Ophthalmic preparation Emoksi-optic is available in the form of colorless, slightly opalescent drops. The main active substance of droplets is methylethylpyridinol hydrochloride (emoxipine). Auxiliary ingredients: sodium benzoate, sodium dodecahydrate, sodium sulfite, potassium dihydrogenphosphate, methyl cellulose, sterile water for injection.
1Description of the preparation
2Pharmacological action and group
3Indications and contraindications in use
3.1In pregnancy
3.2To small children
4Possible complications caused by the drug
Description of the preparation
The drug is produced in plastic bottles of various volumes (5 ml or 10 ml).This makes it possible to purchase the required amount of medication, depending on the duration of the course of treatment. Each bottle is equipped with a nozzle-dispenser. Cardboard package of drops Emoksi-optik contains one bottle with a nozzle.
Emoksi-Optik preparation with angioprotective and microcirculatory-enhancing action
The drug is sold through the pharmacy network only according to the doctor's prescription.
The medicine is buried in the conjunctival sacs of the eyes.Dosage: one to two drops three times a day. Duration of treatment, depending on the disease and individual characteristics of the body: from three to thirty days. If necessary, the course of treatment is prolonged. The duration of therapy in this case can be from once every six months to three times a year (in case of good drug tolerance).
The drug should be placed in a place protected from light. Drops are stored at room temperature, not exceeding 25 ° C.
Shelf life of the unopened vial is two years. After the beginning of the use of drops, the drug is stored for not more than one month. It is important to place the medicine in a place inaccessible to children.
Pharmacological action and group
Emoxi-optics drops belong to the clinico-pharmacological group of drugs with angioprotective and microcirculatory-enhancing action.Pharmacotherapeutic group: antioxidant.
Pharmacological action of the ophthalmic preparation Emoksi-optik:
Antioxidant activity- inhibits the processes of lipid peroxidation of cell membranes, inhibits the formation of free radicals;
Angioprotective activity- strengthens the walls of blood vessels, reduces the permeability of capillaries. Has a membrane-stabilizing effect;
Antiaggregant activity- has the ability to reduce platelet aggregation and blood viscosity, protects from the formation of blood clots, reduces blood clotting, promotes normal microcirculation in the organs of vision;
Anti-hypoxic activity- increases the resistance of tissues to a lack of oxygen.EMOXY-Optician has a wide range of action
It has the property of accelerating the healing processes that are relevant in the postoperative period and in the case of wound healing. Prevents damage to the retina of the eye when exposed to excessively intense light.
Indications and contraindications in use
Drops for eyes Emoxic optics are prescribed for treatment and prevention in the following cases:
Diagnosed myopia (nearsightedness), complications with myopia;
Corneal burns;
Inflammation of the retina;
Hemorrhages in the anterior chamber of the eye or sclera;
If you use contact lenses to protect the cornea.
Contraindication to the use of drops is intolerance to any components of the drug.
In pregnancy
At any term of pregnancy and during breastfeeding, an ophthalmicpreparation Emoxic-optician used contraindicated.
To small children
Drops for eyes Emoksi-opticianare prescribed only to adult patients.Children under 18 years old can not use the drug.
Possible complications caused by the drug
When using drops for the eyes of the Emotion Optician, the following undesirable effects may occur:
Allergic reaction (local);
Burning sensation and itching;
Redness of the conjunctiva(passes without the use of medical measures).
How to treat astigmatism in adults
Anti-allergic and antihistamines eye drops for children are described in this article.
Treatment of a congestive optic disc is described here.
In circumstances of drug overdose, it is possible to increase these side effects. The undesirable effects of droplets for the eyes of the Emotion Optician disappear after the drug is withdrawn and do not require additional treatment. Do not mix emulsion drops with other ophthalmic drugs. If it is necessary to use several types of medicines, it is important to instill the Emix-optic in last turn, not earlier than a quarter of an hour after the final absorption of the previous one medicines.
The drug does not affect the ability to drive vehicles or other complex mechanisms.
Drops Emoksi-optic is an ophthalmic preparation that strengthens the walls of blood vessels, improves the flow of oxygen, which contributes to resorption of hemorrhages. It has pronounced antioxidant properties. The drug is used to treat complications of nearsightedness, it is prescribed for cataracts, and also for a number of cases of traumatic eye effects. Apply eye drops Emoxic-optics can be administered to adult patients only as directed by a physician. It is strictly not recommended to combine the drug with other types of ophthalmic drugs.
Also read about what drops are prescribed to people working with metal welding.