Lachrymation: Causes and Treatment

Excessive lacrimation can occur for many reasons. It is considered one of the most common modern problems. Lachrymation occurs in children and adults. Someone is prone to excessive flow of tears only in the cold or warm season, and someone has to live with such a problem all his life.

In this article, we will understand the reasons why one eye is peeled and the treatment of possible diseases.


  • 1How does the outflow of tears occur?
  • 2Causes
    • 2.1Children
    • 2.2Age-related
  • 3Possible diseases
  • 4Diagnostics
  • 5How to find the reason?
  • 6Treatment
    • 6.1Medicated
    • 6.2Surgical
    • 6.3Folk remedies
  • 7Video
  • 8conclusions

How does the outflow of tears occur?

The physiological process of producing tears occurs in the lacrimal glands that are located in the upper outer corners of the eyes.

The main function of tear fluid is the moistening of the eyeball.

With the help of the eyelids, it is distributed evenly, part of it goes to the inner corner of the eye.In the inner corners there are tear points, leading to the tear ducts, through which tears flow into the tear sack, and from there along the nasolacrimal canal enter the nasal cavity.

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Normally, to moisturize the eyes, you need the amount of tear fluid that is released by the extra glands of the mucous membrane, at this time the main gland does not work.It begins to function only in the case of an irritant effect of an irritant on the eye, or when a person cries.

The lacrimal fluid constantly flushes the eyeball, the blinking eyelid movements direct the tear to the inner corner of the eye, where the tear points that lead to the tear ducts are located. Through the tear ducts, the lacrimal fluid enters the tear sack, and then through the nasolacrimal canal into the nasal cavity.

Functions of tear fluid:

  1. Moisturizing the eyes and nose.
  2. Removal of germs and foreign bodies.
  3. Excretion of stress hormones from the body.



There are quite a few causes of lachrymation in childhood:

  • Obstruction of lacrimal passages, which leads dacryocystitis in children.
  • Too narrowed nasolacrimal canal.
  • Catarrhal diseases, for example, rhinitis. It leads to edema of the nasolacrimal canal, so the tear fluid can not flow normally.
  • Allergies.
  • Infectious diseases (measles, chickenpox).
  • Inflammation of the eyes, purulent conjunctivitis, keratitis, blepharitis.
  • Teething upper teeth;
  • Eczema eyelids (inflammation of the skin, accompanied by the appearance of rash, itching, flaking and irritation).
  • Ingestion into the eye of a foreign body, which causes discomfort and lacrimation.
  • A sharp temperature drop, leading to spasmodic and swelling of lacrimal points, channels.

In children up to two months of age, the tear gland is not sufficiently developed, so when they cry, they do not have abundant lacrimation.


In adulthood, the causes of excessive lacrimation are similar to those of children, but there are also others:

  • Excessive production of tears with glands.This leads to the fact that tears do not have time to flow into the nose, so they drain from the eyes.
  • Irritation.Eyes may be watery due to strong wind, cold, dust.
  • Allergic reactions.
  • Inflammatory and infectious diseases of the eyes caused by pathogenic microorganisms.
  • Turn, twist of eyelids. Lacrimal points can not contact the teardrop lake and therefore do not suck up tears.
  • Chronic rhinitis.
  • Cold. Lachrymation can provoke sinusitis (inflammation of the nasal sinuses).
  • Syndrome of "dry eye".
  • Contact lenses for non-compliance with the rules of care.Excess tears can occur with improper care of the lens and non-compliance with hygiene.

Possible diseases

Lachrymation can indicate the presence of an inflammatory process in the eyes, which can be caused by conjunctivitis, keratitis, blepharitis.In some cases, lachrymation signals problems with the lacrimal gland.

Allergies are also accompanied by a plentiful flow of tears. And the allergen can affect not only the mucous eye.

Lachrymation can occur with dacryocystitis.Dacryocystitis is an inflammation of the lacrimal sac, which is caused by constriction or blockage of the nasolacrimal canal.


The disease can occur as a result of inflammation of the nasal cavity, paranasal sinuses, and the bones of the skull, located next to the tear sack.

Dacryocystitis is very dangerous, as it can lead to meningitis, an abscess of the brain.


For diagnosis, you need to consult an ophthalmologist who can help you find the cause of the problem.He must take into account all the accompanying symptoms in order to correctly diagnose. So, for example, if lacrimation is accompanied by pain in the nose, then this may indicate dacryocystitis.After this, the doctor must conduct an eye examination.To do this, he must use the slit lamp to examine the eyelids, the tone of their skin, the condition of the conjunctival membrane and the cornea.

At the next stage, a specialist assesses the patency of lacrimal canals.This is done using the method of setting a color sample. It consists in the fact that a colored solution drips into the eyes and the time of passage through the nasal cavity is evaluated.Normally, the solution flows freely into the nasal cavity.If the doctor has suspicions of stenosis (narrowing of the cavity), he prescribes X-ray diagnostics with a contrast agent, which makes it possible to determine the localization of stenosis.

If the ophthalmologist could not find an objective reason, why the eyes are watering (especially in the street), then he can diagnose overstrain and eye fatigue.

How to find the reason?

To find out the cause of excessive lachrymation, a specialist should learn from the patient all the symptoms, examine the eyes and examine the patency of lacrimal canals.The method of biomicroscopy (the use of a slit lamp) allows you to assess the condition of the eyelids, the correctness of the growth of eyelashes, the state of the eye, conjunctiva and cornea.With the help of biomicroscopy, a presumptive diagnosis can be made.

In addition, the following methods are used to establish the reasons:

  1. Color samples.They are needed to determine the active patency of lacrimal canals.
  2. Washing of lacrimal ducts. This is done to install passive patency.


Treatment should be prescribed only by a specialist after diagnosis. The method of treatment depends on the cause of lacrimation.

If lacrimation begins because of an allergic reaction or because of the foreign body entering the eye, it can pass by itself.If you eliminate the cause of copious discharge of tear fluid. Lacrimation due to overexertion will pass if you give the body a rest.With tearing due to a lack of vitamins, you need to include as many useful and varied products in the diet as possible.Especially useful are those that contain a lot of vitamin B and potassium. Care must be taken to maintain contact lenses and to monitor the hygiene of the hands.


To eliminate the process, eye drops are used from eye tear. There are several groups of these drugs:

  1. Antibacterial drops.They include antibiotics, which eliminate a large number of pathogens. Such a preparation is, for example, Okomistin drops. These drops fight with inflammation, but they are recommended to combine with other antibiotic drugs.
  2. Corticosteroid drops.They well relieve itching, swelling and reduce the degree of lachrymation. They practically have no side effects and contraindications. One of these medications is Lotoprendol.
  3. Antiallergic drops.Drops eliminate the itching, swelling and redness that have appeared due to allergies. In case if an allergy has an infection, prescribe antibiotic drops. Antiallergic drops Akular, Patanol and so on block the body's response to the allergic factor.


Treatment with the help of a surgical operation may be necessary when there is narrowing or obstruction of the lacrimal canals, as well as in the turn and turn of the eyelids, the ptosis of the eyelid.

In the first case, the operation is needed to restore the normal patency of the channels.

And with problems with eyelids and ptosis pathologies are eliminated with the help of blepharoplasty.

Folk remedies

When you can do without medication and surgical intervention, it is recommended to use traditional medicine:

  • Washing of eyes with tea brew, which has a bactericidal effect.
  • Washing the eyes with a decoction of millet, which removes inflammation.Two tablespoons of millet are poured into a glass of water.
  • Washing with infusion of aloe. Pour the crushed leaves of the plant with warm water in the proportion: 0, insist two or three hours and strain.
  • Washing with propolis infusion.Grind a bit of propolis and pour warm water. Insist two hours and strain.
  • Washing with infusion of dill seeds.Pour one tin spoonful of seeds with a glass of boiling water and insist a couple of hours. Strain, flush eyes or apply lotions.

Folk remedies can provoke an allergic reaction, so before using them, consult a specialist.



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It should be remembered that the diagnosis with excessive lachrymation and appoint the right treatment can only an ophthalmologist. To prevent the appearance of this problem, you need to look after your eyes. For example, you should choose quality cosmetics for the eyes and wear sunglasses.

The opposite of lacrimation is dacryocystitis, the cause of which is a blockage of the lacrimal canal. Do not forget that any disease associated with vision, with improper treatment leads to atrophy the optic nerve, the treatment of which is much more complicated than the timely treatment of such simple diseases as lacrimation.