Dry cough in a child without fever

Dry cough in children without fever: causes and treatment

Dry is called a cough, not accompanied by the release of mucus or sputum. Usually, such a cough in children is very painful and violent. The tactics of treatment are determined by the causes of the pathology. Bacterial infection can be eliminated only by antibiotics, and treatment of the disease in the home is to rub the breasts and apply steam inhalations. Dry cough without temperature in children is much more difficult to cure than a common cold.

Causes of dry cough without fever in children

The causes of dry cough without temperature in children are very diverse: inflammation, allergy, smoking around, long exposure to dust. In some cases, the use of medication is meaningless, and with the development of bronchitis, pneumonia, pertussis, tracheitis and laryngitis, antibiotics are indispensable.

A cold caused by a viral infection is the most common cause of dry cough in children, usually without fever. The disease is also manifested by a sore throat or a mild irritation, which gradually becomes a cough. Gradually, the cough becomes wet, and a few days after the beginning of the treatment comes to naught.

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Influenza virus can cause a dry cough in a child. Symptoms of the disease are similar to those of a cold, but the child at the same time feels much worse. The flu begins with a dry and hoarse cough that gradually turns into a damp and productive cough.

Environmental irritants can cause a dry cough in a child who goes without temperature. Especially highly sensitive to cigarette smoke, hot or dry air, strong smells of chemicals, small children.

Gastroesophageal reflux disease occurs when gastric acid and stomach contents enter the esophagus. This is accompanied by burning, abundant salivation and even vomiting. The acid of the stomach irritates the throat and leads to the development of a dry cough in the child.

Dry children's cough - a symptom of whooping cough - a contagious bacterial infection of the respiratory system. The so-called "pertussis cough" is accompanied by a characteristic buzzing sound, lacrimation, the appearance of a bluish shade of saliva and a bulging tongue outward.

Treatment of dry cough in a child

Dry cough in children without temperature requires the use of a large amount of liquid to form sputum.

Use of medication for children under 2 years is not recommended. For older children, the drug is used to treat dry cough without a temperature "Robotussin which blocks cough reflexes, as well as a suspension of "Delsim relieving the child of anguish for 12 hours.

Home remedies for dry cough - steam inhalations with automatic moisturizing to open nasal passages and relieve irritation in the throat. The recipe for traditional medicine for dry cough: mix a spoonful of honey with the juice of one lemon and take it until it disappears. It should be given to the child as much as possible fluid to remove toxins from the child's body. Children over the age of five are allowed to suck lollipops and cough lozenges.


Cough in a child without fever

Coughing in a child without temperature is a pathological process. This symptom is typical for many colds, as well as infections that can be in the body of the baby.

Before treating a cough, it is necessary to find out the cause of its occurrence. Do it without a specialist is difficult. Therefore, when you have a cough, you need to go to the hospital.

ICD-10 Code R05 Cough

Causes of a child without fever

Causes of coughing in a child without fever may indicate serious health problems. So, the case may be in an acute respiratory disease. The truth for this phenomenon is characterized by the presence of temperature and general weakness of the body.

Cough can be caused by chronic diseases of the upper and lower respiratory tract. In this case we mean chronic bronchitis, tracheitis, pharyngitis, etc. Cough, as a rule, manifests itself with special periodicity and can proceed without temperature.

The mechanism of occurrence of such a phenomenon can become serious problems. An example of this is tuberculosis. True, for him, nevertheless, there is a slight increase in temperature, but in rare cases this symptom is absent.

Cough is also capable of an allergy, which is often combined with an infection. And it can manifest itself even after the end of treatment. The most complex manifestation of allergies is concealed in bronchial asthma.

Cough can occur during complications after suffering pertussis. This symptom is often disturbed during sleep, occurs with attacks and does not contribute to fever.

Glistular invasion can lead to a dry cough without other symptoms. Usually, the child does not bother, and seizures appear every 2-4 weeks.

Contact with irritants is another cause of coughing. Household chemicals, substances and other "components" can irritate the mucous membrane of the upper respiratory tract. Thus, the occurrence of a cough is provoked without any signs of a general inflammation.

A foreign body can also cause this symptom. A child can choke on candy, swallow a small piece of a toy, etc. These processes are characterized by a sudden appearance of a cough.

Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, such as reflux disease and dyskinesia of bile ducts can be very peculiar. Therefore, if there was a cough in a child without a temperature, it is necessary to diagnose and reveal the true cause of this phenomenon.

Diagnosis of cough in a child without fever

Diagnosis of cough in a child without temperature can be carried out in various ways. First of all, the doctor must listen to the complaints of the baby and examine it. Symptoms of a cold or flu can be seen right away. They are characterized by the presence of temperature and a painful appearance in the child.

But there are cases when, in addition to coughing, the baby does not bother. The first thing to do is to exclude the presence of pneumonia. For this, the child should be auditioned and, if necessary, fluorography is performed.

If all catarrhal and infectious diseases are excluded, it is worth making sure that the baby does not have a foreign body in the body. Usually it's enough to listen to the patient. The foreign body can be accompanied by a swelling of one lung, over which there is a weakening of the breath and, often, a wheezing out breath. If everything is confirmed, bronchoscopy is performed. In any case, the baby should be examined. Coughing in a child without fever can indicate a serious illness.

Who to contact?

Pulmonologist Pediatrician

Treatment of cough in a child without fever

Treatment of cough in a child without temperature should be carried out under the supervision of an experienced doctor. Before starting this procedure, it is necessary to determine the cause of the phenomenon.

If the cough was caused by stress, it is necessary to exclude stressful situations. It is likely that you will have to undergo treatment with a child psychotherapist. Based on the age of the baby, sedatives are selected. Valerian's pills fit. Tinctures the baby is better not to give. Approximately 1-2 tablets a day and after a time all the symptoms will disappear. It is advisable to give the baby a soothing tea with mint.

When a cough occurs against the background of allergies, the first thing to do is to get rid of the allergen. Determine what caused this reaction is difficult, so you have to sort through all sorts of options. The baby may have an allergic reaction to dust. In this case it is recommended to carry out daily wet cleaning and thereby reduce the effect of the stimulus on the baby's body. It is necessary to cleanse the body of accumulated allergens. Finally, taking antihistamines will help improve the situation. Pay attention to Diazolin, Claritin and Suprastin. It is enough 1-2 tablets a day, in order to feel relief. Prescribes the dose of the attending physician.

If a cough has occurred against a catarrhal or infectious disease, you need to act differently. In this case, the problem can be eliminated only by medication. So suitable, anti-inflammatory and immuno-fortifying drugs, as well as analgesics and antispasmodics.

The first type of medicine includes Aspirin, Ibuprofen and Indomethacin. Take them with the consent of the attending physician and in the prescribed dosage. In this case everything depends on the complexity of the situation and the age of the child. Usually 1-2 tablets per day is enough. The course of treatment is 5-7 days.

The group of immune-restorative drugs include Aflubin, Levamisol, Immunal and Dibazol. Regarding their method of reception, one must consult a specialist. The group of analgesics include Omnupon, Promedol, Fentanyl and Dipidolor. Spasmolytics are No-sppa, Papaverin, Dicetel and Dospatalin. They need to be taken under the supervision of a child therapist.

A good effect can be achieved with the help of physiotherapy procedures, as well as traditional medicine. Pine kidneys are a great help. For the preparation of infusion it is necessary to take 500 ml of milk and pour into it a tablespoon of kidneys. Then all this is put on gas and languishing for about an hour. To drink a baby you need a warm infusion of 50 ml every 1-2 hours.

Badger fat is also an effective remedy. It is given to the child, -1 teaspoon before meals 3 times a day or rubbed into the back, chest and feet.

Onions are often taken in folk medicine. From it you can make a good syrup with sugar. On one shredded onion, 2 tablespoons of sugar are used. The resulting product is infused overnight and applied in small portions every 1-2 hours.

Juice made from aloe can achieve a certain result. So, it is enough to mix this ingredient with melted butter and honey in equal quantities. The remedy is taken for 5 days 4 times a day before meals. Before cooking, it is desirable to keep the leaves of aloe in the refrigerator for 10 days. To treat a cough in a child without temperature can be different, the main thing is to know the true cause of this phenomenon.

In addition to treatment

Treatment of dry cough in a child Cough remedies Cough tablets Antibiotics for coughing

Preventing cough in a child without fever

Prevention of cough in a child without temperature is very important, it will help to avoid serious consequences. So, completely avoiding colds at this age is not so simple, but to prevent their occurrence is all the same possible.

The best way to prevent this is hardening. From the first days of life, the child needs fresh air, walks and water procedures. Do not constantly expose your baby to overheating. The temperature in which he bathes should not exceed 20-22 degrees. It is advisable to let the baby walk barefoot and swim in safe water. An excellent way to strengthen immunity is to visit the pool. The maximum stay on the street and active games also have a positive effect on the child's body.

Do not forget about the humidification of air. The baby's room constantly has a certain level of humidity, not exceeding 50-70%. Dry air can dry out the respiratory tract and thereby cause the onset of inflammatory processes. To achieve the necessary moisture, you can use a household humidifier, steam or ultrasonic.

Not the last place is the right food. The baby's diet should contain enough vitamins, minerals and nutrients. In the period of breastfeeding it is important to follow what the mother eats. In spring and winter it is desirable to take vitamin-mineral complexes. In this regard, it is worth consulting with a doctor.

It is necessary to comply with the rules of hygiene. If a kid learns to monitor himself and the purity of his hands, then no microbes can penetrate into his body. Cough can and allergies. Therefore, first of all you should get rid of allergens. Observance of all the rules will help to avoid problems in the future and a cough in a child without temperature will not manifest itself.

Cough prognosis in a child without fever

The prognosis of a cough in a child without a temperature is favorable in most cases. But do not relax. If you have a negative symptom, you should immediately seek help from a doctor. The fact is that cough can indicate the presence of serious diseases.

This symptom without temperature is one of the signs of pneumonia, which takes place in a complicated form. If you do not start treatment on time, everything can be fatal. After accumulated sputum is excreted, but the body does not fight infection.

The cause of coughing can be an allergy, eliminating the allergen can save the child from an unpleasant symptom. Serious illness and even a foreign body can cause consequences. Therefore, the reaction of the parents depends on what will be the prognosis for their child. Do not self-medicate. This is fraught with serious consequences for the baby. Coughing a child without temperature can carry an unfavorable prognosis, so it is necessary to act immediately.


Dry cough in children without fever: causes and treatment

Dry cough in children without fever is a very common phenomenon. Doctors rightly argue that cure it sometimes is much more difficult than conventional ARI. This symptom can be caused by a number of reasons: inflammatory process, allergic reaction, prolonged exposure in a dusty room, smoking by an adult nearby ...

Taking medications, especially antibiotics, in these cases will be completely meaningless and may even harm the baby. On the other hand, dry cough in children without fever often indicates bronchitis, pneumonia, whooping cough, tracheitis and laryngitis. Then, naturally, antibiotics can not be avoided. However, it is necessary to emphasize that it is possible to purchase medicines only in accordance with the medical prescription. Do not miss the first remedy, which you will be advised by the kind pharmacist in the pharmacy. Remember that the children's body is much weaker than the adult, and the reaction can be unpredictable.

Necessary measures

So, dry cough in children without temperature requires the following measures: first try to give the small patient as much fluid as possible - it will contribute to the formation of sputum. All sorts of herbal medicinal herbs will go into action: plantain, mother-and-stepmother, celandine, mint, lime blossom, chamomile flowers... In general, everything that is found in your home medicine cabinet can used.

By the way, some parents simply do not pay attention to dry cough in children without temperature - they say, if there is no heat, then nothing terrible happens. However, doctors say that this is a serious mistake, since this condition often indicates the presence of bronchial and light foreign bodies. In addition, the baby can begin to have hidden inflammation. That is why it is so important to show the child to the pediatrician in time, at least to make sure that he is not threatened.


If a severe cough in a child without fever bothers him a very long time, you should immediately begin treatment. The baby's organism tries to show that something is wrong with it, it should not be ignored. A hidden inflammatory process can occur not only in the larynx, but also in the lungs, nasopharynx, trachea... Do not forget that cough often torments allergy sufferers and asthmatics. In the event that the attack begins suddenly, it is likely that the baby has got something in the respiratory tract: a button, a small toy, a piece of biscuit. Slap him lightly on the back, and if that does not help, immediately call for an ambulance.


Cough and snot without temperature are classified by doctors in different ways. So, the cough can be acute and last up to several weeks and chronic, dragging on for years. The reason is most often determined by nature. For example, a loud, so-called "barking" cough indicates problems with the trachea. Whistles and noise in the lungs, provoking attacks of vomiting, are considered signs of asthma. Viscous sputum signals the presence of inflammation. In any case, it is better not to try to diagnose yourself. Entrust a child to a qualified technician.


Treatment of dry cough in children

The child's organism develops according to its own laws, different from adults. The cure of autoimmune, infectious, allergic and other diseases is handled by a pediatrician. This article talks about the treatment of dry cough in children.

Causes of dry cough in children

All children get sick, and it depends only on their parents how often this will happen. In order to make the child less sick, it is necessary to take preventive measures. How to do it? First, you need to observe the mode of work and rest. The child should go to bed early, preferably not later than nine in the evening. Children under five years of age require daytime sleep, it allows the nervous system to recover, so that the child feels well until the evening. He is cheerful and cheerful. Parents are required to ensure that the child does not spend too much time at the computer. Of course, many moms and dads on hand that their child does not go anywhere, does not ask unnecessary questions, and quietly sits in the computer for hours to fly. But this is a terrible mistake, for which you will have to pay dearly. With children you need to walk, play and communicate. Ignoring the natural needs in communication, parents distract themselves from the child, and do not allow his psyche and physiology to develop normally.

Secondly, it is necessary to temper the child and properly feed. On the street you need to dress in accordance with weather conditions. If the child is too warmly dressed, afraid that he will catch a cold, then on the street the baby can sweat and get sick quickly. You need to dress so that the child can show activity and feel comfortable. Regarding nutrition. In the daily diet should be fruits, vegetables and dairy products. Also there is much use in dried fruits and nuts. The main thing is not to feed children with half-finished products and chips, which not only lead to a rapid increase in body weight, but also weaken the immune forces of the body.

If this is not done, the child will be ill: cough, runny nose and fever will become frequent guests in the house. The causes of dry cough in children can be infection. When pathogens get into the respiratory tract, cough begins. The body is trying to free itself from what is hindering it. Coughing is not a disease. It is a way to release respiratory organs from foreign objects or substances.

Severe dry cough in a child: treatment

Wet cough is called productive, it is better than dry. With a wet cough, coughing occurs, and the bacteria fly out of the respiratory tract along with phlegm. The parents' task is to make the dry cough wet. To do this, you need to do inhalations, drink plenty of warm liquids and take expectorants.

Dry cough in a child: the treatment should be prescribed by a pediatrician. After all, there are many reasons for coughing, which means that the treatment will also differ. It is also important to determine the localization of inflammation. If the infection is stuck in the throat - treatment is one, if it sank into the lungs - then something else. If a child has laryngitis, tracheitis, or he, in general, coughs due to the fact that his slime flows down his throat, then he needs to be treated with gargling, nose washing and sprays. If the source of the cough is in the lungs or bronchi, then you can use mustard, expectorant drugs, you may need antibiotic treatment. If there is no temperature, you can soar in the evening, wrapped in a blanket.

Dry cough in a child: treatment with folk remedies

Cough can be treated in many ways. Some people buy medicines in the store, there are those who do not trust chemical drugs and find the means to get rid of diseases in the environment. Self-medication with folk remedies can be dangerous if you do not know exactly how this or that plant works. If the patient has a fever on the background of cough, it is better not to drink lime decoction, but to call a doctor at home and, if necessary, to begin to be treated with antibiotics.

Treatment of folk remedies of a dry cough in a child can be performed at the initial stage of the disease. If the disease is in full swing, self-medication is unacceptable without the help of a doctor. It is advisable to show the child to the specialist at the very beginning, as the scheme of treatment is correctly drawn up, it will allow to quickly get rid of the disease.

What can I use for dry cough? Firstly, it is warm milk with honey. This healing drink has been used by people from time immemorial. Honey not only turns dry cough into wet, but also activates the defenses of the body. As a drink, you can use decoctions of herbs or linden flowers. Secondly, true connoisseurs of traditional medicine recommend using cough to use mustard. The powder can be added to hot water, in which it is planned to soar your feet. And on the back and chest, you can put ready mustard plasters. In order to the child was not too hot and the mustard did not burn the legs, you can pre-wear pantyhose or knee socks.

Treatment of dry cough in children: drugs

Sometimes you can not do without medication. If it is a question of cough, then the best treatment will be a plentiful warm drink you can drink the fruit drinks, compotes, teas, decoctions, mineral water or milk. Treatment of dry cough in children with drugs can only be done with a doctor. What the pediatrician prescribes, you can use. Although experienced moms sometimes even know better than a doctor, that suits and helps their child. Most often, when coughing, expectorants are prescribed, such as Gedelix, Stodal, Lazolvan, and so on. Can be used to stop cough, the most popular is "Sinekod it is released without a doctor's prescription. But the main thing to remember is that expectorants can not be used together with antitussives, they contradict each other and can lead to stagnation of sputum in the lungs. This can lead to pneumonia.

Dry cough in a child without fever: treatment

Most often, cough is not accompanied by fever, if the fever has risen, it is urgent to call a doctor. After all, this symptomatology is typical for bronchitis or pneumonia. These serious diseases often lead to death. There's nothing to panic about. After all, everything happens badly only when the treatment is untimely or wrong. If everything is done quickly and correctly, you can do without serious consequences. Treatment of dry cough in a child without temperature does not cause any special difficulties. You just need a dry cough to make it wet and that's it. To do this, you need to drink a warm liquid, do inhalations and carry out symptomatic treatment. If the child suffers a dry cough with a gasp, then you must quickly run with him into the bathroom, pour the usual baking soda and shower into the tub wall with the maximum amount of hot water. A few minutes of being in a room filled with hot steam will result in a spasm and relief of the child's condition.


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