From this article you will learn: what is the difference between the preparations of Venarus or Detralex, which is better. Pros and cons of both drugs.
- Active ingredients
- Indications
- Contraindications
- Side effects of
- Pros and cons of
- Conclusions: when is Detralex better, and when - Venus
Detralex and Venarus are preparations for vein treatment. They are available in the form of tablets. To say what is better with varicose veins is not so simple. The drugs are similar, have equally good effect and are in fact complete analogues. Next, consider the effects of these drugs, their similarities and some differences, although they are very few.
Both drugs can be prescribed to you by the therapist( for prophylaxis of venous diseases), phlebologist( with varicose veins) or proctologist( with hemorrhoids).
Active ingredients
These drugs contain 2 active substances: hesperidin and diosmin.
Hesperidin is a bioflavonoid that tones veins, strengthens their walls, thereby eliminating the symptoms of varicose veins. Apply it for varicose of any type, as well as for hemorrhoids, as it is also caused by the expansion of veins.
Diosmin is a substance from the group of flavonoids. It increases the venous tone, narrows the pathologically enlarged veins, improves the outflow of venous blood. It also improves the flow of lymph, strengthens the capillaries and stimulates microcirculation in them.
These substances are similar in their effect. In combination, they increase the effectiveness of each other and provide prevention and treatment of the initial stage of varicose veins and hemorrhoids.
The only difference is that in Detralex, unlike Venarus, the diosmin is present in micronized form, which allows it to be absorbed more quickly. Accordingly, and the effect of Detralex comes in a shorter time than from Venarus.
Both drugs are prescribed for:
- Symptomatic treatment of the initial degree of varicose veins( relieving edema, reducing pain, improving blood circulation).
- Elimination of symptoms of acute hemorrhoids.
- Prevention of varicose veins.
- Prevention of exacerbations in chronic hemorrhoids.
Both drugs are used in conjunction with other medicines. Simultaneously with these pills, the doctor can prescribe ointments that also strengthen the veins, as well as anti-inflammatory drugs, especially with hemorrhoids.
Among the contraindications to the use of both drugs doctors only note individual intolerance. During pregnancy, they can be used. With regard to breastfeeding, the use of tablets during it and the impact of this on the child has not been studied. Therefore, the use of both drugs in the period of breastfeeding is undesirable.
Side effects of
Both Detralex and Venarus can cause unwanted reactions from the gastrointestinal tract and the nervous system.
Side effects of drugs:
From the part of the digestive tract From the nervous system Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea. Less commonly - stitching pain in the abdomen. Headache, dizziness, weakness in the body. According to patient reviews and the observations of the treating physicians, Detralex often causes side effects from the gastrointestinal tract, and Venarus is caused by the nervous system.
Side effects of both drugs are usually little expressed and never bother the person so much that to cancel the medication.
Pros and Cons of
The pluses of both tools can be counted as:
- No impact on the ability to drive vehicles( side effects from the central nervous system are not expressed enough to seriously affect the concentration of attention). However, if you often drive or engage in other activities that require increased concentration of attention, it is better to choose Detralex, as it less often causes weakness, headaches and dizziness.
- Possibility of use during pregnancy. This is very important, because often women first start to worry about varicose veins and hemorrhoids during the period of bearing.
- Good action. Both drugs are effective for the prevention of varicose veins, prevention of hemorrhoids, treatment of the initial stage of these diseases.
Both drugs can be taken during pregnancy
Detralex plus Venusus pluses:
Strengths Detralex Strengths of Venarus Less often causes side effects from the nervous system Less frequently causes gastrointestinal side effects Faster acts Less cost Conclusions
Ifthe doctor has written out to you on a choice Detraleks or Venarus, it is necessary to be defined independently. We will help you in this.
Choose Venarus if:
- You have problems with the gastrointestinal tract, and you want to avoid side effects from the digestive system.
- You have been prescribed a long course of treatment, and you are limited in funds. Venarus is cheaper, so you can drink it longer for the same money.
Choose Detralex if:
- you are driving, or your work is associated with a heightened concentration of attention. Detralex in this case is preferable, as it rarely causes headaches, dizziness and weakness.
- You were prescribed a short course of treatment. Detralex acts faster, so in a short course it will be more effective than Venarus.
- If you were discharged from hemorrhoids. In this disease, patients are more likely to have a faster withdrawal of symptoms than with varicose veins.
If the doctor prescribed one of these drugs and did not say anything about the possible use of analogues, it's best not to replace one medication with another yourself.