fresh ginger root has a powerful expectorant effect. This is especially good for a child's body, since ginger will act as gently as possible without damaging the baby's mucous membranes.
  4. Frequent use of ginger not only helps to cure the child of viral diseases and cough, but is also an excellent means of preventing these diseases. Juice kills most of the viruses, which cause symptoms of the disease, weaken the children's body, which is not yet fully strengthened.
  5. The juice from the root of ginger has an immunostimulating effect on the body. Therefore, even if the child is completely weakened from cough and other symptoms, ginger is used as a natural immunostimulant, which restores the body's tone and strength to fight infections.

Treatment of cough in children ginger

As for the ways to treat cough in children with the help of ginger root, then whichever method you choose, you should use a fresh product, so that inside it is hard and juicy. It retains the maximum amount of useful substances. Consider several recipes that are considered to be most effective in treating children's cough and throat diseases.

Recipes of healing teas

Curative teas from coughAn excellent effect for the child's organism is given by warm teas with ginger. There are many recipes for their preparation, consider the most effective of them, which can be safely used to treat cough in children.

In this recipe for healing tea, you should use ginger, lemon and honey. For cooking, you need to clean the fresh ginger root and grate it on a fine grater to get 1 tsp. gruel. Pour it with a glass of boiling water, add 1 tsp. honey. When the liquid is slightly cool, add another 1 tsp to it. honey and throw a slice of lemon. Stir everything, and squeeze out the juice from the lemon.

This tea should be given to the child to drink not hot, but warm, small sips. This tool not only helps cope with the cough, but also lowers the temperature, calms the pain in the throat and has a general soothing effect on the body.

The second recipe for tea can be prepared 1 time and used throughout the day, each time slightly warming up. Of the ingredients will need a lemon, ginger, sugar and boiling water.

Take a hard fresh ginger root, the length of which is about 4 cm, and grind it to make a gruel. In it you need to squeeze out as much juice as possible, half a lemon of medium size and add 2 tablespoons. Sahara. All this carefully mix and pour, l of boiling water.

Rinse your mouth

The resulting tea should be covered with a lid and allowed to stand for 1 to 1 hour, after which it can be given to the child to drink in small portions. But, given that this tea is designed for repeated use throughout the day, it is best to give it before eating and during it. This is due to the fact that the product promotes the secretion of gastric juice, and if it is used excessively by young children on an empty stomach it can cause mild irritation of the mucous membrane.

If a cough is observed in an older child (from 6 years old), you can treat it with a stronger recipe for ginger tea. This is green ginger tea. For its preparation, take 1/2 tsp. cardamom and cinnamon, 1 tsp. green leaf tea and 1/2 tsp. dry grated ginger root.

This mixture is poured, l steep boiling water, thoroughly stirred and boiled over low heat for 5-7 minutes. After this, everything is filtered through a clean gauze and insists for about 20 minutes in a covered condition. After 20 minutes you can drink tea. You can add a slice of fresh lemon.

Such tea can be cooked a little differently. The difference will be that on fire you need to boil only tea, and only then add cinnamon, cardamom and ginger. The effect will remain the same.

Good help in the treatment of cough in children syrups, compresses, inhalations and rinses for the throat. They will have local action, but their effect in cough treatment will not decrease, and the healing properties for mucous membranes will remain the same.

Syrups and rinses

Inhalation on gingerIt is necessary to take 20 g of fresh finely grated ginger root and pour a glass of steep boiling water. Let it brew for about 20-25 minutes, then use a throat rinse. It is advisable to do this 3-4 times a day. This rinse will not only gradually save your child from coughing, but also will remove the pain in the throat.

Good for cough and syrup. To do this, take 1 tablespoon. fresh ginger juice and mix with half a glass of sugar. Add a pinch of saffron and grated nutmeg. All this pour a glass of hot water and mix until the sugar completely dissolves.

This syrup is very sweet, so any child will like it. It will need to be taken from a cough of 1 tbsp. before meals several times a day, until visible improvements are visible.

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Inhalations and compresses

Excellent helps with ginger inhalation. Especially it is useful to children, who are tormented not only by cough and sore throat, but also a runny nose or severe stuffiness of the nose. To prepare it, put a liter of water on the fire and, while it starts to boil, grate 20 g of fresh ginger root on a fine grater. In boiling water you need to throw grated ginger and add 1 tablespoon. lemon juice.

The mixture boils for about 10-15 minutes, after which it is necessary to pour it into a wider container, cover the head baby towel, wrap it in a blanket and let him breathe such inhalation while there is a selection couple. After this, the baby should get some sleep and sweat. This is an excellent remedy for cough, cold and high fever in children.

There is also a recipe for an external compress. For it, you need to grind a large root of ginger and warm it in a water bath. Then another warm gruel quickly wrapped in gauze and put on the chest and throat area of ​​the baby. Hold until it cools. Such compresses well turn a dry cough into wet.

So, the main methods of treating cough in children with the help of ginger root are considered. This excellent plant is able to provide effective therapeutic and prophylactic effect on the children's body for cold and viral diseases. But before the first use, it is superfluous to consult a pediatrician.

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Do not forget to follow the baby during treatment, since an overdose of even such a useful remedy can negatively affect the baby's body.

Benefits of ginger from cough, recipes

ginger and cough

Cough - a frequent phenomenon (here you can see the causes of coughing and sore throat). The root of ginger, as a folk remedy for cough, has found application in many national cuisines of the peoples of the world. All thanks to the exquisite aroma and spicy taste. But this is not the only use of this product. Ginger is popular in folk and traditional medicine. From it, effective medicines for cold are prepared. The plant successfully treats acute and chronic diseases of the respiratory system, including cough.


ginger from cough

The Chinese call ginger "the fire of life." And in his homeland, in North India, he was given another name - "visvabhsage." From Sanskrit this word is translated as "a universal means".The ancients used it as an antidote, aphrodisiac, digestive regulator and immunostimulant.

Today, the therapeutic effect of ginger is proved by clinical studies. The root is popular in the treatment of ENT diseases. The agent exerts such an action on the respiratory system:

  • immunomodulating;
  • moderately anti-inflammatory;
  • expectorant;
  • antispasmodic;
  • warming;
  • bactericidal;
  • soothing.ginger from the best cough with black tea

Such properties of the product are indispensable in the prevention and treatment of diseases accompanied by coughing. Such as:

  • angina;
  • ARVI;
  • flu;
  • bacterial pharyngitis.

On the video - a recipe for cough from ginger:

Chemical composition

To prepare funds for coughing, choose a smooth and smooth root without thickening, eyes. It should be elastic, with a good turgor, have a golden hue. On the cut, the root has a delicate yellow color. Choose always younger roots, they are lighter than the old rhizomes on the cut.

ginger from cough and sore throat

In the composition of ginger, the following components were found:

  • zhingiberen;
  • starch;
  • essential amino acids - lysine, phenylalanine, threonine, methionine;
  • organic acids, fats, sugar;
  • vitamins C, A, group B;
  • micro- and macro elements;
  • phenol-like substance gingerol (a product due to its burning aroma and taste).

For the treatment of cough, special syrups are also actively used: Dr. Mohm syrup for cough, demand syrup from cough Stodal.


Remedies with ginger remove symptoms and contribute to faster healing. However, in the treatment of inflammations accompanied by increased body temperature, their use is strictly prohibited, as well as other warming agents.

tea with ginger from cough

Contraindications also include:

  • acute form of pathology of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • exacerbation of chronic hepatitis;
  • urolithiasis disease;
  • stones in the bile ducts;
  • hypertension;
  • oncological diseases;
  • bleeding and addiction to them;
  • hemorrhoids;
  • pregnancy (especially 2 and 3 trimesters) and lactation period;
  • children's age (up to 2 years), that is, the root of ginger from cough for children is allowed at least 2 years
you can breathe pregnant over a potatoFind out if you can breathe over the potatoes during pregnancy.

Is it possible to treat tonsillitis in a child with folk remedies?

Symptoms of laryngitis in a child 3 years:

Compatibility with other drugs

Caution does not hurt even with regard to natural remedies for coughing. Consultation with the attending physician will help to avoid mistakes in treatment. Ginger is a powerful remedy that has a number of limitations. It can not be used in combination with:

  • antiarrhythmic drugs;
  • drugs that reduce blood pressure;
  • stimulants of the heart muscle;
  • sugar-reducing drugs.tea with ginger from cough is compatible with other preporatami

The diagnosis of diabetes also limits the intake of ginger. Before treating a cold and cough, a consultation of the endocrinologist is needed. The active substances of the root can reduce the effectiveness of beta-blockers and increase the risk of hypokalemia.

How to choose and store

In folk medicine use a natural roundish fleshy finger-divided into the sector rhizome or dried raw materials. Powdered ginger is also on sale. In its composition, you can see various additives and impurities. And the manufacturer does not always indicate the exact composition of the powder on the package. It is better to refuse treatment with such untested drugs.

The most effective is the natural root. Marinated and canned ginger for treatment is not suitable. His only function is cooking.

There are three types of ginger:

  • white (the best quality Bengali, or Jamaican ginger);white ginger for cough and for health
  • Bleached (this species can often be seen on our shelves);
  • black Barbados (untreated root).

More often ginger is divided into black and white. In fact, it is the roots of the same plant. Black ginger is simply excavated, scalded with boiling water and then used for food or for medicine.

In order for the root to become white, it is brushed. and then bleach with solutions of bleach or sulfurous acid. Such aggressive treatment leads to a decrease in the concentration of certain substances in the product. Therefore, the black root has a more pronounced flavor.

Dry the roots in the sun, previously cutting into pieces. Keep dry material in tightly closed containers in a dry place. In this form, the root retains its properties for several months. Raw roots are stored in the refrigerator. At a temperature of about 10 ° C, they can be stored for 5-10 days.


To facilitate coughing and excretion of sputum from bronchi, ginger is used:

  • externally (in the form of compresses and rinses);
  • internally (in the form of teas, infusions and broths).

For the preparation of all forms of medicines, it is better to take fresh young ginger root. It should be noted that in the trade network, it often comes from China. And in this country, ginger farming technology is based on the use of intensive technology. The Chinese use chemicals to protect plants from pests and diseases.

Therefore, after buying the root, it should be soaked in clean water for at least 2-3 hours in order to remove toxins from the product. Then the root is cleaned with a knife. Do this carefully, cutting as thin a layer of peel as possible. After all, under the thin skin is the largest concentration of nutrients.

With lemon and honey

An ancient remedy for cold and cough is ginger tea with lemon. It is fragrant, looks appetizing and gives good effect when treating a cough of different nature. To prepare the drug you need these ingredients:

  • a teaspoon of grated peeled or thinly sliced ​​ginger;
  • a teaspoon of natural honey;
  • slice of lemon;
  • a glass of boiling water.
ginger with lemon and honey

The grated ginger is placed in a thick-walled ceramic cup or hot mug and poured over with boiling water. Cover the tea with a lid, wrap it with a towel and insist for 20-30 minutes. It is convenient to prepare such tea in a thermos bottle.

In a lightly cooled tea add lemon and honey. Remember that in hot water, the unique properties of honey are lost. So do not rush with its addition. If the drink seems too saturated, it can be diluted with boiled water.

You need to drink this tea three times a day. Usually it is done after eating. You can take the medicine before eating.Then the gap between his intake and the beginning of eating should be at least 20 minutes.

This means displays phlegm, well helps with an unproductive cough, promotes general recovery. Tea is good and as a preventive tool in the period of epidemics of ARVI. It is successfully applied at the first signs of a cold. In order to facilitate coughing, you can use inhalations with the root of ginger. To do this, add 1-2 tablespoons to the saucepan with boiling water. l. crushed ginger, boil for 5 minutes, remove from heat, add dry mint and breathe these pairs up to 10 minutes.

With milk

In a pair with milk, ginger has a strong expectoration. It increases immunity and helps to cope with viruses and bacteria. Drink it is better to use it in the morning, before the active phase of the day starts.

ginger with milk

For a drink take:

  • dry or fresh ginger at the rate of: 1 h. l. fresh or, h. l. powder;
  • a glass of milk;
  • 1 hour l. honey;
  • by a pinch of cinnamon and cardamom.

In fresh boiled milk pour ginger powder or grated root and cook with slow heating for 2-3 minutes. Remove the drink from the fire, insist 10 minutes, squeeze the cake and add honey, cinnamon and cardamom.

At the first signs of acute respiratory viral infection and influenza, a "Bengal mixture" is prepared. For this, in boiling milk (1 cup) add:

  • 2 g of dry red pepper (or 5 g of natural);
  • 2 g turmeric;
  • 2 g of ginger.

Cook the drink for 2 minutes and take it with butter and honey three times a day in a warm form.

With tea

Classical is the recipe for tea, described in Vedic cooking. The drink includes such ingredients:

  • ginger (, ch. l. dry or 1 hour. l. finely grated natural);
  • a pinch of ground black pepper;
  • 1 tbsp. l. freshly squeezed orange or art. l. lemon juice;
  • 1 hour l. honey;
  • pinch of dry or 2-3 leaves of fresh mint;
  • glass of water.
ginger with tea

Water boil, throw ginger into it, and cook the mixture on low heat for 5 minutes. Add pepper and mint, drain tea. The liquid slightly cool, enter into it juice and honey.Use for the treatment and prevention of ENT diseases after eating.The drink has a pronounced antimicrobial effect and gives relief with prolonged coughing.

On sale you can find a dry powder called "Ginger Tea". It includes:

  • powdered ginger root;
  • turmeric powder;
  • cardamom;
  • cinnamon.

Brew this tea in a teapot or directly in a cup. For this, 1 hour is enough. l. powder on a glass of water. He poured boiling water, insisted 5 minutes, then add lemon and honey. Drink three times a day after meals.


To cope with unpleasant coughing attacks, ginger candies are used. They can be prepared at home without preservatives and colorants. This is a good remedy for wet cough in children. For this you need to prepare:

  • 1 hour l. dried ground ginger;
  • 250 g of honey;
  • 1 hour l. freshly squeezed lemon juice.
ginger candies

Honey must be mixed with ginger and put on fire for -2 hours. The mixture is constantly stirred. When it boiled, it will become thick and viscous, you can add an extract of licorice root and lemon.

The mass should be slightly cooled and poured into molds. Suitable are silicone molds for candy or ice. Do not forget to oil them before use. If there are no molds, you can pour the mixture in the form of small lozenges on a foil, greased with vegetable oil. While the candies do not harden, insert a toothpick into each of them.

You will get lollipops. This medicine is very popular with children. The daily dose of this product is 3-4 candies of medium size a day. They are given after eating, and do not drink anything. Also children very much like honey cakes from a cough.

On the video - recipes of confiture and candies from cough from ginger:

Ginger can not always replace expensive antibiotics. But if the disease is already defeated, and the cough still does not go away, then tea from ginger will ease the patient's condition. It is effective in the prevention of influenza and ARVI. A piece of ginger should be in each refrigerator next to honey, especially in the autumn-winter period. Even a small piece of root, chewed before going out, will save you from infections during the epidemic. Perhaps you will also be useful information on how to quickly cure a dry cough in a child.

Ginger from coughing to children

ginger from children cough

Ginger is a truly amazing plant with many useful properties. This oriental spicy root was brought to Europe in the Middle Ages, and in the 19th century the word "ginger" was used in Russian, it was also a "white root". But ginger has gained special popularity around the world in the 20th century. Recently, ginger, due to its useful properties, is often recommended for use in the healing and treatment of children.

Can ginger be small children?

On this issue you can find conflicting information, but most sources agree that ginger can be introduced into the diet of a child, starting with 2 years. At an earlier age, ginger can be harmful to the stomach. And as for allergic reactions, the likelihood of their occurrence on ginger is very small.

Ginger - useful properties for children

Ginger has an immunostimulating effect, so its use reduces the frequency of colds, helps
  • in case of viral diseases;
  • thanks to expectorant action, ginger helps children from coughing;
  • mb is a mild soothing agent;
  • with external application, ginger helps with kidney and liver colic and fungal diseases.

Most often, ginger is used to treat cough in children.

How to treat cough in children with ginger?

1. Tea with ginger for children- helps against colds, coughs, knocks down the temperature; with regular use increases the immunity.


  • 1 ginger root (3-4 cm);
  • , l of boiling water;
  • 2 tsp. sugar (or honey);
  • , lemon.


Ginger cut into plates or grate (depending on what strength and transparency of the drink you want to get). Add lemon juice (or sliced ​​lemon), sugar or honey. Pour boiling water, let it brew for 40 minutes. Toddlers give a little, adding to other drinks. Older children can drink such tea and in pure form, only after meals (because ginger irritates the stomach mucosa).

ginger root for children

2. Ginger juicecan be used to treat a sore throat. To do this, the fresh root must be grated on a fine grater and squeezed juice through gauze, folded in several layers. The child should give 1 teaspoon of juice, adding a few grains of salt. Such a remedy will help to remove inflammation in the throat, especially if taken at the first signs of the disease.

3. Ginger syrupalso serve as an excellent anti-inflammatory and immuno-boosting agent. In order to make it you need to mix 1 glass of water, 1/2 cup sugar and 1 tablespoon of ginger juice. The resulting mixture should be boiled over a low heat until thick. In the end, you can add a pinch of saffron and nutmeg to give a more pleasant taste. The resulting syrup is given to the child 1 teaspoon 2 times a day before meals.

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