Why there is pain in the kidney area?

pain in the area of ​​the kidney causesSuch a symptom as pain in the kidney or lumbar region should always be alarming, because it can testify on the occurrence of serious diseases both from the kidneys and from other organs: liver, pancreas, adrenal glands and even an appendix.

Therefore, if there was pain in the right or left kidney, it is necessary, first of all, to understand what caused this condition, and then proceed to appropriate treatment.

Why the kidneys are sore: the causes

Pain in the kidney area is most often associated with lesions of the kidneys themselves, or arise from inflammatory processes caused by infections. There are cases when back pain is mistakenly interpreted as renal colic.

It is worth remembering that real pain in pathological conditions of the kidneys is rarely manifested independently, but supplemented by other symptoms, in particular pain, fever, changes in urination, general poor health.

Let us consider the most common causes, as a result of whichthere is pain in the kidney area:

  • urolithiasis disease;
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  • pyelonephritis;
  • cyst of the right or left kidney;
  • hydronephrosis;
  • nephroptosis;
  • supercooling;
  • kidney failure;
  • glomerulonephritis;
  • deviations in the working capacity of the body during pregnancy.

The question "why the kidneys are aching" can not be explained unequivocally by any specialist. It is known that pain in the kidney area is always a symptom of any disorder or disease. In some cases, kidney pain can occur as a result of intense physical activity and after lifting weights.


This acute or chronic disease, characterized by inflammation of the structural element of the kidney - nephron, or more precisely - renal glomeruli. Kidney pain is more typical during the height of glomerulonephritis acute or severe exacerbation of chronic.

In addition to the presence of pain in the kidneys, the disease is accompanied by the presence of protein in the urine, swelling and high blood pressure (arterial hypertension).


Pyelonephritis is an infectious pathology that affects the kidneys, kidney calyces and pelvis. Infection can be caused by different pathogens. Almost always it has a bacterial character.

Pyelonephritis is characterized by dull aching pain in the kidney area. Depending on the side of the lesion, there may be pain in the right, in the left kidney, or bilateral pain sensations. Most often, renal pain with pyelonephritis is permanent. It is not very strong, but, nevertheless, it gives the patient some anxiety.


This disease in the early stages can not cause the patient almost no inconvenience. Patients note that from time to time, uneven, pulling pains in the lower back are repeated.

Then, as the disease progresses, blood supply of the kidneys worsens, urine begins to stagnate, it can detect an increased content of protein and erythrocytes. At the third stage of the disease, patients begin to complain that they have kidneys constantly hurting. Such pain in the kidney area often leads to depression, neurasthenia in the patient.

Renal stone disease

It refers to frequent causes, because of which the kidneys are sore. At the same time, the pain syndrome is very intense, develops after a shaking ride, sports - then the stone starts moving along the ureter, touching its nerve endings.

With this disease, pain in the lumbar region is very strong, does not allow finding the position of the body to ease it, accompanied by urge to urinate. The volume of urine is very small, often with an admixture of blood.

Renal insufficiency

It develops against the background of violations of the full functioning of the kidneys. This disease is accompanied by increased blood pressure, edema of the lower limbs and face, pain in the lumbar region, sometimes so strong that a person can lose consciousness.

Kidney Cancer

Symptoms of cancer are very difficult to detect, because in the early stages of the disease occurs without any signs. Even in later stages, the patient has blood in the urine and very severe kidney pain, which indicates that the process of tissue destruction has begun.

How the kidneys hurt: symptoms

It is very difficult to diagnose unequivocally that the kidneys ache only with the help of human sensations, since in the immediate vicinity of the kidneys is located liver, intestine, vertebral column, ureter system and spleen, therefore, in any case, a complex diagnosis and consultation specialist.

Consider more specifically certain symptoms to understand what kind of pain bothers the person when the kidneys hurt:

  • painful sensations in the kidney and lumbar region;
  • a marked decrease in the daily amount of urine;
  • clouding of urine, presence of blood, small stones, sand in it;
  • frequent urge to urinate with a small amount of urine;
  • burning sensation when urinating;
  • blurred vision, itchy skin.

The main sensation arises from the side of the back under the lower ribs and above the pelvis. This condition is accompanied by an unpleasant pain syndrome of a piercing-aching, pulling, cutting or acute paroxysmal nature. Localization of pain is not important. As a rule, the symptoms of pain in the right kidney are no different from the symptoms characteristic of the left.

Treatment of pain in the kidney

If there is pain in the kidneys, treatment is performed after a full set of examinations to identify the cause of the disease. For this purpose, the patient is assigned ultrasound examination, computed tomography of the kidneys, and the delivery of necessary analyzes.

Only after carrying out a number of diagnostic measures is an accurate diagnosis. Having determined the correct scheme of treatment, the urologist will prescribe the necessary medicines.

Kidney pain caused by pyelonephritis or glomerulonephritis is treated with antibiotics. If the pain in the kidneys is caused by the presence of stones, the treatment is aimed at relieving the pain, removing the stone and fighting infection.

Operative treatment, including urgent, is spent at such diseases:

  • trauma of the kidney (rupture, crushing).
  • benign adenoma, fibroma.
  • malignant tumors.
  • thrombosis of the renal artery (thromboembolism).
  • urolithiasis in the stage of exacerbation and blockage of the urinary duct.
  • purulent pyelonephritis in the acute stage.
  • purulent extensive abscess of the right kidney.
  • cyst of the kidney, purulent, large.

Doing self-medication with the help of folk recipes, many of which are highly questionable, can be fraught with a sad outcome. Kidney disease is not a reason for independent experiments.

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