How to cure tooth decay at home

Teeth are regularly exposed to negative effects of internal and external factors. For the treatment of caries used as conservative methods of treatment, and practice treatment at home.

  • Features of the disease
  • Treatment of caries
  • Folk remedies for problems with teeth
  • Propolis
  • Horsetail
  • Aloe
  • Sage
  • Prevention of caries
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Features of the disease

The development of putrefactive processes in the cavity of the tooth is characterized by the appearance of caries. In the course of the disease, demineralization of the enamel takes place, which leads to its destruction. The reason for this is the pathological growth of bacterial microflora, which is natural for the oral cavity. Cariesogenic microorganisms eat the remains of food contained in the mouth. The activity of these bacteria depends on many factors.

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Factors provoking the growth of pathogenic microflora:

  • non-compliance with oral hygiene;
  • Sweet abuse;
  • malnutrition.

Also affect the possibility of caries, the following reasons:

  • metabolic disease;
  • diseases of the endocrine system;
  • weakening of immunity due to previous illnesses.

Due to unsatisfactory hygiene of the oral cavity, soft plaque is formed - a favorable environment for the reproduction of bacteria. Quite quickly, this plaque turns into a hard tartar, which at home can not be removed. For this, special procedures are used, offered by dental clinics. Such tartar is a source of permanent destructive effects of cariogenic bacteria.

Important!The appearance of caries in the late stages is irreversible, so it can be cured in this case only when you visit a dentist.

Treatment of caries

The ability to cure and prevent the further development of this disease is possible only at an early stage, when the dentin is not yet damaged. In this case, there is still a chance to avoid the spread of caries and keep the tooth healthy.

The use of traditional medicine at this stage should be discussed with the attending physician, since an incorrect evaluation of the oral condition can lead to further deterioration of the situation.

Among the treatment procedures against caries can be identified:

  • remineralization;
  • drill cavity cavity, sealing;
  • tooth extraction in neglected cases, as a rule, when its extensive destruction occurs, which can not be restored.

Remineralization - restoration of enamel and mineral level in its composition, is undertaken at an early stage of caries formation. It is a small pigmented whitish spot, similar to plaque. In this case, it is still possible to get rid of caries. Most often a special gel is prescribed, which is applied both in the dental clinic and in the home. The gel is treated directly to the damage site.

In more neglected cases, treatment can take place in several stages, especially if you need to drill a tooth and seal it.

If the tooth hurts after treatment of caries, it can speak about several reasons for its appearance:

  1. tooth enamel is damaged and tooth sensitivity is observed, especially on hot and cold, this indicates ineffectiveness of the treatment procedures;
  2. if the tooth has been sealed, then for some time it may be the presence of painful sensations, especially if the patient has suffered pain for several days before.
  3. when the canals are sealed, there may be pain in the subsequent, which in a few days will die down. However, there is a high probability that the filling material has gone beyond the canal.

Important!The onset of pain after treatment can signal complications, so it is necessary to consult your doctor.

Folk remedies for problems with teeth

Treatment of caries by folk remedies should not be the leading method of combating it. In any case, a visit to the doctor is necessary, since only a specialist can assess the nature of the development and the degree of tooth damage.

At initial signs of caries application of means of national medicine is admissible. They can help slow down the process of tooth decay, and in some cases, cure caries.

Important!The use of alcohol tinctures for compresses and mouth rinses should be limited, as this can damage the mucous membrane of the mouth and injure the gums.


To restore the enamel and to treat the tooth in the early stages of caries, when a bright spot appears on the tooth, propolis works well. This universal tool, which can reduce the sensitivity of the tooth, reduce inflammation, strengthen the enamel. For treatment, you need a pea of ​​propolis, which is applied to a sick tooth, and on top you need to put a cotton disc. Propolis needs to be spread out so that it covers the affected area.

An important action that traditional medicine has is removing painful sensations, reducing the sensitivity of the tooth and inflammatory processes. This is especially important in the case when there is no possibility of consulting a doctor in the short term.

Important!In folk medicine, the herbs are actively used to treat caries.


Horsetails have anti-inflammatory properties. It is brewed for rinsing. 1 tbsp. l. horsetail pour 1 glass of hot water, then cool and rinse your mouth. Treatment is carried out for a month.


Useful properties of aloe are also applicable for the treatment of teeth and pain relief in caries. Pure a piece of aloe stalk cut in half and place on the affected area of ​​the tooth and gum.


To remove inflammation and bleeding gums, sage helps well. From it is prepared the infusion: 1 tbsp. l. filled with 1 glass of hot water. Cools down, strains. The resulting infusion should rinse your mouth 3 times a day, for maximum effect, dial into the mouth a warm infusion and keep until it cools.

With toothache, a compress is made from it: moisten the cotton swab in it and apply it to the sore spot until the condition is relieved.

Important!It is not recommended to use honey for dental treatment. It is a nutrient medium for pathogenic bacteria, which contributes to their increase.

Prevention of caries

Care for the health of teeth begins with prevention, this is the only and effective method how to prevent dental caries.

Hygienic procedures:

  • regular brushing of the teeth, preferably after each meal or rinsing the oral cavity;
  • use of a thread, rinsing agents for the oral cavity, chewing gum is allowed after eating for 15 minutes, a special toothpaste against caries;
  • removal of tartar. Get rid of the stone can be when you visit the dentist with ultrasound. The procedure takes a little time and does not cause significant discomfort and painful sensations. It can be described as "unpleasant."

Enhancement and strengthening of immunity:

  • prevention of avitaminosis;
  • the use of calcium and fluorine both in a separate complex and from products containing them;
  • timely treatment of diseases, weakening immunity.

Regulation of power supply:

  • restriction in the diet of sweet, buttery, confectionery products;
  • refusal from bad habits in a feed: night snacks and snacks between the basic receptions of food, especially chips, seeds, crackers and other snacks and fast food;
  • Do not take too hot or cold food;
  • The menu should contain food rich in calcium and fluoride.

To treat caries in the home is an occupation that can lead to unpredictable consequences. Incorrect assessment of the degree of damage can result in further development of caries and deterioration of the tooth. Any manipulation must be coordinated with a dentist.

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