Effective medicine for the treatment of barley

Barley is an inflammatory process of the sebaceous gland of the century, which is purulent in nature. Affect the development of pathology can enter infection, the cause of which often remains yellow staphylococcus. The patient will be able to feel the symptomatology even before the inflammation begins to develop. Over time, barley begins to rot and will be outwardly visible. In 3-4 days barley passes independently. But if this does not happen, then barley is treated on the eye with medications that a doctor can appoint.


  • 1Application area
  • 2Features of preparations
  • 3List of drugs
    • 3.1Tablets
      • 3.1.1Ofloxacin
    • 3.2Amoxyl
    • 3.3Eye drops
    • 3.4Eye Ointments
      • 3.4.1Erythromycin
      • 3.4.2Hydrocortisone
      • 3.4.3Tetracycline
  • 4Recommendations for use
  • 5Video
  • 6conclusions

Application area

Drugs from barley are now represented in a wide variety. These are ointments, drops, tablets. They can also be used to treat such pathologies:

  • corneal ulcer;
  • iridocyclitis;
  • conjunctivitis;
  • keratitis;
  • infectious diseases of the eyelids;
  • infectious diseases of the cornea.
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The doctor can prescribe the medicine only after examining the patient and making the diagnosis.

Features of preparations

Since barley is an infectious process, antibacterial agents are necessarily used for its treatment.Due to carefully selected composition they are able to strike and act directly on the center of the disease, inflammation and suppuration, destroying the pathogenic microflora. But use such a tool for no longer than 7-10 days.Otherwise, the viruses and bacteria develop immunity to the components of the drug. Also for the treatment of barley, drugs are used to relieve symptoms such as pain, burning, itching, redness. To use them costs in a complex with antibiotics, differently to achieve positive dynamics it does not turn out.

List of drugs


Without the appointment of a doctor, antibiotics are prohibited.


This preparation is presented in the form of round tablets of white color.Admission adults take 1-2 tablets 2 times a day. the duration of therapy is 3-7 days.Do not use the drug for children under 18 years old, pregnant, breastfeeding mothers, as well as people suffering from epilepsy.


This antibiotic adults take 1-2 tablets a day, and children can be prescribed from 2 months. The child's dosage is determined taking into account the child's age:

  • up to a year - 3 mg per 1 kg the weight of the baby 3 times a day;
  • 2-5 years - 125 mg per day;
  • 5-10 years - 250 mg per day.

Therapeutic course lasts 5-7 days. You can not use an antibiotic in women during pregnancy, breast-feeding, with diseases of the nervous system and individual intolerance.

Antibiotics are very effective in the treatment of barley, because in a short period of time they are able to stop inflammation.

Eye drops

These drugs are among the most effective and popular in the treatment of barley. They are completely safe for the body, if properly used. In addition, eye drops successfully cope with such symptoms as pain, swelling, and they also accelerate the process of ripening of the abscess. For the treatment of barley, the following drugs should be used:

  1. Floxal. These are antibacterial drops, since they contain ofloxacin. Effective in relation to E. coli, salmonella, protein, chlamydia, staphylococci and streptococci. Use 1-2 drops per day. If in combination with these drops are used, and others, then between their use should be an interval of 5-10 minutes.
  2. Albucid or Sulfacil Sodium. It contains sulfacetamide. The drug refers to antimicrobial. Its active components penetrate into the focus of inflammation, festering and destroy the harmful microflora. Effective drug in relation to E. coli, streptococci, staphylococci, gonococci. In the acute course of barley, apply 1-4 drops 5-6 times a day.
  3. Tobrex. It also contains an antibiotic, tobramycin. Its action is aimed at destroying harmful bacteria, as a result of which they perish. If barley occurs without complications, then use it 1-2 drops 3-4 times a day. If there are complications, then use 2-3 drops every 30 minutes.
  4. Levomycetin. It contains the antibiotic Levomycetin. It has a wide range of influence. Its action is aimed at the oppression and destruction of the culprits of the infectious process. Use 1 drop 3-4 times a day.
  5. Tsiprolet. The drug is based on ciprofloxacin hydrochloride. It is an anti-inflammatory drug that has a wide range of effects. Its action is aimed at disturbance of vital activity of pathogenic microflora, its destruction. You can use drops for a long time. Drip 1-2 drops every 4 hours. If complications occur, then increase the dosage to 2 drops every hour.

When choosing a particular drug, you must pay attention to the contraindications, especially this applies to antibiotics. Some of them have a powerful irritant effect on the mucous membrane of the eye, resulting in a burning sensation and redness.

Eye Ointments

Eye ointments used to treat barley also belong to antibiotics. But only they rarely lead to irritation of the mucosa, although they have their own drawbacks. This includes the fuzzy appearance of the picture.


This ointment is one of the most effective. To its minuses is the resistance of bacteria to the active component. Hence it follows that after a specific period of drug use, he can stop fighting with microbes and become ineffective.

Eryomycin ointment can be used by pregnant and breast-feeding mothers.


It is a powerful anti-inflammatory drug, which, when used, manages to stop painful sensations and accelerate the process of recovery. You can apply the ointment for 7 days.And the treatment can be carried out by pregnant and breastfeeding women. The ointment is sold in convenient tubes, thanks to which it is very comfortable to apply the paste.

Doctors recommend using this drug for those patients who are rarely exposed to barley.


This medicine is very popular in the field of medicine.Its use is for those people for whom barley is a frequent phenomenon. Ointment has an antibacterial effect, so that recovery comes very quickly.

Before using the ointment, it is necessary to consult a doctor, since it refers to potent antibiotics.

Treatment with tetracycline ointment should not last long, since the active substance in the composition is contained in a high concentration.

Recommendations for use

Before you apply this or that drug, you should thoroughly wash your hands and treat them with an antiseptic. When using the drug, you must follow the doctor's recommendations.It is very important to pay attention to the period of preparation.

If drops are used, they should be warmed first.For this millet hold the bottle in your hand for a few minutes. Then lie down on the couch, throw your head back and bathe your eyes. Lie down a couple of minutes and you can get up.

If ointment is used, then you need to act with extreme caution. If it gets into the mucous eyes, it can lead to a burn. Apply paste with a cotton swab or cotton swab. For children, ointment with a freezing effect is better.


Laser coagulation of the retina: consequences and procedure of surgery

Kromoglin: instructions for the use of eye drops are presented in this article.

Drops for eyes from welding http://eyesdocs.ru/medicinaoperacii/lekarstva/effektivnye-kapli-dlya-glaz-ot-svarki.html




Barley is an unpleasant pathological process, which must be treated if there is a local suppuration. Do not try to open it yourself at home, otherwise it can end badly. It is better to seek help from a specialist so that he can make up for you an individual and effective therapy scheme.

Also read about what drugs are used to treat conjunctivitis and about ways to remove papilloma on the eyelid.

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