How to treat a cough in a child under one year old

How can you treat cough in children up to one year?

Is the child sick? How to treat cough in children before the year? For parents, this is a real headache. A newborn baby has one physiological feature: it is a rather immature developed respiratory system.

Cough in infants

In order for cough treatment in the baby does not hurt him, it is necessary to use medicines on a natural basis. Do not forget that before taking any medications, you must get a consultation from a local doctor. After a medical examination, the doctor will make an appointment for the use of the necessary medicines. Follow the instructions and recommendations of the doctor must be very strict, because it's about the health of your month-old baby.

The treatment of cough in an infant is the combination of cool and warm air.

In addition, you need a copious drink that maximizes the elimination of abnormal fluid loss in the body in an infant.

What medications do pediatricians recommend for infants with a wet cough?

Syrup Ambroxol for coughCurrently, pediatricians in Russia agree on how to treat cough in children up to a year.
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For the treatment of cough in infants most often they appoint mucolytic agents.

Such drugs as gently dilute sputum and remove it from the lungs. Their main advantage lies in the fact that the action they have on the lungs is unable to increase the amount of phlegm in the lead.

Thus, even acute and chronic coughs are eliminated very easily in newborns and children up to one year. The best syrups are:

  1. Ambroxol is a pleasant taste for children's syrup, which is a part of medicines using mucolytic agents. It promotes rapid liquefaction of sputum in the lungs, and is also used for severe coughing for babies, since their birth. The course of treatment should not exceed 5 days. To obtain a more rapid effect during treatment, a generous drink is recommended. It can be compotes, juices or water.
  2. Lazolvan - a wonderful universal tool that can be used for two purposes. It is available in the form of a baby syrup and is an excellent remedy for a wet cough. Drink it is necessary during meals for breakfast and dinner for 5 days. In addition, it can be used for inhalation. Add it directly to the inhaler. This is a wonderful baby syrup, which easily removes phlegm from the lungs and eases the breathing of the baby.

Medicines for dry cough for a baby and children under one year of age

Cure for coughAmbrobene is a wonderful, pleasant taste for children's syrup, which can be given to children from the first days of life. This effective drug is used to treat dry cough. It perfectly dilutes sputum and removes it from the lungs. The baby does not feel very uncomfortable. Syrup is given to children twice a day for breakfast and dinner. After 5 days, the effect of the drug will be noticeable. The child will completely get rid of a dry cough.

Bronchicum is an excellent medicine, which is recommended for children, starting from 6 months. The composition of the syrup includes extract from the herb thyme. She perfectly copes with a dry strong cough and is able to mild phlegm in just 14 days. Take this syrup twice a day (morning and evening). In addition, there is a group of drugs that can induce sputum expectoration from the lungs of a one-year-old child. Often, doctors recommend them in acute and chronic forms that cause severe chest cough and are accompanied by difficulty in phlegm withdrawal. Basically, they are prepared on the basis of herbal preparations, which have a soft and gentle nature. These drugs include Gedelix, Linkas and Stoptussin.

Gedelix - a preparation of vegetable origin, which is available as a syrup. Take it necessary in a diluted form (in a bottle) with water or juice. Daily allowance should not exceed half a teaspoon if the child has not yet turned a year old. Further the dosage can be increased after consultation with the district doctor. Linkas is a medicinal product that is approved for use by children from the age of 6 months. It should take up to 10 days. It promotes the release of sputum from the lungs and relieves severe pain in the throat. Stopoutsin is available in the form of drops. You can take it from 6 months after eating. The drug has a strong effect, so it is very important to take it according to dosage. Determine the required dose can be based on the weight of the child. Dilute the medicine better with warm tea, juice, compote, but you can and water.

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In addition to taking medications, it is also worth remembering that the baby needs bed rest and dry heat. The amount of liquid also needs to be increased several times. He will be cured by medical preparations and gentle hands of the mother, no matter how old the kid is.

Treatment of cough for children up to the year: what cough medicine for a year to choose?

Such treatment is best conducted in the hospital, because there the child will be under the constant supervision of specialists. In the first years of life, the child is very vulnerable and is at a much greater risk of catching a bacterial or viral infection, or simply catching a cold. What should be the cough treatment for children under one year old? What medicine for a cough to choose for a year? Answers to these questions are searched in this article.

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Cough treatment for children up to the year of the house - is it possible?

If cough treatment for children under one year to spend at home and even more so wrong, it can be very harmful to the health of the child. Cough can easily develop into an inflammation of the lungs and then the situation will be very serious. Therefore, as soon as your child begins to cough, he should be taken to a hospital or a clinic immediately. Already in the clinic the pediatrician should examine the baby, ascertain the diagnosis and prescribe medications for treatment. But he must necessarily take into account the fact that not all drugs can help young children without harming their body. Treatment of cough for children up to one year should be carried out only by special harmless drugs, which were specially developed and produced especially for young children and babies. The doctor must prescribe only such drugs, excessive chemistry harms the adult, and the child is not needed doubly. Treatment of cough for children up to a year, even in a hospital, is very responsible because of the child's age.

In our hospitals at the moment there is a shortage of drugs and, unfortunately, nothing to do with this we can not. Therefore, if your child lies in a hospital, you need to periodically monitor the medical process, because not all medical workers are really decent. Drugs for treatment buy in good pharmacies, always check their quality and remember that they should be suitable for young children.

What medicine for a cough to choose a child for a year?

Treatment of cough for children up to a year can be carried out and folk methods, but only if you get permission from a doctor for this. If you treat cough for children up to a year of the house, then monitor the child's condition constantly, more often consult a specialist, and if there is no progress during the first days, then the child needs to be re- show the doctor. Still need to monitor the temperature of the air in the apartment or house, make sure that the child was warmly dressed. Do not give the child a cold, watch that he does not crawl on the cold floor, otherwise your treatment may not give the desired result.

A cough medicine up to a year in the first place, must initially be produced by the manufacturer for this purpose. Initially, it should be created so that it can be safely given to young children up to one year old. You can certainly find such drugs, but they should be prescribed by a doctor. Acquire cough medicine for up to a year is only necessary by the prescription of a pediatrician's doctor, but not by the rumor of her friends, or the saleswoman's advice in the pharmacy.

Why is it mandatory to cough for children under one year without fail?

At the age of up to one year, even traditional medicine, essentially harmless, should be used with cautious cures in children, after having received a good consultation with a doctor. As soon as the first signs appeared that the child began to cough, or caught a cold, or had a runny nose, you should immediately go to the hospital. Next, you need to study the children's body, try to identify allergic addictions, because with allergies, many methods of coughing immediately disappear. If you pull with a hike to the doctor, then cough can easily develop into bronchitis and even into pneumonia (pneumonia), and this disease can even become fatal.

That is why cough treatment for children up to a year can not be started. And therefore you can not engage in self-treatment. And yet, cough medicine for up to a year, written out by a doctor, must have a certificate, which is issued by the manufacturer and which indicates the quality and harmlessness of the given preparation for a children's organism if such certificate to you refuse to give what will buy a medicine in other place.

Cough in a child up to one year: reasons, treatment regimen

Children of the first year of life are particularly prone to various diseases. Immunity is still very weak, so it's so easy to pick up a virus. Coughing in a one-year-old child is quite common. And there are a lot of reasons for this.

Causes of cough

Parents should know that coughing can be a sign not only of colds. Of course, most often it happens, however, it is worth paying attention to the following:

Cough can also be caused by inflammation of the nose, ears or larynx. Enough for the child to overcool, and from an infectious cough is nowhere to go.

Cough can be a signal for the development of bronchial asthma. In such cases, it usually resembles a suffocation attack, so you should immediately seek help from a doctor.

Cough in a child up to a year can be provoked by a common cold. As a rule, he does not need treatment. Pass a runny nose, and with it and cough.

· A temporary cough may develop during the feeding of the baby. As people say, the liquid got into the respiratory tract, and the person choked. With the child the same: incorrectly swallowed mixture or breast milk led to the baby coughing.

Cough in a child up to a year: how to treat it

Most often, parents have to deal with cold coughs. He gives in to treatment, but it will take several days. Cough is usually first dry, irritable, and then gradually becomes soft, sputum begins to stand out. The latter is a sign that a few more days - and the child will be completely healthy.

But, as all parents know, a child's coughing up to a year is almost always painful. The baby's breathing is disturbed, he does not sleep well at night, crying and fussing. In a word, it is necessary to do something to alleviate his condition. The mistake of many parents is that they begin cough treatment in newborns without telling the pediatrician about this condition. Ie it may happen that one type of cough is treated, but it is actually quite different. In general, all this is due to the fact that a child's cough for up to a year should not be regarded as a cold, even though it often happens that way.

So, to postpone all doubts to the side, it is best to call a district pediatrician at the house. Let him listen to the breath of the child, will appreciate how serious the cough, because it can often develop into more serious diseases: bronchitis, tracheitis and even pneumonia. In general, joking with this is definitely not worth it.

After the doctor examines the child, he will appoint the necessary and effective medicines. On sale you can find quite a few cough preparations for children up to a year. But buying them yourself is extremely unsafe. Appointment of something concrete should be the doctor.

If a child's cough is up to a year just unbearable, you can try inhaling. But their conduct should also be agreed with the attending physician. In order to carry out inhalations, you need to buy a nebulizer (inhaler). It poured the drug and water, after which the development of steam begins, which, in fact, you need to breathe. To the child's face is attached a small-sized mask, into which the medicinal pairs are fed.

Thus, treatment of a child's cough for up to a year should be done only under the supervision of a doctor. The sooner measures are taken, the less the child will suffer from unpleasant symptoms, and the sooner he will be able to return to normal existence. You know, they say, the best cough remedy, as well as from any other disease, is its prevention. Carefully watch the health of your child (do not forget to dress depending on the weather on the street), so that later you do not have to endure sleepless nights.

How to treat cough in children at home?

How to treat cough at home in childrenCough is necessary for the body reflex, cleansing the child's airways. If the baby clears several times a day, especially after a night or daytime sleep, then this is normal. After all, thus, the lungs and bronchi are released from dust or other microscopic particles settled in them for a day.

But if the cough begins to be of a regular nature and intensifies, then most likely the child develops a cold and requires a doctor's consultation. Most often, cough does not begin on its own, but in combination with a runny nose and general malaise, although it may remain a single symptom for some time.

How to treat a cough in a child under one year?

With young children, you should always be extremely careful and do not buy medication yourself. Only after consulting a doctor should you begin treatment. Babies with great care are prescribed drugs that dilute sputum, because a child of this age can not yet fully pour out a large number of them. To help her mother comes a vibrating (percussion) massage of the back and chest, which is performed for 7 minutes, several times a day.

Children with acute bronchitis often appoint applications on the chest with Dimexidum, which is diluted according to the proportion by age. In addition, antiviral agents are prescribed in the form of suppositories (Viferon).

How to treat dry cough in children?

To make the cough productive, that is, with the spitting out of the sputum, the airways need to be moistened as much as possible. For this purpose it is good to use inhalations with mineral water, for example, Borjomi, which is filled with a nebulizer.

The child should receive a lot of warm, but not hot drinks in the form of fruit drinks, herbal infusions and compotes. Air in the room where the sick kid is to have a humidity of about 65% and a temperature of no higher than 22 ° C, so that the mucus does not thicken and the surface of the bronchi does not dry up.

In addition to moistening, drugs with an antitussive effect are recommended: Ascoril, Sinekod, Herbion, licorice root, Bromhexine and some others. The agent should be used according to the age-related dosage.

How to treat a wet (wet) cough in a child?

When she managed to get the sputum moistened, and she started to move away, she needs to help her expectorate as effectively as possible. To do this, use the following tools in the form of syrups, tablets and nebulizer therapy:

  • Ambroxol;
  • Lazolvan;
  • Broncholitin;
  • Pectolvan S;
  • Flavamed.

The use of nebulizer inhaler proved to be the best, because in this way, the medicine instantly enters the respiratory tract, bypassing the digestive tract.

How to treat a severe allergic cough in a child?

Quite often, with viral infection, a greater susceptibility to various allergens begins. This can be a banal household finger, food or medicine.

In the treatment of allergic cough along with anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed antihistamines, reduce the perception of the body of all kinds of allergens, and the reception of which can take a long time.

In addition to treatment, in a house where a child with an allergic cough resides, wet cleaning should be carried out regularly, and minimized any contact with irritants - tobacco smoke, household chemicals, perfumes and other.

How to treat a residual lingering cough in a child?

After the acute period of illness in the child passed and recovery came, it happens that it is incomplete, that is, from time to time the baby coughs. This can last quite a long time.

To help

Residual cough in children how to treatthe body is soon to cope with the residual phenomena using various folk methods:
  • black radish juice and honey;
  • poultices on the chest of potatoes and honey, as well as interior fat;
  • milk with goose or goat fat;
  • herbal preparations from bronchitis.

Now you know that cough in children can be treated at home and how to do it right. Do not neglect the doctor's recommendations not to prolong the illness and not cause complications.

Than to treat a cough in a child without temperature?

than to treat a cough in a child without feverCoughing is one of the most common signs of disease. In most cases, this symptom occurs as a result of influenza and SARS and is accompanied by an increase in body temperature, nasal congestion, sore throat and other similar symptoms.

However, this is not always the case. In small children, mainly preschool age, often there is a cough without temperature, which causes parents to crumbles very much to worry and experience. In this article, we will tell you what kind of cough a child can have, and how to treat it, if it occurs without an accompanying increase in body temperature.

How to treat a wet cough at normal temperature?

Usually the appearance of a wet cough in a baby indicates that an infectious organism has got into a child's body. To determine what caused the onset of the inflammatory process, and with what infectious the immune system collapses, it is necessary to consult a doctor and conduct a detailed examination.

Based on the results of the studies, the doctor can prescribe various medications, including antibiotics. In most cases, such a measure is excessive, so it will be superfluous to consult another specialist.

In addition, to alleviate the condition of the baby, it is necessary to give him mucolytic drugs, for example, Bromhexine or Muciltin. Also, in the treatment of a damp cough in a child running without temperature, popular means are actively used, for example, broth of wild rose and chamomile, kalinovy ​​and sagebrush infusion, milk with natural carrot juice or hot lemon tea.

What if the baby has a dry cough without fever?

The cause of dry chest cough in a child at any age can also be an infection of the respiratory tract, ingestion of foreign body, as well as allergic reactions. Today in every pharmacy you can buy a lot of medicines that will help crumbs get rid of this painful symptom, for example, syrups Dr. Mom, Lazolvan, Prospan, Fljuditek and others.

Although they are all relatively safe and can be used even for the treatment of dry chest cough without temperature in a newborn child, it is recommended that they be consulted before doctor. If, as a result of the examination, the doctor determines that the cause of the cough is covered in allergies, the baby should also be given antihistamines, for example, Zirtek drops or Fenistil. The detected allergen will have to be completely excluded from the life of the child or at least to reduce the contact of the baby with it to a minimum.

In addition, in some cases, a dry cough without fever in a small child may have purely physiological causes. So, often such a symptom occurs in children during the period of dentistry, after vaccination or After awakening, when the respiratory system of the crumb tries to clear itself of the accumulated overnight mucus.

Regardless of the reason for this cough, it is necessary to moisten the air in the sick child's room by purchasing a special humidifier or by placing a small container filled with water in it. It is also useful to do inhalations with a nebulizer, using a saline solution or a mineral water as a liquid to fill the reservoir.

dry cough in a child without feverHow to treat a barking cough in a baby?

To treat barking cough in a child, even if it passes without temperature, it should be treated with all seriousness, since this symptom can signal the development of such dangerous diseases as laryngotracheitis, bronchospasm and bronchial asthma. As a rule, such a cough has a paroxysmal character. If your child has an attack, you should immediately call for an "ambulance" and strictly follow all the recommendations of health professionals.

The baby has a cough without temperature, what should I do? How to treat?

u rebenka kewel bez temperaturuOften children develop a cough without fever. He can appear for various reasons, most often colds, then with the help of a cough the child gets rid of the microbes that have accumulated in the throat, thoracic region. When influenza, cold cough is accompanied by fever, it says that the body with all the strength is protected from the disease. If a child has a sudden and dry cough, while the body temperature is not increased, it can talk about other serious diseases.

Causes of cough without temperature

If a child has an infectious, catarrhal disease that affects the trachea, bronchi, lungs, there is a cough of the cold, high fever, the child is weakened. When the disease begins to heal, the symptoms go away. The cough can remain for another two weeks, then disappears.

If a child has a sudden paroxysmal cough without a cold, temperatures and it is impossible to heal, you need to carefully examine the child, this is the first symptom of a serious illness.

Most often such a cough can be a symptom of bronchial asthma, it worsens at night, after a hard day. In this situation, it is important to pay attention to how often asthma attacks the child, how many times a day, a month.

Cough without fever in a child can be triggered by an allergic reaction to pollen of different plant species, house dust mites, products nutrition, cosmetics, household chemistry, because of this irritated bronchi, become hypersensitive, so children are disturbed by a strong dry cough. Allergy can be removed with the help of antihistamines, other drugs will be ineffective.

Sometimes, a cough that is not accompanied by fever can talk about an infectious disease - cytomegalovirus, chlamydia, whooping cough, fungi, paracoids also often leads to irritation bronchi. In some children, the state of health may be exacerbated by tuberculosis, but this disease most often occurs with increased body temperature. In order to know exactly about the disease, the child must necessarily pass all the laboratory tests, based on them will be selected effective treatment.

Note that if your child begins to cough badly after a stressful situation, then he has a cough appears due to psychogenic causes, it occurs in the form of seizures, can last a minute, and sometimes whole day.

Dangerous is a cough without fever, which is characteristic of laryngitis, the child suffers suffocation, it is necessary to consult a therapist. In infancy, cough is physiological in nature, with the help of its children cleanse the respiratory tract from dust, food that enters the respiratory tract. Sometimes a cough can appear when the child has his first teeth.

In cases when the cough is prolonged, it is not moistened, thus there is no runny nose, temperature, It is necessary to undergo a full course of examination, so that the disease does not develop into a chronic one with different complications.

Treatment of cough in a child without fever

1. Give the child as much warm water as possible, preferably alkaline. Also, if your child does not have allergies, you can give milk with the addition of soda, it is also good to add honey, butter.

2. If the cough is severe, while the temperature does not rise, you can conduct steam inhalations - recommend breathing nal potatoes, which is cooked, you can use different types of herbs - chamomile, sage, eucalyptus.

3. Compresses are an effective remedy. So the sputum will be formed faster and blood circulation will improve in the chest area, you can use honey, boiled potatoes, vegetable oil. It should be applied to the baby's chest, it should be able to withstand it for at least two hours, it is best that she sleeps, wrap it, it should get warm well.

4. Watch the air in the room, it should be moist, give up various types of irritants - smells of perfume, tobacco, various cosmetic products, household chemicals. Do a wet cleaning, wipe off the dust.

5. Abundant drink for the child. It should be varied, compote, if it's winter, you can use frozen, dried fruits. In a season it is good to prepare compotes with fresh fruits, they contain a large amount of vitamins, which will help the child, quickly recover. Prepare broths for cough, you can use mother-and-stepmother, thyme, nettle, thermopsis, oregano. Pay attention, children of allergic people are not allowed to take various herbs, this will only further aggravate the disease and lead to bronchospasm, Quinck's swelling, anaphylactic shock. Cough can be cured with tea with honey and lemon.

Medication for cough without temperature

Drugs can be prescribed for dry cough, which will help make it productive, moist. Effectively treated with Delsim, Tusupreksa, Libexin. Pay attention, these drugs can not be taken into account, they can lead to serious consequences.

If the child has a wet cough without temperature, you need to reduce the sputum, this is suitable for treatment of ATSTS, Bromheksinom, Ambroxol, Mukaltin. This group of drugs also leads to side effects on the child's body, may be impaired work of the gastrointestinal tract, liver, in children often after taking these funds, there is nausea, vomiting.

When a child is often sick, you need to think about strengthening his immune system, so accustom him to the sport, he should move as much as possible, exercise, it is important that the food is balanced and rich in vitamins.

So, cough without fever is most often due to an allergic reaction, bronchial asthma, less laryngitis, so do not run it, it is necessary to immediately treat, until it has developed into a chronic form, before this it is necessary to undergo a full course of examination for confirmation diagnosis.

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