Removal of papillomas on the eyelids: modern techniques

Such a benign formation, like papilloma on the eyelids, is an unpleasant ailment that significantly spoils the appearance and increases the risk of serious complications. However, it is quite possible to get rid of growths and this process does not require too much time and money. In addition, timely treatment is necessary to prevent deterioration of health and appearance.


  • 1What is papilloma
  • 2Methods of removal
    • 2.1Medicamentous
    • 2.2Cauterization
    • 2.3Cryodestruction
    • 2.4Method using radio waves
    • 2.5Laser treatment
    • 2.6Electrocoagulation
    • 2.7Surgical method
  • 3Features of the procedure
  • 4Preparation of the patient
  • 5The phased process of
  • 6Postoperative period
  • 7Recommendations for caring for the patient
  • 8Reviews of people
  • 9Video
  • 10conclusions

What is papilloma

Sprains on the face and body are caused by the appearance of the human papillomavirus. Often an ailment appears against the background of a weakening of immunity and stressful situations.

Most often, the virus is infected through a household contact with the patient. At the same time, the disease can not manifest itself for a long time and there are no benign growths. They can arise for the following reasons:

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  • Weak immunity, stress;
  • Non-compliance with personal hygiene;
  • Bad ecology;
  • Ultraviolet radiation.

If papillomas occur on the eyelids, they spoil the appearance and interfere with the usual life and any activity. In some cases, it is difficult to move the eyelids and blink.In addition, the appearance of one neoplasm is often accompanied by the appearance of a number of smaller ones. Such a problem can be both on the eyelids and on the conjunctiva of the eye.

Appearance of growths causes:

  • Lachrymation;
  • Difficulties in closing the eyelids;
  • Dryness of the mucosa;
  • Redness, irritation;
  • Frequent bacterial infections.

Methods of removal

Important in the treatment of the virus of the papilloma is the choice of the method of removing the warts. Most often it depends on the size and number of tumors, and also on their structure.


The medical method for removing warts has been practiced for quite a long time. However, its use is not always appropriate. Usually it can be used if the warts:

  • Form on thin skin;
  • They are small in size and light in color;
  • Have a recent term.

The most effective drugs for treatment:

  • Papilayt;
  • Papilux;
  • Isoprinosine;
  • Papilok Plus.

All these funds are prescribed for external and internal use.


Cautery is one of the most simple and inexpensive ways to remove warts.Often it is used for procedures not only on the entire body, but also on the thin skin of the eyelids.

Usually, the following popular chemicals are prescribed:

  • Ferezol;
  • Verrukacide;
  • Dermavit.

Despite the fact that the means for chemical cauterization of papillomas are dispensed in pharmacies without a prescription, it is not recommended to purchase and use them without prescribing a doctor. These drugs are very aggressive and can cause negative consequences when used incorrectly.


Effective means in the fight against formations caused by the human papillomavirus virus is liquid nitrogen. The essence of the method of cryodestruction is that by means of a special mechanism an applicator moistened in a chemical is applied to the wart, which contributes to the withering away of the tissue.The drawback of the method is that it may be necessary to repeat the procedure.

Method using radio waves

The radio wave method is used with the use of special devices that create and deliver waves of high frequency to the affected areas of the skin.The main advantage of this technique is the absence of pain and injury during treatment.

Laser treatment

At present, the best and safest method for treating the furrows is the laser technique.Among the main advantages of the method is the absence of the risk of infection, prevention of bleeding and scars.


In the treatment using this technique, special mechanisms are used - electrocoagulators, the electrodes of which destroy outgrowth cells under the influence of high temperature.The procedures are carried out using anesthetics and exclude the risk of infectious diseases.

Surgical method

Currently, the surgical method is practically not used to remove warts on the eyelids, because it has a number of disadvantages:

  • On thin skin, scars can form;
  • A long and unpleasant process of rehabilitation is possible;
  • There is a possibility of reappearance of papillomas.

Features of the procedure

Each of the currently practiced methods of removing papillomas has different characteristics, the period of treatment and rehabilitation.Such procedures as electrocoagulation and traditional surgical operation require mandatory application of local anesthesia, since they can be accompanied by strong pain sensations.

Medications and chemical means for cauterization are realized through the pharmacy network. Their use can not be called dangerous, but the wrong treatment can be accompanied by burns and painful lesions of healthy skin areas.

The method of surgical intervention and cauterization presupposes a long and painful rehabilitation period.If personal hygiene is not respected, it may be accompanied by risks of infection. In addition, some time after treatment, new benign formations may appear.

Preparation of the patient

Before choosing this or that method of treatment, the patient undergoes a thorough examination of the nature of the problem, its structure, and the availability of contraindications for procedures.The analysis of education is carried out with the help of biopsy and dermatoscopy.

After choosing a method and assigning procedures, the patient is not recommended the use of aggressive chemicals and make-up. It is also advisable to avoid exposure to ultraviolet and other types of radiation on the skin.

Before operation it is not recommended to touch and irritate the skin.

The phased process of

Each of the procedures is carried out in several stages:

  • Disinfection of the affected area of ​​the skin;
  • Use of anesthetics (if necessary);
  • Installation of clamps, excluding the movement of the eyelids;
  • Direct removal of neoplasm (removal with a scalpel, laser, electrodes, radio waves, chemicals);
  • Apply a sterile bandage.

Postoperative period

Immediately after removal of the papilloma, the doctor applies a special sterile bandage on the eyelid, which must be changed every two weeks. In the rehabilitation period, crusts can be formed, which can not be touched and ripped off. In order for healing to occur quickly and without risks of complications, the doctor prescribes disinfectant ointments such as Levomikol and Levomethyl.

Recommendations for caring for the patient

In order to heal quickly and painlessly, during the rehabilitation period, several rules should be taken into account:

  • Obligatory observance of rules of personal hygiene;
  • Timely change of postoperative bandage;
  • Exclusion of the use of chemicals and cosmetics;
  • Providing rest and rest;
  • Restriction of water procedures(including visiting saunas and bathhouses).

In order to prevent the appearance of warts on the eyelids, it is necessary:

  • To observe the rules of hygiene and not to use other people's personal belongings and means;
  • In due time to clear eyes from cosmetics, dirt and dust;
  • To monitor the quality of nutrition, to maintain immunity.

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Reviews of people

Reviews of people who have undergone papilloma treatment procedures vary on different eyelids.This is due to the effectiveness of each of the techniques and their characteristics. So, many prefer the laser method due to the speed of treatment and the quality of the result.Electrocoagulation and radio waves are also popular methods that receive more and more positive feedback. The most difficult and painful way is a surgical operation, so patients and doctors try to avoid it, preferring others.


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The human papillomavirus is easily transmitted from a sick person to a healthy person and manifests itself in an extremely unpleasant way - generates unaesthetic and discomfort-producing formations. In addition, such tumors can cause oncology and other complications. However, getting rid of the problem is not as difficult as it seems. The most important stage in treatment is the choice of the most rational method.

Also, read about such skin manifestations as demodexia of the eyelids and hernia of the lower eyelid.