Why do black eyes appear?

Flies before the eyes - a common ophthalmic symptom associated with a variety of diseases. Pathology is more common in the elderly, but can develop in young and healthy people. Such a defect usually does not affect visual acuity, but it causes severe discomfort, because a person sees surrounding objects as if through a dirty lens. Despite the fact that foreign points in front of the eyes are not hazardous to health, it is necessary to contact a specialist in time to find out the cause of this problem.


  • 1Definition of a symptom
  • 2Causes
  • 3Possible diseases
  • 4Diagnostics
  • 5Methods of treatment
  • 6Prevention
  • 7Video
  • 8conclusions

Definition of a symptom

From a medical point of view, black dots in front of the eyes are polymorphic opacities in the viewing radius, which have a different shape, color and area.They can look like black, sometimes white threads, dot elements or rings. Flies in front of the eyes are easier to see on a white or light blue background, for example, the sky. Pathology can occur once or is a chronic symptom of the disease.

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Often a person does not pay attention to a similar problem, but turns to a doctor, when the number of flies increases significantly, the duration of outbreaks increases. In this case, it is recommended to contact the ophthalmologist in time to determine the source of the appearance of such a pathology in time.

Numerous destructive changes of the vitreous (CT) - the main reason for the appearance of black dots in front of the eyes of young and generally healthy people.Normally, CT consists of a gel-like mass consisting of water, hyaluronic acid and fibrillar protein (collagen), and fills the space between the lens and the retina.

Over time, as well as due to the influence of irritating factors, the chemical composition of the vitreous The body can change, namely the long chains of its constituent elements break up into the smallest particles. It is their human eye that perceives, like flies or black dots. However, there are other factors that can lead to the development of this defect.


In addition to various vitreous dysfunctions, there are a number of reasons that cause a single or chronic occurrence of such a disease. The main ones are:

  • Blood pressure jumps.Points or flies in front of the eyes can occur in both hypertension and hypotension. The appearance of foreign bodies in the radius of the review is associated with impaired blood supply to the occipital lobe of the brain and retina;
  • Black dots in front of the eyes often occur in critical conditions for the body.For example, with heavy bleeding, poisoning, during prolonged fasting;
  • Strong physical fatigue and stress;
  • Chronic diseases of the central nervous system, as well as migraine;
  • Due to damage to blood vessels of the brain and eyes during severe stages of diabetes mellitus;
  • Osteochondrosis of the cervical spine leads to squeezing of the blood vessels going to the brain, as well as to the organs of vision;
  • There are frequent cases of the appearance of pathology during pregnancy, especially in severe cases, regular toxicosis.

An important reason for contacting an ophthalmologist with the appearance of dots before your eyes is the ability to diagnose a serious brain or vascular disease in time, especially if the defect occurs intermittently.

Possible diseases

Often the appearance of black flies or dots in front of the eyes indicates the development of a serious ophthalmologic disease, in the event that the pathology arose in a healthy person. So, the defect is a characteristic symptom of the following diseases:

  • Some vitreous defects. Most often they are represented by hemophthalmus (bleeding into the CT cavity, usually as a result of mechanical damage or injury); senile destruction of the vitreous body; detachment of CT due to dilution of gel-like mass inside it;
  • Obtained retinal defects. In this situation, the appearance of flies is spontaneous, especially in the dark. In extremely severe cases, the points develop into a non-vanishing veil, which can only be removed surgically;
  • Angiopathy of the retina. There are many options for disrupting the functioning of the circulatory system inside the eye, but they all boil down to only two types - hypertonic and diabetic angiopathy;
  • Early development of cataracts. The onset of the disease is always characterized by the appearance of fog or flies before the eyes, doubling of objects, and the appearance of an aureole over the source of illumination. Any of these pathologies is a serious reason to call an ophthalmologist.

The appearance of any points, waves or circles before your eyes is a signal that you have visual problems. Timely consultation of the doctor allows you to detect the disease in the early stages, which significantly improves the prognosis for treatment.


If flies occur before your eyes, you should contact an ophthalmologist.The primary methods for diagnosing pathology are direct or indirect ophthalmoscopy, as well as biomicroscopy.If there are no problems with the organs of vision, then additional examinations are scheduled from other specialized specialists. As an auxiliary diagnostic methods, CT and MRI of the brain, a blood test for sugar, plus a cardiovascular system using ultrasound and ECG are used.

Methods of treatment

Since flies before the eyes are not a disease, but only a symptom, the choice of methods of treatment depends entirely on the reasons that caused this problem. Depending on the diagnosis, conservative therapy, laser correction, and surgical methods for treating pathologies of the glass body can be prescribed.

  • To date, there is no universal drug for treating flies in front of the eyes, therefore complex therapy is prescribed.It includes taking medications that stabilize the blood supply, instill restorative drops, as well as taking vitamins with a high content of lutein to strengthen the structural components of organs view;
  • Laser vision correction is especially effective if the flies before the eyes were caused by a defect in the retina.Often, this is a rupture or detachment of its components;
  • Surgical methods are used only in extreme cases, due to the complexity of the operation, as well as the length of the rehabilitation period.Plus, the risk of complications is great. With the help of surgical manipulations, the microparticles that cause flies before the eyes (vitreolysis) are crushed, and in the most severe cases completely remove the vitreous with subsequent replacement of the implant with saline solution (vitrectomy).

Regardless of the cause that provoked the disease, rehabilitation is prescribed, which includes the intake of vitamins, balanced nutrition, maximum exclusion of physical activity and stress. This allows you to normalize overall health, reduce the risk of complications.


In many cases, the appearance of flies in front of the eyes is caused by excessive strain on the eyes and brain. To avoid this, there are a number of recommendations:

  • It is necessary to adhere to the regimen of the day when at least 7-8 hours should be spent on sleep;
  • It is necessary to abandon the bad habits that affect the functioning of the body's vascular system (smoking, excessive drinking and coffee);
  • Physical stress should be regular, but correlated with the capabilities of the body;
  • The intake of vitamins, especially vitamin A and iron-containing preparations is an important condition for maintaining eye health;
  • During a long reading or working at a computer, you need to systematically perform visual gymnastics. This will help not only to maintain visual acuity, but will maintain muscle tone and blood circulation system in the tonus.

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A single appearance of black dots before the eyes can be caused only by the body's fatigue, but often it is a characteristic symptom of some ophthalmic and systemic ailments. If the problem is of a regular nature, but it is necessary to undergo a survey in order to identify the cause of the pathology. However, it is important to remember that the treatment of eye organs is a complex and lengthy process, therefore it is necessary to take care of the eyes and observe simple preventive measures.

Also, read about what is said about such symptoms as fog in the eyes and different sizes of pupils.

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