Doctor Myasnikov. About the most important: How we are deceived, how to live longer than 50 years - an honest conversation with a doctor


About the most important thing with Dr. Myasnikov

Recently I was struck by one book - "How to live longer than 50 years: An honest conversation with a doctor about medicines and medicine." Its author is Alexander Leonidovich Myasnikov - Ph.D., MD, a hereditary Russian doctor. He is the grandson and full namesake of the doctor who treated I. AT. Stalin.

Alexander Myasnikov practiced medicine in the United States, Africa, France. Currently, he works as the head physician of the largest Russian hospital. Which gave him the right to deduce the formula of survival and preservation of health in Russia.

You know him for sure on the TV program "On the most important" and numerous videos on Youtube.

Book A. L. Myasnikova - this publication is not a simple, but a whole revelation. The doctor in it tells how to live without sores to gray hair in the conditions of domestic medicine.

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The presentation of thoughts is a fascinating dialogue with an unbiased doctor, thanks to which the view on the possibility of curing the most common diseases is changing. For example:

  1. Why the number of heart attacks is higher and what preventive measures are taken in the West.
  2. Why abroad refused to treat hypertension with special pills and what is being treated now.

After such a frank conversation with a doctor on the pages of the book, you can take the health situation in your hands no matter where you live. Be healthy!

As we have already said, Alexander Myasnikov is a candidate of medical sciences, a US doctor of medicine, a hereditary doctor. He is a doctor of medicine and a doctor of the highest category (certificate 200059, USA), former chief physician of the famous "Kremlevki" (FGU "Hospital with a Polyclinic" UD of the President of Russia), chief doctor of the city clinical hospital number 71, host of the television program "Doctor called?" Alexander Myasnikov .

The medical dynasty of Myasnikovs is one of the most famous and numerous not only in Russia, but also in the world.

Aleksandr Leonidovich Myasnikov's great-grandfather is a Zemsky doctor who opened the first hospital in his city, grandfather - Academician of the Academy of Medical Sciences of the USSR, a scientist of world renown, whose textbooks are still taught by students of all medical schools.

Cardiologists, anaesthesiologists, resuscitators - in this family for two hundred years everyone has become a doctor. And Alexander Leonidovich did not hesitate for a moment what profession to choose.

As part of the Red Cross mission, he treated patients in Africa, was a doctor in a military hospital in Angola, a Soviet embassy in Paris and a geological expedition in Mozambique, in one of New York's medical centers. Having achieved the highest professional recognition in the United States, in 2000 Dr. Myasnikov returned to Russia and opened his own clinic in Moscow working according to international standards.

About the most important: Rules against aging - nutrition, advice of a cosmetologist, cholesterol

How to remain a real woman to 100 years. Tips for those who want to be a long-liver. Useful products for longevity. How to control the level of cholesterol. Statins. Cosmetologist's tips: 3 prescriptions that help keep the skin toned. Retirement: where to start if you decide to take care of your health.

Scientists say that one hour a day, spent on taking care of your health, can add 15-20 years of life. The TV station "About the most important" invites you to spend this hour together and take care of your health seriously. Be healthy!

The doctor called?

Dr. Myasnikov is leading the third program "The doctor called?", Which became very popular. Why? Yes, because the presenter communicates easily and simply about the most important and urgent problems that we all face every day. About our health! On the most seemingly difficult questions, he gives simple answers.

We do not know how to take care of ourselves, we do not know how to help ourselves and our loved ones in this or that situation. We are afraid when the temperature or pressure rises, we can not distinguish the flu from colds. We treat ourselves with all possible methods (most often - incorrect) and cause irreparable harm to our health.

The 21st century is the era of medical progress and the diversity of health services. It seems that you can cure anything today and anywhere. Clinics, hospitals, medical centers grow like mushrooms after the rain. But how many problems - so much money is required. The more you need the care of people in white coats, the more money you need to have. Unfortunately, along with professionals there are people who apparently did not give the oath to Hippocrates. What do you need to know about when choosing a doctor and a clinic, so as not to fall into the hands of charlatans and not harm yourself?

The author of this book tells how it is necessary and how not to take care of yourself. When you need to go to the doctor, and when you can help yourself on your own. If we go to a doctor, we should know what to ask about, what to do and how to react. To have an idea of ​​medical errors and misconceptions that we regularly encounter when we come to a medical institution. Medicine has long been a business, so half of the recommended drugs or treatments are just deceptive. The book explains in detail what recommendations doctors should pay attention to, which - no. What medicines can be taken, and what should be discarded.

If Alexander Leonidovich Myasnikov decided to put together all his experience as a doctor in different countries, a real encyclopedia of health would turn out. But this book is small. Here the most important thing is collected - the main thing: Dr. Myasnikov speaks about the most urgent issues of medicine and health. But they are immeasurably deep, like the Universe. And in addition - the sequel follows.

How are we deceived and what are we being led to?

We are used to being constantly deceived - intentionally or not.

Intentionally deceiving is when a piece of meat is pumped with saline so that it becomes heavier, and sewn on the third-rate Chinese products an expensive label, issuing the goods for high-quality. Accordingly, the price grows threefold.

There are many such examples, and each of you knows them as well as I do.

Unintentional deception is when the seller sincerely believes that the vodka that he sells is really made from selected wheat varieties. When he sincerely thinks that the spirits they sell are really made in France, that they smell just like French. Although I can assure you that living on two houses and two countries, I have repeatedly convinced myself that as if the same spirits bought in Paris and in Moscow are very different in smell.

This became the norm of today's life. But what is happening now in medicine is a disaster. The situation, in my opinion, is comparable to the problem of the spread of drugs.

After all, the most dangerous thing is when they play on our health and deliberately deceive.

All of us repeatedly encountered this situation. We go to one doctor. He is prescribed a medicine for us. And then, for some reason, go to another doctor. The one, the other, says:

"My dear fellow, what did you register for? This is complete nonsense! We should not take this, but this. "

Then we get to the third doctor, who says that the two previous doctors are idiots, because of their treatment, you can put a liver, and in fact you have to take something quite different.

This in our country meets often. How many doctors, so many opinions. But we do not even understand what terrible consequences are behind these words. We are completely helpless before the doctors. They treat us as they see fit, and no one can stop them. It turns out that we are guinea pigs for competent doctors, and, unfortunately, for the illiterate. And our life is constantly under threat.

Look at what is being done with the medicines. It is impossible to open a magazine, turn on the radio or TV, so as not to hear about a new magic tool that heals everything in the world.

"Cancer is not a sentence! Diabetes is not a sentence! Drink our tablets and will always be healthy! ".

This is a huge business, whose members are trying to make money on our diseases and weaknesses. We are very convenient for such businessmen, because:

  1. We are not ready to give up sausage for health reasons and to eat right.
  2. We are not ready at least one hour a day to give physical exertion.
  3. We are not ready to quit smoking, to give up alcohol.
  4. We are not ready to go to a medical institution for a preventive examination.

But we want a magic tablet that will solve all our problems. "To eat this to lose weight?" - most women dream. "Whatever kind of prick to do to never get sick?" Is the dream of all people.

We all know: you can not drink coffee under pressure and heart disease. But recently, doctors found out: this is a myth!

I say to patients: in order not to get sick with the flu, it is necessary:

  1. get a vaccination,
  2. lead a healthy lifestyle,
  3. not to wrap around,
  4. ventilate the room,
  5. exercise,
  6. pour cold water, harden.

But my words go into the air! People nod and... do nothing. And it is worth reading in the newspaper about the magic drug that strengthens the immune system, some kind of immunon or something else as euphonious, people run and buy, and even give half-payments for it. All advertised medicines are expensive, look at the price tag: 500, 1000, 2000, 15 000 rubles. But - it's useless drugs. Well, if it's harmless.

So, our infantilism and belief in miracles leads to the fact that we are constantly being deceived. Indeed, in medicine, often things happen that are ambiguous, and the effectiveness of many medications remains unproven. What was written out yesterday, today is put, to put it mildly, into question. And after a retrospective analysis, you find out: many drugs are not just harmful, but also dangerous.

The same can be said about food. Here is a simple example.

We all know: you can not drink coffee under pressure and heart disease. With this thought there lives more than one generation. But recently, doctors found out: this is a myth! Conversely, people who drink coffee, less sick with myocardial infarction. In addition, coffee protects against liver cancer.

But back to the medicine. Pharmaceutical companies constantly deceive us. For example, releasing all sorts of bioadditives, which, in fact, are one-day medicines. Or not even drugs at all.

Here's how it happens. The pharmaceutical company buys a certain bioadditive, registers it, gets permission to sell. Then they invest money in advertising. Massed - on TV, on the radio, in magazines - everywhere! We hear from all sides: "Bioadditive" gum-gum "helps from everything, including cancer!". You buy it, because, really, - who of us has no sick relatives? But the supplement, of course, does not help. You are on the money! And considerable. Just like other naive shoppers. And in a year - silence! Nobody heard about our additive, it disappeared from the sale. The mission of the manufacturers is fulfilled: you are shaken out, gutted your wallet. On the implementation of bioadditives made a lot of money, no longer needed, and dangerous. But the next magic tablet is untwisted. And so - fraud after deceit.

Another, not obvious deception, is when we use drugs developed 20-30 years ago. For example, everyone knows analgin. After all half of the population knows that for about 20 years in all countries the analgin is banned! Only in Russia and, it seems, still in Brazil it continues to be enjoyed with pleasure.

There are many drugs that are popular only in the post-Soviet space. For example, all drugs to improve digestion, blood circulation, "cleaning" of the liver and blood vessels, as well as many, many others. But, think, why in the European countries where the medicine develops quickly and effectively, these preparations are not in use? Yes, because studies were carried out, and as a result it turned out that they are not effective! Of course, it gets better, but this is a placebo effect, in other words - a dummy.

New drugs are also relevant. It is proved: if a person uses a new medicine with a beautiful name (there is no active substance in it, but buyers do not know about it), then in 40% of cases he gets better first. Cause? Yes, he just waits for a good result and believes in a pill. And in the end gets the result, but only for one or two weeks! What's next?

What you need to do to remove lies from medicine

We need to introduce a mandatory standard by which we will better treat people.

To everyone knew that the most effective medicine for inflammation is a simple drug, derived from tetracycline, and not expensive for $ 600, and absolutely useless.

The best cure for hypertension is a penny diuretic, and it's not clear what.

The best remedy for angina pectoris is an ordinary penny aspirin.

80% of the medicines that are being prescribed are not medicines. They are not recognized all over the world. There are no so-called immunomodulators, there are no medicines that protect the liver. 80% of the turnover of drugs in Russia is linden.

I remember, a long time ago I was still a young resident working in the Institute of Cardiology. A. L. Myasnikov, founded by my grandfather. We dealt with patients with hypertensive disease. There were severe patients who needed to give a set of drugs. Our first task was to remove the superfluous, to begin to heal from scratch and correctly pick the right complex. But since a person should not have known that he remains completely without drugs, the following was done. The patient was hospitalized, every few hours pressure was measured, and then a medicine called "Antispasmin" was given, and in fact - an ordinary crushed chalk. The same was given to patients with angina pectoris.

For three or four days we observed the person - how many times there was an attack of angina without treatment, how many times the pressure was raised and, based on this, the necessary treatment was prescribed. And very often patients who received pills containing no medicine for three or four days said: "It became much easier after" Antispasmina "!". They did not even suspect that they were swallowing a pacifier. That's how powerful the suggestion is! The only pity is that on this warm hands are dishonest people.

From childhood I knew that I would become a doctor. Yes, I have never had a choice! I sometimes shyly stuttered that I want to be a chauffeur. What did my dad say to me: "You'll be a good doctor - you'll go by car yourself." The surgeon just did not want to be.

But in Africa I had, for example, and cut out appendicitis, although I did not understand anything about it. But I did not have a choice - here it is, the patient, lies in front of me. There is nowhere to go, we must learn urgently. I took a doctor's manual and performed an operation on it. Or, as in the same America, where any doctor is obliged to take blood himself. And no one cares if you can or not. Must! Where do you want to be - in the neck, thigh, but you must take it. Therefore, I can take blood in any condition - drunk, sober, sick or healthy, I will not miss!

Author - Alexander Leonidovich Myasnikov. The book "How to live longer than 50 years: An honest conversation with a doctor about medicines and medicine." Chapter first.

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