Are they taken to the army with flat feet and arthrosis?


  • 1Is the army taking arthrosis?
    • 1.1Who is at risk?
    • 1.2Opinion of specialists
    • 1.3Conclusion
  • 2Is the army taking arthrosis? | | Help Service Conscripts
    • 2.1What kind of arthrosis do they take in the army?
    • 2.2Osteoarthritis of the knee joint: is it taken to the army with gonarthrosis?
    • 2.3Osteoarthritis of the ankle, is it taken to the army?
    • 2.4Coxarthrosis and the army
    • 2.5Category of eligibility for arthrosis of the talus joint
  • 3Do they take into the army with arthrosis: what nuances should be taken into account?
    • 3.1Osteoarthritis and its symptoms
    • 3.2Stages of development of pathology
    • 3.3Causes of development and risk group
    • 3.4Are they taking arthrosis in the army?
  • 4Are they taking into the army with arthrosis 1 and 2 degrees?
    • 4.1What is arthrosis of the knee joints?
    • 4.2Osteoarthritis of knee joints and its stages
    • 4.3Why arthrosis of knee joints develops
    • 4.4Do they call for an army with arthrosis?
  • 5Are they calling for an army with flat feet
    • 5.1The legislative framework
    • instagram viewer
    • 5.2The division of platypodia into groups in army medicine
    • 5.3Degrees of development, types of flatfoot and their relationship with groups
    • 5.4Controversial issues
  • 6With what flat-footedness do not take in the army
    • 6.1Flatland and its varieties
    • 6.2Passage of medical examination in the military registration and enlistment office
    • 6.3Are they taken to the army with flat feet
    • 6.4Flattening of the first degree
    • 6.5Flattening of the second degree
    • 6.6Flattening of the third and fourth degree
    • 6.7Why with flat feet can be released from service

Is the army taking arthrosis?

Arthrosis is a diagnosis that makes you think about the probability of conscription.

Although he rarely appears in the history of conscripts, it is still worth knowing about such a danger.

To date, many diseases have "grown younger this trend, according to doctors, has hurt and joint pathologies.

The cause of this ailment in men who are ready to go to work, in most cases become previously injured.

A smaller percentage of conscripts get a diagnosis of "osteoarthritis" due to dysplasia of articular cartilage.

This is due to many reasons, in particular, with the increase in the number of adolescents dependent on bad habits, or the genetic predisposition of future soldiers.

They have weakened immunity, which can give such a complication. Whether they fall into the army or not, depends on the stage at which the disease is located.

They are taken into the army, but only in the case of uncomplicated conditions, that is, in the early stages of arthrosis.

Such a step can even contribute to recovery, because with such a pastime there is no possibility of irrational nutrition and lack of movement.

Osteoarthritis causes considerable discomfort and prevents normal service in the army

Who is at risk?

Is the army taking arthrosis? In the category of those who run the risk of not joining the ranks of the armed forces of the Russian Federation due to the presence of this illness or suspicion of it, there are young men who:

  • they suffered serious injuries and strains, in a word, damaged the musculoskeletal system;
  • professionally engaged in weightlifting, football, hockey and other sports;
  • affected because of the impact on the body of the inflammatory process, which then complicated by secondary diseases;
  • have congenital disorders in the structure of articular cartilage (joint dysplasia).

A positive response of the draftee to at least one of these points becomes the basis for referral future soldier to specialists who will determine the presence or absence of problems in the joints of his organism. It may be necessary to consult such specialists as a radiologist, traumatologist and rheumatologist. They decide whether they are recruiting such recruits.

Injury of the joint with a fall can trigger the development of arthritis

The course of the disease is divided into 4 stages:

  • arthrosis of 1 degree. There is a disturbance of metabolic processes, as a result of which there is no decrease in motor activity. X-rays in such a situation does not reflect any disorders, unpleasant symptoms are also not observed. The setting of such a diagnosis should set the person on the increased care of their joints. At this stage, most problems can be avoided simply by taking preventive measures. Calling the army and arthrosis in this case are still compatible;
  • arthrosis of the 2nd degree. In the absence of treatment, the disease passes into the next phase, which will require treatment appointed by a specialist. The unevenness of the affected joint on the X-ray examination is obvious, and the first suspicious signs appear, for example, chronic fatigue, painful sensations in sudden movements, crunch. The process of deformation of articular cartilage begins. The cause of the progression of arthrosis joint of the 2nd degree are traumas and diseases caused by infectious diseases and having a nonspecific character. Whether the recruit is fit for the army in this situation depends on the concomitant diseases;
  • 3 degrees. The malaise during this period of time practically does not release the patient. The pain accompanies both movement and calm disposition of the limbs. There is a dependence on weather conditions. It is possible that the joints may lose their functions, and the person will simply become incompetent. The question is whether they are taking the army, it is no longer worth it;
  • arthrosis of the joints4 degree. At this time, even strong painkillers stop helping. Treatment in most cases is done only through surgical intervention, in particular, there is a replacement of the practically destroyed joint by the so-called endoprosthesis.

Stages of arthrosis of foot

Opinion of specialists

After passing the full examination on the hands of the representatives of the medical commission of the military commissariat, the conclusions of the aforementioned doctors turn out to be.

Of great importance are also the pathologies that are present in the body in addition to this disease. They include flat feet, kyphosis and other pathologies of a similar nature.

The main factors to which attention is paid are:

  • deformation of bone tissue;
  • deterioration of articular cartilage;
  • the size of the joint gap.

With such a disease they are recruited into the army, but for this, the first or second degree of arthrosis and flat feet should be diagnosed by a draftee. They are placed in category "B".

In situations characterized by a more severe course of the disease, military service becomes inaccessible prospect.

So, the decision on the passage of the conscript service in the army is made on the basis of a medical certificate.

It will be negative if you have a history of 2-4 stage of such diseases as:

  • arthrosis of the knee;
  • arthrosis of the wrist joint;
  • arthrosis of the talon-navicular joint;
  • pathologies of articular cartilage located in the middle foot;
  • flat feet (3-4 stages).

Unco-vertebral arthrosis and the army also do not undergo alignment.

Deforming arthrosis of the knee joint

This is due to the fact that such violations in the musculoskeletal apparatus cause strong painful sensations.

Large physical exertion is almost the main contraindication.

Because of the inflammatory processes affecting the joints, there is swelling, which prevents the motor activity of the diseased.

Withdrawal from military registration takes place according to the categories prescribed in the Schedule of Diseases.

This document carries information about all the pathologies in connection with which the passage of military service is impossible.

It lists the following points about the disease and its manifestations:

  1. The second degree, accompanied by bone overgrowth more than 1 mm, narrowing the gap between the joints is twice the norm; articular cartilage deformation and subchondral osteosclerosis. The main document of the conscript, entitled "Identity card of a citizen subject to military service is put: "good".
  2. The third degree is characterized by pronounced bone growths, absence of an articulation gap and deforming of the joints. At such conclusion the young man is written off from military registration, that is, the pathology of the third degree and the army are strictly parallel.
  3. The very first stage of the disease does not become an obstacle for the passage of military service, so the answer to the question, is fit for the army, is affirmative.

Changes to the application are made annually. To date, the disease schedule contains more than a hundred pathologies, in the presence of which the service in the army is canceled.

They are divided into separate categories, allowing you to easily determine the approximate probability of conscription.

Its regular revision helps to eliminate shortcomings in the system of army selection and make the document more convenient to use.

The final diagnosis of the disease is established by the orthopedic physician


Usually, such situations are clarified during the regular commissions of the military commissariat. A conscript who is not subject to an army test is required to provide the medical commission with all the necessary documentation.

Among her, there should be X-ray photographs of afflicted joints, specialist conclusions, laboratory test results and so on. Those who have arthrosis 1 degree, deferment of military service is not required.

If the impossibility of recruiting for military service is confirmed, the former conscript is issued a military ticket and taken off the register.

The presence and severity of concomitant diseases also contribute to the decision by the commission of the military commissariat to withdraw or register the conscript.


Therefore, it is impossible to understand independently whether a conscript who has an arthrosis in his anamnesis can serve. In this matter only the specialists of the said profile have the right to vote.


Before you build any hopes, it is worth a test.

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Is the army taking arthrosis? | | Help Service Conscripts

Although the joints are more affected by people after 40 years of age, there are also cases of disease among the young population. Whether taking with arthrosis in the army, and what health consequences entails such a call - we will consider in this article.

Arthrosis is a disease associated with joint deformation due to damage to the cartilaginous tissue. The destruction of the cartilaginous layer occurs gradually. The first degree of the disease can not be detected visually.

The patient feels a slight pain and hears a crunch while moving limb.

Deformation processes begin on the second degree. The articular joint narrows and the mobility of the joint is limited. There are inflammation and swelling. The pain becomes stronger and longer, the crunch is louder.

On the third degree the cartilaginous layer is thinned definitively. Bone is expelled, osteophytes appear - growths on bone tissue. The pain does not stop even at rest.

Refusal to seek medical help may lead to the onset of disability.

For the prevention and treatment of the disease is recommended the use of medications. Patients should keep joints warm, wear comfortable clothes and shoes, do not engage in active physical activity.

Despite these recommendations, which are not always compatible with the army way of life, one can not say unequivocally whether the conscript with the diagnosis of "arthrosis" expects an army.

Everything depends on the severity of the ailment: the presence of deformation processes and the appearance of bone growths.

What kind of arthrosis do they take in the army?

According to Article 65 of the Schedule of Diseases, exemption from service is possible:

  • if the disease is severe, cartilage destruction has begun, bone growths have appeared - osteophytes, the width of the joint gap is less than 2 mm - category "D" is taken out to the draftee.
  • with deforming arthrosis in one of the large joints (ankle, knee, shoulder or hip) with a width of the joint gap not more than 2-4 mm - in the military ticket is placed the category "B".
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Osteoarthritis of the knee joint: is it taken to the army with gonarthrosis?

The cause of gonarthrosis can be knee injuries and meniscus damage, inflammation, obesity, excessive loads or sudden movements during exercise. High risk of disease in patients who underwent a meniscus removal surgery: in such cases, the disease develops in 9 patients out of 10.

According to the Schedule of Diseases, to release from conscription it is necessary that after thinning or removal of the meniscus cartilage the gonarthrosis is transformed into a deforming form. It does not matter at what stage the disease is: progressing or it is an arthrosis of 1 degree. Whether the army is taken depends on compliance with the above conditions.

The conscript, who has a thin knee joint meniscus, does not wait for the army if the width of the joint gap is less than 4 mm. If this value is higher - the young man will not escape the army life.

A different situation, if the knee joint was operated on during the call or before it was started. The army does not expect such recruits for six months.

In accordance with Article 85 of the Schedule of Diseases, the young man will receive a postponement for 6 months after the operation. After that, the medical examination in the military registration and enlistment office will have to be repeated.

The draft commission will decide on the suitability of the young person, depending on the effectiveness of the operation.

Osteoarthritis of the ankle, is it taken to the army?

The ankle joint also refers to large (large), so the conditions will be similar in the release of gonarthrosis.

In this situation, you also need to pay attention to the presence of deformation and the width of the joint space.


If the width does not exceed 4 mm, the man has the right to release from military duty.


To confirm the diagnosis in the military registration and enlistment office, it is required to provide a medical commission with the conclusion of a doctor (orthopedist or surgeon) and x-ray pictures of the ankle.

Coxarthrosis and the army

To understand whether the army is taking coxarthrosis, you need to understand - what is its difference from other types of arthrosis. Pathology is a deforming osteoarthritis of the hip joint.

The disease progresses slowly, causing pain to the person during limb movement, including during walking. Because of this, the gait is broken, and the patient begins to limp.

The change in gait, in turn, can cause the load on the spine to be disturbed and lead to scoliosis, skewing of the pelvis and muscular dystrophy.

As with other types of arthrosis, the examination will be conducted according to Article 65 of the Schedule of Diseases.

In the case of deforming arthrosis, the non-invasive category B is given if the width of the joint gap is 2-4 millimeters.

If the disease has acquired a pronounced character and is accompanied by deformity of the limb axis more than 5 degrees, and the width of the joint gap is less than 2 mm, the doctors will place the draftee in the category D.

Category of eligibility for arthrosis of the talus joint

Arthrosis of the talus-calcaneus-navicular joint usually develops in young people with flat feet, but the appearance of an anomaly can be caused by other causes.

These include trauma to the foot, inflammation and congenital abnormalities.

Symptoms of the disease are similar to manifestations of other types of arthrosis: the affected area inflames and swells, the patient feels severe pain when flexing the leg or walking.

The Military Medical Commission checks how the arthrosis of the talon-navicular joint and the army are compared according to Article 68 of the Schedule of Diseases. Young people with posttraumatic deformation of the calcaneus are removed from the call with a decrease in the angle of Beler to 10 degrees and arthrosis of the joint.

The presence of arthrosis of the talus-calcaneus-navicular joint in such cases is confirmed with the help of computed tomography and radiography.

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Do they take into the army with arthrosis: what nuances should be taken into account?

Arthrosis is considered a very common pathology of the joints. It is recorded not only in elderly people, but also in young people.

Many people are interested in the question: are they taking arthrosis with the army? After all, before a service in the army, a young man goes through a medical commission, whose members determine whether he is fit for service or not.

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Osteoarthritis and its symptoms

Young people began to register arthrosis of the knee joint more often. To find out if a young man is fit to serve in the army, you need to undergo a full inspection. Specialists will determine the degree of development of the disease, the severity of the pathology of the joints.

Arthrosis is a pathology that exerts a destructive effect on the joints. The disease that affects the knee joints is called gonarthrosis.

The defeat of the joints is easy to recognize by the presence of characteristic features:

  1. Pain localized around the knee, feet. The pain syndrome increases after the load on the diseased joint.
  2. Stihanie pain during rest.
  3. Increasing pain.
  4. Night pain (pain syndrome occurs at night).
  5. Meteozavisimost (the affected joint reacts painfully to the weather change).
  6. Limitation of mobility of the patient joint. The painful joint is unable to function fully, to perform the usual movements (flexion / extension of the joint).
  7. Change the appearance of the joint.

Over time, the symptoms of pathology become more noticeable, the prognosis is not as favorable as at the initial stages of the development of the disease. The lack of adequate therapy can lead to disability due to the complete immobilization of the joint.

Stages of development of pathology

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Disease joints have several stages of development. Specialists distinguish 3 stages + the initial stage.

The initial stage is not characterized by any changes, violations of the articulation. With it, only puffiness is fixed.

In the early stages of the disease symptoms are very weak, so young people do not always pay attention to the first symptoms of a dangerous disease.

Consider the stages of the disease and its characteristic symptoms:

  1. The first degree is characterized by the presence of changes in cartilaginous tissues. There is a loss of elasticity, which increases the friction between the articular surfaces. This accelerates the formation of cracks in the cartilage, the area of ​​the knee joint swells. There is a sharp pain during movement, physical activity. Pain quickly passing.
  2. The second stage of the development of the disease is characterized by an increase in the existing symptoms. Of the new signs appear: limiting the movement of the joint, crunching joints. Due to the strong compression of the bones of the joints, the cartilage wears out. The pain appears even after the slightest physical exertion.
  3. The third stage of the disease is manifested by complete deformation of the knee joint. Articular fissures are already absent, there are severe pains that do not subside in a state of rest. Movement of the joint becomes difficult.

Causes of development and risk group

Often, gonarthrosis is diagnosed in elderly people (patients usually older than 40 years). With regard to sex, the emergence of the disease in question is more affected by women of advanced age.

In young people gonarthrosis is more often recorded in young men.

The development of the disease affects young people engaged in sports (jumping, athletics, running, heavy sports), working at work with increased physical loads (loaders).

The emergence of arthrosis is facilitated by certain factors:

  1. Excessively large body weight. Large weight has an increased effect on cartilaginous surfaces.
  2. Wrong way of life. Smoking, alcohol abuse negatively affects the condition of blood vessels, which complicates nutrition, oxygen saturation of tissues surrounding the joint, cartilage fibers. The presence of varicose veins several times increases the likelihood of developing arthrosis.
  3. Excessive physical activity. She is usually present in sports. Strong wear, deformation of cartilaginous fibers under the influence of increased loads can cause chronic arthrosis.

As for the draftees, they have the following reasons for the defeat of the joints:

  • severe trauma on the lower limbs. It can be sprain, complicated fractures, dislocations;
  • dysplasia of the joints (congenital pathologies, manifested in the physiological structure of the articulation);
  • complications after the inflammatory process.

Are they taking arthrosis in the army?

When young people are diagnosed with "arthrosis of the first, second degree" they have a question whether they are suitable for military service, whether they will take them into military service. It is impossible to answer this question unequivocally. Everything depends on a number of nuances:

  1. Severity of course of pathology.
  2. Stage of development of arthrosis.
  3. Presence of concomitant diseases.

To get the fullest information about the state of the connections of the young man (draftee), specialists direct him to the X-ray. The X-ray image will provide detailed information on such indicators:

  • degree of narrowing of the joint between the joints;
  • angle of deviation from normal position of bones;
  • degree of deformation of the knee joint;
  • force of bone growths.

After the X-ray, the patient should undergo an examination of such specialists:

Only after passing through all the specialists, a detailed study of the X-ray photograph makes a conclusion about the suitability of the draftee for service in the army.

The special medical commission makes a decision on the suitability / unfitness of the draftee. First of all, the members of the commission pay attention to the following nuances:

  1. The degree of development of the pathology of the joints.
  2. Presence of concomitant diseases (kyphosis, flat feet). To serve in the army do not call young men with arthrosis of the knee joint, flat feet of the third degree, a violation of the connection of the middle foot). These pathologies usually occur with severe pain.
  3. The nature of the course of the disease. Arthrosis of the second degree, like the first, proceeds with severe pain. Mobility of the limb does not move fully, wear of the joint is observed. If these symptoms are present, young people are not taken into the army.
  4. Presence of deformity of the knee joint. Degree of severity of deformation of the joint. These indicators pay attention in the presence of pathology of the second, third degree.
  5. Degree of deterioration of cartilaginous fibers. Specialists should assess the condition of the joint space (if it is severely narrowed, the young man is removed from military records).

When deciding on the suitability of a young person to serve in the army, it is necessary to conduct a medical examination + study of the Schedule of Diseases.

"Schedule of illnesses" is a document containing a full list of diseases in which the conscript receives a respite, refusal to serve in the army.

This document says that the recruitment of conscripts from military registration is carried out in such cases:

  1. Presence of arthrosis 2 degrees. Bony growths should have a size of more than 1 millimeter, a strong narrowing of the joint between the joints (2 times), joints are deformed. Subchondral osteosclerosis should be observed. In the presence of these symptoms, the young person's personal file is still marked with a "good".
  2. Presence of arthrosis of 3 degrees. Bony growths are very pronounced, joints are deformed, joint cracks are completely absent. A conscript with the characteristics described is unequivocally exempt from military service.

When the diagnosis of "arthrosis of the first degree the conscript is not written off from military records. He remains fit for service in the army. With this diagnosis, the boy is given a fitness category "B" (limited to service).

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Under category "B a young man does not need to serve in the army in peacetime. He was released from military duty, written off to the reserve. A military ticket is issued to him.

If the consulate has questions to the recruit, they can send the young man to an additional commission, held in the inpatient department.

In the inpatient department, they will diagnose and prescribe a therapeutic course.

A source:

Are they taking into the army with arthrosis 1 and 2 degrees?

Despite the fact that arthrosis of the knee joints is considered a disease of the elderly, sometimes this disease occurs in young people.

Most often it develops in young men, so many of them, when the time comes for conscription, they are wondering whether they are taking arthrosis with the army.

An unequivocal answer to this question can not be given, since the situation depends on which stage of the disease a young person has and how hard it is.

What is arthrosis of the knee joints?

Osteoarthritis is a disease that acts destructively on the joints. The most common disease develops in the knee joint area, and this disease is referred to as gonarthrosis.

Diagnosis of the disease, usually in people older than 40 years, especially in women. In young people, the disease affects young people more often. Such patients include athletes, especially those who engage in heavy sports, jogging, athletics and jumping.

Osteoarthritis of the knee joints is characterized by the following symptoms, which require special attention:

  • Pain in the knee region, which appear with any physical exertion on the knee and hip joint.
  • Painful sensations subside when the joints are at rest.
  • The pain gradually increases, the patient often has to take breaks and rest.
  • Including pain can occur during the night period.
  • Affected joints usually respond to a sharp change in weather.
  • The affected joint can not move fully, the lower limb is difficult to bend and unbend.
  • Depending on the severity and duration of the disease, the joint changes appearance.

Gradually these symptoms become stronger. For this reason, at the first signs of the disease, it is necessary to consult a doctor to prevent complications.

Osteoarthritis of knee joints and its stages

There are three main stages of the disease. Also, the most initial stage is singled out separately, in which X-ray images do not show any disturbances, however, edema is formed in the region of the knee joints.

Because of the low severity of symptoms, patients always pay attention to such manifestations of arthrosis, but doctors recommend not to overlook these signs of the disease.

  1. With arthrosis of the first degree, changes in the area of ​​cartilaginous tissues are observed. They lose elasticity, which causes increased friction of the joint surfaces against each other. After a while on the cartilages are formed cracks and in the region of the knee there is swelling. Patients feel acute, but quickly passing pain during movement and physical activity.
  2. With arthrosis of the second degree, the existing symptoms become worse and others appear. The bones of the joints begin to squeeze even more. The cartilage is almost worn out. Pain becomes stronger and more often, can occur even with the slightest physical exertion on the legs. Knees are difficult to bend and unbend, with the joints crunching.
  3. With arthrosis of the third degree, the knee joint is completely deformed. At the same time there are no articular fissures. The patient feels severe pain, even if he does not perform active movements and does not load joints. It is difficult to move the knee.

If you seek medical help in a timely manner and do not start a disease, at an early stage, arthrosis can be cured effectively and very quickly.

Why arthrosis of knee joints develops

This disease does not develop by itself, its appearance contributes to all sorts of factors. The main and most common causes of arthrosis are:

  • Excess body weight of the patient. As doctors say, heavy weight increases the risk of the disease three times. This is primarily due to the increased impact on the cartilaginous surfaces, which have a very thin and brittle construction.
  • Excessive physical activity. This applies to people who are engaged in professional sports. Due to severe wear and deformation due to an aggressive load, arthrosis can become chronic.
  • Maintaining an incorrect lifestyle. Especially negative impact on the condition of blood vessels, arteries is alcohol and smoking. With varicose veins, the likelihood of developing arthrosis is high. Since the main load falls on the knee joints, the knees give way to damage.

In conscripts, the cause of development of arthrosis can be:

  1. The presence on the lower extremities of severe injuries, sprains, complicated fractures, dislocations.
  2. Occupation of professional sports, especially football, hockey, weightlifting.
  3. Presence of complications after the transferred inflammatory process.
  4. The presence of joint dysplasia, that is, the congenital pathology of the physiological structure of the joints.

Do they call for an army with arthrosis?

Many young people who are diagnosed with arthrosis of the first and second degree are interested in whether they are eligible for recruitment with a similar disease. First of all, it depends on how bad the disease is, what stage of the arthrosis the draftee has, whether there are concomitant diseases.

Before you make a verdict, a young man with a suspicion of knee joint disease undergo an X-ray examination so that the doctor can obtain detailed information about the condition joints.

On the radiographic picture it becomes clear how strong the bony enlargement is, what is the degree of narrowing of the joint between the joints. After this, the patient is referred for examination to a rheumatologist and traumatologist.


The degree of deformation of the knee joints is determined from the x-ray image, the angle of deviation from the normal positions of the bones is displayed. Based on the findings, the doctor writes a conclusion, after which the question is solved whether the young man is fit to serve in the army.


To make a decision on the suitability or inadequacy of the recruit, a special medical commission is convened, which makes the conclusion. When considering the issue, the medical board first of all draws attention to the following factors:

  • Degree of disease.
  • The presence of concomitant diseases - flat feet, kyphosis and so on. As a rule, they are not conscripted into the army if the draftee has arthrosis of the knee joint, a joint disorder of the middle foot, a flat third stage stage. Most often, these diseases are accompanied by severe pain.
  • How does arthrosis. With arthrosis of the first and second degree, the patient feels severe pain, the lower limbs can not move fully and the joints wear out. For this reason, with such symptoms, the army is not called.
  • Is there a deformation of the knee joints and how much is it expressed. This applies in particular to arthrosis of the second and third degree.
  • How worn are the cartilage tissues of the knee joints. Including assessing the condition of the joint cracks. With severe narrowing, a young man is removed from military records.

In addition to medical examination, the Schedule of Diseases is being studied. This document indicates the entire list of diseases, in which the conscript is entitled to postponement or refusal to serve the army. According to these documents, the conscript is written off from the military registration:

  1. With arthrosis of the second degree, if the size of the bone growths is more than 1 millimeter, the articular cleft is narrowed more than twice, the joints are deformed, the subchondral osteosclerosis. Meanwhile, a private label is entered as a "good".
  2. With arthrosis of the third degree, when the bony growths are clearly expressed, the joints are deformed, there are no joint slits. Such a diagnosis completely exempts from military service.

With arthrosis of the first degree, the conscript is not written off from military records, that is, it is considered fit for army service. A young man is assigned a category of fitness B.

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Are they calling for an army with flat feet

When they reach adulthood, almost every young person is interested in whether they take to the army with a flat-footed foot, with what flat-footedness they take, and at what postponement. This pathology is quite common.

At different degrees of the disease, the severity of a person's condition is different. But in any case, increased stress on the foot is contraindicated, and you also can not run with flat feet.

But it is impossible to serve in the army without performing regular physical activities. In addition, with flatfoot treatment is necessary, since the disease can lead to complications.

The patient must wear orthopedic shoes or insoles. This explains why they do not take to the army with flat feet.

The legislative framework

To understand whether the young man will be drafted into the army or not, the legislation of his country will help. In Russia this is regulated by Regulation No. 123 of 25. 02. 2003.

This document contains diseases in which a person is not fit for military service.

Flattening refers to diseases of the musculoskeletal system, the information of which is described in detail.

In Ukraine, it is also necessary to refer to the "Disease Order flat feet is indicated in the section on diseases of the musculoskeletal system and connective tissue - Article # 62. The latest version is dated 14. 08. 2008.

In Belarus, recruits will be helped by a document approved by the resolution of the Ministry of Self-Defense and the Ministry of Health No. 51/170 of 20. 12. 2010 year. Relatively flat foot information is specified in Article No. 68 "Instructions on the determination of health requirements ...".

Most often, conscripts are interested in whether the army is taking a flat-footed 3rd degree, since this violation is serious enough. Sections on diseases of the musculoskeletal system include information about whether it is possible to serve in scoliosis.

The division of platypodia into groups in army medicine

The disease is divided into 4 groups. Whether a person's disease belongs to a particular group depends on the degree of the disease being diagnosed and the presence of concomitant pathologies.

Group A corresponds to a person's condition, associated with severe functional changes caused by flattening the arch of the foot.

In this case, a person is classified as "D which means that he is unfit for service in the army.

Group "B" includes the patient's condition and degree of flatfoot, in which the functions of the foot in humans are violated moderately

Conscripts with such violations belong to category "B".

This means that, for health reasons, a person is not fit for service in peacetime (limited in scope).

A person with such a violation can be called to service only in the event of military action. Group "B" refers a person to the same category "B".

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If the disorder belongs to the "G" group, it means that the pathology is present, but no functional disturbances have been detected.

In this case, the draftee is classified as "B-3".

This means that a person is fit for the army service, but the legislation of Russia and Belarus provides for the exclusion of certain types of troops.

Degrees of development, types of flatfoot and their relationship with groups

To determine the degree of flatfoot and to make an accurate diagnosis, the doctor should consider such factors:

Similar to become: ak looks like a flat foot

  1. Radiograph. The diagnostic procedure is carried out in a standing position when the foot is under load.

    After receiving the picture, the radiologist makes his description - this is the basic information on the basis of which the doctor can determine whether the person is good or not. The description indicates the angle and height of the longitudinal arch.

  2. Determination of the Beler angle.

    This indicator indicates the degree of deformation of the calcaneus.

  3. CT scan. The study is performed in the coronary plane. As a result, it is possible to study the condition of the subtalar joint.
  4. Study the position of the first finger and its metatarsal bone. This value is determined by the angle of deviation from the normal position.

Different types of diagnosis of flat feet depend on many attendant factors.

An appeal is possible if the person's condition is compatible with physical exertion. Distribute diagnoses and decide whether it is possible to take in the army, for such categories:

  1. 1 and 2 degree of flat feet, developing against the background of deforming arthrosis 1 degree. The diagnosis is attributed to this category in the event that a person does not have a contracture of the fingers and exostoses.
  2. Flattening 2 degrees, accompanied by arthrosis of the second degree.
  3. At the third degree of flatfoot.
  4. Compaction of the foot, wearing army shoes at which it is impossible. This category includes flat-valgus feet, equinovarus flat feet, varus, horse, hollow, heel.

This division shows that a person will be considered fit for military service if he is diagnosed Platypodia of 1 or 2 degrees of longitudinal or transverse type, which is not burdened by concomitant diseases. In more severe cases, a person can be released into peacetime or wartime - depending on the complexity of the disease state.

Determine the degree of flatfoot and the complexity of the patient's condition should a doctor-orthopedist

The diagnosis is based on research. Only after the diagnosis approved by the doctor the military commissar can decide the question of whether the person is fit or unfit for service.

Controversial issues

Sometimes conscripts face controversial situations when a person is taken into the army, although he has legitimate reasons not to serve. Such controversial situations include:

  1. The military commissar decides that the conscript is fit without a preset diagnosis, only on the basis of the description of the picture. If the doctor does not make a diagnosis, then this situation can be regarded as a refusal of medical care. The conscript can complain to higher authorities and get the diagnosis.
  2. A doctor at a local polyclinic sends a draftee to the military registration and enlistment office if there is a question as to whether the platypus is being drafted into the army. In this case, you can also complain about the doctor to get treatment.
  3. There is a suspicion that the doctor intentionally makes a diagnosis that does not correspond to the real state of health. Perhaps the doctor reduces the degree of the disease. In such a situation, a person can be recognized as fit even if he is really bad. It is best to go to another clinic for examination from another doctor. After receiving confirmation of a more complicated diagnosis, you can file a complaint with a doctor, or at the very least - file a lawsuit.

A person who has flat feet, can only perform properly selected physical activities.

Therefore, if the state of human health does not allow you to serve in the army, but in the military registration and enlistment office decide that he is fit, then his rights must be defended.

Running is not recommended even with pathology on one leg, if its degree is sufficient to prevent a person from serving.

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With what flat-footedness do not take in the army

After reaching the age of conscription, every young man suffering from flat feet is interested, can commissurate him because of this disease or it will not be a hindrance to the service. When flat feet are not recommended for long physical exertion on the legs.

But it's not difficult to guess that nobody will take care of this in the army. To exclude harm to health, the young man needs to be aware of the available standards on this issue, and to know at what level of flatfoot he is unsuitable for military service.

Flatland and its varieties

In the norm of the foot of any person has two arches:

Both arches are important and necessary for mitigation (depreciation).

In addition, they enable the person to keep his balance, not to fall during walking, and to partly facilitate the work of the lower limbs.

If the arches of the feet are deformed for any reason, the physician diagnoses a flat foot.

Based on the available arches, there are two types of disease:

  • Longitudinal flat feet;
  • Transverse flatfoot;
  • Combined platypodia.

Each of the species is characterized by its symptoms. Sometimes there is a combination of flat feet, consisting of two forms of flatfoot. In addition, the disease is divided into:

  • Congenital. A rare phenomenon, formed as a result of a child's incorrect development inside the womb of the mother.
  • Acquired. This form of flatfoot can manifest itself at any stage of life and has its own subspecies:
    1. Static - appears as a result of deterioration in muscle activity.
    2. Rickets - is formed because of a lack of vitamin D, as a result of which the musculoskeletal system is weakened.
    3. Paralytic - the cause of this subspecies of flat feet is the transfer of poliomyelitis.
    4. Traumatic - occurs due to fracture of bones, or their damage.

Passage of medical examination in the military registration and enlistment office

In order to join the army, it is necessary to undergo a medical examination, where it will be revealed whether there is flat feet or other diseases with which the recruit is not suitable for the service. To put a reliable diagnosis, the doctor sends the boy to the X-ray.

X-rays are taken in standing position, when the load on the feet is maximum, in the transverse view and longitudinal. The pictures clearly show whether there is a disease or not.

Just need a computerized tomography of the subtalar joint and a description of the deviations of the first finger and the metatarsus (part of the foot under the fingers).

If the result is positive, the doctor determines the type of flatfoot and its degree.


In addition, the military registration and enlistment office has its own medical board, consisting of qualified doctors, examining conscripts.


Each of them examines young recruits, puts his assessment of the health of each of the young men, considers with the signatures, seals of doctors from medical institutions and assigns an appropriate degree of fitness for service in the army. There are five categories in total:

  1. "A" is fit for service.
  2. "B" is fit with some limitations.
  3. "B" - released from the draft.
  4. "G" - is not fit for service for a certain period.
  5. "D" is not good.

Provided that the medical commission of the military registration and enlistment office could not determine the degree of suitability of the draftee in the army, he is sent for additional honey. commission.

There is a re-examination of the draftee, where a decision will be made, send a person to treatment, or he will incur military duties. The document must be certified by the signature of the chapters.

doctor, seal of a medical institution.

If the young man received a postponement from military service during the passage of the medical commission of the military commissariat on the state of health, at the end of this period, or to the period of the next appeal, he must undergo a reassessment (control inspection). Medical witnessing is carried out by the conscription commission. Also, this commission can conduct a control medosvedetelstvovanie those who share the previously issued result of medical examination in the military registration and enlistment office.

Are they taken to the army with flat feet

Flattening is subdivided into four degrees. The verdict of the military commissariat will depend on the degree of the disease indicated in the diagnosis.

Flattening of the first degree

At the first degree, the recruit belongs to a special category "A which says that the called young man can fully serve in the army.

During medical examination, the doctor determines that the angle of the foot is 140 degrees (no more) with flat feet of the longitudinal type and 12 degrees (no more) in the transverse form.

Flattening of the second degree

There was a time when, at the second degree of the disease, young people were not allowed to enter the army.

Then some points of the law have changed, and draftees with such a diagnosis already have the right to serve, however, they are subject to specific restrictions.

In serious troops, the conscript will not be able to get, but for a simple military unit it is fully quoted. At the second degree of flatfoot, the arch of the inner part of the foot has up to 155 degrees, the transverse zone up to 15 degrees.

Flat-footedness Suitability Explanation
1 degree A Suitable for military service
2 degrees B-3 Valid with restrictions
3 degrees AT Limited time (exemption from the army)
4 degrees AT Limited time (exemption from the army)

Flattening of the third and fourth degree

At the conclusion of the third degree, or the fourth, the deforming of the feet is most noticeable and brings to the wearer inconvenient inconveniences. In this case, the military enlistment office frees the conscript from military service, but only in peacetime.

Why with flat feet can be released from service

Flattening is an abnormality of limbs, available from birth, or acquired during life, characterized by longitudinal (transverse) flattening, may even be mixed.

Since the main function of the stop is to soften the movement, the incorrect separation of physical activity leads to severe pain in the beginning in the lower extremities, then other areas of the motor apparatus.

So why among the many diseases, the flat foot of the foot is mentioned much more often than others, in connection with the release from service in the military unit? When untimely treatment and neglect of therapeutic correction rules, the limbs of a person become flattened and lead to unbearable pain sensations, sometimes even restricting movement.

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