What and how to treat pediculosis at home

With a disease such as pediculosis, most people met. And today this problem does not lose its relevance. The disease is diagnosed in both children and adults. The modern pharmaceutical industry produces a large number of drugs that allow for the treatment of pediculosis at home.

  • Brief information about the disease
  • Symptoms of lice
  • Treatment of the disease
  • Pharmaceutical products
  • Folk remedies
  • Prevention
Related articles:
  • Where does a man get lice
  • Causes of pediculosis, symptoms and treatment, prevention
  • Shampoo for adults and children from lice and nits
  • Types of lice and photos as they look
  • Spray Paranitis from lice and nits - instructions for use

Brief information about the disease

Pediculosis is a parasitic disease that affects the skin and hair. Most often, people with weak immunity are exposed to infection. It is usually diagnosed in children, but it also occurs in adults. The disease is transmitted by contact method.

Effectively with pediculosis treatment at home with the use of both medicamental and folk remedies.

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Given the location of parasites, the following types of pediculosis are distinguished:

  1. Head. Occurs because of infection with head lice. Insects are characterized by a gray-yellow or almost transparent color, which allows them to mask well. Head lice live on the scalp for about 40 days. Louse eggs are called nits. They are eggs, packed in a transparent shell, which is firmly glued to the hair at a distance of 2-3 cm from the root. It is often diagnosed when the lice are already very large, and all the hair is covered with nits. The nit ripens about 10 days. An adult parasite can lay up to 4 eggs per day, and for a lifetime - about 160. Catching a louse is very difficult.
  2. Pubic. It occurs as a result of infection with the pubic area and genitals. Sometimes there are parasites on a beard, mustaches, eyebrows, eyelashes. Externally, the insect is like a crab.
  3. The Wardrobe. Infection develops as a result of infection with clothing lice. Parasites are localized on the person's personal belongings. Lice move to the human body (on the neck, waist, in the zone between the shoulder blades) to feed. Having drunk blood, the parasite returns back to the clothes.

Important! Lice eat blood! For 1 day they make about a hundred bites in soft tissues. A person feels a certain discomfort. In addition, the head and ward louse are carriers of typhus and some fevers.

Symptoms of lice

This disease manifests itself with characteristic symptoms, which allow it to be diagnosed quickly and unmistakably:

  • intense painful itching of the skin, dandruff;
  • reddening of the skin as a result of combing and allergy to the products of vital activity of parasites;
  • brittle hair, dry skin;
  • the presence of nits, which are firmly attached to the hair.

Concomitant manifestations of pediculosis are:

  • disturbed sleep;
  • dermatitis;
  • increased excitability;
  • fatigue.

If any of the above signs of the disease appear, you should immediately consult a doctor, since advanced forms of pediculosis are harder to cure.

Treatment of the disease

How to effectively get rid of pediculosis at home? In the pharmacy you can buy special products that will help fight with pediculosis. However, before using them, you should consult a doctor, since these drugs are very toxic, have certain contraindications and are capable of causing side effects.

In addition, you can take lice out and home remedies.
During the treatment, disinfection of the contaminated items must be carried out.

Attention! If the treatment of pediculosis has not been carried out for a long period, it is recommended to treat the house! The disinfection station uses Medifox for this purpose. This treatment will decontaminate the premises.

How to remove head lice? Insects on the head can be removed by combing. To do this, use a special comb, the teeth of which are very close to each other. It is recommended to comb the child and adult every day for a month. This method is safe, it is used for the treatment of pediculosis and in pregnant women. After each procedure, the comb must be wiped with a paper towel.

Sometimes, with advanced pediculosis and the presence of a large number of lice and nits, especially in children, it is much easier and quicker to shave the head of the hair.

How to get pubic lice? For treatment, anti-pediculosis drugs and methods of traditional medicine are used. One of the effective drugs for fighting pubic lice is Paranitis in the form of an aerosol.

Pharmaceutical products

The chemical method, which helps to quickly treat pediculosis, includes the use of ointments, aerosols, shampoos. Apply medication should be strictly according to the doctor's prescription.


The use of shampoos is considered the best way to combat parasites.

Important! The main advantages of shampoos are safety, high efficiency and ease of use!

The most effective means of helping to remove parasites are:

  1. Shampoo Paranitis is a safe remedy for children. Effective from the first application.
  2. Shampoos Veda and Veda-2. Causes the death of lice in half an hour after application. Applied for the treatment of head and pubic parasites. Not effective against nits.
  3. Shampoo Chigiya. Effective in fighting lice and nits.
  4. Pediline. Very good shampoo from nits and lice.

Before using shampoos for the treatment of pediculosis, it is necessary to check if there is an infected allergy to the remedy.

Sprays and aerosols

The most common drugs are:

  1. Nyuda. Effectively fights against nits and lice.
  2. Pediculum Ultra. Contraindicated for children under 5 years. Helps in the fight against nits and adult lice.
  3. A pair-plus. Effective against nits. Do not administer to children younger than 3 years.
  4. Paranita. Assign for the destruction of adult insects.

Sprays and aerosols can induce individual intolerance.

Ointments, solutions and emulsions

For the treatment of pediculosis, the following drugs are also effectively used:

  • emulsion Parasidosis;
  • Full Marx solution;
  • Nittifor cream;
  • solution Pedilin;
  • sulfuric ointment, etc.

Important! Pediculosis requires timely treatment, because lice are able to multiply quickly!

Folk remedies

Since many medications are toxic and can cause various side effects, very often the treatment of pediculosis is carried out folk remedies.

The most common and available are:

  • juice of cranberries. Treatment of cranberries promotes softening of the nitic membrane;
  • essential oils of extracts of lemon, cloves, lavender, sage, plantain, calendula, aloe;
  • Vaseline, is effective for the destruction of adult lice;
  • pork fat, mixed with lemon grass infusion.

And also women and girls dye hair with paint containing hydrogen peroxide. This substance has a harmful effect on insects and their eggs.

The simmering water

This product can be purchased at pharmacies or prepared independently. Since the chaeera is a poisonous plant, gloves should be used. To prepare the medicine, it is necessary to mix the roots of the plant with alcohol in a ratio of 1:10, leave to infuse at room temperature in a dark place for 10 days. The container must be shaken constantly. The resulting tincture should be applied to pre-moistened hair once a day.


Before applying the product, dilute 70% acetic acid with water in a ratio of 1: 5. Treatment with vinegar is prescribed only to adults, since it is capable of causing allergies and leaving burns on the skin.


Treatment with kerosene is considered a widespread and effective method, which allows you to get rid of nits and lice. The agent must be diluted with sunflower oil in a proportion of 1: 6 before use. The resulting mixture is rubbed into the hair. This method is not recommended for the treatment of children.

Important! After using folk remedies, it is necessary to perform combing of nits for the effectiveness of treatment!


Unfortunately, pediculosis is a very common problem. For prevention, it is recommended that you regularly inspect hair follicles.

In addition, one should adhere to the rules of personal hygiene. For example, it's important to remember that you need to use a personal comb to comb your hair and not give it to anyone. To prevent infection with pubic lice, casual sexual intercourse should be avoided.

Pediculosis requires comprehensive and timely treatment. Therapy includes the use of medicines, folk methods, combing nits and adults. However, it must be remembered that pharmacy drugs can cause side effects, they also have certain contraindications. Therefore, before using them, you should consult a doctor.