Diet for slimming women, menus for a week - slimming belly and sides at home

All women in the world want to have a slender and well-proportioned figure, a flat belly and feminine sides. Let not an "aspen" waist, but, nevertheless, the excessive completeness of many of the fair sex leads to the idea of ​​finding a way, a diet with a clearly written menu, so that at home quickly remove excess weight from the stomach and sides.

Of course, one desire is not enough for losing weight. The most popular way to achieve this goal is diet. What is the most effective diet for slimming belly and sides of a woman, while not causing any special inconvenience and harm to their health?

The most important thing, when following any diet, adhere to the rules of healthy eating. Only in this way, in observance of all the principles of balance and usefulness in consumed products, one can achieve not only the harmony of the sides and the involvement of the abdomen, but also normalize the work of the gastrointestinal tract, metabolism, and heal a lot of sores.


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Weight loss belly and side loss for women, the basic principles of

Let's list the basic principles in the normalization of body size and weight loss:

  1. Do not skip breakfast. In the morning always try to make the meal full. A cup of coffee in the morning is not food!
  2. Eat less, but bowl. The most optimal number of meals is 4 to 6 times a day.
  3. Dinner should be light and three hours before bedtime.
  4. On the day a person should drink about two liters of water( water with food intake does not count).
  5. Try to reduce to the minimum the consumption of sweet and flour( fast carbohydrates).
  6. Consciously give up fatty fried foods, alcohol and table salt.
  7. Enter in the diet as much as possible of consumed fruits and vegetables.
  8. The most powerful effect is given by a combination of diet for slimming the sides and abdomen with training, simple physical exercises of high intensity help.

Authorized products: list

See the list of low-calorie foods with a minimum fat content:

  1. Low-fat dairy products: cottage cheese, kefir, yogurt, low-fat cheese.
  2. Boiled eggs, lean fish, dietary meat.
  3. Cereals: buckwheat, rice, oat flakes.
  4. Pulses: peas, lentils, beans.
  5. Any vegetables, fruits, berries and salads. Nuts and dried fruits, honey.

Prohibited foods: list

The products listed below should be completely excluded from the diet, or at least reduced to their minimum consumption:

  1. Salt and low-salted foods. Salt delays the fluid in the body, which will interfere with weight loss.
  2. Baking and pastry. These are fast carbohydrates in pure form. In people with a slow metabolism, these products will turn into fat.
  3. Sugar: sweet, confectionery, chocolate, syrups, jams and the like.
  4. Fried, baked and smoked dishes. The refusal of these dishes is largely due to the need to establish the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.
  5. Fast food: hamburgers, sandwiches, soda, chips, crackers, sauces.
  6. Alcohol and tobacco.

Menu for the week: belly and slimming diet for women

In order for the diet to work, follow its basic principles, expand your diet with authorized products, exclude foods not recommended for consumption during a diet. We provide you an approximate diet menu, which is convenient to use without thinking about what to cook today.


  1. Breakfast : Oatmeal on the water and apple or green tea.
  2. The second breakfast : Orange or apple.
  3. Lunch : Steamed fish and a serving of rice, lettuce leaves.
  4. Snack : Portion of dried fruits and nuts with green tea.
  5. Dinner : Vegetable salad and steamed beans. Either defatted cottage cheese.


  1. Breakfast : 1 boiled egg and 2 loaves.
  2. The second breakfast : 1 apple.
  3. Lunch : Chicken fillet steamed and buckwheat. Bulgarian pepper.
  4. Snack : A glass of low-fat yogurt.
  5. Dinner : Boiled beef and fresh vegetables.


  1. Breakfast : Low fat yogurt 200 ml., 1 orange.
  2. The second breakfast : 1 banana.
  3. Lunch : Vegetable lean soup with chicken, tomato and cucumber salad.
  4. Snack : 1 apple.
  5. Dinner : 200 g of boiled rice without salt. A glass of yogurt.


  1. Breakfast : Low fat curd 100 grams, apple.
  2. Second breakfast : Grapefruit or other favorite fruit.
  3. Lunch : Low-fat baked fish, steamed vegetables.
  4. Snack : Dried fruits with green tea.
  5. Dinner : Vegetable salad and potatoes in a uniform.


  1. Breakfast : 1 boiled egg, a glass of yogurt.
  2. The second breakfast : A bar of muesli.
  3. Lunch : Low-fat mushroom soup. Low-fat cheese cheese - 40 g.
  4. Snack : 1 cup kefir.
  5. Dinner : Boiled chicken fillet, fruit salad with orange.


  1. Breakfast : Oatmeal on the water - 200 g.
  2. Second breakfast : 1 apple.
  3. Lunch : Boiled beef - 200 g. Buckwheat groats - 100 g.
  4. Snack : Nuts and dried fruits.
  5. Dinner : Boiled rice - 200 g, 1 apple.


  1. Breakfast : Perl porridge - 200 g., 1 banana.
  2. Second breakfast: : Grapefruit.
  3. Lunch : Fresh vegetable salad, 150 grams of turkey steamed.
  4. Afternoon snack : Skim curd.
  5. Dinner : 1 cup kefir and apple.

What are the physical activities for the stomach and sides of the diet?

In order to achieve the most effective result from a diet, it must be supplemented with physical exercises. This rule especially applies to the abdomen and sides - the most problematic areas for overweighting. Feedback from people who have achieved impressive results with this diet, talk about the effectiveness of the following exercises:




Skipping rope

If you feel boring these exercises, or just can not get yourself to do them, use much more creative ways. In active games, all the power and effectiveness of cardio exercises is also included.

Ideal slimming games are: table tennis, volleyball, badminton and others.

Source: https: // dieta-dlya-poxudeniya-zhivota-i-bokov-dlya-zhenshhin-menyu-na-nedelyu /