Rhinitis in the baby 3 months treatment

Than to treat a cold at the child in 3 months?



Breast milk

Vera Fam

Coryza in a three-month-old child is curable. The main thing is to take timely measures and use the right medicine. In order to avoid any complications, consult a doctor. He will diagnose and advise how best to treat a runny nose in a 3-month-old baby.
If the baby has a 3-month runny nose, you can use only natural preparations. Currently, there are safe and effective drugs Akvalor. Especially for babies they produce Aqualor Baby Spray and Baby's Drops. These medications have no contraindications. Even in 1 month, a cold in a child is treated without problems. If there are appropriate symptoms, they are used from birth.
Only the sterile sea water with active substances and trace elements: K, Mg, Na, Cl, Se, I, Ca, Zn, Cu, Fe, etc., is part of the products of Aqualor. With a cold in a 3-month-old baby this medicine is ideal. Aqualor does not contain preservatives, chemical additives.
The drug based on sea water clears the nasal cavity and nasopharynx from infections, reduces swelling, restores nasal breathing. In addition, it has an anti-inflammatory effect, moisturizes the nasal mucosa, thereby relieving irritation. With a cold in a three-month-old child, it is important not only to eliminate symptoms, but also to increase local immunity, which is successfully handled by Akvalor.

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This drug stimulates the protective function of the epithelial tissue of the nose and nasopharynx. When removing a cold in a 3-month-old baby, it is important that the drug does not cause addiction. Since there are no artificial additives in Aqualor, it is absolutely harmless for babies from the first days of life.

Also, Aqua Maris is recommended for the treatment and prevention of colds in children and newborns, both As Aqua Maris is made from the Adriatic Sea and contains only natural minerals and substance. Aqua Maris effectively cleans the nasal mucosa of the baby from viruses, microorganisms and allergens. And the microelements that make up the Aqua Maris, increase local immunity (zinc, selenium) and contribute to the effective work of micro-cilia of the nasal mucosa (magnesium, calcium).

Drops of OTRIVIN BABY are also ideal for newborns (physiological, pH level is close to natural secretory a liquid of a mucous nose; without preservatives; drops gently wash the nasal mucosa and nasal passages in which the mucous selection)

Sofiya Skobelev's

To drip breast milk. Earlier in the maternity hospital they taught.

We treat a runny nose in a child up to one year: the most effective means

Inflammation of the nasal mucosa, accompanied by stuffiness, shortness of breath, sneezing, is called a runny nose. This simple and safe (erroneous opinion of many) disease can be isolated, and can accompany other pathologies. Treatment of the common cold should be done correctly, especially in infants, because there is a risk of serious complications.

What childrens drops from the cold are the most effective, you can learn from this article.

Types of colds

Runny nose is a commonly diagnosed inflammation of the nasal mucosa in children. They are sick and teenagers, and children of school age, and newborns / babies. In medicine, it is common to distinguish the following types of common cold:
  1. Infectious. It occurs against the background of influenza, measles, acute respiratory-viral infection.
  2. Catarrhal (chronic). It lasts a long time, is characterized by stuffy nose, which worries children day and night.
  3. Allergic. All the signs of the common cold appear periodically and are related, most often, to the seasons of the year - for example, spring blooms in the spring, poplar fluff flies in the summer, and ambrosia blooms in the autumn.
  4. Vasomotor. It is diagnosed in children with weakened immunity, for which even a small draft, provided that warm clothing is available, can grow into a runny nose.

How to properly use aloe juice from the common cold to children under one year, you can learn from the contents of this article.

In the case of acute rhinitis (rhinitis), three stages of rhinitis can be diagnosed:

  • dry;
  • moist;
  • purulent.

Rhinitis in babies - features of the flow

If the runny nose lasts more than 2 weeks, it is necessary to seek advice from a pediatrician - perhaps a physiological runny nose has developed into an infectious cold.

Newborns are characterized by the development of a physiological rhinitis - a condition that is associated with the adaptation of the nasal mucosa to the surrounding world and independent breathing. In the womb of the mother, breathing through the mouth and nose was not carried out by the child - oxygen came through the blood through the umbilical cord. After birth, the body must get used to (adapt) to the new conditions life and the mucous membrane of the nose simply "calculates" the right amount of mucus that should produced. It is during this period that the baby can have nasal congestion, the presence of mucus.

What drops from the cold and nasal congestion are best, you can learn from the article.

With a physiological cold, the child does not experience discomfort and behaves absolutely calmly, therefore, fever, whims and sleep disturbance can not be associated with this condition.

Symptoms of a cold

For each stage of acute rhinitis (cold) there are symptoms:

  • at the onset of the disease (dry stage)- dryness in the nasal passages, the patient experiences unpleasant sensations ("scores"), there is frequent sneezing, a headache of a non-intensive nature develops;
  • wet stage- in the nasal passages mucus of light color begins to accumulate, the mucous membrane considerably swells and there is complete nasal congestion;
  • purulent- the discharge from the nose acquires a yellow-green tint, a stretchy and viscous structure.

At any stage of acute rhinitis, the above symptoms are accompanied by headache, general weakness, children are capricious and require increased attention from adults.

Acute rhinitis is highly treatable, and in some cases even completely without the intervention of doctors and the use of medications. If the runny nose lasts more than 3 weeks, then the risk of the disease transition to the chronic stage rises many times.

What to do when the nose swells without a cold and how to deal with this problem, what medicines and methods are indicated in the article.

Diagnostic measures

Runny nose in children before the year is diagnosed by a pediatrician already when examining the nasal passages - there is hyperemia (redness) of the mucosa, its swelling and the presence of mucus. In some cases, instrumental methods of examining a child can be used, and for consultation, more narrow specialists are invited-for example, an allergist, an infectious disease specialist.

The physician should differentiate the common runny nose from infectious diseases, in which the symptoms may be similar - for example, diphtheria, measles.

The child has a runny nose and sneezing, but there is no temperature, what to do about it and how to help the child help to understand the article.

Treatment of a cold in children under one year of age

The peculiarity of the common cold in children up to a year is a problem in its treatment. The fact is that the baby is unable to blow his nose and the mucus is difficult to exit - it accumulates in the nasal passages, which can lead to a rapid development of the chronic form of rhinitis. Parents can help the child with the following procedures:
  • provide the child's room with the right humidity- You can use special humidifiers or place containers with water, hang a wet rag over batteries;
  • regularly cleanse the nose of mucuswith the help of cotton flagella at the age of up to 9 months or an aspirator for older children.

Many parents instill mother's breast milk into the nasal passages, because it is believed that it has antibacterial properties - it's a mistake! It is much more effective to apply for instillation a weak saline solution (5 g of salt per half a cup of water).

What inexpensive remedy for the common cold for children are used most often, you can learn from the article.

Treatment of a common cold in children aged 1-12 months can last 3 and 4 days, but most often the parents celebrate their final recovery one week after the start of the procedure.


If there is a runny nose in an infant, treatment should be exceptionally safe - by no means Do not use to remove symptoms of drops and aerosols / sprays that are recommended for older children age!

For babies from the age of 3 months, you can use Nazivin drops - they have a vasoconstrictive effect. If the baby is already 5 months old, it is possible to dilute the accumulated mucus in the nasal passages with a physiological sodium chloride solution and then perform a liquid aspiration procedure (aspiration). To the best tools for treatment at the age of 5-6 months can be referred to Otrivin, Xylen and Vibrocil.In the period from 7 months and older, you can safely drip Interferon - it has not only therapeutic, but also preventive action.It is also possible to take homeopathic remedies agreed with the doctor.

What to do, when after the cold the sense of smell is gone, the information from the article will help to understand.

What remedy for a cold is better for a child - the doctor decides!

Folk methods

Official medicine fully approves the use of folk methods in the treatment of the common cold in children up to a year. The most effective tools include:

  • washing of the nasal passages with saline solution;
  • instill 1 drop a few times a day of aloe / calanchoe juice;
  • inhalation with broths of herbs (sage, chamomile, thyme).

Folk methods can be used to treat the common cold in children from 8 months of age and not earlier! A inhalation - with a 10-month.

What to do when the throat pain when swallowing, but there is no temperature, you can find out by reading the article.

What is a common cold in children under one year old?

Many parents mistakenly believe that a rhinitis (rhinitis) does not pose a danger to the child and generally passes "by itself". But the statistics claim the opposite:
  • untreated acute rhinitis quickly passes into a chronic stage, which is hard to treat and constantly recurs;
  • at 7 months of age, the runny nose can develop into a purulent sinusitis;
  • at 9-12 months of age the risk of sinusitis develops.

How to cure a runny nose when breastfeeding with mom, will help to know the content of the article.

In addition, a prolonged runny nose leads to a violation of sleep in the child, his whims and irritability.Due to the fact that the baby can not fully breathe through the nose, the breastfeeding (or artificial) mode is also violated - the child does not eat the right amount of milk / mixture, loses weight, there are signs of irregularities in the system digestion.

What antibiotics for cough and cold are the best and quickly help, you can understand reading the article.


Look at the video of three ways to clean the baby's nose:

Runny nose in children under one year old is a disease that can be treated at home. Pediatricians should be consulted in case of fever, cough or other symptoms of an infectious disease.


Rhinitis in a newborn baby: what to do and what to treat

Rhinitis in newborns is a problem familiar to many parents. Most of them discharge from the nose from their child perceive as a disease and rush to the doctor for prescribing medications. In fact, according to pediatricians, rhinitis in a child from birth to 2, 5 months is not always indicative of the occurrence of a cold in the child's body.

Why there is a runny nose in newborn babies

Runny nose in a newborn baby can have several causes. Regardless of the factors that provoked increased secretion in the nasal cavity of the baby, rhinitis gives him a lot of unpleasant sensations. Abundant discharge of mucus from the nose or its stuffiness disrupts the habitual life of the child, worsens his sleep, the appetite disappears, the baby becomes whimsical and whiny.

Because of the stuffy nose, infants often refuse from the breast or infant formula, resulting in a rapid decrease in body weight.

Rhinitis in the baby can be caused by the penetration of the respiratory tract of a viral or bacterial infection, allergens and even foreign objects. Proceeding from this, in otolaryngology are distinguished such types of rhinitis, as viral, bacterial, allergic, mechanical. Soples in a newborn can also appear as a result of side effects on the body of certain medicines. Also often there is a physiological runny nose in the child, caused by the peculiarities of the development of the children's nasopharynx.

How to understand that a newborn has a cold: symptoms of yellow and green snot

Often young mothers worry that their child will get sick, and they will not be able to understand this. It is for this reason that they often ask the more experienced parents how to understand that the newborn has a runny nose so that it is possible to provide medical assistance in a timely manner.

The main symptom of the common cold is the abundant discharge of mucus from the nose. Depending on the stage of the inflammatory process, the secret has a different color and consistency. Immediately after penetration of the virus infection into the body, the mucus is a transparent liquid consistency. Over time, it thickens, becomes white, possibly yellowish or greenish in color, indicating a stagnant process. Green snot in a newborn appears after the attachment of a bacterial infection. Slime becomes green as a result of death of leukocytes and bacteria, which caused inflammation in the nose.

Yellow snot in a newborn is with a bacterial runny nose or when staining mucus as a result of ingress of pollen in the nasal cavity. Staining the mucus in yellow or green after prolonged secretion of a clear secret is a natural process, indicating the approach of recovery. However, if the mucus remains yellow or green for more than two weeks, there is a serious cause for concern.

Nasal discharge of bright yellow color, most likely, is a sign of the development of sinusitis, chronic otitis or sinusitis. Purulent discharge can indicate an inflammation of the adenoid tissue in the baby. Yellow secretions can also appear with an allergic reaction of the nasopharynx, but in this case, they have a liquid consistency, almost like water. So allergic to pollen of flowering plants is manifested, therefore, usually a newborn sheds a drop of yellow color after contact with the allergen.

Many specialists associate the color of nasopharyngeal discharge with the period of the disease, they say, yellow and green mucus indicates the transition of the disease to a new stage.

In addition to the abundant watery discharge from the nose on the development of the common cold may indicate an increased body temperature. True, the state of fever is usually observed only when the virus originates from the disease.

Also, it is not uncommon to learn about the development of a cold in a baby that is helped by such symptoms:

  • nasal congestion, as a result of which the baby is forced to breathe through the mouth;
  • there is shortness of breath and difficulty breathing, which is caused by insufficient oxygen;
  • at the allergic origin of the disease, in addition to abundant mucous secretions, the baby is concerned about frequent sneezing, itching and burning in the nose, redness of the eyes and lacrimation.

Sometimes it happens that first the baby lays a nose, there is an unpleasant feeling of dryness, and after a few days mucus begins to be abundantly released. It is not always possible for parents to learn about the development of the common cold, but carefully watching the baby, you can see that he constantly holds the handles near the nose.

Physiological cold in newborns and treatment of a snot

Why does a newborn snot appear immediately after birth, if the baby is not supercooled and has not been in contact with sick people? Many mothers want to know the answer to this question. This runny nose is quite a natural process, because the baby for 9 months was in the womb in a liquid environment. These conditions of the fetal habit do not allow to fully form and develop the superficial mucous membranes of the respiratory tract. Thus, it turns out that the newborn is born with a completely unformed mucous membrane of the nasopharynx, which is not adapted to the new conditions of life. That's why there may be a runny nose in the baby for the first 10-11 weeks of his life, until the mucous membrane of the nasal cavity is adjusted. At this time, the organism adapts to the fact that the inhaled air must be moistened, clean and warm.

Once the mucous membrane determines how much mucus is needed for the normal functioning of the nasopharynx, its amount will immediately decrease. However, for the mother, a runny nose in an infant is perceived almost always as a disease, and during this period it is important not to interfere with the natural process of taking medications.

It's not always possible for parents to determine why a newborn has snot, and what exactly they are caused, because the release of a physiological, viral and allergic rhinitis is practically nothing are different. Despite the fact that the mucus of a transparent color of medium consistency, yet the child does not experience any painful sensations with the physiological origin of the discharge from the nose. The baby's health does not deteriorate and the mucous membrane of the nose does not swell, as occurs in viral and allergic rhinitis. With a physiological cold the infant is active, he sleeps well, eats and does not act up. The only symptom of the common cold in a newborn baby is an abundant transparent discharge from the spout. Sometimes such a process can cause a baby sneezing, but this is very rare.

Among the symptoms of a physiological cold, there is never a cough, fever and fever.

How to cure a cold in a newborn if the baby is 1 month old?

Many parents do not know what to do when the snot of a newborn disturbs the baby day and night. Independently one can not begin to carry out medicamentous treatment of rhinitis in a baby, therapy can be prescribed only by a specialist.

How to treat a cold in a newborn depends on the factors that caused such a condition of the nasal mucosa of the child. Even before visiting a specialist's office, parents can perform actions aimed at alleviating the condition of their baby. First of all, if there is a strong rhinitis in the baby, which obstructs the nasal breathing, it is necessary to cleanse the nasal passages from the pathological secretion. For this procedure, solutions based on sea water or regular saline solution are well suited.

With a cold in a baby at 1 month, it is recommended to use only drops, a spray at this age for the purification of nasal passages is contraindicated. It is strictly forbidden to wash the nose with babies using a pear, such actions of parents can lead to serious consequences - cause inflammation in the ear cavity. Spray is not recommended for use because it is impossible to control the amount of injected liquid in the baby's spout.

What to drip a newborn with a cold?

For babies up to 6 months, special drops are sold on the basis of sea water, you can also use saline, dropping it from the pipette into each nasal passage of 2 drops. Then you need to take an aspirator and release the nasopharynx from the mucus.

Among the preparations based on sea water are popular:Aquamaris, Humer, Salin, Akvalor. You can prepare a decoction of chamomile and sage and drip into the nose from the pipette, these agents not only dilute the mucus, but also have an anti-inflammatory effect on the irritated mucous membrane. Often pediatricians in small patients are prescribed Ekteritsid, the preparation is an oily liquid, which effectively fights against dryness of the nasal mucosa, also has a disinfectant on it act.

Applied Ekteritsid as follows:drip 2-3 drops in each nasal passage no more often than 1 time in two hours.

At the newborn stream snot: how to get rid of a cold?

Humidification of the air should become another action of parents who do not know what to do when the baby has a cold. A well-ventilated room with moist air promotes a faster recovery of the nasal mucosa. Increase the humidity in a dry room by using an air humidifier. The optimal humidity in the room where the sick child is - 50% at a temperature of 20-21ºС.

If a newborn baby is concerned about the abundant discharge of mucus of a pathological nature from the nasal cavity, it is important to choose an effective treatment for the inflammatory process. At a cold in a newborn 1 month of life from the moment of birth in the case of fever, the whole period of treatment can not be walked with the baby and bathe it in the bath. If a child eats with an appetite, it is not worth changing his habitual diet. Of vasoconstrictive drops at this age, you can apply Nazol Baby and Nazivin baby.

Treatment of a severe cold in infants 2 and 3 months old

With a cold in a baby for 2 months except for vasoconstrictive drugs, specialists often prescribe antiviral drugs, although in the case of a viral origin of the inflammatory process in the nose. It is believed that the runny nose will quickly pass if the nose drip antiviral drops Grippferon or Interferon. The process of recovery is accelerated by the suppression and destruction of viruses that caused the disease. Most experts are of the opinion that every time you develop rhinitis, antiviral drugs should not be prescribed. The appointment is appropriate in the treatment of newborns and children with weakened immunity.

If there was a runny nose in a baby at 3 months, when there is a discharge from the nose of mucopurulent or purulent contents, pediatricians often prescribe antiseptics. What kind of antiseptic drops from the cold to newborns will help cope with the disease, the specialist will say. Typically recommended for use Protargol - a safe drug based on silver. Unfortunately, in the finished form in free sale such antiseptic means can not be found, it is made under the order under the prescription of the doctor. Sometimes it is used and Albucid, in spite of the fact that it is eye drops, it copes well with a runny nose of purulent character.

Antiseptics, although not a dangerous preparation for infants, can, if misused, overdry the mucous membrane of the nose and even cause it to burn.

That's why, without special need, experts do not prescribe antiseptics and recommend to do without them.

What can be done if the newborn does not have a runny nose?

What can a newborn from a cold from the first days of life crumbs? The list of nasal drops for different types of rhinitis consists of such medicines as Aquamaris, Nazivin, Vibrocil, Doctor Mom, Salin and Pinolos. Some parents are of the opinion that the safest treatment is the common cold in the baby, but when using many medicinal plants, one must be especially careful. It will not bring a child a chill broth of chamomile, calendula and sage.

You can also take treatment with warming ointments and tinctures, apply calendula ointment, St. John's wort, Vital, Pulmex-baby, Doctor Mom. These means you can lubricate only the feet, after which you must immediately put on warm socks.

Often good results in the treatment of a cold in an infant give an aromatherapy. You can give the crumb to breathe thai oil and tea tree, moistening the handkerchief and putting a baby crib at the head of the bed.

Drops from the common cold for the newborn at the age of 2 weeks

Treatment of runny nose in newborns rarely does without taking medications. At such an early age, it is important to provide medical assistance in a timely manner, to eliminate the inflammatory process in the nasal sinuses and restore the normal functioning of the nasopharynx. If the cold lasts for a newborn for 2 weeks, most likely, a specialist will prescribe antibacterial drugs to avoid the development of dangerous complications.

Usually the cause of the abundant mucus in the nose becomes the penetration of viruses and bacteria into the baby's body. At the initial stage of the inflammatory process, the mucous membrane swells. How to treat a runny nose in a baby with nasal congestion? Help to eliminate stuffiness helps vasoconstrictive drops. Carrying out treatment of the common cold with such drugs, it should be understood that the vasoconstrictive effect is not limited only to the nasopharynx, it extends to other organs of the child's body. That is why the treatment of the common cold in the infant by the method of instilling vasoconstrictive drugs often causes many side effects.

Moreover, uncontrolled instillation of vasoconstrictors has the opposite effect: instead of eliminating puffiness, it increases.

Treatment of a runny nose in infants with vasoconstrictive drugs should be carried out only at the doctor's prescription, parents must strictly observe the prescribed dosage and duration of therapy. Usually for infants, this therapy is limited to 3-5 days.

What to do and how to treat a runny nose in a baby?

How to cure a cold in a newborn, if it again makes itself felt soon after the elimination of unpleasant symptoms? This often occurs with weakened immunity in the baby. Many babies are already born weakened, so parents are faced with the problem of frequent colds.

How to get rid of a cold in newborns with a low protective function of the body, tells a pediatrician or an immunologist. In most cases, the treatment of snot in newborn babies, when the cause of the disease becomes weakened immunity, is performed with the help of immunostimulating agents.

In pediatrics, a drug such as Derinat is popular. He belongs to the group of immunomodulators safe for children, therefore it is prescribed to babies from the first days of life. The principle of Derinat's action is that it activates the defenses of the child's organism to fight with pathogenic microorganisms.

It is usually well tolerated by children, since it has no side effects and contraindications to pediatric use.

How to treat a cold in the genyantritis of an infant?

According to statistical data, even the nursing infants are affected by sinusitis. The development of the disease most often leads to a neglected form of normal rhinitis, which was not cured by specialists or the parents of the baby in time. How to treat a runny nose in an infant if it is caused by a sinusitis? Treatment of the disease should be effective, comprehensive and systematic.

Parents should learn from a pediatrician or an otolaryngologist how to cure a runny nose in a baby with genyantritis.

As a rule, therapy consists of a complex of such actions:

  • purification of the nasal sinuses from pathogenic contents by washing the nasopharynx;
  • instillation of vasoconstrictors to relieve edema and normalize nasal breathing;
  • vitamin therapy, the use of drugs to stimulate immunity;
  • Nasal instillation with anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • antibiotic therapy aimed at the destruction of pathogens;
  • surgical methods of treatment.

How to treat snot in a newborn with genyantritis with antibiotics, so as not to cause side effects? Antibiotic therapy should be carried out strictly according to the appointment of a specialist, usually such preparations for oral administration are prescribed by the course for 3, 5, 7 and 10 days. Babies are usually prescribed antibiotics for 3-5 days, longer treatment can lead to undesirable consequences. Simultaneously with the internal use of antibiotics nasal preparations are prescribed, the Isofra and Bioparox spray proved to be well established.

Treatment of an allergic rhinitis in infants

If the newborn does not go through a runny nose for a long time, with the discharge from the nose transparent, there is a possibility of allergy development. It is important to know what to drip to a newborn with a common cold of allergic origin, as improper treatment can lead to complications. First of all, for effective treatment of allergic rhinitis, it is important to exclude contact with the allergen. To alleviate the condition of the child and to remove puffiness, vasoconstrictive agents are prescribed. To block the action of the allergen on the nasal mucosa, experts recommend watering the nasal cavity with antihistamines, among them Avamis, Nazonex and Vibrocil are often used. Also, to suppress the allergic reaction of the body should take antihistamines orally, these are drugs such as Zodak, Zirtek, Claritin, Erius, Fenistil.

To treat a cold despite of its kind it is necessary on time and to full recovery. In the absence of proper therapy, the main complications of the common cold are diseases such as otitis, bronchitis, etmoiditis, sinusitis, pneumonia, conjunctivitis.


How to properly treat a cold in a child 3 years old?

Three years of age in the child with his admission to the kindergarten. Acclimatization in a new place and with a new team is accompanied by catarrhal diseases. Often you can hear complaints from moms for a persistent cough and runny nose. Moreover, there are cases when a child is sick several times a month. And from rhinitis, he suffers most often. How to properly treat it at this age is told further.

Features of treatment

Basically, the runny nose does not require serious treatment, therefore, observing certain conditions for caring for the baby in the period of the disease and using known medicinal and folk remedies can be successfully eliminated him.

It is possible to alleviate the child's illness by creating the necessary conditions:

  • maintain the air temperature in his room in the range from 18 to 22 0С;
  • increase the level of humidity in the room to prevent dryness in the nasal passages;
  • Before sleeping, the pillow should be set so that its head and hangers are raised. Due to this, mucus will not accumulate and wake it during sleep;
  • from the age of two, it is necessary to teach the child to properly clean the nose, warning him to blow his nose in turn with one, and then with the second nostril.Cleansing the two nostrils can simultaneously lead to the development of acute otitis;
  • Tell the baby that you can not drag the slime into yourself so that the infection does not get deeper into the nasopharynx;
  • to change to him more often handkerchiefs, that he wiped the nose with dry handkerchiefs;
  • if the crumb himself can not clean the spout, then help him do it with an aspirator or a rubber pear;
  • Give him to drink as much warm water or other drinks as possible. If he does not want to eat, do not force him to do this forcibly;
  • Affectionately address to the kid, play and entertain him, so that he is distracted from the disease.

The video tells how to treat a cold in a child 3 years old:


To treat children at the age of three from the cold, pharmacists offer a variety of medications. And also there are alternative methods of treatment in the form of physiotherapy, inhalation and foot baths.

In a polyclinic can appoint or nominate to pass or take place a course of a physiotherapy:

  • ultrasound;
  • with the help of a laser;
  • a magnet;
  • UFO.

At home, they will be completely replaced by inhalations, which can be done in the old manner above the pot or with the help of a purchased nebulizer. Acquire it is necessary in accordance with the age of the child and the most frequent disease. on the link you can read how to choose an inhaler for a child. Better if it comes with two masks: for children and adults.Then you can use the whole family.

Devices for ultraviolet irradiation can eliminate for 4 procedures. They are also good at quartz room.


With the help of special apparatus, the drug is sprayed in the form of an aerosol and penetrates deeply into the nasopharynx. The duration and the desired treatment regimen are selected according to the instructions.The agent for infusion into the device is prescribed by the doctor based on the diagnosed disease.Nebulizer can be used even for newborns. And children of three years of age will enjoy using it more than drinking other medicines or using drops for the nose. Only before starting to use it is necessary to explain to the child how to use it correctly. On your example, demonstrate the baby putting on a mask. To use it you need certain solutions, various formulations.

Effective and affordable to use is,% saline. It can be replaced by high-alkaline water "Borjomi". But before pouring into the device, they must be heated to a temperature of 300 ° C. This tool will help the child get rid of accumulated crusts in the nose and eliminate the feeling of dryness.

To treat serious diseases accompanied by an acute cold, Lazolvan or Ambrobene is prescribed. With the help of them you can dilute sputum and take it out.One portion of the medicine is diluted with the same amount of saline and poured into the nebulizer.Such therapy should last no more than five days. Children 3 years at a time appoint 1 ml of the composition. The procedure is repeated twice a day. Under the link in detail it is described, with what to do inhalations at a cold a nebulizer.


To alleviate a severe runny nose, but it can not be cured by vasoconstrictive drugs. They, acting on the nasal mucosa, cause vasoconstriction, and after that the edema decreases, because of which the air could not freely enter the nasal passages. The mucus becomes less fluid and does not irritate the mucous. These include:

  • Nazivin- contains, 5 mg of oxymetazoline. Its capacity has a convenient pipette - dispenser, with which you can accurately dose the medicine. For toddlers of three years it is necessary to dig in 1 drop in each nostril three times a day. Here you can read the instruction on the use of Nazivin for children.
  • Vibrocil.Drops in the nose Vibrocil for children have anticongestive and anti-allergic effect. It is digested two drops in each nasal passage 4 times a day.
  • OtrivinXylometazoline. Children's drops Otrivin removes puffiness, improves breathing with nasal congestion and adnexal sinuses. Applied 2 times a day for 2 drops in one nasal passage.

The course of treatment of vasoconstrictive drops should not exceed a week.

To ensure that the mucous membrane does not dry out, moisturizers are used.Most of them contain sea water, so they carefully clean the mucus passages without irritating their walls. Popular are:

  • Aqua Mariscontains a large number of minerals and salts. A completely natural product that can be used even in infants. It is applied four times a day at the same intervals, two drops are injected into one nasal passage. Here you can read more about the application of nasal drops of Aqua Maris.
  • Salinhas a local effect, does not have a bactericidal effect. Most often it is used for complex treatment. Eliminates manifestations of inflammatory and infectious diseases of the nose. Its active substance is sodium chloride. It is used two or three times a day. Bury one time in each pass.
  • Aqualorcontains minerals and natural components. They need to do the lavage of the nose. The minimum amount of drug use per day is four times. If this is the initial stage of the disease, then you can do more washing. It can be used for nasal hygiene, so the duration of use is unlimited.

Moisturizers can be used as needed, these dosages may vary depending on the complexity of the disease.

On video - treatment of a cold in a child of 3 years:

Traditional methods of treatment

At home without medicines, the common cold is treated in all possible ways, which are known from grandmothers.

With a strong nasal congestion, the sap of a home flower often saves - the Kalanchoe. It is necessary to tear off a sheet from it and squeeze out a little juice. Then it must be diluted with water in the ratio:. Collect half a pipette and drip the baby. When instilled, the child will sneeze intensively, and at the same time all accumulated mucus will come out. Just do not bury too much medicine so as not to injure the mucous membranes. It is better to supply drugs in the nose a little, but often.

Runny nose in the initial stage will help eliminate honey. It is necessary to give a child a piece of honeycomb or zabrus. The kid should chew it for at least five minutes. If the moment of onset of rhinitis is missed, then you can drip a mixture of honey and beet juice in the proportion:. Each nasal passage is treated three times a day, digging in 1 - 2 drops.

Inhalations without a nebulizer can be carried out over hot potatoes.This recipe is familiar to everyone from childhood. How to breathe over a potato with a cold? For the procedure, the root should be boiled and letting the baby breathe it in pairs, covering the dishes and its head with a dense cloth. This tool can be replaced with ordinary hot water with the addition of essential oils - pine, eucalyptus or fir and breathe in their vapors. All these steam procedures the child should spend under the supervision of the parents, so that he does not burn himself.

For a final decision on the choice of funds, it is still worth asking for help from a pediatrician. Three years is a dangerous age in which any disease can turn into acute, and sometimes as a result of improper treatment, acquire chronic forms. And that this does not happen it is necessary to carry out preventive measures, one of which is the hardening of a growing organism. Also, read what to do if the child does not have a runny nose. Here you will find the opinion of Dr. Komarovsky, whether it is possible to walk a child with a cold. Perhaps you are also interested in whether the rhinitis is infectious without fever.


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