Diarrhea of ​​yellow color in the child

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  • Causes of
  • Stool color as a symptom of
  • Elimination of diarrhea in a child
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In infants whose diet consists exclusively of breast milk or milk formula, a frequent yellow loose stool does not refer to the symptoms of the disease, provided that the babyfeels good.

The newborn defecates normally after each feeding, while the feces are not decorated, and their color is due not to the absence of bile pigment, but to the milk diet. If the diet is varied, then the yellow diarrhea in the child is a symptom of the pathology that occurs in the digestive tract.

Causes of

Frequent bowel movement may be due to severe intestinal peristalsis, insufficient absorption of water by the walls of the large intestine, the release of inflammatory exudate of the mucosa, which is provoked by infection. The cause of yellow diarrhea in a child can serve:

  • anatomical structure of the digestive tract;
  • dysbiosis;
  • intestinal infection;
  • enzyme deficiency( enzymes that are necessary for the cleavage of nutrients are not synthesized or activated);
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  • inflammatory process in the intestine;
  • overeating;
  • taking certain medications;
  • poisoning by substandard products or toxic substances;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • introduction to the diet of new products;
  • stress and nervous exhaustion.

If the diet is monotonous, then alimentary diarrhea may develop. Normal color of feces in a child older than one year with a rational mixed diet dark brown, which is due to bilirubin derivatives. If the diet is dominated by meat products, the feces acquire a black-brown tint, and if the plant, then light brown. If the baby only eats dairy products, the feces will be light yellow.

Black stools can be due to bleeding from the stomach, esophagus or duodenum, and because of the use of blueberries, black currants, coffee, drugs containing bismuth, carbolen. Greenish black color in feces will be after taking iron preparations. The consumption of only vegetables stimulates increased peristalsis, and bilirubin and biliverdin make feces green.

With increased fermentation in the intestine, the stool becomes greenish-yellow

If the child's diarrhea is caused by eating disorders( overeating, monotonous ration, eating a new product in large quantities or digestible food) or with teething, the child's well-beingsatisfactory, then the medication is not required, and the symptom is eliminated by diet therapy.

A child of 2 years can not tell if there is an eructation, heartburn, abdominal pain, so you need to see a doctor and get a checkup to find out the cause of yellow diarrhea.

Stool color as a symptom of

If the stool color can not be explained by the monotonous diet or the use of medications, it can be considered as a diagnostic criterion:

  • green diarrhea occurs if there is an infection of a viral or bacterial origin in the digestive tract. In stool there are staphylococcal bacteria, which give it a greenish shade. In addition to diarrhea, the child is concerned about abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, weakness, fever;
  • black stool is caused by the presence in it of oxidized hemoglobin, which can fall into the stool from ulcers of the stomach or duodenum. If Helicobacterium multiplies in the stomach, the diet is not maintained, the diet contains a lot of acute, heavy or fatty foods, there is a chronic gastrointestinal disease, then a peptic ulcer can develop in a child of 5 years. This disease requires urgent therapy;
  • in the case of a violation of biliary excretion, the stool becomes grayish white( acholic feces) as a result of the absence of decomposed bilirubin in it. On the violation of the liver indicates a white stool and dark urine;
  • a yellow stool occurs if the contents of the intestine do not have time to mix with bile, as the motility of the intestine is increased and the passage of stool is accelerated. To increase the motor activity can lead to infections, medications, toxic substances, stress conditions.

Based on only one symptom it is impossible to determine the cause of the pathology, it is necessary to consider the clinic as a whole.

Intestinal infection

If in addition to yellow diarrhea, the child has fever, vomiting, nausea, weakness, then the probability of infection in the digestive tract is high. Intestinal infections most often develop in young children due to lack of hygiene skills. In children under three, the disease is more severe and can cause dysbacteriosis, enzyme deficiency, decreased immune response.

Intestinal infections are caused by gram-negative enterobacteria( Shegels, Salmonella, Esirichia, Yersinia, Campylobacter), opportunistic bacteria( Staphylococcus, Proteus, Clostridia, Klebsiella), viral agents( rotaviruses, adenoviruses, enteroviruses), protozoa( lamblia, amoebae, coccidia), mushrooms.

The frequency of defecation in the disease can vary from 4 to 20 times a day, because the body tries to remove pathogens

In dysentery and salmonellosis, the stool is plentiful, contains mucus and blood. When escherichiosis in children watery diarrhea( defecation is carried out with yellow water with an admixture of mucus), blood may be present in the stool. Rotavirus infection causes the appearance of a watery, foamy stool up to 15 times a day.

It is possible to detect the causative agent of the disease only with the help of laboratory research. Etiotropic therapy is carried out with antibiotics, intestinal antiseptics, enterosorbents. It may be necessary to take specific bacteriophages, immunoglobulins or lactoglobulins, therefore, it is not recommended to treat the intestinal infection alone.


The occurrence of vomiting, nausea and diarrhea can indicate poisoning with poor-quality products or toxic substances( of plant or chemical origin).In this case, the pain in the abdomen is most often cramped in nature and intensified during defecation. The stools are watery with mucus and veins of blood, its frequency can reach 10 times a day.

In severe cases, body temperature rises, intoxication syndrome increases, and dehydration begins. In a newborn, diarrhea most often occurs due to the use of poor-quality food. If the poisoning is strong, the stool becomes foamy( white foam).

For children under the age of the year, diarrhea is a serious symptom, as dehydration develops rapidly against it, which can lead to death, therefore it is required to seek medical help as soon as possible. Identify the causative agent of food poisoning by using bacteriological culture of stool, vomit, stomach wash water.

Enzyme deficiency

In the absence of an enzyme that cleaves a substance, or if it is impossible to activate it in the small intestine, they speak of enzyme deficiency. In children, most often the disease is congenital. Undigested fats enter the lumen of the large intestine, stimulate the secretion of cells due to which, and there is diarrhea. The stool has a fetid smell, its surface is oily, shiny, the color can be from dull yellow to gray, uncooked food is noticeable in the stool. Children do not eat well, do not gain weight.

If it is not possible to break down the milk sugar, regurgitation, colic, flatulence, diarrhea or constipation, babies and children with diarrhea or constipation, disruptions of the CNS

occur. The main symptom of lactase deficiency is fermented diarrhea, which is manifested by a frequent, liquid, foamy stool with a sour smell. A child can defecate 10-12 times a day. With the exclusion of dairy products from the diet, the baby's condition improves, he begins to gain weight. Lactase is synthesized with age in smaller quantities, so the disease can develop even by age 4, despite the fact that milk was well absorbed in infancy or early age.

In 9-18 months, a genetically determined disease - celiac disease - can manifest itself. In pathology, there is no enzyme that breaks down gluten, which is found in bread, pasta, oatmeal, barley flour, semolina, sausages, chocolate, cocoa powder and other foods. The child has a frequent, liquid, foamy stool with a high fat content and undigested food remnants. Defecation occurs 5 times a day or more. Treatment is based on compliance with a gluten-free diet.

Elimination of diarrhea in a child

If the baby's stool has arisen once, then it is not necessary to start medical therapy. It is necessary to remember what foods were in the ration of crumbs in the last 24 hours and when the symptom is repeated, it is necessary to analyze whether there is a regularity. So, it will be possible to identify products to which the child has an individual intolerance, and to reduce the load on the digestive system they simply need to be excluded from the diet.

If pathological inclusions are visible in the feces, such as fat, food particles, a large amount of mucus, blood streaks, you need to pass blood and feces tests and undergo ultrasound examination of the abdominal cavity organs. Only after the examination it will be possible to diagnose and prescribe adequate therapy, eliminating not the symptom, but the cause of the disease.

If diarrhea is frequent, copious( regardless of the color of stools), you should seek medical help. To prevent the development of dehydration of children under one year, it is recommended to be hospitalized for infusion therapy.

Babies with diarrhea quickly develop life-threatening dehydration

Diet therapy

When yellow diarrhea occurs, regardless of the cause of the symptom, a therapeutic diet No4 is prescribed, which helps reduce the load on the digestive tract, reduces the severity of rotting and fermentation in the intestines. It is recommended to feed the baby in smaller portions, but more often, in order to assimilate the food in the intestines, and not to transit.

The menu should remove any products that stimulate the secretion of gastric juice and intestinal peristalsis. Cold drinks and dishes have a relaxing effect, so they should not be given during diarrhea. To reduce the severity of fermenting and putrefactive process from the diet, you need to remove legumes, cabbage, fatty meat, milk, fresh vegetables and fruits.

The menu of the child at appearance of a yellow diarrhea can include mucous soups, porridges, dietary meat and fish, crackers, sour-milk products, kissels, jelly. All dishes should be cooked for a couple or boiled. Diet is an important component of therapy, so its compliance is mandatory for a few more days after the disappearance of yellow diarrhea.

Gluten-free or dairy-free diet in the presence of enzyme deficiency must be observed constantly.

Medical treatment

To eliminate diarrhea, enterosorbents are used. These drugs are not absorbed in the digestive tract, but pass through it, absorbing toxic substances. The product helps to compact the stool and slow down their passage. Enterosorbents are divided into absorbents( they convert liquid toxins into a solid substance, so they are not absorbed into the bloodstream), adsorbents( absorb poisons like sponges) and chemical absorbers( react with the poison).

Sorbent intake is contraindicated in chronic inflammatory diseases of the digestive tract, intestinal atony, bleeding from the digestive tract. The intake of this drug accelerates the elimination of toxic compounds, but it does not affect the bacteria and viruses that release these substances, therefore, in intestinal infections, the sorbent only reduces the severity of the symptom.

For children sorbents are prescribed for poisoning, the occurrence of an allergic reaction, a digestive disorder. Most often small patients are recommended:

Diets for children with diarrhea
  • Smektu. The drug further envelops the walls of the intestines, protecting them from irritation. Children until one year a day are given two packets of funds for three days. Older children are first given a dose of 4 sachets, and then reduce it twice. There are almost no side effects( there may be constipation or dermatological reactions).
  • Polysorb. Has a high degree of adsorption. The dosage of the medicine is calculated based on the weight of the child( 10 kg daily dose of 2 grams).
  • Enterosgel. Produced in the form of sweet pasta. Children from one year to 5 years are given a teaspoon of funds three times a day. In acute poisoning, the first dose is doubled. Children under 14 years are given medicines for a dessert spoon, too, three times a day.
  • Polyphepan. It is produced in powder, which must be diluted with water. Children up to a year give a teaspoon of funds, for children up to seven years the dose increases to a dessert spoon.
  • Activated charcoal is given to children over seven years of age.

To treat diarrhea, intestinal antiseptics may also be used, for example:

  • Enterofuril. Available in the form of yellow capsules or suspensions. Refers to antimicrobials of a wide spectrum of action. When acute bacterial diarrhea restores intestinal microflora, when infecting with enterotrophic viruses, superinfections do not allow to develop. Indications for use are bacterial diarrhea without an increase in body temperature, intoxication and worsening of the general condition. Capsules are given to children over three years old, the yellow suspension is suitable for treating children from one month.
  • Bactisubtil. Refers to eubiotics. Contains bacteria that release broad-spectrum antibiotics that inhibit the growth of pathogenic and opportunistic bacteria. The drug has antidiarrheal action, restores intestinal microflora. It is prescribed for children over 7 years.
  • Nifuroxazide. Antimicrobial agent, which reduces the production of toxic substances by bacteria. Does not cause dysbiosis. It is prescribed for children from 6 years.

One of the advantages of taking suspensions and capsules is that they do not provoke the development of the dysbiosis

. If the yellow diarrhea in a child is the result of prolonged antibacterial therapy, then drugs that normalize the microflora of the large intestine are prescribed. These can be probiotics or prebiotics containing the necessary lacto- and bifidobacteria or a substrate for their accelerated development. Can appoint Bifidumbacterin, Lactile, Latsidofil.

If yellow diarrhea is caused by a disease of the digestive system( liver, pancreas, stomach, intestine), then several groups of medicines are required. For example, to restore liver function, vitamins, hepatoprotectors, cholagogue preparations can be prescribed, and antacids, antihistamine receptor blockers can not be avoided in order to reduce the inflammatory process in the stomach.

With increased intestinal motility, antidiarrheal drugs are prescribed, for example, Imodium. To combat intestinal infection antibacterial or antiviral drugs are prescribed, which destroy the pathogen. If a specific treatment is not developed, then symptomatic therapy is performed( droppers are used to normalize the water-salt balance, antipyretic agents, enterosorbents are given).

With food allergy, funds are prescribed to reduce the effect of histamine. It can be Alerzin, Zodak, Tsetrin. Diarrhea and vomiting is a protective reaction of the body to the presence in the digestive tract of pathogenic bacteria and viruses, as well as toxins that affect the mucosa. It is not advisable to stop these symptoms, it is necessary to treat the disease that caused the clinic, therefore, the medication should be prescribed by the attending physician.

If the child has diarrhea, then it is necessary to adjust its nutrition and increase the amount of fluid consumed in order to normalize the water-salt balance. If you have additional symptoms( nausea, heat, flatulence, headache and abdominal pain, foreign impurities in the stool), you need to call a doctor. What to do if a bright yellow or yellow-green diarrhea occurs, the doctor will tell you after a physical examination of the child and evaluation of his condition.