Aloe for stomach treatment

  • Useful properties
  • How to prepare medicines
  • Treatment for gastritis
  • Treatment of peptic pathology
  • Treatment of aloe gastric cancer
  • Contraindications
  • Related videos

Aloe juice for the stomach is traditionally considered one of the most effective herbal remedies. Most often it is used in combination with honey, practicing the reception of a mix with various diseases of the body.

Useful properties

Aloe vera is a plant that was previously found on windowsills in all apartments. And this is not surprising, since the flower has many useful properties.

  • The substance, called allantoin, which is part of the juice and pulp of aloe, promotes the acceleration of the regeneration processes, which helps in healing the wounds and eliminating the inflammatory processes.
  • Normalization of secretion of gastric mucus, which leads to improved protection of the internal surface of the body.
  • The intake of aloe juice helps in the destruction of pathogenic bacteria that cause the development of gastritis.
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  • Against the backdrop of treatment with a century-old, the biological processes become more active.

No less useful for the stomach and honey. The combination of the two products only enhances the therapeutic effect.

How to prepare medicines

Both honey and aloe are "capricious components that require the right approach. How correctly to make a medicine that it was effective? There are several basic recommendations:

  • It is advisable to take fresh honey for preparation of the composition. If it is sugared, it is pre-heated and then brought to a liquid state with a water bath.
  • Aloe is recommended to take only the lower leaves of old plants. The young sage, whose age is less than three years, in juice is not enough large content of nutrients.
  • If the finished product is planned to be stored for a long time, it is recommended to use alcohol as a preservative.

The leaves of the centenarian need preliminary preparation: they must be kept in the cold for at least seven days, but they can not be frozen

Leaves must be prepared before use. To do this, the cut material is wrapped in a plastic bag and for a week is removed to the lower shelf of the refrigerator. In conditions of cold storage in the pulp, biogenic stimulators are formed, which enhances the healing properties of the century.

After about 7-10 days, the leaves can be extracted and used for their intended purpose. First they are ground with a ceramic knife, and then crushed using a crush or a rolling pin. After that, the pulp can be pressed through gauze, and the resulting juice is mixed with honey and other ingredients in accordance with the recipe.

Treatment of gastritis

The most common cause of inflammation of the mucous membrane of the stomach are pathological microorganisms. The combination of aloe with honey allows to destroy pathogens, since the obtained products have a strong antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties.

For gastritis, you can use various recipes:

How to treat atrophic gastritis?
  • In a glass of warm water, dissolve 100 grams of honey and put ½ cup of finely chopped aloe leaves. Give the agent a little to stay and take 2 spoons 15 minutes before eating.
  • In a deep bowl, combine the plantain juice with honey. Each take one glass. Heat the mixture, but do not bring it to the boil. Then pour the contents into the thermos bottle and leave for 2 hours. Add to it a glass of sap. To store the infusion use a refrigerator. Take before eating, drinking 2 tablespoons of the product, previously diluted in water.

For the treatment of chronic gastritis of the stomach, the following recipe can be used:

  • it is necessary to mix aloe juice and liquid honey, taking each component in 200 ml;
  • then in the received structure to enter 2 spoons of freshly squeezed carrot juice and mix thoroughly.
Take this folk remedy for a month strictly before meals.

In gastritis with high acidity another recipe showed itself well. It is necessary to mix 2 tablespoons of juice of the century and honey, add a glass of freshly squeezed potato juice to the mixture and mix. Take the product in the morning on an empty stomach.

Recipes can contain not only honey and aloe juice, in some there is red wine

It is used a medicine from aloe and with inflammation of the gastric mucosa, accompanied by a decrease in acidity. In the process of treatment, the damaged cells are restored, the processes of gastric juice production are normalized.

Take 1 part of the decoction from the leaves of raspberry and plantain. Mix it with the same volume of aloe juice. In ¼ of a glass of warm water, dissolve a spoonful of honey. Connect all components. Drink the formula before eating ½ cup.

Prepare a glass of cocoa. Grind the leaves of the sage. Mix them with honey and butter. Components should be taken in equal proportions. Pour the mixture with ready-made cocoa and put the mixture in the oven with low heat for 3 hours. Then filter the product and cool it. Treat gastritis for a month, taking the medicine on a tablespoon before eating.

Treatment of peptic pathology

Mix of aloe and honey juice is widely used in various gastric diseases, including ulcers. Recipes that are good for this disease, a lot. For the fastest healing of ulcers, you can use the following:

  • Mix equal parts of the juice of the century and honey. Eat a spoonful of the mixture before each meal.
  • Connect ½ piece of a glass of liquid honey with crushed leaves of the century( 200 grams).Mix the ingredients and pour them with vodka( take 200 grams).Leave the insulin for 45 days, cover it with a lid and place it in a dark place. The received alcohol tincture on an empty stomach on a teaspoon is accepted.
  • Take crushed leaves into a gruel( 100 grams), the same amount of lime honey and Cahors( 200 ml).Leave the mixture for 5 hours. The received infusion is taken in the morning strictly before breakfast, i.e.on an empty stomach, on a tablespoon. The duration of therapy is until the entire mixture is used.

For the elimination of pain and healing of erosion, the following formulation is used:

  • it is necessary to take 2 pieces of gruel from leaves of the century and 1 part of liquid honey;
  • take the remedy on a tablespoon three times a day, drinking the medicine with warm water.
Course duration is 21 days. Then you need a two-week break and repeat treatment.

Aloe with honey has a powerful healing effect, so it is often used to treat peptic ulcer of stomach

For quick scarring of ulcers, it is recommended to use the following recipe: it is necessary to combine liquid honey, apple juice and ground walnut( 5: 1: 3 ratio), and the resulting mixtureconsumed during the day. The duration of therapy is 60 days.

Treatment of aloe gastric cancer

Effective will be aloe and with stomach cancer. The agent is allowed to be used at different stages of pathology. With this disease, a mixture of honey and aloe juice helps alleviate the characteristic pain syndrome.

Treatment is carried out by the composition prepared according to the following recipe:

  • a glass of juice of a plant to connect to the Cahors( 500 ml);
  • stir the ingredients and add to them 2 tablespoons of liquid honey.

Insist a remedy for a week and drink on a large spoon twice a day: morning and evening.


Although aloe is good for various stomach conditions, there are several contraindications for its use. From treatment it is necessary to refuse in the following cases:

  • with individual intolerance of the component composition;
  • for tumors, since glaucoma is a potent biostimulator and can trigger an increase in neoplasia;
  • during cystitis;
  • in the presence of problems with blood coagulability;
  • in renal pathologies, including kidney failure;
  • in the period of exacerbation of chronic gastrointestinal diseases.

Aloe is a powerful natural remedy and shows excellent results. But treatment with drugs based on it should not cancel prescribed medication.