Cyston is a combined herbal medicine with litholytic, diuretic and anti-inflammatory actions, Used in the complex treatment of urolithiasis and urinary tract infections.
The composition of the medicinal product includes 9 herbal ingredients. The pharmacological effect of the drug is determined by a combination of the effects of its components and consists in inhibition of the process of stone formation and inhibition of spontaneous oxalate-calcium crystalluria.
Due to the combined effect of the plant ingredients of Cyston, there is a decrease in the quantitative content of substances involved in stone formation in the urine with a simultaneous increase in the concentration of minerals that suppress the process of aggregation (gluing) of crystals - magnesium, sodium, potassium.
Clinical and pharmacological group
Phytopreparation with diuretic, litholytic and anti-inflammatory action.
Terms of sale from pharmacies
Can buywithout a doctor's prescription.
How much does Cyston cost in pharmacies? The average price is at the level of400 rubles.
Composition and form of release
Dosage form of Cyston - tablets: light brown with impregnations of more dark / light color, biconvex, round (in plastic bottles of 100 pcs., In a cardboard bundle 1 bottle).
Active substances in the composition of 1 tablet:
- saxifragerum ligulate (in the form of an extract of stems) - 49 mg;
- marena heart-shaped (in the form of an extract of stems) - 16 mg;
- ash faith (in the form of an extract of the whole plant) - 16 mg;
- straw bloomy (in the form of an extract of seeds) - 16 mg;
- onescum bracteate (in the form of an extract of the aerial part) - 16 mg;
- lime silicate (in the form of powder) - 16 mg;
- mummy purified (in the form of a powder) - 13 mg;
- bi-plod stalk (in the form of an extract of flowers) - 65 mg;
- to form a film (in the form of an extract of rhizomes) - 16 mg;
- a mixture of vegetable raw materials processed over the extract steam: basil fragrant (aboveground part), aromatic pawn (whole plant), horse beans (seeds), anchovies creeping (fruits), mimosa shy (seeds), horsetail field (whole plant), teak (seeds).
Auxiliary components: sodium carboxymethylcellulose, crospovidone, magnesium stearate, aerosil (colloidal silicon dioxide), microcrystalline cellulose.
Pharmacological effect
Plant components, which are part of the medicine Tsiston according to the instructions have spasmolytic, diuretic, antimicrobial, litholytic and anti-inflammatory actions. Also, the medicament has bacteriostatic and bactericidal properties that are active against Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Klebsiella spp., Escherichia coli and some other gram-negative bacteria.
The therapeutic effect of the drug is due to incoming plant substances. With dysmetabolic nephropathy, Cyston contributes to:
- Prevent the accumulation of particles around the core of the stone and their further growth;
- Elimination of uric acid, oxalate and phosphate salts and small stones from the urinary tract by stimulating diuresis and relaxing the smooth muscles of the urinary tract;
- Reducing the concentration in the urine of elements leading to the formation of stones (oxalic acid, calcium, hydroxyproline) by regulating the crystal-colloid balance;
- Increase the level of elements that inhibit the formation of stones (magnesium, sodium, potassium);
- Disintegration of stones (by affecting mucin), which leads to their demineralization.
The litholytic effect of Cyston does not depend on the pH of the urine.
Indications for use
What helps? Cyston is indicated to patients solely for medical purposes if there are indications like:
- Symptoms of urolithic pathology;
- Cystitis;
- Nephrolithiasis;
- Pyelonephritis;
- Urinary infections;
- Gout;
- Crystalluria;
- Concrements of the salivary glands.
How to take Cyston can appoint only a urologist who will be able to compare the picture of clinical and laboratory manifestations, and appoint the appropriate treatment regimen.
The main contraindications to cystone are associated with possible allergic reactions and increased individual sensitivity to its components.
The drug is not prescribed when large stones are found (diameter more than 10 mm). In order for the outgoing stones not to cause pain of intense pricking-cutting character before the start of treatment, a thorough thorough examination should be carried out. Namely, to diagnose the size of the stones.
Drinking alcohol has no direct effect on the administration of cystone, but it is highly unsuitable for nephrolithiasis and ureteral infections. Because of this, taking alcohol in parallel with the drug by 90% negates the effectiveness of the entire treatment.
Intended use for pregnancy and lactation
Cyston tablets are allowed for use in pregnancy, as they contain exclusively plant components that are not capable of damaging directly to a woman or a fetus.
Most often, Tsiston in pregnancy is used in the complex therapy of infectious and inflammatory diseases of the urinary ways, such as pyelitis, pyelonephritis, cystitis, urethritis (not associated with venereal diseases). Also, doctors prescribe Cyston with difficulty urinating associated with their severe spasms, provoked by kidney stones, inflammation or strong pressure from the uterus.
Dosage and route of administration
As indicated in the instructions for use, Cyston is taken internally. The average daily dose - 4 tablets (2 times a day for 2 tablets).
Recommended course duration:
- urolithiasis (as part of complex treatment): 4-6 months or before the release of stones;
- urinary tract infection (as part of a comprehensive treatment): until the process is eliminated;
- prevention to prevent recurrence after the release or surgical removal of stones: 1 month, later on, Cyston is taken for 4-5 months 2 times a day for 1 tablet.
Adverse Reactions
Side effects with the administration of Cyston practically do not manifest, therapeutic practice knows cases of only individual hypersensitivity of the drug.
Overdose Symptoms
To date, in clinical practice cases of overdose with Cyston tablets have not been recorded.
special instructions
Before you start using the drug, read the special instructions:
- It should be borne in mind that the effect of the drug Cyston develops gradually.
- It is not recommended to apply the drug for acute pain in the urinary tract.
- In case of acute pain during the treatment should stop taking the drug.
Compatibility with other drugs
The drug interaction of the drug Tsiston is not described.
Patient Reviews
We offer you to read reviews of people who used Cyston:
- Valentina. There were 2 stones in the right kidney, helped by cyston. Razdrobilis and went out, but I drank courses for 6 months -4 courses, took another urolesan additionally. Here passed the ultrasound-stone is not.
- Pasha. The drug is simply a miracle! True, it took more than a year to drink, but stones that did not come out after crushing, after a long treatment, came out painlessly, although they reached 4 mm. Regular examination of the kidneys on ultrasound shows a complete absence of recurrent formation of stones and even sand. It can be argued that I achieved full recovery after taking Cyston. Although treatment lasted a long time, but the therapeutic effect is very strong. Now I drink this drug once a year for prevention.
- Love. Chronic pyelonephritis torments me from childhood. Exacerbations occur a couple of times a year, more often during the off-season. It is only a little to soak your feet and the disease immediately reminds you of yourself. I use Cyston for treatment. I like that the drug acts quite efficiently and quickly. The very next day after taking, I feel considerable relief. I drink the course to the end, because the effect of the medicine is cumulative. The composition of the drug is a lot of herbs, seeds and natural extracts. Apparently therefore the result of treatment is so good. The price of "Cyston", of course, is very expensive, but healthy kidneys are more expensive than money.
Structural analogues of the active ingredient do not have a cystone medicine.
Analogues for the pharmacological group (Means for dissolving stones):
- Rovatinex;
- Urolesan;
- Phytolysin.
Before buying an analogue, consult your doctor.
What is better - Kanefron or Cyston?
Both Kanefron and Cyston are phytopreparations, that is, as active, active ingredients contain extracts and extracts from medicinal plants. However, Tsiston is produced by the Indian pharmaceutical concern, and Kanefron is produced by the German pharmaceutical company.
Both drugs are indicated for use in the complex therapy of inflammatory diseases of the urinary tract (cystitis, pyelonephritis, urethritis, etc.) and to reduce the size and prevention of repeated formation of kidney stones. That is, the spectrum of the action of Kanefron and Cyston is almost the same, therefore both of these preparations are very are popular and are often prescribed for inflammation of the organs of the urinary system and urolithiasis.
In reviews, both drugs are characterized positively, but one person likes and approaches Tsiston, and the other - Kanefron, which is due to the individual characteristics of the body of each person. Thus, given the same therapeutic effect and similar effectiveness, it can be said that choosing between Kanefron and Cyston should be strictly individual, based on their own impressions of taking medications.
However, there are some differences between Kanefron and Cyston. So, the composition of Cyston includes much more components, which increases the risk of allergic reactions. Cases of an allergic reaction to Kanefron is not described. Therefore, if you are addicted to allergies, you should choose Kanefron. In addition, Cyston has a more pronounced antibacterial effect, therefore, with a strong inflammation of the bladder or kidneys, this drug is preferable.
Separately it is necessary to say about the ability of Kanefron to reduce the release of protein in the urine during pregnancy, which is very important. Therefore, pregnant women suffering from gestosis or who have protein in their urine, should stop their choice on Kanefron.
Shelf life and storage conditions
Shelf life of Cyston tablets is 3 years. It is important to store them in their original packaging, dark, dry, out of reach of children at an air temperature of +10 to +30 ° C.

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