Why does the tooth ache after removing the nerve and sealing, what to do, when the tooth is aching, how much to suffer

Often, after visiting the dentist and treating the teeth, patients complain that they have a toothache that has been treated. It seems that the doctor anesthetized, had procedures for removing nerves, cleaned the canals, sealed. .. and here you are!

Any clinical case in dental practice is unique. It is difficult to answer simply. It is better to contact your dentist! Nevertheless, we will try to consider the most characteristic cases from medical practice, why the tooth and aching ache after removal of the nerve and filling of the canal in this article.


We put a seal, pressed on the tooth, and it hurts, why is this happening?

Why often the tooth hurts after filling the channels affected by caries? The fact is that the filling of a tooth, damaged by caries, is a very laborious process:

  1. removes the tooth tissues that have affected the caries;
  2. the prepared tooth cavity is prepared for the installation of the seal;
  3. on the bottom of the treated cavity is placed a special gasket, which promotes the formation of dentin;
  4. the seal is established;
  5. produced its grinding.

Such an effect on the tooth can cause the appearance of mild blunt pain, which completely passes for two weeks.

Cases of acceptable pain

A normal feeling is small pain when pressing or biting on a sealed tooth if it has been damaged by deep caries. The bottom of the cleared cavity in such cases is located very close to the nerve endings, and the filling of the tooth inserted seal affects the pulp. Unpleasant sensations pass after the pulp develops a sufficient amount of dentin, which forms a protective barrier. The duration of pain when pressing the seal varies from a week to several months, depending on the specific clinical case.

Sometimes a sealed tooth can respond to cold or hot, which often occurs if a seal is inserted into its cervical part. In some cases, this can be caused by improper grinding of the seal: the edge overhanging the gum may cause inflammation, due to which the root of the tooth is exposed. When identifying such a problem, you need to see a doctor who will remove the "step" by grinding, and the pain will stop.

Acute pain after treatment of caries is not normal .If it occurs without any reason, it may indicate an incorrect treatment or the appearance of complications. In such cases it is necessary to re-appear to the dentist who will carry out the diagnostics and take the necessary measures.

What to do: Quick help at home

If the tooth aching and hurts after filling, then folk remedies will come to the rescue:

  1. it is good in this case to use decoctions of oak bark for rinsing the oral cavity;
  2. calms the aching tooth and ice cube from the chamomile broth, which must be applied to the gum and held until it melts.

If the patient has a low pain barrier, the dentist may recommend pain medications. Self-abuse of medicines is not recommended.

Treatment of tooth canals and aching pain

Aching slight pains after filling canals are quite normal. They are often caused by mechanical irritation of periodontal due to its processing.

Unpleasant sensations can cause chemical compounds, which dentists use to flush the channels of the tooth. They in a minimal amount can get through the top of the root to the adjacent tissues, causing their irritation. Such pain with normal treatment disappears for three days.

Treatment of tooth canals - traumatic procedure

If you have acute pain, due to which it is impossible to close your teeth, worsen your state of health and raise the temperature, you should immediately contact your dentist.

Often, painful sensations when the canals are filled are caused by a loose seal that opens the microbes to access to bone tissue. Getting to the root of the tooth, they cause the appearance and rapid development of the inflammatory process, which can not be ignored. Progressing infection causes the formation of cysts or granulomas.

If the tooth is sore, the dentists after the patient's complaint remove the previously installed seal and retest the tooth roots.

A new seal is inserted only after radiography, which confirms that the inflammatory process is cured. If the infection continues to develop, the patient may be treated with antibiotics.

The cause of the unbearably acute pain after the treatment of the tooth can be weak immunity of the patient.

The dentist cleans the canal and seals it before installing the seal. The remaining microbes in the root of the tooth often die, and after treatment the patient does not feel unpleasant symptoms. But if the body is weakened, the microorganisms that remain in the canal can provoke the appearance of an inflammatory process, in which additional tooth treatment is performed.

Folk remedies at home

Mild dental pain after root filling can be removed with the help of folk remedies. The solution of the soda is very effective in this case, in which droplets of iodine are added.

The same way you need to rinse the mouth after each meal. Get rid of aching pain and clove oil, which helps moisten the tampon and attach to the gums.

After nerve removal

Depulpation accompanies pain and this is normal .Immediately after removal of the nerve, almost all patients have a toothache when pressed, which is a consequence of the sealing process, in which the doctor uses metal tools and antiseptics to treat the cleared cavity of the tooth.

This effect is an irritant to the root system, and can cause pain.

How much does the tooth hurt after removing the nerve?

Unpleasant sensations after removal of nerves often pass through the day. In some patients, they may appear throughout the month.

If after 8 weeks of pain do not pass, you must necessarily show the dentist.

When you need to urgently go to a dentist!

It is not considered normal for a patient to have an acute pain after pain removal, giving off to whiskey, which is often amplified at night. This may indicate incorrect treatment:

  1. poorly cleaned channels;
  2. only a part of the nerve is removed;
  3. seal loosely to the sides;
  4. used sealing materials that cause the patient to be allergic.

If there is acute pain, swelling of the gums( swelling of the cheek) and the face in the area of ​​a sealed tooth, worsening of the state of health, you should immediately contact the dentist for additional treatment. The doctor will determine the cause of the appearance of unpleasant sensations and will conduct the correct treatment.

What can I do quickly on my own?

For mild pains after depulpation of the tooth, patients are recommended to use folk remedies to eliminate it:

  1. to gum the gums around the tooth with a thin layer of propolis ;
  2. rinse the mouth with decoction from oak bark ;
  3. attach to the gums a tampon moistened with valerian tincture .

If folk methods do not relieve the pain, you can resort to using medications, but do it better on the advice of a doctor.

Remove the tooth, and it hurts: what is a "phantom pain"?

If the spoiled tooth doctors can not save, the patient is removed. Often after such a procedure there are pain in the gum area. This is quite normal, because during the removal of tissue damaging around the dental root.

The duration of such pains depends on the severity of the clinical case: tooth extraction.

If the tooth has been removed without any complications, then the pain occurs after 1-2 days.

In case of difficulties( fracture of the upper part of the tooth), the doctor must remove the roots, causing significant damage to the gums. In this case, mild pain may be present for up to a week.

If after a tooth extraction the pain syndrome increases, you need to consult a dentist. Pain can be the cause of a progressive inflammatory process that has developed in the wound. In this case, the patient is prescribed additional treatment.

Pain after tooth extraction does not last long if a fragment remains in the wound. When identifying such a problem, you should immediately contact a dentist who will again look at the wound and cleanse it of the remaining parts of the tooth.

To reduce the pain, is used as a decoction of oak bark or celandine .These means should also be rinsed after eating, so that food remains do not fall into a fresh wound.

Let the teeth clean professionals, trust them!

There are cases when after professional cleaning of teeth, patients complain of the pain. It can be caused by an incorrect procedure.

If the doctor has shown negligence, it can lead to damage to the enamel, which, in turn, will cause caries. Due to damage, the tooth can respond to pressure or temperature stimuli.

When brushing teeth, the doctor disturbs painful teeth, which causes their high sensitivity. Thus the patient can some time to test a pain during mealtime. Such symptoms often disappear after a few days after the procedure.

The cause of the pain that appears after can be caries, which is activated by the means used, which have a strong effect on the enamel. If the pain does not subside after the procedure, it is worth to appear to the dentist, who will identify its cause and conduct appropriate treatment.

What not to do

After dental treatment, dentists give their patients detailed advice on oral care. Their success largely depends on the success of the treatment.

In particular, patients are advised not to:

  1. consume very hot or cold food;
  2. limit yourself to smoking;
  3. does not load sealed teeth and try to chew healthy;
  4. do not eat very hard foods.

Follow recommendations for two weeks until the seal does not take root. If there is a slight pain in the sealed tooth, the doctor's advice should be followed until it disappears completely.

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Source: http: //dentazone.ru/hirurgiya/lechenie/ posle-lecheniya-bolit-zub.html

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