Algorithm for measuring arterial pressure by devices of various types

In modern life, when everything is done on the run, many people have no time to monitor their health. It is remembered only in moments of deterioration to such an extent that I want to take a pill and lie down.

And here the question arises - what kind of pill should you drink? And although self-medication is not necessary, in some cases it will be useful to perform simple medical manipulations, for example, knowledge of the technology of measuring blood pressure( BP).


  • 1 Contents
    • 1 Standards and causes of changes
    • 2 Training rules and methods for conducting a standard
    • 3 Stepwise technique for using a mechanical tonometer
    • 4 How to measure with an electronic device
    • 5 Self-help
      • 5.1 With an increase of
      • 5.2 With a decrease
      • 5.3 General recommendations

Normal indices and causeschanges

What do the numbers mean when measuring blood pressure? The upper( systolic) is related to how actively the heart ejects the blood into the aorta, and the lower( diastolic) characterizes the tone of the vessels.

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Blood pressure classification table

Categories Indicators, mm Hg. Art.
systolic diastolic
Optimal & gt;120 & gt;80
Normal & gt;130 & gt;85
Elevated 130-139 85-89
Mild hypertension( I grade) 140-159 90-99
Moderate hypertension( grade II) 160-179 100-109
Severe hypertension( grade III) & lt;110
The pressure 120/80 is an ideal indicator, but this figure is not for everyone. Someone feels fine with slightly reduced pressure, in this case for him the norm will be precisely that figure, in which nothing disturbs.

Sometimes AD varies disproportionately:

upper pressure Lower pressure Possible causes
increased rate increase cardiac output
increased reduced aortic valve
rate increased decrease in left ventricular work while peripheral resistance to blood flow
Notethat the heart suffers with fluctuations of pressure in any direction, therefore at home it is necessary to have a tonometer and daily counteran isolated state circulation.

Training rules and methods for conducting a standard

In order to make measurements, you must purchase an electronic or mechanical tonometer.

The mechanical variant consists of:

  • cuffs with a rubber punch for inflating air and a pressure gauge showing the strength of the AD;
  • of a stethoscope for listening to cardiac tones;

The electronic semiautomatic is a cuff with attached rubber pear and a box with a display showing the results.

Electronic automatic - cuff with attached box with display.

Find out which tonometer to choose for home use from the following article.

There are many factors that can distort the results, so if the case is not extra, to measurements need to be prepared in advance. :

  • results are distorted after taking alcohol, a cup of coffee or a bath;
  • if you feel chills, you need to warm up beforehand;
  • at least half an hour before the procedure should not be smoked - this leads to a narrowing of the vessels;
  • after physical exertion it is better to wait 1-2 hours - the results may be underestimated;
  • after meal you need to wait 1-2 hours - the results will be overestimated;
  • overflowing bladder increases intra-abdominal pressure and as a consequence - arterial pressure;
  • lack of sleep and constipation also distort the results.

In the case of measurements on the arm cuff, is worn 2 cm above the fold of the elbow. She is picked up to size and fastened so that she does not pull her hand. When measured with a mechanical device, random movements of the hand do not distort the result, but when using the electronic hand, it must be stationary.

On which hand is it correct to measure blood pressure? To begin with - on both. And after that, they are guided by the highest indicators( often in different hands, blood pressure is different).If the higher pressure was to the left, then the left hand is checked in the future, and vice versa.

More on the preparation for the blood pressure measurement method, see the video:

Step-by-step technique for using the mechanical tonometer

When using a mechanical device, use the inflated cuff to press the humerus artery and use the stethoscope to listen to the heart tone while bleeding the air .Measurements are made sitting with the obligatory support for the back:

  1. Relax. Do not toss your foot on the leg. To have a rest easy 5 minutes, only after that to begin procedure.
  2. The hand is placed on the table so that the cuff is at the level of the heart. If measurements are made lying, raise the arm to place the cuff at the mid-chest level. The support must be under the whole hand, so that it does not hang. If you lift your arm with a cuff above your heart, the result is underestimated and vice versa.
  3. The phonendoscope is applied to the ripple point in the elbow bend so that it does not touch the tube or cuff.
  4. Rubber pear quickly inflate air by 30-40 mm Hg. Art.above the level when the ripple disappears.
  5. After this, start bleeding no faster than 2 mm Hg. Art.for one pulse beat, following the arrow of the manometer. There will come a time when blood, driven by heart contractions, striking the walls of the narrowed vessel with force, will be able to break through the weakening obstacle. It is these strokes that will be heard in the stethoscope.
  6. By registering the appearance of the first strike and the digit on the manometer, we get the first indicator( the upper one).
  7. Listening further, note the moment of disappearance of tones - this will be the second indicator( the lower one).
If it is impossible to measure on the arm, a special cuff is placed on the middle third of the thigh, and the stethoscope is applied to the popliteal fossa, at the site of the artery pulsation. In this case, the lower blood pressure will be equal to the indicators on the arm, and the upper blood pressure will be 10-40 units higher.

To better understand the algorithm for correct measurement of arterial pressure in the peripheral arteries, this video will help:

How to measure with the electronic device

Initial actions correspond to the use of the mechanical device: sit down, rest for 5 minutes, put on the cuff and start measuring .Further actions are facilitated by the fact that the electronic devices do not require the use of a stethoscope:

  • for manually using the semiautomatic device, all the further actions will be performed by the device itself - it will squeeze the pressure and display the received data;
  • the automatic device will do everything itself - pumps, screens, measures and displays the result.

The wrist device is fastened with the display, which is located approximately 1 cm above the brush .Then put the palm of this hand on the opposite shoulder so that the device is located at the level of the heart, with a free hand to press the start button and she also grab a hand with a tonometer to the elbow, in order to fix it more rigidly, since during the measurement it is better not to move.

And you know why you need a chest pulse monitor and how to choose it right? Find out all the details right now!

What good is the heart rate monitor on the arm without a chest belt and what are its drawbacks? We will tell you in this article.

On the rules of selection, advantages and disadvantages of medical finger pulse meters, read the following review.


This video tells you what manipulations are needed to measure blood pressure mechanically by yourself, if no one is around:

And now tell you what to do with increasing or lowering blood pressure.

With an increase in

If the morning feeling poor and slightly increased blood pressure, you can affect it change in the daily diet .Arrange yourself a rice-compote day, boiling rice without salt and preparing compote of dried fruits without sugar.

This combination creates a potassium slope compared to previous days of normal nutrition and due to this increases the excretion of fluid from the body, thereby unloading the vascular bed and reducing pressure.

When the blood pressure in rises sharply, the person needs to be laid with the upper part of the trunk raised, the light must be put out, the heating pad attached to the feet, and the towel moistened with cool water.

If you can not lie down - sit , leaning back in a chair or chair, lower your legs.

With increased emotionality, take 40-50 drops of Corvalol , you can put captopril tablet under your tongue. The next pressure control should be performed no sooner than an hour later.

Do not try to reduce the indicators by more than 20% from the initial level - sudden fluctuations cause brain complications.

With a drop in the

  • A cup of sweet coffee will bring a quick but brief relief. Strong sweet tea acts more slowly, but gives a more lasting result. To enhance the effect in the tea, you can add a spoon of cognac.
  • Half a teaspoon of honey, eaten with a pinch of cinnamon, , will help lighten up a little. If you need a stronger effect, then in a glass of boiling water brew 1/4 tsp.cinnamon, slightly cool and in a very warm infusion dissolve a couple of teaspoons of honey.
  • Take 35 drops of pharmacy alcohol tincture of ginseng, eleutherococcus or schizandra .

General recommendations of

A person can often help himself by eliminating the factors that worsen the condition and tone of the vessels :

  • each kilogram of weight gain increases the upper pressure by 1-2 units;
  • nicotine causes vasoconstriction and increases blood pressure;
  • a constant excess of salt in the diet leads to a stable fluid retention, which increases the pressure by getting into the vascular bed;
  • ethyl alcohol causes imbalance in vascular tone.

Knowing the algorithm for measuring blood pressure, , you can easily use both mechanical and electronic tonometer .Such knowledge and availability of the device at hand will help to identify the causes of poor health( migraine, weakness, nausea) and in time to seek help.