How much does the gum ache after tooth extraction, why did my cheek swell, what should I do at home

Of course, with today's modern development and equipping of dentistry, any problems with teeth are successfully solved almost painlessly, rather than earlier, when one used only novocaine for anesthetizing and forceps for different needs( in the sense of certain types of forceps for different teeth).

Of course, the skill of a dental surgeon occupies a leading place in the professional approach to the procedure of tooth extraction without complications.

It should be noted that the state of neglect of dental problems and the individual( special) structure of the roots of the teeth, as well as the presence / absence of the crown part of the tooth, undoubtedly leaves its imprint on the success, speed and ease of dental surgical interventions in the removal of teeth.

It is not always possible to painlessly and easily remove all the teeth.

Therefore, the topic of our meeting today is the situation where strongly hurts the gum after tooth extraction, in particular, when also swelled cheek.

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Find out how many gums can ache , how long and do at home to a man who has just been torn out of a tooth! So. ..


Why does the gum hurt after tooth extraction?

Any surgical intervention is accompanied by pain after the termination of anesthesia. In the gum after removal, the wound remains and for healing it takes up to 10 days, so the appearance of discomfort and pain in the early days is a common phenomenon, considered the norm.

Pathological pain is a syndrome that indicates an active inflammatory process. The reasons for this are sufficient, but all the complications begin to have almost the same - it is the washing out of the formed clot. Because of ingestion, the infectious process develops very quickly.

The causes of pain in the gums may be:

  1. A fragment of the tooth in the wound cavity - pus begins to accumulate under the condition of incomplete tooth extraction, often this happens when removing "complex" teeth with curved roots.
  2. Hematoma , its formation can be accompanied by both pain and temperature. There is a danger of suppuration of accumulated blood in soft tissues. The most affected people with diabetes and heart disease.
  3. Alveolitis is an inflammation of the tooth socket - gum tissue. Infection provokes food, poor hygiene, and especially the presence of carious teeth.
  4. Osteomyelitis of the upper or of the lower jaw .It is considered a dangerous complication, because infection affects not only soft tissue, but also the jaw bone. The penetration of pathological bacteria into it occurs with a weak immune status or as a result of prolonged postponement of treatment. The danger of the disease lies in the fact that the risk of infection of the brain is created.
  5. Cyst .Develops on the root of the tooth at the time of infection. Sometimes it does not leave the tooth and therefore provokes a strong pathological process.
  6. " Dry hole ".It is difficult to notice to an ordinary person, as a result of careless hygiene the clot is washed out, opening the wound and making it accessible to bacteria, inflammation develops.
  7. Inflammation of the trigeminal nerve can lead even to paresis and hearing impairment, so at home this complication is dangerous to treat.
  8. The bleeding appears in 90% of cases and is considered a normal process. Continuous bleeding requires immediate treatment of the wound in the dentist and the establishment of its cause.

How long does the gum hurt after removal of the tooth, for how long?

How long can the pain last? If there is moderate pain in the first 2-4 days, this is normal. Longer discomfort persists, if there was an inflammation or a tooth of wisdom pulled out. This phenomenon is explained by the usual gum trauma, which occurs even with uncomplicated removal of the teeth.

For a month the pain can not continue, so if you have a similar symptom, it is better to see a doctor to exclude the pathological process. Epithelialization should begin as early as day 4, and if healing does not occur, it is better to consult a dentist. Skip the onset of the inflammatory process easily enough to an unprepared person.

What if I have a gum after tooth extraction?

The situation when the tooth was pulled out, and the gum is whining and pain hampers ordinary business, and sometimes the cheek is swollen, is familiar to almost everyone. To treat at home all negative feelings should be carefully, so as not to provoke infection and wash out the wound of the formed clot. This is best helped by:

  1. Applying a cool compress to the jaw at the operation site of the .Such a measure significantly contributes to the removal of edema, pain, there is less active formation of the hematoma.
  2. When the hole periodically bleeds, it is best to apply the application from a sterile bandage , previously moistened with antiseptic. With frequent bouts of bleeding, you can not constantly apply compresses, you need to immediately go to the dentist!
  3. Analgesic tool for a short interval, but still helps to relieve pain. The main thing is not to use such medications too often.
  4. Folk remedies is best used after a few hours, when the blood thickens in the wound from the tooth and there is no danger to wash the blood clot. Decoctions of from aire, oak root, aloe, sage and chamomile help not only to remove pain, but also generally disinfect the oral cavity. Regular rinses help prevent inflammation. For the same purposes it is useful to use solutions with salt or soda( note from the author of the site - do not rinse your mouth, but by typing a saline solution or a decoction from the above plants just keep in your mouth - this is called taking a dental bath, it will not wash the blood clot mechanically).

When should I see a doctor?

Pain, after the tooth was pulled out, the phenomenon is normal. However, a person needs to monitor his condition in time to determine when this symptom becomes a sign of a pathological process. Inflammation of the dental hole is indicated by the following factors:

  1. puffiness;
  2. pus in the wound;
  3. weakness;
  4. spread of pain to other parts of the face;
  5. pulsation in the well.

What to do if complications occur

For any of the complications, you should not try to treat yourself alone or just remove symptoms that are troubling. It always requires intervention by the dentist, who must carry out measures to clean and disinfect the wells to prevent the spread of necrosis of the underlying tissues and general intoxication of the body. Accordingly - it does the dentist, and not you at home.

Alveolitis .The formed well is washed with Chlorhexidine or with a furacilin solution. Preliminary the site is anesthetized. If the inflammation is small, these antiseptic solutions replace with hydrogen peroxide .The treatment procedure for the alveolitis is the extraction of all dead particles.

When the well is cleaned and drained, special antibacterial compounds are introduced into the wound, designed to prevent the infection from increasing. On the gum itself, a small bandage moistened with an anesthetic is applied. Active healing begins on the second day.

When the alveolitis is started, physiotherapy is additionally required. Its measures have a general strengthening effect on the body. Together with this, the patient takes vitamins and antibiotics.

Neuritis of .Severe pain arising from the disease is treated with a broad anti-inflammatory therapy. With bright symptoms, do blockade novocaine. They are repeated if necessary until the signs disappear. As in the previous case, vitamin therapy and physiotherapy are required.

Cyst .The nature of cyst treatment is determined by its characteristics and degree of spread. Sometimes there is enough complex antibacterial therapy, but if the cyst is large, then it must be removed surgically. The operation can pass almost unnoticed for the patient, if she did not have time to hit the adjacent teeth.

The laser is used to treat lesions of adjacent teeth. This technique simultaneously removes inflammation, stops the growth of the cyst. Laser dialysis is supplemented with conventional surgery to remove the fragments of the teeth. In the future, the patient is selected drugs for conservative therapy.

Hematoma .Bruising is not dangerous for a person, it does not provoke strong symptoms, but it causes other inconveniences. To quickly get rid of the hematoma, it is better to regularly apply the medicine to the trauma in order to speed up its resorption and remove puffiness.

Sometimes such a sign speaks of the infection of , so for prevention regularly rinse with antiseptics, use even antibiotics. The spread of the hematoma can be prevented by a pressure bandage.

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Reader's reviews

Tatyana Ivanovna :

"My first wisdom tooth was removed very badly, the infection entered the well, the healing was long, painful and with a temperature, I was very nervous at that time.

Therefore, when it was necessary to remove the second wisdom tooth, found by the recommendations of a good doctor. He picked me anesthesia in advance and said before the operation for four days to dissolve Trachian to avoid infection in the mouth.

The tooth was removed very gently, I did not feel anything. Then another few days, the Trachsen dissolved. Lunka was not sick, there was no infection, now everything is overgrown with no problems. "

Source: edition of the author's publication - Pasishnyuk Lilia Nikolaevna dentist from the site http: // bolit-desna-posle-udaleniya-zuba-chto-delat-doma.html

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