Effective methods of treating blepharospasm

Blepharospasm is a pathological process that relates to neurological diseases. When it develops in patients, eye reduction at the reflex level is formed. There is a similar phenomenon due to the involuntary closing of the facial periocular muscles. Read more about this pathology.


  • 1Definition of disease
  • 2Causes
  • 3Symptoms
  • 4Possible complications
  • 5Treatment
    • 5.1Drug method
    • 5.2Surgery
    • 5.3Folk remedies
  • 6Prevention
  • 7Video
  • 8conclusions

Definition of disease

Recognize blepharospasm by the presence of pain in the eye area.Most often diagnose ailment in women 20 years and older.In this case, it is difficult for the patient to open his eyes and lift his eyelids. If the pathological process proceeds in an acute form, then it will be able to perform these actions only with the help of special medications.


Before appointing treatment for blepharospasm, the doctor must understand what led to its development. The following factors can provoke the disease:

  • the use of medications that have neuroleptic effects;
  • instagram viewer
  • impaired mobility of the organs of vision and weakness of the cervical muscle;
  • Parkinson's disease;
  • foreign object in the eye;
  • trichiasis;
  • dry eye syndrome;
  • long-term stay behind the monitor of the computer (about ways of protection of eyes read here);
  • tense rhythm of life;
  • inferior sleep;
  • overwork;
  • constant stress;
  • lack of vitamins.

Read also about the causes of ptosis of the upper eyelid.

Blepharospasm manifests as uncontrolled closure of the eyelids

The pathological process can be of two types:

  1. Primary. It is a neurological part of the disease.
  2. Secondary. It develops against the background of already existing disease. Here it is necessary to include tumors in the skull, the broken functioning of the muscles in case of problems with the vessels.


Each person will be able to determine the presence of blepharospasm by such a symptom as the derivative twitching of the eyelids.This phenomenon stops only during sleep. If the disease is in the late stages, then "mechanical blindness" may join.This leads to the inability to see because of the complete closure of the eyelids.

To additional symptoms is the spasm of muscles:

  • larynx;
  • language;
  • chewing muscles.

All symptoms are clearly pronounced in good light, during excitement or loud noise.

Possible complications

If blepharospasm has once been diagnosed in humans, then it is possible to say with 100% probability that after a while the pathology will return. If such a process takes place, then two-thirds of the patients will be joined not by one but by two eyes.With increased activity of the facial muscles, blepharospasm does not lead to the development of complications.If the pathology turns into acute or chronic form, then patients are noted for psychological disorders. They find it difficult to communicate with people, there is no contact with loved ones, and self-confidence goes away.


Therapy of blepharospasm begins with the fact that the patient is prescribed a number of diagnostic procedures.After the diagnosis is confirmed, the doctor will prescribe a scheme of therapy, based on their symptoms and the causes of the pathological process.

Self-treatment of blepharospasm is fraught with serious complications.

Drug method

In the treatment of this disease, botulinum toxin - Dysport, Botox and Xomein - was widely used.The injections with botulinum toxin are performed in the circular muscle of the optic organ every 3-4 months. Action from the drug can be observed after 2-3 days, and the maximum therapeutic effect is achieved on the 7-10 day. It lasts for 3-4 months.

Drugs used in the treatment of blepharospasm

But the use of muscle relaxants and sedatives in the treatment of blepharospasm is rarely prescribed because of their low effectiveness.They only reduce the symptoms or allow you to extend the interval between injections. Use can Clonazepam, Sonapax and Phenibut.

Some doctors are concerned about botox treatment with blepharospasm. But many years of practice proved otherwise. The drug is highly effective. If you use it correctly, then the body does not get any negative influence.


For the control of blepharosmoma, the operative method can be used.The essence of it is that the doctor crosses the nerves that innervate the circular eye muscles.Still there is a second way of carrying out the operation - direct cutting out of the part of the eye muscle. In the first version, there is no guarantee of a complete cure, because during a certain time the suppressed nerves can recover and the spasm will resume. But when using the second variant of treatment, there is a high probability of developing undesirable consequences, because it is difficult to determine the amount of muscle for excising.

Folk remedies

When blepharospasm leads to the development of frequent attacks of involuntary flashing, then the means of traditional medicine will come to the rescue.

Before using home remedies, you should discuss this with your doctor.

To date, such recipes can be considered effective:

  1. Take 20 g of herbs, such as calendula, goose eye, yarrow, St. John's wort.Pour 2 cups of boiling water. Infuse 2 hours, filter and take 20 ml each day 3 times a day.
  2. Take 10 g of valerian root juice and dissolve in 100 ml of water.The resulting solution is taken overnight.
  3. Take 20 g goose paw, 10 grams of wormwood, 20 g of valerian root.At 20 grams of collection is 200 ml of boiling water. The resulting broth is divided into 3 parts and taken during the day.
  4. Connect 10 grams of motherwort, linden, rue and 20 g of mistletoe white.Pour 20 grams of collection of a glass of boiling water. Divide the remedy into 3 parts and use it for the day.
  5. Take in equal amounts the root of valerian, oregano, yarrow and pine buds.At 20 grams of collection is 200 ml of boiling water. The filtered broth should be consumed 50 ml 3 times a day.
  6. Take 10 grams of motherwort, mint, valerian, hops.At 20 grams a glass of boiling water. Filter the infusion and take 50 g 3 times a day.
  7. Take in equal amounts of lavender, lime, and viburnum.For 40 g of collection 500 ml of boiling water. Take the lead in 100 ml 3 times a day.
  8. To reduce nervous excitability, to overcome insomnia, anxiety, it is necessary to use a special decoction.For its preparation, take 10 g of mint, 20 g of heather, 20 g of lemon balm, 40 g of valerian. On 20 g of the mixture is 300 ml of boiling water. Take the filtered drug to 50 ml 2 times a day.
  9. To eliminate the swelling of the eyelids, you can try this mask: connect 20 g of flour, protein and 10 g of honey.Lay the composition on the eyelid, wait 10 minutes. Repeat this action 3 times a day.
  10. To remove puffiness, you can try lotions of sage with chamomile.Take these components in equal proportion, pour 200 ml of boiling water. Infuse for 2 hours, and then in the filtered broth to dip cotton wool and attach to the eyelids. Hold 10 minutes, conduct similar activities 2 times a day.


To prevent the development of blepharospasm and to stop symptoms at the initial stage of the disease, it is worth following the following recommendations:

  1. Working at a computer, it is worth reducing the burden on the organs of vision.Also make rest with the performance of uncomplicated gymnastics. You can also buy a special monitor with a protective screen.
  2. The duration of the night rest should not be less than 8-9 hours.
  3. Reduce the number of energy drinks, coffee.
  4. Take vitamins.It is very useful after breakfast to take a tablet of folic acid.
  5. Eating food rich in magnesium.He responds to the normal functioning of the nervous system and brain. Magnesium is found in foods such as nuts, beans, bitter chocolate, watermelons and raisins.
  6. Since sensitivity to sunlight can lead to the development of a pathological process, on clear days it is worth using sunglasses.

All about the drug Okapin

Features of children's eye drops are described in this article.

How to remove a hernia under the eyes without surgery http://eyesdocs.ru/zabolevaniya/gryzha/est-li-vozmozhnost-izbavitsya-ot-gryzh-pod-glazami-bez-operacii.html




Blephorrhasmus is an uneasy condition. But if a severe form of pathology is observed, then a person risks to go blind. It is important to diagnose the disease in time and not delay with treatment. Otherwise, it will become a persistent symptom of severe neurologic disease.

Also read about what anisocoria and nystagmus are. These diseases have a similar cause - all are related to neurology.