Beetroot in the nose with a cold

Beetroot juice with a cold and its medicinal properties

Every once in my life I encountered a runny nose and its unpleasant symptoms, which I want to quickly get rid of.

Exhausted by abundant secretions from the nasopharynx, patients often make a choice in favor of vasoconstrictors, which do not cure the common cold, but only stop its symptoms. In this case, the disease continues to develop and a simple rhinitis can subsequently give complications in the form of, for example, sinusitis.

Most often, the question of how to treat the common cold with folk remedies arises in women during lactation, the parents of babies, and also in the case of a cold in pregnant women, because in such cases, the drug should be the most safe, not addictive and have as few contraindications as possible.

In rhinitis, folk remedies are most often used, such as:

  • Aloe juice from the common cold.
  • The Kalanchoe juice is from the cold.
  • Sea buckthorn oil in children with cold.
  • Beetroot juice with a cold.

Here we will dwell on the treatment of the common cold with the help of beet juice. Since ancient times, this root is actively used to treat various ailments, including colds.

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The most useful is the beet, which has a cylindrical shape, and its pulp has a rich maroon color. The juice of such beets will help alleviate nasal breathing, remove the swelling of the nasopharynx and significantly reduce the secretion of mucus.

To make beetroot juice for use in a runny nose, you can use a juicer or an ordinary grater. It is necessary to clean the vegetable from contamination, and then gently cut off a thin layer of peel from it, and only then proceed to squeeze the juice.

Use with a cold can beet juice as a raw root, and boiled or even baked. Directly before use, beet juice from the common cold should be held for several hours in the refrigerator, and then diluted water in the ratio: (the concentration depends on the severity of the disease, in this case it is indicated for adults on average ratio).

Treatment of a cold in children with the help of beet juice: reception schemes

Beet juice in children's rhinitis should be used cautiously, as various allergic manifestations are possible. Before you start this treatment, you need to consult with your doctor.

When treating a common cold in children, the beet juice should be diluted with water in the ratio since the ratio: suitable only for adults, in children it can cause irritation, since they have a more sensitive mucous.

To avoid skin coloration when applying beet juice from the common cold in children, you must use any vegetable oil that must be mixed with the juice before burying. It is also acceptable in the treatment of a cold to mix beet juice with honey (if there are no allergic reactions) and garlic or carrot juices, which will greatly improve the therapeutic effect.

It is important to note that during the application of beet juice from the common cold in children there is a possibility of complications, which include:

  • Allergic reaction.
  • Increase in the number of secretions from the nasopharynx.
  • General deterioration of the patient.
  • Fainting (with reduced intracranial pressure).

At appearance of the complications described above, it is necessary to contact the doctor-otolaryngologist as soon as possible, and to cancel the use of beet juice.

There are many different schemes for the intake of beet juice in the treatment of cold in children.

Consider the most common of them:

  • With a cold catch cold twice a day, put in a nasal passage a cotton swab dipped in the juice of boiled beet, keep such a tampon in the nose can be no more than 20 minutes.
  • With abundant mucous discharge from the nasopharynx, bury the juice of raw beet in each nostril for 3 drops, up to four times a day.
  • With a protracted runny nose, a mixture of beetroot juice and carrot juice with honey addition proved to be a good idea. The mixture of juices must be diluted with water in the ratio: and bury in each nostril 2 drops to three times a day.
  • With a chronic rhinitis and thick discharge from the nasopharynx, apply fermented beet juice, bury it 2-3 drops in each nostril, up to four times a day. This solution is relevant only in the treatment of chronic colds.
  • In the treatment of sinusitis, rinse the nasal cavity with boiled beet juice, up to three times a day.
  • In severe forms of rhinitis, it is possible to wash the nasal cavity with warm beetroot decoction, this procedure can be performed up to two times a day.

With an allergic rhinitis in children, beet juice is rarely used, but it is also able to give positive result, as it dilutes thick mucous discharge and helps to release nasal sinuses. Also beet juice significantly reduces mucosal edema and dilates the blood vessels in the nose, which contributes to a quick recovery.


Useful beet juice from the cold

There are many folk remedies for treating the symptoms that occur during the cold, but the beetroot juice from the cold is an excellent addition to the basic therapy. It is very important to know how to apply it correctly, in order to achieve the desired result and recover. It is necessary to consider all the side effects of using this vegetable.

How effective is the beet juice from the common cold?

Some experts argue that this home remedy is powerless against the common cold.It only moisturizes the nasal mucosa. However, beet juice from the common cold is very often prescribed today, and, as a rule, it concerns children.

But if such an ingredient does not do any good, then why use it?

Indeed, a positive result from the instillation of beetroot juice into the nose is almost impossible to achieve. At the same time, beet has the following positive effects: antibacterial and anti-inflammatory.

Therefore, the use of beets in the cold will bring a much stronger result if the patient consumes it inside. In this case, the human body will be saturated with all the necessary useful substances, which are biologically active. If the beet juice is simply buried in the nose, then these medicinal components will not have any effect. Thus, they also will not support the body, because they do not get directly into the blood.

However, according to those who used such a national drug, the beet from the cold helps those, that moisturizes the nasal mucosa, dilutes the snot, removes excess mucus that is in the respiratory ways.

But when using such a tool you need to be extremely cautious, because the juice can cause allergic reaction in the form of a rash, so first you need to check if the child has an allergy to this home a drug.

For this reason, the beet juice should not be used too often and, although it does really moisturize mucous, it is still better to alternate it with saline or ordinary saline water, which have a similar action.

It is important to understand that beet juice is usually recommended by folk medicine, but medicines are prescribed by a doctor, so without medication by home remedies it will be very difficult to permanently eliminate the runny nose or other symptoms disease. At the same time, doctors argue that from beets and other vegetables is much more useful when taking them inside.

Therefore, starting from the above, it should be noted that beet juice, even as a disease prevention is better to use in a kind of medicinal drink, because it is saturated with many useful minerals and other components, and also includes antioxidants. All these components have a positive effect on the immune system.

Moreover, it should be noted that in different countries of the world, beets are used very widely, since it has 18 medicinal effects. As for the common cold, it can be affected by 3 of them (antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and antiseptic actions).

And the instillation of juice is practically meaningless, since it can not eliminate the causes of the onset of the common cold, which is very important for the disease.

How is cold treated with beet juice?

If it is decided to be treated with this method, then the beet juice can be obtained easily. It is enough to squeeze it out of the root, and then dilute it with water until the required concentration is obtained.

Before using such a tool, it is important to first consult with your doctor, because, as mentioned above, beets can cause an adverse reaction in the form of an allergy or because of its influence, there may be an exacerbation of bacterial infection.

It should also be known that the treatment of a cold with beet juice should take place no more than 7 days after the onset of the disease. In the event that after the specified time the symptoms have not passed, this means that the folk remedy before such a disease was powerless and should seek help for a more effective drug.

In addition, if the disease lasts more than a week, this will already indicate possible complications and the presence of infection. To prevent the common cold from leading to such serious consequences as otitis, sinusitis or even bronchitis, you should immediately seek help from a specialist.

But if the patient is not threatened with any complications, then it is possible to complete the course of treatment with beets. If nevertheless it is decided to dig in the juice in the nose, then you need to first check whether a person has an allergy to this vegetable.

For this, it is necessary to drip some liquid into the place where the elbow is bent (this may be the area that is above the upper lip), and gently rub it. If, after a time, no negative reaction has occurred on the juice (for example, in the form of a rash), then the remedy can be used for the intended purpose.

Especially such a check should be made if it is a question of treating a child.

Beet juice can be used only for 3 days and only if all this time it was stored in the refrigerator. Before you put it in your nose, the liquid should be slightly heated, but the temperature of the juice should not exceed the temperature of the patient's body.

After this, it is necessary to drip 2-3 drops into each nostril, and repeat the procedure no more than 2 times a day.

What else you need to know about treatment?

It is also important to understand that the beet liquid should be buried in the nose not in its pure form.

Before use, dilute with normal water in the following proportions:. At the same time, one drop of pure juice will not cause side effects, so if this dose is sufficient, the remedy can not be diluted.

By the way, an allergic reaction may not manifest immediately, but after a long use of such home medication, so for any rashes or poisoning treatment should be immediately to cease.


In addition, one should know that it is also forbidden to use beet juice with other ingredients (for example, honey), otherwise the side effect can not be avoided.

Coryza can have a different character. It can be both allergic and bacterial. In both cases, the drug is not allowed to use. With an allergic runny nose, getting rid of the discharge from the nose will occur naturally (without using any drugs), and the beet agent will not simply not bring a positive result, but it can in itself trigger an allergy.

If the rhinitis is bacterial, the bacteria can use the sugar in their beets for their food, so the infection will only progress.


For this reason, the treatment of the common cold should not resort to folk remedies, because this does not mean that they are able to cope with the disease. It is important to always seek help from a specialist in due time, who will first conduct a thorough examination, make a diagnosis and then prescribe drugs for treatment. If you do not listen to such advice, the runny nose can go into a complication, which will be much more difficult to cure.

Use of beet juice in the treatment of genyantritis

With the development of the inflammatory process in the maxillary sinuses caused by an infectious or catarrhal disease, methods of traditional medicine are actively applied. Beet juice, which has a powerful bactericidal and anti-inflammatory effect, is considered to be an effective tool in the treatment of sinusitis. Treatment of sinusitis with beet juice was known many years ago, but this method is widely used now.Beet juice for preparation of drops in the nose and solutions for washing the nasopharynx with sinusitis are used for both adults and children. Treatment with beet juice is usually used as an additional method to basic therapy.Beetroot is rich in such substances as:
  • nitrogenous compounds;
  • organic acids;
  • cellulose;
  • vitamins;
  • microelements.

Thanks to this useful composition, beet juice increases the regenerative processes in the tissues of the body, which allows you to quickly cure maxillary sinusitis and restore the nasal mucosa damaged by the disease.

How to treat?

The use of fresh juices in the treatment of sinusitis is considered the most effective method by which you can eliminate the inflammatory process in the nasal cavity. It is recommended to use only fresh juice for self-preparation of medicines - drops and solutions. Drip the nose 3 times a day on a pipette in each nostril adult and 3 drops of children.

Burying the juice can cause irritation to the mucosa, which usually manifests by burning and itching in the nose. To avoid this, it is desirable to dilute the beet juice with saline or ordinary water, which must first be boiled and cooled to room temperature.

Beetroot contains mineral substances, organic acids, proteins and sugars, stimulates metabolism, positively influences hemopoiesis

As is known, as a result of the inflammatory process in the maxillary sinuses, a large amount of mucus is formed, and mucus edema also occurs. This phenomenon significantly complicates the fight against bacterial infection in the nasal cavity, which can spread to other organs. It is for this reason that it is advisable to wash the nose with a bactericide, which can use beet juice from sinusitis. It exerts a liquefying effect on the mucus, allowing it to be withdrawn from the nasal passages and improve nasal breathing, and also relieves inflammation.

Beet juice is a wonderful alternative to hormonal, antibacterial and other antiseptic drugs, while it does not have harmful effects on the body. The use of raw, boiled or baked vegetables in the treatment of sinusitis has a number of undeniable advantages:

  • cheapness of the product;
  • its absolute safety;
  • absence of contraindications to use;
  • the possibility of treating children and pregnant women;
  • its availability;
  • does not develop addiction.

Using this useful root crop, it is possible to cure the disease at the initial stage of its development, avoiding complications and thus eliminating the use of antibiotics and the puncture of the maxillary sinuses.

Known therapies

There are many different recipes for the preparation of medicines based on beet juice from sinusitis. You can use these methods of treatment:

  1. Grate the raw beets, squeeze the juice, dilute with water or saline and drip into the nose. You can also use carrots for making drops, which is considered no less effective against sinusitis.

    Beetroot rubbed on the grater and squeezes the juice through gauze

  2. In the same way squeeze the grated beets, dilute with water 1: 1, to get a glass of diluted solution, and add a spoonful of honey. Use as a drop or a solution for rinsing the nasopharynx.
  3. Wash medium size beets and bake in the oven for half an hour. Prepare the juice in a traditional way and drip into each nostril for 8 drops of adults and 3 children for a week. After instillation of a medicine it is necessary to warm up a nose, using a heating pad or a bag of salt. The juice of the boiled beet is not to be diluted with water.
  4. You can treat diseases of the nose and fermented juice, for this you need to leave it for a day in a warm place. It is also not necessary to dilute it, you can drip in your nose 3 times a day. Fermented beets do not lose their useful properties, it only exerts a softer effect on the mucous membrane of the nose.

This natural medicine, obtained at home, can be used to prepare tampons in the nose. It is enough to moisten the cotton swabs in the solution and lay in the nasal passages for 15 minutes. Perform this treatment procedure should be 3 times a day. Excellent this method of treatment is combined with the use of homeopathic remedies, which should be prescribed only by a specialist.

Treatment of a cold in pregnancy

Runny nose in pregnant women is common and can be caused by various reasons. Often, the chronic rhinitis worsens during pregnancy, because immunity in this period is reduced. For the same reason, the expectant mother can easily catch a cold. However, no matter what the cause caused the discharge from the nose and difficulty breathing, treatment of a runny nose during pregnancy is necessary. After all, this harmless for an ordinary person disease can adversely affect the development of the fetus in the womb.

Suddenly, sneezing and streams from the nose can signal an allergic rhinitis during pregnancy. Especially often this happens in the spring, in the midst of flowering. If a fever is added to the cold, cough and headache - it is already about the virus. If this is the case, treatment should begin without delay. Rhinitis with blood during pregnancy can be even a variant of the norm, and is associated with weakening of blood vessels. However, with any form of cold you should consult a doctor. The specialist will establish the cause, explain what the pregnant can get from the cold, and what can not and will appoint the most suitable remedy. Self-medication in this situation is very dangerous.

Treatment of a cold in pregnancy

Standard vasoconstrictive drops during pregnancy are contraindicated. Typically, doctors recommend drugs based on salt solutions, for example, "Dolphin" or "Saline". Homeopathic remedies are widely used (Euforbium compositum), as well as treatment with folk methods.

How can you cure a runny nose when pregnant with folk remedies?

  • use the properties of the onion. Grind the onion and inhale onion steams until they evaporate completely;
  • well helps Kalanchoe from a cold in pregnancy. To make a preparation, grind one leaf of the plant and fill it with a teaspoon of water. Stir the mixture and brew the resulting juice three drops three times a day (for a week). In the same way, you can use scarlet from the cold in pregnancy. Aloe juice is mixed with water in the proportion
  • another means is beet juice. Grind the beets on the grater and pour the mass of cooled water in the ratio:. Stir thoroughly, remove the foam, and then wait two hours. After percolation, bury one peripette in the nose in the morning and in the evening for four days.

Inhalation from a cold in pregnancy

A harmless and sufficiently effective treatment is inhalation. You can use not only a special inhalator, but also improvised means, for example, to breathe on a kettle. In the water it is good to add a teaspoon of soda and a drop of essential oil, which you do not have allergies.

You also need to know that treating a cold in pregnancy with thermal procedures is contraindicated if you have a fever. In this situation, only cold inhalations using essential oils will do.

Consequences of the common cold depending on the gestational age

Rhinitis in the early stages of pregnancy, if it is accompanied by other symptoms of the virus, is very dangerous. In the first trimester,

and the basic organs of the baby develop, therefore the probability of pathologies of their development is increased. If when you catch a cold in the pregnancy of the 2nd trimester has already begun, the baby's organs are already formed and now only their growth occurs. The disease at this time is less critical, but taking medications that are prohibited during pregnancy can still affect the placenta, so it's worth to be very careful. Runny nose during pregnancy is used for the third trimester by conventional means based on salt. If it is accompanied by a cold, it can complicate the course of labor.

How to get rid of a cold in two days?



choose... Honey drops from the cold

Bee honey spread a warm (no more than 4? ) boiled water in the ratio: and use for instillations of 5-8 drops in each nostril 3-4 times a day for acute and chronic rhinitis.

Juice or decoction of beets and runny nose

Rinse the nasal cavity with the juice of boiled beet or its decoction in the rhinitis with thick secretions.

It's a good cure for the runny nose and juice obtained from raw beets. It is believed that it is better to use fermented juice. Bury it in the nose 2-3 drops a few times a day.

A good remedy for the common cold is also a 30% solution of honey in the juice of red beets. Bury it should be 5-6 drops in each nostril 4-5 times a day. It is very effective in treating colds in children caused by adenoids.

Juice can be obtained from raw, boiled or baked beets. To do this, it is passed through the juicer, and if it is not rubbed on a fine grater and squeezed through a folded in several rows of gauze. Cooked beetroot can be passed through a meat grinder, the resulting mass is diluted with water: and squeezed through gauze. Onion with honey against cold

Take 3 tbsp. spoon of finely chopped onions, pour 50 ml of warm boiled water, add 1 teaspoon of honey, stir until dissolved, insist30-40 min, strain and use to wash the nose strip with rhinitis or dig in the nose 4-5 times a day for 4-6 drops in each nostril at runny nose.

The same solution can be used as eye drops with conjunctivitis (inflammation of the connective membrane of the eye, lining the inner surface of the eyelids and the anterior part of the eye).

Leder oil and rhinitis

1 tbsp. a spoonful of shredded herb flax tea pour 100 ml of vegetable oil, soak in a boiling water bath for 40-50 minutes, insist before cooling, filter and use for instillation in the nose 2-3 drops in each nostril 3-4 times a day at runny nose.

Eucalyptus oil and rhinitis

Prepare eucalyptus oil: 2 tbsp. Spoons of dry crushed eucalyptus leaves pour 200 ml of olive, sunflower or other vegetable oil, boil on low heat for 10 minutes, insist 4-5 hours and filter through a folded in several rows gauze.

Bury 5-7 drops of oil in each nostril 4-6 times a day with a cold.

Aloe and rhinitis juice

Bury 5 drops of freshly squeezed aloe juice in both nares every 2-3 hours for an acute cold.

Remedy for cold

Mix in equal proportions (for example, 5 ml) freshly squeezed carrot juice and vegetable oil, add a few drops of garlic juice and bury in the nose for 4-6 drops 3-5 times a day.

Garlic and onion against cold

For 50 ml of vegetable oil - 4 cloves of garlic and 1/4 head of onions.

Vegetable oil soak for 30-40 minutes in a boiling water bath, then cool and add chopped garlic and onion, insist 2 h, strain and use for lubricating the mucous membrane nose with rhinitis.

Acute rhinitis and mustard plasters

In the first hours after the onset of the runny nose, put mustard plasters on the heels, bandage and put on warm woolen socks. Keep mustard for 1-2 hours, then take them off and quickly walk around the room.

Remedy for coryza and sinusitis

In case of an acute cold, as well as with exacerbation of chronic sinusitis, weld 2 eggs hard-boiled, put them in a shell on both sides of the nose and hold until they cool.


Oxylamine ointment will help to get rid of the common cold of virus origin.
Attach the mustard plasters to your heels and wrap your feet around the flannel. Top the woolen socks. It is advisable to endure one to two hours of such treatment. Then remove everything and quickly walk around the room for two or three minutes. It is best to conduct such a procedure before bedtime.

It would be nice to eat a pair of cloves of fresh garlic.

Rinse the nasopharynx with saline: dissolve one teaspoon of table salt in a glass of warm water and add five drops of iodine. You can also dissolve sea salt. In this case, instead of iodine, add a quarter of a teaspoon of baking soda. Draw the solution in turn with one nostril, then the second - so that it must fall into the throat.
Lubricate the mucous surface of the nose with fresh juice of Kalanchoe leaves (two to three times a day). You can also dig it in your nose three to five drops into each nostril.

If the disease has become acute

Sniff ammonia, only not with two nostrils at the same time, but alternately one or the other.

Bury in the nose three to five drops of menthol oil. At the same time, you can lubricate their forehead, whiskey, and wings of the nose.

It is good to dig in a few drops of the juice of onions in each nostril. But, in order not to burn the mucous membrane, before this procedure, necessarily lubricate the nasal mucosa with vegetable oil.

Well helps digging three to four times a day a few drops of juice of boiled beets. You can also take the juice of raw beets, but it must be bred in half with water. It is desirable to add a little honey to the juice.

With severe purulent inflammation, the freshly squeezed juice of the mother-and-stepmother leaves is instilled.

You can fight with a runny nose and with fir oil white. It is digested one drop into each nostril three times a day.

Any procedure of instillation should alternate with the use of a healthy decoction of fresh or dried berries of strawberries or raspberries. Take this decoction best before bedtime. Also, before going to bed, it is advisable to make inhalation from the infusion of sage, wormwood or medicinal avran.

Well helps to get rid of the common cold sea buckthorn oil, dog rose, Kalanchoe. He, like all medicines, digs in each nostril several drops three times a day.
Suitable for treating the common cold and juice of carrots or garlic. And the best way to prepare drops for this recipe: mix fresh carrot juice with vegetable oil in the proportion (:), adding a few drops of garlic juice. And bury such medicine three drops in each nostril several times a day until recovery.

If the rhinitis is very strong, help compress from the onions. Put on a napkin, and on top of it - a layer of grated onions. Lie down with such a compress 10 minutes. Breathing will become much easier, a headache will pass ...

gbdfytn yurii

wash the nose in with soap-a few times.

San Sanych

Sheet kalanchoe pour through garlic and squeezed juice for 2-3 drops to dig in the nose as needed.
This is an effective folk remedy that is not addictive (like, for example, drug drops for the nose)

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