The child was poisoned by medicines: what to do and first aid

The problem of acute poisoning in children with drugs and household chemicals does not give rest. In connection with the mass production and wide distribution of chemical agents and pharmacological preparations, many children enter the toxicology departments of hospitals with a diagnosis of acute exogenous poisoning.

But the reason is not only in the greater availability of household chemicals and medications, but also in the frivolous and frivolous attitude of parents towards the health of children in the treatment of various sores, inattention and lack of careful storage of medicines and chemicals at home.

Today we will talk about the prevention of poisoning in children and what to do if the child is still poisoned and how to provide the first emergency care at home.

First we will bring some unfortunate stories from the practice of a pediatrician of the highest category Anikeeva L.Sh.


Drug poisoning: a few instructive stories

History first

"And now we'll play in the hospital,- Anton announced to the youngest five-year-old, - I will be a doctor, and you show that you have pain. "

Alenka gladly joined the game: it hurts the tummy, the pen, the knee."Doctor" turned out to be a real professional: he listened to the sick part of the body with a toy phonendoscope, examined the tongue and prescribed treatment with tablets. .. clonidine, which lay right there on the table. The two-year-old babe trustingly opened her mouth, and her brother sent the pill there one by one.

On the fifth or sixth pill the game had to stop - my mother returned from the store. And then everything was already real: "First Aid", washing the stomach with a thick probe, a hospital with resuscitation department for Alenka and a belt for Anton.

Fortunately, everything ended well, and a week later the girl was already at home. And his brother still can not understand why he was punished: they played so well.

Do not you think that a fair punishment is deserved not by a boy, but by adult members of the family who recklessly leave dangerous objects in front of children?

History the second

The one-year-old baby woke up early and got out of the crib. Mom dressed him and let him go to "free grazing", and she herself went to bed.

You will say: this can not be? Unfortunately, it can, like all other cases from personal medical practice.

The kid, unattended, enjoyed the management in the kitchen, scattered the rump, poured the oil, and then climbed onto a chair and took out the grandmother's clonidine from the shelf. An hour later, when my mother woke up, the baby was already asleep, holding a bottle of pills in his fist.

History of the third

A girlfriend came to visit with my mother, whom I have not seen for a long time. So much news has accumulated, requiring immediate discussion over a cup of coffee and a cigarette. But after all, passive smoking is harmful to the child. So he was left in the room, and they themselves retired to the kitchen. How long the break has lasted is unknown. Mom says that it does not last long. But the kid had enough time to get out of the guest's bag and get contraceptive pills and take them.

History of the fourth

Two-year-old girl played on the floor with toys and suddenly fell asleep on the floor. Mom moved her to a crib and took up household chores, pleased that the child does not interfere. After some time, the mother noticed that the girl's sleep was restless, she was crying, not waking up, making random movements limbs, as if fighting off someone.

The ambulance doctor suspected drug poisoning, and on the floor among the toys a vial of amitriptyline was found( used for depression).The child's uneasy behavior was explained by the appearance of hallucinations.

History the fifth

Mom poured the "Antinakipin" into the kettle and left it overnight to dissolve the whole sediment. When the baby demanded a legitimate bottle early in the morning, the half-awake mother dispersed the milk mixture with water from the ill-fated kettle and gave it to the baby. She realized, only noticing that the mixture in the bottle curled in flakes. Aza this time the kid has already had a good dose of sip.

There are thousands of such examples.

Excess dose of the medicine threatens with poisoning

But there are other cases when the mother with her own hand exceeds the dose of the medicine or mistakenly gives the child another remedy.

Each family has a first aid kit with a set of the most necessary and seemingly innocuous drugs. But are they so harmless?

As far back as the sixteenth century, the physician and naturalist Paracelsus said: "Only a dose of medicine detects a poison from a medicine."

Do you know that the widely advertised and loved by the parents "Kalpol", "Panadol", "Tylenol" and other drugs based on paracetamol already in a dose only twice as much as one-time, have a toxic effect on the liver, and a tenfold increasesingle dose causes kidney failure? Is not it too heavy for the uncontrolled use of "syrup with strawberry flavor"?

Never exceed the dose prescribed by your doctor. For a child aged from 6 months to 1 year, it is 25-50 mg, from two to five years - 100-150 mg. During the day, the medicine can be taken no more than three times.

Familiar to all preparations, dimedrol, suprastin, pipolfen , besides allergic, have a calming and hypnotic effect, which makes them very popular with some parents.

Wishing that the child slept longer on a day off or a holiday, mom gives the baby dimedrol in a higher dose.

Contrary to the expected result, the child does not fall asleep and gets another tablet. After that, the child not only does not calm down, but, on the contrary, becomes agitated, finds no place in the crib, fights off someone invisible with his hands, wriggles, cries. His skin reddened and became dry, his pupils widened, his heart beat faster. And the blame for everything was an overdose of diphenhydramine.

A single dose of diphenhydramine for a baby up to 1 year - 2-5 mg, from two to five years - 15-50 mg. Within a day, this drug can be taken no more than three times.

Babe has a runny nose. He can not suck his chest, he does not sleep well. The doctor assigned the baby vasoconstrictive drops in the nose: naphthysine, galazoline, sanorin, in general, that will be in the pharmacy. After the first procedure, the baby breathed freely with his nose, ate well and went to sleep. Satisfied mother began to dig in drops to him before each feeding, and then before she went to bed. By evening the child seemed to be replaced: he became listless, drowsy, refused food and asked to go to bed. The skin became pale, cold, sweating increased. Measuring the temperature, my mother was horrified: 34.7 ° C.So intensive treatment of the common cold led to the poisoning of the baby.

Recommended doses for a child from 1 year - 1-2 drops in each nostril 0,025-0,05% solution 2-3 times a day.

These babies should be instilled in baby babies, observing even more caution, for the possibility of an overdose increases.

Increasingly, vasoconstrictive drops are produced in plastic bottles equipped with a nose-dropper. This is done for the convenience of consumers: took off the cap, pressed on the malleable walls, dripped the medicine in the nose, and no fuss with a pipette. For young children, this method is not suitable, because, using the force, you can let the medicine in a stream, significantly exceeding the dose. Use a regular pipette, picking up as many drops as the doctor prescribed.

The child has multiple vomiting, and instead of inviting a doctor, the mother gives him a cerucal( "I know that he stops vomiting") for two days in a row, and about the side effects of this drug, as well as the undesirability of its use in childrenup to 14 years old, she has no idea. Therefore, when on the third day the child had violent movements in the limbs and muscles of the neck( over-extension of hands, involuntary turns of the head to the side) and convulsive twitches( grimaces) of the facial muscles, my mother was very surprised and called an ambulance. As soon as he glanced at the boy, the doctor of the First Aid asked: "Did they give you a tserkal?" And, having received an affirmative answer, proceeded to rinse the stomach through the probe.

Poisoning by household chemicals

Unfortunately, poisoning in children is not limited to medicines. In everyday life, we are surrounded by chemicals, designed to improve and facilitate our life.

In the arsenal of each housewife there are cleaning and cleaning products, aerosols and various powders for fighting insects, which are stored, usually under the bathroom or on the shelf in the toilet, to which the baby will get a little later.

A notorious vinegar essence used in every family for home canning! How many misfortunes and misfortunes have brought and yet she will bring to the children. No country in the world produces acetic acid of this concentration for domestic purposes, but for us - please, drink - I do not want.

Neither the pedantic German, nor the frivolous Frenchwoman, nor the disciplined American will come up with the idea of ​​transferring a poisonous substance into a bottle from "Pepsi" or "Phantas", and we often have a reason for poisoning babies by neglecting the elementary rules for storing detergents and disinfectantsand household chemical goods.

"How did it happen?- laments mother."After all, I wrote on the bottle that there was gasoline."

But the kid does not know how to read, but well remembers that yesterday on a walk my dad poured him a delicious vodichku from such a bottle.

In children under one year of motor activity and field of activity are limited to a cot or an arena. They can not independently get and swallow medicines or toxic substances. Therefore, the cause of poisoning in children of the first year of life is the parents' inattention and carelessness, when they confuse the dishes, they give the child instead of water alcoholic drinks or other toxic substances;instead of drops for the nose instilled eye drops with clonidine;fulfilling the doctor's prescriptions, exceed the dose of paracetamol, diphenhydramine, naphthyzine, and often treat the child on their own without consulting the doctor, relying on their own knowledge or the advice of girlfriends.

The ability of the baby to move independently increases the risk of accidents, including poisoning.

Inaccessible places for a child is getting smaller, and objects and substances with an attractive look are increasing. Is it possible to pass a bubble with such beautiful multi-colored tablets? We must immediately get them and try. Oh, yes, they are also in a sweet shell, real candy!

Always remember that the child "knows the world through the mouth."This circumstance explains the greatest number of poisonings in the group of children of the 2nd and 3rd years of life.

Add here the slovenliness of the mother in the home, negligence of adults when storing medicines and chemicals, and the picture will be complete.

The fate of a child with acute poisoning often depends on the correct behavior of the mother or others.

First aid for a child with house poisoning

What should the mother do if the child has taken some medicine or chemical substance?

If the fact of taking a poisonous substance is established, immediately call an ambulance, and before the brigade arrives, empty the child's mouth from the tablets that he did not have time to swallow, try rinsing his mouth and watering with a large amount of water( up to 200 ml) with two crushed tabletsactivated carbon or other adsorbent, for example, polyphepan( 1-2 teaspoons).

Do not give the baby milk, as some poisons are fat-soluble, and the fat contained in the milk will speed up the absorption of the poison.

Try to collect and count the remaining tablets, estimate how many tablets the child swallowed. It is clear to everyone that the larger the dose, the heavier the poisoning, the more serious the prognosis.

But do not calm down, if not counted "just one" pill. Some medications have such a strong and rapid action that one tablet can lead to severe disruption of vital functions. These drugs include nitroglycerin, aminazine, digoxin, hemiton, clonidine, amitriptyline.

Do not induce vomiting in the child, if poisoning occurs with concentrated acid or caustic alkali, causing burns to the mouth, throat and esophagus. A corrosive substance, when passing in the opposite direction, will inevitably increase the area and depth of the burn, and can also get into the respiratory tract. Try to give the child water( 1.5-2 cups) to reduce the concentration of caustic in the stomach.

The popular belief that when acid poisoning it is necessary to drink alkaline drinks, and when alkali poisoning - weakly acid solutions, is incorrect , because the carbon dioxide produced as a result of this reaction causes gastric hyperacidity and deterioration of the child's condition.

If poisoning occurs with gas or fumes of a poisonous substance, the child should be urgently removed from the gassed room, freed from restraining clothing, cleanse the respiratory tract from mucus and vomit.

If a toxic substance gets into the eyes of the , it is necessary to wash the eyes with a warm water jet using a syringe( without a needle) or a rubber bulb for 5 minutes.

If the toxic substance has got on the skin, the of the baby should be undressed and thoroughly washed with warm running water and soap, first treating the contaminated areas, and then the entire surface of the body.

Sometimes the child's intake of medicinal or chemical substances remains unknown to the mother or other adult family members, which significantly complicates the diagnosis, leads to untimely care and worsens the prognosis.

An alarming moment that causes the mother to think about poisoning is changing the child's behavior: usually active and cheerful, he suddenly becomes sluggish, drowsy, falls asleep at an inopportune time. The dream is so deep and strong that it can not be awakened. Or, on the contrary, in a dream the child makes active movements, creeps along the bed, fights off someone with his hands and feet, cries, screams, does not wake up. This behavior is indicative of hallucinations. There may be convulsions, loss of consciousness.

Suspicion of child poisoning: signs and symptoms of

Suspicion of poisoning can be suspected if. ..

  1. your baby has a runny nose, and you, without regretting medicine, dig in his nose naphthyzine, galazoline, sanorin, and the child becomes sluggish, refuses to eatand asks to sleep;
  2. the child suddenly becomes foolish, laughable for no reason, his "storm", that is, swaying in the side while walking, he stumbles upon objects, stumbles on level ground;
  3. , the state of the child suddenly deteriorates amid overall health, consciousness is broken, convulsions appear, and signs of acute inflammatory disease are absent.

Call an ambulance and tell your doctor about your observations and suspicions. The sooner you do this, the better for the child.

Across the world, the number of acute poisoning is steadily growing, this situation is called a "creeping catastrophe".Is there nothing you can do to protect children from exposure to toxic substances? It is possible and even necessary!

Prevention of child poisoning

Prevention of poisoning is extremely simple and does not require parents to have neither moral nor material costs.

Drugs should be kept out of the reach of the child. Periodically arrange an audit in the home medicine cabinet and get rid of unnecessary, with expired shelf life, with worn out inscription of medicines. Do not keep the medicine "at hand" in the cosmetic bag, in your pocket, or in your purse. Your young ranger will find them everywhere and try "for a tooth."

If you give pills or vitamins to a child during illness, never call them candies.

Cleaners and detergents, insect repellents, stain removers and solvents, technical liquids store indoors or in a locked cabinet.

Do not allow the transfusion of potentially toxic substances into food containers.

Liquid for removing varnish, deodorants, cosmetic lotions should be stored on a high shelf, where the child can not get even from the chair.

Do not leave unfinished drinks in the glasses. While you accompany the guests, children can continue the festive feast, following your example.

Do not keep poisonous plants in your house, and do not allow the baby to try "beautiful berries" from trees and shrubs for a walk.

All of the above applies more to babies, the poisoning of which is mostly random.

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  1. Related Videos.
  2. «Pediatrics: A complete reference book for parents / L.Sh. Anikeeva ": Moscow: Publishing house" Exmo ".