Sputum for coughing

The cause of phlegm: in the throat and bronchi, with cough and without cough, green, yellow, thick

Under sputum, health professionals understand the secret, which is allocated by the cells of the bronchi, where the contents of the nose and its sinuses are mixed, as well as saliva. Normally, it is transparent and mucous, there are few, and it is only released in the morning in people who smoke, work in dusty production or live in dry air.

In these cases, it is called a tracheobronchial secret, not phlegm. With the development of the same pathologies in sputum may fall: pus, when in the airways there is bacterial inflammation, blood, when on the way from the nose to the end of the bronchi there was damage to the vessel, mucus in cases of inflammation of the non-bacterial character. This content can become more or less viscous.

Pathological processes as the causes of sputum congestion in the throat without a cough usually take place from the nasopharynx, where the contents of the nose and its adnexal sinuses drain to the trachea. If the disease affected deeper structures: trachea, bronchi or lung tissue, sputum production will be accompanied by cough (in young children, the analog of coughing can be vomiting with a lot of mucus or another content). Bronchitis and pneumonia can, of course, proceed without a cough, but then the separation of sputum will not bother here.

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When sputum production is considered the norm

The mucous membrane of the bronchi consists of cells, on the surface of which there are cilia - microtubules, able to make movements (normally - upwards, to the trachea). Between the ciliate cells are small glands - goblet cells. They are 4 times smaller than ciliary, but they are not located so that after every four ciliated ones there is one goblet: there are sections consisting only of ones, or only from cells of the second type. The glandular cells are completely absent in the small bronchi and bronchioles. The goblet and ciliated cells are united by a common name - "mucociliary apparatus and the process of mucus movement in the bronchi and trachea is mucociliary clearance.

Slime produced by goblet cells is the basis of phlegm. It is needed to remove from the bronchi those dust particles and microbes, which, in view of their microscopic size, were not noticed by cells with cilia that are in the nose and in the throat.

To the mucous membrane of the bronchi tightly fit the vessels. Out of them come out immune cells that control the absence of foreign particles in the air going to the lungs. Some cells of immunity are present in the mucosa itself. Their function is the same.

Therefore sputum, more precisely, a tracheobronchial secret, is also normal; without it, the bronchi would become covered from the inside with soot and impurities, would be constantly inflamed. Its amount is from 10 to 100 ml per day. It may contain a small amount of white blood cells, but it does not detect bacteria, atypical cells, or fibers contained in lung tissue. The secret is formed slowly, gradually, and when he reaches the oropharynx, a healthy person, without noticing, swallows this minimal amount of mucous contents.

Why can sputum be felt in the throat without a cough?

This is due to or increased secretion, or deterioration of its excretion. There are many reasons for these conditions. Here are the main ones:

  • Work at enterprises with a high level of air pollution with silicate, coal or other particles.
  • Smoking.
  • The irritation of the throat with alcoholic beverages, cold, spicy or hot food can cause a feeling of sputum without a cough. In this case, there is no indisposition, no breathing loss, no other symptoms.
  • Pharyngo-laryngeal reflux. This is the name of the casting of the contents of the throat where the ingredients of the stomach, which do not have a pronounced acidic environment, are closer to the respiratory throat. Other symptoms of this condition are a sore throat, cough.
  • Acute antritis. The main symptoms will be worsening of the condition, fever, headache, allocation of copious amounts of snot. These symptoms come to the fore.
  • Chronic sinusitis. Most likely, this pathology will be described as "phlegm in the throat without a cough." It is manifested by difficulty in nasal breathing, deterioration of smell, fatigue. Dense sputum is released from the sinuses into the pharynx, and this happens constantly.
  • Chronic tonsillitis. Here the person is worried about "sputum bad breath, on the tonsils can be seen whitish masses, which can themselves and with certain movements of the muscles of the mouth stand out, their smell is unpleasant. The throat does not hurt, the temperature can be increased, but - within 37-3, ° C.
  • Chronic catarrhal rhinitis. Here, without exacerbation, the nose lays only in the cold and then - one half; sometimes a small amount of mucous discharge is released from the nose. When exacerbation there are thick, abundant snot, they create a feeling of phlegm in the throat.
  • Chronic hypertrophic rhinitis. Here the main symptom is the difficulty of breathing with the nose, its one half, because of what a person may be bothered by a headache in this half. Also, the sense of smell and taste worsen, and a slight nasal appearance appears. The separable accumulates in the throat or is released to the outside.
  • Vasomotor rhinitis. In this case, a person can periodically "catch" sneezing attacks, which occurs after itching in the nose, mouth or throat. Nasal breathing is intermittent from time to time, and liquid mucus is released from the nose or into the pharyngeal cavity. These seizures are associated with sleep, can occur after a change in air temperature, fatigue, acute food intake, emotional stress or increased blood pressure.
  • Pharyngitis. Here phlegm in the throat arises against the background of persecution or pain in it. More often still, the sum of these sensations causes a cough, which is either dry, or there is a small amount of liquid phlegm.
  • Sjogren's syndrome. At the same time, there is a decrease in the production of saliva, and because of dry mouth it seems that sputum accumulates in the throat.

Sputum color without cough

This criterion can be suspected:

  • mucous white sputum testifies in favor of fungal (more often - candidiasis) tonsillitis;
  • transparent sputum with white veins can accompany chronic catarrhal pharyngitis;
  • sputum green, thick, may indicate chronic hypertrophic pharyngitis;
  • and if the sputum is yellow, and there is no coughing, it speaks in favor of the purulent process of the upper respiratory tract (rhinitis, pharyngitis, laryngitis).

If sputum is felt only in the morning

Sputum in the morning can talk about:

  • reflux-esophagitis - throwing the contents of the stomach into the esophagus and throat. In this case, there is a weakness of the circular muscle, which should not miss what was in the stomach, back. Accompanying this pathology is usually heartburn, which occurs when taking a horizontal position after a meal, as well as periodically arising belching air or acidic contents. Occurring during pregnancy and accompanied by constant heartburn, is its symptom associated with the compression of the abdominal cavity by a pregnant uterus;
  • chronic sinusitis. Symptoms: difficulty in nasal breathing, deterioration of smell until its complete absence, mucus in the throat;
  • chronic bronchitis. In this case, the sputum is mucopurulent (yellow or yellow-green), accompanied by weakness, low body temperature.
  • be the first sign of acute bronchitis. There is an increase in temperature, weakness, deterioration of appetite;
  • developing in the spring-autumn period, talk about bronchiectasis. Other symptoms are malaise, fever. In summer and winter, a person feels relatively good again;
  • appearing against the background of heart diseases, evidence of their decompensation, that is, the appearance of stagnation in the lungs;
  • developing in young children, talk about adenoiditis. In this case, the nasal breathing is disturbed, the children breathe through the mouth, but there is no temperature or signs of acute respiratory infections.

Cough expectoration

If a person observes the appearance of a cough after which sputum is released, it indicates a disease of the trachea, bronchi or lungs. It can be acute and chronic, inflammatory, allergic, neoplastic or to be stagnant. One can only diagnose the presence of sputum: examination, listening to pulmonary noise, X-ray image (and sometimes computer tomography) of the lungs, sputum analysis - general and bacteriological.

In some way, the color of the sputum, its consistency and the smell will help you to get the diagnosis.

Sputum color when coughing

If a phlegm is yellow when it coughs, it can talk about:

  • purulent process: acute bronchitis, pneumonia. To distinguish these states is possible only according to instrumental studies (X-ray or computer tomography of the lungs), since the symptoms are the same;
  • presence of a large number of eosinophils in the lung or bronchial tissue, which also indicates eosinophilic pneumonia (then the color is yellow, like a canary);
  • sinusitis. There is bad breathing with the nose, separation of not only phlegm, but also snot of yellow mucus-purulent nature, headache, malaise;
  • bronchial asthma. The disease is characterized by exacerbations when difficulty in breathing is noted (it is difficult to exhale) and audible rattles in the distance, and remissions when the person feels satisfactory;
  • yellow liquid sputum with a small amount of mucus, which appeared against the background of icteric staining of the skin (with hepatitis, tumor, cirrhosis of the liver, or overlapping of the biliary tract with a stone) suggests that a lesion has occurred light;
  • yellow ocher refers to siderosis, a disease that occurs in people working with dust, which contains iron oxides. With this pathology, there are no special symptoms other than coughing.

Sputum yellow-green color speaks of:

  • purulent bronchitis;
  • bacterial pneumonia;
  • be a normal symptom after tuberculosis, which was cured by specific drugs.

If the rusty color separates from the cough, this indicates that in the respiratory tract There was a trauma to blood vessels, but the blood, until it reached the mouth, was oxidized, and hemoglobin became hematin. This can be for:

  • a strong cough (then there will be streaks of rusty color, which will disappear after 1-2 days);
  • pneumonia, when inflammation (purulent or viral), melting the lung tissue, led to damage to blood vessels. There will be: fever, shortness of breath, weakness, vomiting, lack of appetite, sometimes - diarrhea;

If the mucus is brown, this also indicates the presence of the "old oxidized blood in the airways:

  • if the lungs had such, almost always congenital pathology, like bullae (cavities filled with air). If such a bull lay near the bronchus, and then ruptured, brown sputum will separate. If the air still gets into the cavity of the pleura, there will be shortness of breath, a feeling of lack of air that can build up. The "sick" half of the chest is not breathing, and during the rupture of bulla there was pain;
  • gangrene of the lung. Here, a significant deterioration of the general condition comes to the fore: weakness, blurred consciousness, vomiting, high fever. Sputum is not only brown, but also has a putrid smell;
  • pneumoconiosis - a disease that occurs due to industrial (coal-stone, siliceous) dust. Characteristic pain in the chest, first a dry cough. Gradually, bronchitis becomes chronic, often leads to pneumonia;
  • lung cancer. The disease does not make itself felt for a long time, coughing starts gradually. A person sharply grows thin, begins to sweat at night, it becomes more difficult for him to breathe;
  • tuberculosis. There is weakness, sweating (especially nocturnal), lack of appetite, loss of body weight, prolonged dry cough.

Sputum from light green to dark green indicates that there is a bacterial or fungal process in the lungs. It:

  • abscess or gangrene of the lung. Symptoms of pathologies are very similar (if it is an acute, and not a chronic abscess, the symptomatology of which is more scarce). This is a pronounced weakness, malaise, shortness of breath, chest pain, very high, almost unresponsive to febrifugal, body temperature;
  • bronchiectatic disease. This is a chronic pathology associated with the expansion of the bronchi. It is characterized by a current with exacerbations and remissions. When exacerbation in the morning and after finding on the abdomen purulent sputum (green, yellow-green) departs. A person feels unwell, his temperature is elevated;
  • actinomycotic process. In this case, there is a prolonged fever, malaise, mucus purulent greenish sputum;
  • cystic fibrosis - a disease when almost all the secrets produced by the glands of the body become very viscous, poorly evacuated and inflamed. It is characterized by frequent pneumonia and inflammation of the pancreas, a lag in growth and body weight. Without a special diet and taking enzymes, such people can die from complications of pneumonia;
  • sinusitis (its symptoms are described above).

Sputum white is characteristic for:

  • ORZ: then the sputum is clear white, thick or foamy, mucous;
  • lung cancer: it is not only white, but it has veins of blood. There are also weight loss, fatigue;
  • bronchial asthma: it is dense, vitreous, excreted after a fit of coughing;
  • heart diseases. The color of such sputum is whitish, the consistency is liquid.

Sputum diagnostics for consistency and odor

In order to evaluate this criterion, it is necessary to expectorate sputum in a transparent glass container, evaluate it immediately, and then remove it by covering it with a lid and letting it brew (in some cases, sputum may become exfoliated, which will aid in diagnosis).

  • Mucous sputum: it is excreted, mainly in ARVI;
  • Liquid colorless is characteristic of chronic processes developing in the trachea and pharynx;
  • Frothy white or pinkish sputum is secreted with pulmonary edema, which can accompany both heart disease, and poisoning with inhalation gases, and pneumonia, and inflammation of the pancreas glands;
  • Sputum of a mucopurulent nature can be excreted in tracheitis, angina, bacterial bronchitis, complicated cystic fibrosis and bronchiectasis;
  • Vitreous: typical for bronchial asthma and bronchitis with an asthmatic component.

An unpleasant smell is characteristic of a complicated bronchoectatic disease, an abscess of the lung. Fetid, putrefactive odor is characteristic for gangrene of the lung.

If, during settling, sputum is divided into 2 layers, this is probably an abscess of the lung. If the layer is three (upper - foamy, then liquid, then - flaky), it can be a gangrene of the lung.

What does sputum look like in the main diseases?

Sputum for tuberculosis has the following characteristics:

  • mucous consistency;
  • Unnatural (100-500 ml / day);
  • then appear veins of pus greenish or yellowish color, white impregnations;
  • if there are cavities in the lungs that have broken the integrity of the tissue, blood streaks appear in the sputum: rusty or scarlet, more or less, up to pulmonary hemorrhage.

In bronchitis, sputum is mucopurulent, almost odorless. If the vessel is damaged, bright scarlet veins of blood enter the phlegm.

With pneumonia, if purulent fusion of blood vessels does not occur, the sputum is mucopurulent and yellow-green or yellow in color. If pneumonia is caused by the influenza virus, or the bacterial process has captured a large area, the discharge can be rusty or streaky with rusty or scarlet blood.

Sputum when asthma is mucous, viscous, whitish or transparent. Standing out after an attack of a cough, similar to molten glass, it is called vitreous.

What to do if you get sputum

  1. Seek medical advice. The first should be a therapist, then - an otolaryngologist (ENT) or pulmonologist. The direction to them will give the therapist. You also need to talk about the advisability of putting the sputum.
  2. Buy 2 sterile jars for delivery of phlegm. All this day to take a copious amount of warm liquid. In the morning, on an empty stomach, take 3 deep breaths and cough (not spit) the phlegm. In one jar you need more detachable (this should go to the clinical laboratory), in another - less (in the bacteriological laboratory).
  3. If the symptoms resemble tuberculosis, the delivery of sputum to the clinical laboratory, where the mycobacterium tuberculosis is detected under the microscope, it is necessary to produce three times.
  4. You do not need to do anything on your own. Maximum - to make inhalation with Berodual in the age-related dosage (if sputum was separated after coughing) or to dissolve an antiseptic of the type "Strepsils "Septotelet "Tharyngept" (if there was no coughing). Not knowing some of the nuances, for example, that when taking hemoptysis to take mucolytics (ATSTS, carbocysteine) it is impossible, it is possible to do much harm to your body.


How to improve sputum discharge

The excretion of sputum helps to clean the inner membrane of the airways, which speeds up recovery. This improves the patency of the respiratory tract, there is a removal from the body of the products of the disintegration of pathogenic bacteria, the state of health improves.

You will need

  1. - herbal collection (fir, pine, juniper), eucalyptus oil, dried chamomile;
  2. - expectorants;
  3. - radish juice with honey, infusion of herbs of thermopsis, licorice root, drink from viburnum, etc .;
  4. - ready nursing fees;
  5. - onions, garlic, milk.


  1. Perform drainage exercises. A certain position of the body improvesdeparturephlegm. Position the drainage in the morning and in the evening - lying on your side, with your legs tightened to your chest, take a deep breath and exhale, cleared several times. Stand in the knee-elbow position, hang your head down and intensively clear your throat.
  2. Moisturize the air indoors. To make viscous sputum liquid and improve itdeparture, you need to monitor the humidity of the air in the room - periodically spray from the atomizer usual water, use humidifiers, hang batteries with wet towels. Breathe in the bath filled with hot steam from the water.
  3. Take a course of physiotherapy massage that improves excretionphlegmfrom the respiratory tract. Effective point massage - for 10 minutes, the expert works out certain points on the back, causing a bronchodilating effect and improvingdeparturemucus. Sessions of canned massage are performed every other day - on the greased vaseline back, the jar is applied and makes sliding movements from the waist to the neck.
  4. Do inhalation. Prepare a coniferous herb collection (fir, pine, juniper), add a little eucalyptus oil and dry chamomile grass. Breathe in the healing steam, covered in a thick blanket, for ten minutes. After the procedure, do not go out for an hour.
  5. Drink a lot. Entering the body fluid dilutes the viscous mucus, which is subsequently excreted easier and faster. Drinking is shown warm, alkaline. Effective intake of herbal drinks - infusion of buds of pine, broths of raspberries, oregano, mother-and-stepmother,
  6. Take expectorants. Their intensive action allows not only to get rid of mucus in the bronchi and lungs, but also to increase immunity (ATSTS, Lazolvan Ambrobene, etc.).
  7. Use the methods of phytotherapy: radish juice with honey, infusion of herbs of thermopsis, licorice root, drink from the viburnum, etc. Ready-made breast pills, which can be purchased at the pharmacy, consist of several herbs and have a pronounced expectorant action. Onions and garlic, cooked in milk, relieve coughing attacks and produce viscous sputum.


Coughing up green sputum: what should be the treatment?

Many patients at the doctor's office complain that they have green sputum. Sputum, which has a green tinge, is bacterial in nature. Basically, it stands out from the trachea or bronchi. Green sputum when coughing can indicate the presence in the airways of pus, liquid suspension from dead pathogenic bacteria and blood cells-leukocytes, accumulated during the fight against bacteria.

The main causes of the appearance of green sputum during cough are directly related to such diseases as tracheobronchitis, acute bronchitis and exacerbation chronic bronchitis, pneumonia, bronchopneumonia, bronchiectatic disease, post-pneumonia purulent pleurisy (empyema of the pleura), as well as an abscess lung.

Therefore, to postpone a visit to a doctor is not necessary, because these diseases are serious enough and insidious. In time, the measures taken will help to avoid negative consequences.

Elimination of sputum

Slime is constantly released from the person's airways. It is a kind of barrier that prevents the ingress into the body of various foreign particles contained in the air, for example, dust. Mucus consists of special protective immune cells that fight with microbes.

When a sputum appears green, which is released when coughing, urgently need to take action.The presence of this type of sputum is often accompanied by a difficult outflow of mucus, and inflammation can occur if it stays in the human body. There are several ways to improve mucus outflow in adults.

First you need to use a warming drink. After it is taken, the outflow of phlegm will improve, and the cough will become milder. As a drink you can drink freshly brewed tea, in which you need to add milk, butter, salt. First, add salt, a little oil to the tea and mix thoroughly. Then in the resulting mixture must be added milk, a fourth of the whole mug. Get a hot cocktail. Use it is recommended gradually so as not to burn your throat.

With the help of special compresses you can achieve self-separation of phlegm. As a compress you can use mustard plasters or cans. Good will help black bread with honey, which is wrapped in a cloth in several layers, and such a compress is put on the chest of the patient. He helps to fall asleep more quickly.

An excellent result is noted if you do chest massage. It is necessary to make circular movements on the chest, they must be slow and smooth. It is recommended to use the medicinal composition during massage. The best option is to use infusion of pine buds.

Green sputum will give a good cough if inhaled. After the use of inhalation, stagnant discharge disappears. A good effect will come from the use of the agent, which will be added to the brewed buds of pine, you can add a little menthol. Breathing should be uniform and slow. Inhalations are carried out over a container with a covered blanket or with a special inhaler.

There is another method that allows you to warm your chest well: applying a mesh with Vietnamese balm.

All of the above methods favorably affect the human body, and after using the patient feels better, and the body is restored.

Before treatment, it is necessary to find out the cause of the disease, and for this you need to visit a specialist. If there is a thick sputum with a suspicious uncharacteristic color, you need to sound the alarm. For children, the presence of such a symptom is considered very dangerous, this phenomenon can be caused by a purulent process. For treatment it is desirable to use antibiotics or potent drugs.

Rapid recovery with phytotherapy

Use of phytopreparations and abundant drinking is necessary in order to get rid of cough with phlegm. To remove inflammation of bronchial mucosa, it is necessary to use herbal remedies. In the absence of contraindications, it is recommended to use inhalations that contain benzoate, as well as sodium chloride. You can use a product with the addition of soda, ammonium chloride and plant extracts.

After these procedures, the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract is moistened, and the excitability of the cough reflex center is reduced. The sputum gradually liquefies.

Effective effects will be on analgesics and anesthetics. Inhalations are prohibited for children who have not turned a year old. And if the child was under six years of age, then this kind of procedure should be done only according to the appointment of a specialist and with great care and caution.

Effective drugs

Means of expectorant action. Their task is to reduce the viscosity of phlegm. In this state, sputum increases in volume several times, and then begins to retire independently.

Components of mucoregulatory action. These include such as ambroxol, carbocysteine, bromhexine and acetylcysteine. Thanks to these medications, the viscosity of mucus is restored, and it is much easier for it to get out of the human body. The task of carbocisteine ​​is to penetrate the bronchial tree.

If you have bronchial asthma, and it is at an acute stage, it is forbidden to use drugs such as carbocysteine, bromhexine and acetylcysteine. They have an intensifying effect that affects bronchospasm, and in this case worsen the condition of the sick person.

Means of mucolytic origin help to normalize the secretion of bronchial secretions. These drugs are used during the detection of any abnormalities in the lungs, bronchi, and trachea in children aged 1-3 years. The drug that is prescribed against cough (ACS) is considered to be quite effective.

Antihistamines are used if the cough is caused by an allergic reaction. With such a symptom, cromoglycate sodium is considered to be a good stabilizer of membranes.

Expectorants and their effects

Among the main agents that have a resorptive effect, the following medicines are considered to be: ammonium chloride, potassium iodide, sodium iodide, sodium hydrogen carbonate. Penetration into the blood occurs from the digestive tract, after that they settle on the mucous membrane of the bronchi, stimulating the secretory activity. Due to dilution of sputum, she coughs well.

Means that relate to the action of a reflex character, are marshmallow, licorice, essential oils, thermopsis. They have an irritating effect, and under the influence are the receptor zones of the stomach. This effect is obtained when the agent penetrates the human body. After this exposure, the performance of the salivary gland and mucous gland of the bronchi increases.

If the first signs of the presence of the disease appear, it is recommended to consult a specialist.

He will conduct a thorough examination and appoint the right treatment.


At home, treatment often leads to complications, after which the disease is poorly served not only for treatment, but also for diagnosis.


Yellow sputum when coughing

Often during a disease that is accompanied by a cough, many notice spitting. Can this be considered normal? What should be sputum and are its characteristics so important? For example, yellow sputum when coughing - what does it mean? Let's briefly answer all such questions.

Sputum is a secretion produced in the bronchi and trachea. Such discharges are not always considered a sign of the disease, since respiratory organs regularly produce a small amount of mucus. This is necessary in order to create an obstacle for penetration into the lungs of foreign particles (for example, dust or chemicals) together with air at the right time. In addition, in the mucus there are special cells that help fight bacteria. Normally, sputum can only be transparent.

Sputum is considered pathological when its characteristics change - color, composition, quantity, etc. Particular importance of the doctors attached to the color of bronchial secretions.

Causes of yellow sputum when coughing

Sputum can be released from various respiratory tract diseases and removed from them during coughing and expectoration. The number of secretions can also be different, from a single occurrence in the initial stage of bronchitis or pneumonia to one and a half liters in purulent pulmonary pathologies.

The degree of expectoration depends on how penetrated the bronchi, as well as on the position of the patient's body (excretions can be amplified in a horizontal position, lying on the healthy side).

Expectoration of discharge in most cases indicates the presence of the disease, especially if the sputum differs in any characteristic color. For example, yellow sputum when coughing can go away with pneumonia, with viral infection and bronchitis, with purulent processes in the lungs (abscess, bronchiectasis).

However, yellow discharge is not always a sign of the disease. For example, it can be a characteristic symptom of a cough in malicious smokers. Sometimes yellow sputum appears due to the use of foods or beverages of yellow color (for example, citrus, carrot juice, etc.).

Who to contact?

Pulmonologist Family doctor General practitioner


Sputum is the pathological secret of the bronchi and trachea, which is excreted through coughing movements. These discharges are a very important diagnostic material. They are collected in a special container of clear glass: usually it is done in the morning, before eating, after cleaning the teeth and washing the throat.

Also a good material for diagnosis can serve as a liquid after bronchoscopy (flushing of the bronchi).

The study of bronchial secretion can be carried out in several ways. Let's consider each of them separately.

  • Macroscopic analysis determines the main characteristics of sputum: volume, hue, odor, density, composition. For example, yellow color is explained by the presence of a purulent component in the secretions, and the more the percentage of pus, the more the yellow color changes toward the greenish one. Yellow-green sputum when coughing - the index of a purulent process in the respiratory system. Sometimes pus is present even in the form of clots or lumps.
  • Microscopic analysis of sputum is carried out with staining of the preparation and without staining. In the secretions, cells of flat and cylindrical epithelium, macrophages, siderophages, conyophages, atypical cells, blood cells can be detected. In some cases, a number of fibrous formations (elastic, fibrous fibers, Kurshman spirals), as well as Charcot-Leiden crystals, cholesterol, fatty acids can be detected.
  • Bacteriological seeding on nutrient media - helps identify the causative agent of the disease, assess its sensitivity to antibacterial drugs.

In rare cases, additional types of diagnostics can be prescribed, such as luminescence microscopy, flotation and electrophoresis (as a means of accumulating microorganisms).

Treatment of yellow sputum when coughing

To effectively treat yellow sputum during cough, the following points should be considered:

  • treatment is prescribed only after determining the cause of the disease;
  • medicines and doses can be prescribed only on an individual basis, taking into account the underlying disease, accompanying pathologies, the patient's response to medications.

If there are excrements during coughing, it is recommended to take a large amount of liquid, preferably in the form of warm tea or infusions of herbs. Use herbs with expectorant, anti-inflammatory, enveloping action - it's sage, chamomile, St. John's wort, marshmallow, etc.

In the absence of contraindications, inhalations with sodium hydrogencarbonate, essential oils are carried out.

The following medicines are shown:

  • means with expectorant action, which reduce the concentration of bronchial secretions and facilitate its excretion (ammonium chloride, thermopsis);
  • means with mukoreguliruyuschim action (carbocysteine, ambroksol) - promote the expulsion of sputum from the bronchi, help antibacterial drugs get into the bronchi;
  • mucolytics (ATSTS) - normalize the cough secretion from the bronchi;
  • antihistamines (for allergic etiology of coughing).

Antibiotics are taken only if necessary, and only after an accurate diagnosis of the cause of cough.


Prevention of yellow sputum during coughing is determined by the prevention of complications of inflammatory diseases of the respiratory system. What needs to be considered in order to prevent the development of purulent processes in the lungs?

It must be remembered that the inflammatory process in the bronchi most often occurs as a result of incorrect or insufficient treatment of acute respiratory disease or ARVI. Therefore, a cold or flu should be treated, rather than expecting that the disease "will pass" on its own.

Regardless of the presence of respiratory system diseases, the following rules can be adhered to as a preventive measure:

  • Smoking is harmful, even if you are not smoking, but someone is nearby. Inhalation of nicotine increases the risk of developing chronic bronchitis or emphysema;
  • In the period of epidemics of cold and viral diseases, it is necessary to avoid crowded public places;
  • it sometimes makes sense to get vaccinated against influenza or pneumonia, especially if you have low immunity or a tendency to respiratory diseases;
  • do not forget about personal hygiene, wash your hands after coming from the street, and before each meal;
  • include in the diet more fresh fruits and vegetables. It is useful to drink infusions and fruit drinks from berries, dog rose, citrus, mint;
  • Eat fully, because in the cold season it is highly not recommended to adhere to "strict" and even more "hungry" diets, as this significantly weakens immunity;
  • dress on the weather, do not allow the body to overcool and overheat.

When you have a cough, it's best to postpone all the cases for a while and go to the doctor: timely treatment is often the best prevention of complications and undesirable consequences.


Often a wet cough seems to us an ordinary and non-serious disease, however, this is not the case, especially since yellow sputum when coughing is not a harmless symptom. If you ignore the disease, then without the necessary treatment, serious health consequences can arise. Inadequately cured cough with ARD or ARVI, as well as with acute bronchitis or tracheitis may contribute to the development of pneumonia. Inflammation of the lungs is quite a dangerous and insidious disease, which requires compulsory treatment in the hospital with the use of antibacterial potent drugs.

The acute form of bronchitis, which many prefer to carry "on their feet without adequate therapy can get a chronic course. The chronic form of bronchitis may require long and difficult treatment. Improper treatment of chronic inflammation of the bronchi can serve as a factor in the development of abscess, bronchial asthma or pneumonia.

Yellow sputum when coughing is more than sufficient reason to call a doctor. Purulent processes in the airways can not be triggered in any way, otherwise the consequences can be unpredictable.


What folk remedy is effective for coughing for sputum discharge



Cough is a manifestation of many diseases. Cough can occur with colds, bronchitis, tracheitis, pleurisy, pneumonia and other lung diseases. First of all, you need to treat the underlying disease, but at the same time, it can be facilitated by using cough remedies.
Traditional methods of cough treatment:
1) Grind 500 gr. peeled onions, add 2 tablespoons of honey, 400 gr. sugar and cook over low heat in 1L. water for 3 hours. Then cool and drain. Store in a tightly closed container in the refrigerator. Take a mixture of warm 1 tablespoon 4-5 times a day with a strong cough.
2) From the cough is useful to eat onions, toasted in butter and mixed with honey.
3) Mix in equal parts the purified hazelnuts and honey. Take 1 teaspoonful 5-6 times a day with warm milk.
4) Mix honey and horseradish juice in the ratio:. Take small portions throughout the day with a cup of tea. To drink for the whole day 2-3 cups of this infusion.
5) Wipe the ripe bananas through a sieve and put them in a pan with hot water at the rate of 2 bananas per 1 glass of water with sugar. Warm up and drink this mixture when coughing.
6) When coughing, cut into small cubes a black radish and put it in a saucepan, sprinkling with sugar. Bake in the oven for 2 hours. Strain and drain the liquid into a bottle. Drink 2 teaspoons 3-4 times a day and at night before going to bed.
7) When treating a cough, the healer Vanga advised to cook 1 potato, 1 onion, 1 apple in 1l. water. Cook until the water is less than half. This broth drink 1 teaspoon 3 times a day.
8) Fresh cabbage juice with sugar is useful as an expectorant for coughing. A decoction of cabbage with honey works well.
9) With a prolonged cough, mix 300gr. honey and 1kg. crushed aloe leaves, pour the mixture, l. water and bring to a boil. Keep on low heat for 2 hours, stirring. To cool. Keep in the refrigerator for no more than a month. Take 1 tablespoon 3 times daily before meals.
10) Juice from aloe leaves mixed in equal proportions with warm honey and butter. Take 1 teaspoon 4 times daily before meals with a strong cough.
11) Mix 3 tablespoons of severed birch buds with 100 gr. unsalted butter, put on fire, bring to a boil and simmer on very low heat for 1 hour. Strain, squeeze, kidney discard. Add 200gr. honey and mix well. Take with cough 4 times a day before meals.
12) Freshly cut nettle roots and finely chopped in sugar syrup. Take 1 tablespoon per day with a strong cough.
13) Pour 1 teaspoon of nettle grass, l. steep boiling water, insist, wrapped, 30 minutes and strain. Drink as tea for expectoration and dilution of sputum.
14) 1 tablespoon chopped plantain leaf pour 1 cup of boiling water, insist on a boiling water bath for 15 minutes, cool and strain. Take 1 tablespoon 5-6 times a day with a strong cough.
15) Thymus broth or liquid extract is used as an expectorant for coughing.
16) When coughing it is recommended to drink hot milk with butter: ¾ cup of milk for 50 grams. oil.
17) To weld in, l. milk 2-3 sheets of mother-and-stepmother and add to the broth on the tip of the knife fresh lard. Drink before going to bed for 3 tablespoons.
18) Infusion of a leaf of a nasturtium (it is on sale in a drugstore) is very effective at a cough. 10gr. leaf brew 1 glass of boiling water, insist 10 minutes and filter. Drink on a glass during the day.
19) Grate the chest and back for the night with the pork lard interior and wrap it with compress paper, over which to wrap a fluffy or woolen shawl.
20) After receiving the serum from 3 liters of milk, add to it 1 glass of honey and 100 gr. crushed root elecampane (sold at the pharmacy). Drink a glass three times a day before eating with a strong cough.

Svetlanka Svetlichnaya


Wild @ engel

Syrup of Licorice


1x1 warm milk and Borjomi, it's also not bad to do massage... if it's interesting how I'll tell you in detail))


Ambrohexal! the most popular means


Ats - 1 tablet a day, very good.
Lazolvan syrup


mother-and-machechu brew


mother-and-stepmother, better - did not drink!


Ginger tea with honey, but you can even weld a sbiten on a grandmother's recipe.


Black radish. cut off the tip. do a dark, there is a spoonful of honey and grow, a syrup that emits to take. Just a great tool!

Cough with foamy phlegm

Cough with phlegm is one of the most common symptoms that is typical for many diseases. It can be accompanied by other visible signs, such as snot, temperature 37, some people note that the reflex act sore throat and there are unpleasant sensations when eating. These concomitant symptoms are characteristic of colds. However, there are other ailments that cause a cough with abundant phlegm. It should be noted that the color and consistency of mucus can vary significantly depending on the disease.

Cough with white sputum

It should be noted that initially the mucus secreted by the bronchi and lungs is colorless. It changes its color under the influence of various impurities. Sputum becomes white in the event that it contains the following extraneous compounds:

  • Kurshman's spiral. They visually resemble whitish corkscrew formations. Such a sputum is inherent in a cough that is allergic or infectious-allergic. The reflex act can begin after a meal, if the irritant is any food or preservative.
  • Fungal pathogen in the respiratory system. Here we are talking about atypical pneumonia, which requires specific treatment. Characteristic color foamy sputum gives the presence of white lumps: the more of them, the more saturated the color of discharge. Initially, the mucus has a thick consistency, which liquefies after taking mucolytic drugs.
It turns out that with a cough, sputum white can occur only with a limited number of diseases. It should be noted that these secretions are sometimes confused with the mucus of the pearl color, which appears with cancer in the respiratory tract.

Cough with foamy phlegm

A lot of mucus in a reflex act can stand out for some serious health problems. The most significant of these are the following ailments:

  • A painful cough with a lot of sputum, which literally fills the entire oral cavity, is the hallmark of emptying the lung abscess. Initially, purulent mucus with an unpleasant odor disappears. The place she occupied is filled, and foamy secretions are observed.
  • Old changes in the body. Lungs can no longer cope with the natural function of their purification. Because of this, frothy sputum accumulates in the lower part of the respiratory tract. Because of this, there is a frequent cough that intensifies at night. If a person practically does not get out of bed, then the frequency of the reflex action does not depend on the time of day.
  • Cardiac ischemia. In this case there is a protracted cough with phlegm, often nocturnal. Foam secretions are abundant enough. The reflex act, as a rule, begins when the person assumes a horizontal position.
  • Illnesses, which are accompanied by a significant release of toxins. This category includes indispositions related to overdose of certain drugs, including narcotic substances, radiation damage to the respiratory tract, etc.
  • Diseases that are accompanied by a decrease in the level of protein in the blood. Discharges, as a rule, have a liquid consistency
  • Pleuritis and pneumothorax.
  • Uncontrolled intravenous administration of solutions. The reason for the appearance of the reflex act is an increase in the hydrostatic pressure of the blood, and, as a consequence, the production of pulmonary edema.

Is a person who has a cough with foamy expectoration is contagious? Here everything depends on what exactly is the cause of its appearance. If it is a question of senile changes in the body or diseases of the cardiovascular system, then such a person will not be able to infect others. However, if it is a question of other ailments, then you need to be careful.

Cough with gray phlegm

Reflex act, in which the discharge has a characteristic gray color, appears for the following reasons:

  • If a person has bad habits, in particular, addiction to cigarettes and hookah. In this case, a sudden, prolonged paroxysmal cough is observed.
  • Nervous breakdown, hysterics, depressive state. Children's doctors note that the children on this background reflex action begins suddenly. It can be accompanied by a temperature increase of more than 37 degrees.
  • Work on harmful production or residence in a village with an unfavorable ecological situation. Allocations in the reflex act not only have a gray color, but also a viscous consistency.

A productive cough is always accompanied by a sputum discharge. Visual analysis of its color and consistency allows the doctor to put the primary diagnosis, which in most cases is confirmed by specific analyzes.


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