Eye drops from the common cold to children

Is it possible to drip the albucid (sodium sulfacil) in the nose?


Flash in the night

It must be said that there are some grounds for such recommendations. It is an antimicrobial drug that can kill a large number of harmful microbes.
This is a very old and reliable way to treat adenoids and a protracted rhinitis. 3 times a day to do the following procedure: Rinse the nose (I just water the salted water from the syringe), after 3 minutes, sip the vasoconstrictor (naphthyzine, nasol or any other sr-in), after 3 minutes, albucid 2 drops in the nostril, after 3 minutes protargol. Believe me, in 10 days you will forget about adenoids! Only vasoconstrictor to exclude from the scheme after the third day!! !
If a child has just started a cold, and a runny nose has appeared, then dripping this drug is not just useless, but can even be harmful. But if the runny nose of a child is already protracted, if purulent "green" discharge is detected during a bluff, then the use of this medicine can help. But only in the case when the causative agent of these complications is sensitive to albucid.

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Albucide for the eyes! go to the doctor, do not self-medicate, it's a child!

Tatyana "@"

Albucid (according to the international classification - sulfacetamide) is a drug that is currently used exclusively in the practice of eye diseases. Albucid is a sulfanilamide derivative. Produced in the form of eye drops, the composition of Albucida in which 20% (for children) or 30% (for adult men and women) is represented by a solution of sodium sulfacyl, purified water and other additives. The remaining forms of release (ointments, solutions for injection) are not currently produced.
can your doctor is not very aware of the use of medicines
check that he has a diploma of education

Anna Tsakhilova

Albacid in the nose children older than 6 months can definitely. Has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect. Drip should be after washing the nose is not more often 2-3 times a day.


The doctor had to explain the necessity of this procedure, the mechanism of action of the medicine taken for a different purpose.
Without a detailed explanation, I would not conduct questionable procedures with the child.
Go to him without a child for an explanation or call.


Can be 100%, do not even hesitate. But they need to be diluted with water one to one.


Yes, these drops are prescribed in the nose, they dry. Personally, I did not see the effect of both sons.


With prolonged prolonged rhinitis children from the second half of life, the albucid is effective.

How correctly to apply Albucidum in a cold in children?

Albacid in children with colds

A rhinitis of any form, whether it be rhinitis, sinusitis or sinusitis, brings considerable discomfort to the life of young children. He disturbs their sleep at night, and hinders fun to play during the day. What remedy for a cold is better for a child? Very often pediatricians in such cases prescribe Albucid, as a very effective and effective drug in the treatment of the common cold.However, many parents immediately have doubts about whether it is possible to drip eye drops (and Albucid is so) in the nose of a baby?To dispel all doubts, it is necessary to understand the properties of this medication.

Composition and properties

albucid for children up to one year in the nose

Eye drops Albucid are one of the representatives of the antibiotic group

The main active substance of Albucida is sulfacetamide (sodium sulfacil). This component is antimicrobial in nature, has significant inhibitory activity of such infections as staphylococcus aureus, streptococcus, gonococcus, chlamydia and various E. coli, is a drug of a wide spectrum of action.

how to dribble an albucid into the nose of a childAlbucid is one of the representatives of a group of antibiotics. Therefore, its action is directed to complete and / or partial violation (imbalance) of the process of the appearance of amino acids in bacterial cells carrying an infection. As a result, the intake of Albucida in the body is reduced and the process of dividing the pathogenic bacteria is completely eliminated. The mechanism of impact is quite simple.

Sulfacil sodium creates a certain environment in the nasal mucosa, in which "old" bacterial cells die, and the "new" does not have anything to be born with. Thus, day after day there is an effective treatment, which eventually leads to a full recovery.

Indications for use

Is it possible to drip into the nose of Albucidum to children

Albacid is used when there are all signs of a bacterial infection

A runny nose, which lasts for a child for a week, usually carries an infectious basis. In this case, you can accurately apply for the treatment of drops of Albucid.

The use of drops can be practically unlimited, since a single dose of the medicine contains a small amount of the active component, while it has a low degree of absorption in the blood of the child.

albucid drops in the nose for childrenDue to the property of the drug to actively affect only certain viruses, then at the initial stage of the disease many experts strongly recommend the use of drugs from another group, for example, containing interferon.And when the stage of formation in the nasal cavity of the mucus yellowish-greenish shade, then it is worth starting to apply Albucid, because this indicates that in the upper respiratory tract there has already been a "bunch" of the mucosa with bacterial infections.

Quite often, Albucid is one of the constituent components of the so-called "complex" drops. This solution is a liquid consisting of three or more drugs that interact with each other, enhance the healing properties of each individual component.

Many parents can prepare such a solution at home, but only the physician can determine the composition and prescribe the dosage based on the degree and nature of the course of the infectious disease.

Can it help with the common cold MyramistinAfter reading the article it becomes clear whether Miramistin can help with a cold or not.

How is the treatment of sinusitis and protracted rhinitis, indicated in this article.

Than to treat a beginning rhinitis at the child, it is possible to understand here from article: http://prolor.ru/n/detskoe-zdorove/lechenie-nasmorka-u-detej.html

Parents also need to understand that the therapeutic effect of Albucid does not occur immediately from the first instillation. In order to significantly reduce the number of pathogens should take three to five days.However, if after this period the runny nose of the child has not passed, then the parents should once again show the baby to the pediatrician.

Perhaps, the common cold has either an allergic character or originated from viral bacteria that successfully resist the healing properties of Albucid. In this case, the doctor is obliged to make appropriate adjustments to the medical process.

How to apply in children with colds

albicide in the nose

Before digesting Albacid, it is necessary to clean the nose of mucus with a pear or aspirator

Regardless of the age criteria, the rules for the use of Albucida are schematically the same.

  1. Before you drip a child in the nose of the drug, you must first clean the nasal passage from the accumulated mucus.
  2. This can be done with saline solution, or slightly salted water, or apply a special cleanser.
  3. Rinsing of the nose can be done with an ordinary cotton swab dipped in one of the above solutions. If the child is old enough, you can additionally ask him to blow his nose.
than to treat a runny nose in a child 2 monthsThan to treat a rhinitis at the child of 2 months, it is specified in clause or article.

How is the treatment of the common cold at home and what medicines is indicated in the article.

Whether the asterisk will help with a runny nose during pregnancy, it becomes clear from this article: http://prolor.ru/n/lechenie-n/kak-vylechit-nasmork-pri-beremennosti.html

Basically, in pharmacy chains, you can buy drops in two types of 30% and 20% solution. The first group is more often prescribed to adults, but the second percent of the drug is intended for the treatment of bacterial infections in children.

It is worth noting that when burying drops in the nose, Albucid always causes a burning sensation. Children of more adult age (from a year and older) often suffer the feeling of discomfort associated with treatment.

albucid for children up to 1 yearIt is recommended to instill a diluted solution into newborns or babies with hypersensitivity to the mucous membrane.Reduce the concentration of the composition can be with simple boiled water. Just dilute the drops in water in a one to one ratio. Usually a single dosage is up to two drops (but not more for newborns and children up to a year) in each nasal passage. The procedure should be repeated three to four times a day, observing an equal time interval between instillations.

It is not necessary during the treatment with Albucidum to additionally give the child any other preparations of a group of antibiotics. A solution of sulfacetamide is already an antibiotic in itself, therefore, drops will not fight with the virus without "outside help".

Despite the rather short list of contraindications of Albucidum as a medicine, many pediatricians still do not recommend it specifically for instilling in the nose of newborn children.This is not related to the side effects of the drug. It is rather an expression of excessive precaution, in order to avoid unwanted trauma to the mucosa by using a pipette. But such injuries can also be obtained by instilling any drops. To avoid this situation, you can simply wipe each nasal pass of the baby with a cotton swab dipped in a drip solution.

Duration of treatment, as a rule, is from five to seven days. However, in order to avoid overdose and the occurrence of all kinds of adverse reactions, the intensity and duration of treatment should be prescribed by a pediatrician.

Side effects and contraindications

Is it possible to give albucid to children

Due to the low content of active substance Albucidum is prescribed even to children under one year of age

The list of contraindications for the drug is very short. This is due to the low content of active substance in a single dose of the drug, as well as a low degree of absorption of the drug into the blood. That is why Albucidum is prescribed even to children up to a year. And in our maternity hospitals has long been successfully practicing zakupyvanie albucida in the first hours of life of the newborn in order to prevent the development of any infectious bacteria that could enter the body of the child during labor activity.

albucid in the nose for children instructions for useOne of the significant contraindications for the use of this drug is only the occurrence of an allergic reaction in children who have increased sensitivity to the sulfanilamide group.In this case, it is better to use folk recipes from the common cold. Also, the drug should be used with caution if the child is diagnosed with kidney failure. In order to avoid manifestations of other negative reactions of the body, pediatricians do not advise using Albucid if already medicated with medicines containing silver. So the use of Albucidum simultaneously with protargol or collargolum will not give the necessary effect. Also, the degree of exposure to active substance will be significantly reduced if drops are used while using analgesics (novocaine, analgin, tetracaine, etc.)

After opening the vial and its first use, the medicine should be stored in a dark and cool place, for example in a refrigerator, no longer than one month. Otherwise, the active substance will lose all its properties and further treatment will be useless.

Price of the preparation

Price for drops Albucid is located in the value range from 50 to 80 rubles per bottle, and usually depends on the price policy of the pharmacy network of a particular region of the country.


Irina, Cheboksary
: "As with the evaluation of any drug, the reviews on Albucid are divided into positive and negative. But basically, many who used these drops to eliminate the common cold in children (including a newborn group), note the effectiveness of Albucida as a preparation of a group of antibiotics in the treatment of a common cold is of a viral nature. I want to note that the remedy is simply amazing, I bought it on the advice of a familiar doctor and did not regret it! "

Albacid instructions for use in childrenKarina, Kazan: "I want to note that the instructions to the drug, no lines are written about the treatment of drops of a cold of various forms. The manufacturer represents the solution as a medicine used to treat eye diseases, although many years of practice Albucida for the treatment of viral infections of the upper respiratory tract itself has proved the effectiveness of its use. But this medication helped me, I'm happy with the final result, just shocked. I recommend to all!"

Ekaterina, Samara: "I have three small children and if someone gets a cold, then everything goes along the chain. Especially a cold. As a mother with great experience I want to advise all mothers that as an effective tool in the treatment rhinitis and sinusitis of a viral origin I recommend the proven by me personally means - Albucid. You will not regret!"


How to properly dig in the nose in this video tells the doctor-otolaryngologist:

And in conclusion I want to note that the drug has both positive aspects and negative.To positive, one can attribute the rapid effect and prevention of the development of any infectious bacteria in children, and the drawbacks - burning and some discomfort in the treatment.Doctors inform that the runny nose in children is more complicated than in adults, it is an inflammation of the nasal mucosa that can be provoked by various viral infections. This brings considerable discomfort to the life of the baby, as it is accompanied by difficulty breathing (in newborns especially during feeding), noise in the ears, headache, unpleasant sensations of burning and dryness in the nose and mouth, and all this can be accompanied by an increase in body temperature. Therefore, to cure a runny nose in young children follows from the first days of its appearance and to the aid comes a medicine - Albucid.


When and why drip the drug "Sulfacil sodium" in the nose to children?

The agent "Sulfacil sodium" refers to sulfanilamide preparations and has an antibacterial effect. It is used to treat various eye diseases. Perhaps the purpose of the drug "Sulfacil sodium" in the nose of children.

sodium sulfacyl in the nose to children

How were sulfonamides discovered?

Sulphanilamides were discovered in 1908 in Austria, but their antimicrobial effect was unknown for 20 years. In 1935 scientist G. Domagk discovered that the substance had been pierced, falling into the animal's body, treating it from streptococcal infection. For this discovery G. Domagk received the Nobel Prize. Later, it was found that the breakdown of pronthosyl in the body leads to the formation of sulfanilamide, which kills bacteria. Soon a large number of drugs was created on the basis of this substance, including the drug "Sulfacil sodium".

Properties of the medicament

The drug "Sulfacil sodium" has antiseptic properties and belongs to the group of sulfonamides.

sulfacyl sodium in the noseThe diseases for which this medication is used include conjunctivitis, purulent corneal ulcer, blepharitis, and others. The drug is highly effective against the growth of a variety of bacteria.

Very often in different forums, in addition to an exchange of views on the effectiveness of this drug, there are also questions like: "Can you please tell me, is it possible to use the drug" Sulfacil sodium "in the treatment of the common cold? I bought it, and only then I read that it's eye drops. Probably, this is a mistake. Can I incorrectly remember the name, is there something consonant for the nose? "Indeed, why do doctors prescribe eye drops for the treatment of the common cold? And why is it recommended to drip Sulfacil Sodium in the nose to children?

Why is Sulfacil Sodium effective for a cold?

The action of this medication has a bacteriostatic basis. This is expressed in the fact that the drug prevents the propagation of pathogenic microflora, and the body itself copes with the infection.

sulfacil sodium in the nose reviewsThus, for effective treatment with bacteriostatic drugs, strong immunity and a local character of the infection are necessary. The mechanism of action of such drugs is that sulfanilamides are chemically similar to acid, which microbes need for vital activity. Due to this similarity, sulfonamides disrupt the vital processes in bacteria.

According to the instructions, drops of "Sulfacil sodium" are used to treat eye diseases, but often there is a situation where this drug is prescribed as a drop in the nose. This remedy will help if the disease is of bactericidal origin. A sign of such a cold is white and green mucous discharge from the nose. This process is often found in young children, and mothers successfully treat their babies with these drops. It should be noted that about the use of the drug "Sulfacil sodium" in the nose, reviews are often positive.

drops in the nose of sodium sulfacilThere may also be an emergency situation, when mucous discharge from the nose becomes more abundant, and there are no other medicinal preparations in the house other than this remedy.

When using the drug "Sulfacil sodium" (drops in the nose), there may be unpleasant sensations, and specifically - burning, since the drug has the property of drying out mucus discharge. The open vial should be used within a week, after that it is necessary to get a new vial of medicine.

The use of "Sulfacil sodium" for the treatment of a cold in children

Before using drops, the nose should be rinsed with water with a small amount of salt or with a special tool. Then drip drops with vasoconstrictive effect, and after a few minutes - two drops of the drug "Sulfacil sodium" in one nostril. If the baby's snot appeared against the background of the beginning SARS, then use the medication "Sulfacil sodium" in the nose of children is not recommended. Treatment with this drug will be effective if the bacteria that provoked the runny nose are sensitive to the albucid, the main component of these drops. Do not forget about precautions when using medications - use vasoconstrictive drops should be taken cautiously, no more than three times a day and not longer than a week.

sodium sulfacyl in the nose babe

As a rule, the use of drops of "Sulfacil sodium" during the fight against a runny nose significantly reduces the amount of secretions, so that the baby becomes easier to breathe. Doctors allow a moderate instillation of the drug "Sulfacil sodium" in the nose of the baby.

The decision to prescribe this drug for the treatment of the common cold should be taken only after examination by a doctor. In no case is it advisable to take the medication without consulting a specialist. Self-medication is unacceptable, especially with regard to the child.

Forms of release

Drops are issued in vials, tubes-droppers and in vials with a dropper. You need to buy this form, which is more convenient for injecting the drug "Sulfacil sodium" in the nose to children. If the bottle does not have a nozzle, then you will have to buy a pipette.

Contraindications to the use of drops "Sulfacil sodium"

In the instructions for the drug as a contraindication prescribed increased susceptibility to sulfonamides. When ingestion, allergic reactions, dyspeptic disorders (digestive disorders) are possible. Since drops in the nose "Sulfacil sodium" on the nasal passage, one way or another, fall into the throat, and then into the stomach, the last point must be taken into account.


Albacid in the nose of children

albicide in the nose to children

Albucid (sulfacil sodium or sulfacetamide) is a medicinal preparation in the form of drops, intended for the destruction of pathogenic microbes and bacteria. The main focus of these drops is the treatment of eye diseases of infectious etymology, but often pediatricians recommend dribbling the albucid in the nose to children. The appointment of a specialist raises questions: is it possible to drip the albucid for children? How effective is albucid in the common cold in children?

The action of the albucid

Albucid is an antibiotic. The action of the drug is aimed at creating violations of the processes of building amino acids in bacterial cells. This helps to stop the multiplication of pathogens. The medicine has a wide range of effects: streptococci, staphylococci, chlamydia, toxoplasm, etc.

Forms of albucid

Previously, along with the dropping forms of sulfacyl, the pharmaceutical industry produced solutions for injections and ointments. Currently, 20% drops of albucid are produced for children and 30% drops for adults.

Indications for the use of albucid

As mentioned above, the albucid is mainly used for the treatment of eye diseases: conjunctivitis, blepharitis and other purulent eye lesions. Pediatricians are often advised to use albucid in the nose, especially for newborns, if the runny nose is a symptom of a bacterial infection. When teething and allergic rhinitis, the drug has no therapeutic effect. Therefore, before dripping the Albacid for children under one year, it is necessary to make sure that the discharge from the nose is not a reaction of the child's organism to "teeth." With an infection of the discharge from the nose have a greenish color, in contrast to light, almost transparent sopelok, characteristic for teething and allergies.

Contraindications for use

The dose of active substance in a single dose is quite small, in addition, because of its low absorption into the blood, drops of sulfacyl can be used in the treatment of children of any age. The most important contraindication for the use of albucida is an increased sensitivity to the drugs of the sulfanilamide group. Also, the remedy can not be used by persons with renal insufficiency. It is not recommended to use sulfacil simultaneously with preparations containing silver.

How to drip the albucid in the nose?

Given that the drug has an irritant effect, it is necessary to comply with the dosage. Before you drip the albucid in the nose babies, it is desirable to dilute it with boiled water in a ratio of 1: 1. In each nostril, 1 to 2 drops of the drug are dripped 3 to 4 times a day. If the baby during the procedure behaves restlessly, turns his head, experienced moms advise to drench abundantly wadding stick and gently wipe the spout, while giving the head of the baby slightly tilted position. Sometimes the child reacts sharply to the administration of the drug. Indeed, even an adult person, having dripped into the nose of the albucid, feels an unpleasant burning sensation in the mucosa

drops of albucid for childrennose. Do not let that frighten you! Moreover, using drops, you provide a direct hit of the drug in the habitat of microbes, and protect your baby from taking antibiotics inside.

In order to decide on the use of albucida in the treatment of colds in the child, especially in a newborn, we advise you to apply to the doctor who decides which medicine is best for your baby, so that the treatment process is quick and effective. Moreover, the pharmaceutical industry is constantly developing and creating new drugs.


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