What to take with adult adults

Basic principles of ARVI treatment

ARVI (acute respiratory viral infections) occur very often, especially in autumn and winter. According to statistical data, almost every person carries the disease, which affects the upper respiratory tract once a year. Unfortunately, many people who do not have medical education are firmly convinced that they know how to treat ARVI.

Therefore, when the first symptoms of the disease appear, they begin to take various medications independently, which often leads only to an aggravation of the condition and the development of complications. While properly selected by the doctor therapy can only put the patient on his feet in a few days.

What to do with increased body temperature?

Increased body temperatureOne of the main symptoms of ARVI is a rise in temperature, which, for example, can be very significant in case of influenza. Thus it is necessary to provide such conditions, that the patient could lose heat, sweating or warming the inhaled air.

For this, the patient needs a rich vitaminized drink, for example, cranberry juice, and also a little cool air in the room (for this, it must be regularly ventilated and held in it damp cleaning).

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It should be noted that when the skin is exposed to cold (for example, with ice), there is a spasm vessels of the skin, so its temperature decreases, but the temperature of the internal organs continues grow. This state is considered extremely dangerous, so do not use physical methods of cooling (wet sheets, ice bubbles) without the advice of a doctor. Before applying such techniques, the patient is prescribed special drugs that eliminate vasospasm.

Some patients with acute respiratory viral infections do not tolerate high temperature. For example, in people suffering from pathologies of the nervous system, hyperthermia can lead to seizures. Therefore, doctors for treatment at home prescribe antipyretic drugs, which can be taken when the temperature rises above 3 degrees. The most popular is paracetamol (Panadol) and acetylsalicylic acid (aspirin). Paracetamol is considered one of the safest medicines for fever, but it is effective only for non-serious infections.

What to do with a cold?

width = As in children, and in adults very often there is a strong cold, which can significantly worsen the state of health. The fact is that the mucosa of the nasal passages secrete a large amount of mucus containing special substances that neutralize the viruses.

The main task in this period is to prevent the drying of mucus and the formation of crusts, otherwise the patient will have to breathe through the mouth. Therefore, the nose should be cleaned regularly, and also to ensure that the air in the room is clean and slightly moist.

Rhinitis in ARVI can not be treated with vasoconstrictive drops (nasol, sanorin, naphthyzine), because they only for a while facilitate the patient's condition, removing the swelling and stuffiness of the nose. If you use such drugs for a long time, the patient will develop chronic rhinitis. Such drugs can be prescribed only for the prevention of sinusitis, but the course should not last more than a week.

To get rid of the cold, antihistamines are sometimes used, for example, suprastin and diazolin. Also, sometimes doctors prescribe homeopathic medicines, which practically do not have side effects, for example, Edas-131.

What to do with sore throat and cough?

width = For many varieties of ARVI, for example, for influenza, a strong pain in the throat is characteristic. The most effective treatment in this case will be rinsing with various solutions, for example, furatsilinom or infusion of chamomile. Gargle should be rinsed as often as possible, at least every half hour. According to the doctor's prescription, you can use various lollipops, lozenges and sprays, for example, septothete, bioparox or hexoral.

In order to cure a cough, the patient should drink more, and the drinks should be warm. This will allow the phlegm to dilute and remove it from the body as soon as possible. You can also use medicines, for example, Mucaltin, broncholitin, ATSTS.

In order to accelerate recovery, antiviral drugs (interferon, kagocel) are used that reduce the sensitivity of human cells to viruses. Faster cough and other unpleasant symptoms will be helped by multivitamin complexes, which include ascorbic acid, B vitamins and rutin.

Do I need to take antibiotics for ARVI?

Many people do not realize that ARVI has a viral origin, therefore antibacterial drugs against it are not effective. In the treatment of antibiotics, the patient develops a dysbacteriosis, which is manifested by diarrhea, constipation, bloating and thrush.

And also with the uncontrolled intake of these drugs, the resistance of bacteria to antibiotics is formed, which is why if necessary (for example, in the case of pneumonia), the effective drug will be selected extremely complicated. And the fascination with antibiotics often leads to the development of allergies, especially in children.

Therefore, uncomplicated ARVI antibiotics can be treated only in exceptional cases:

  • in the presence of signs of immunodeficiency (HIV, cancer and autoimmune pathologies, birth defects of the immune system, fungal diseases, etc.);
  • in children, whose age is less than 6 months, if they have unfavorable background pathologies (rickets, severe lack of weight, malformations, etc.);
  • if there is a history of recurrent otitis media.

With the help of antibiotics, ARVI treatment is performed in the following cases:

  • with the development of angina (anaerobic or streptococcal);
  • with the development of acute otitis media;
  • in the presence of various purulent complications (descending laryngotracheitis, paratonsillar abscess, purulent lymphadenitis, purulent sinusitis);
  • with the development of pneumonia;
  • in the presence of sinusitis (inflammation of the paranasal sinuses).

If the patient's condition is not too severe and ARVI treatment is carried out at home, antibiotics are prescribed for oral administration. Usually only one drug is used, the criterion of effectiveness of which will be a decrease in temperature below 38 degrees in the first 36-48 hours after the initiation of therapy. If this does not happen, the doctor picks up another antibiotic.

Features of pregnancy treatment

width = Begin the treatment of a woman should only after consulting a doctor, because many drugs and even folk remedies can harm the fetus. From the cold will help instill in the nasal passages of salt water, which you can prepare yourself or buy at a pharmacy. It will also help the inhalation of essential oils of orange, eucalyptus or sage. You can dig in the nose drops, made from natural ingredients (Aqua Maris, Pinosol).

With sore throat, you can rinse it with saline solution, infusion of chamomile and sage. It is recommended to drink warm milk with a small amount of honey, but you can not soar your legs. And coughing will help inhalation with essential oils. When the temperature rises above 38 degrees, you can take a medicine based on paracetamol, prescribed by your doctor. If there is no edema, then you can drink more, for example, green tea with honey.

Features of treatment in the elderly

width = For elderly people, acute respiratory viral infections are especially dangerous, so it is worth treating them carefully. First of all, you need to ensure that the patient has enough sleep and a balanced diet. If a person has a dysbiosis of intestinal flora, then he is prescribed eubiotics (lactobacterin, bifidobacterin). It is necessary to take microelements and vitamins, because during illness the body needs them especially acutely.

Elderly, drugs for the treatment of acute respiratory infections can be selected only by a doctor, taking into account the severity of their condition and the presence of accompanying pathologies. Most often used drugs of plant origin, which have the least side effects. Older people taking drugs for the treatment of chronic pathologies are usually not prescribed antibiotics and potent agents because of the high risk of unwanted side-effects effects.

Treatment and prevention of ARVI includes the use of drugs that stimulate the formation of interferon. For moderate and mild forms of influenza, for example, arbidol is used. Correctly selected therapy can prevent the development of severe complications and lead to an early recovery of the patient.

Features of treatment in children

width = Children often suffer from ARVI, so pediatricians have certain standards for the treatment of these diseases, which they try to adhere to. Trying to cope independently with the infection is not worth it, because inadequate therapy, most likely, will lead to the development of complications.

In addition to the medicines prescribed by the doctor, proper care is very important. The child needs to be put in bed, to provide him with a balanced diet and fresh clean air. At elevated temperature, you can not only use medicines, but also apply physical methods of cooling. For example, you can wipe the baby's skin with a napkin, which is moistened with a solution prepared from water, vinegar and vodka, which were mixed in equal proportions. In this case, the child should be covered with a warm blanket.

With fever, a warm vitaminized drink, for example cranberry or cranberry juice, will also help. If the temperature does not go down and the drugs are not effective, you should call an ambulance.

Folk methods

Treatment with various folk remedies is only used as an auxiliary method and only after consulting a specialist. The fact is that such drugs are not always effective and often lead to the occurrence of side effects, for example, to allergies.

Many people with ORVI help tea made of lime color. If the disease is accompanied by high fever, it is necessary to include red currant berries or fresh juice made from them in the diet. And with sore throat it is recommended to add a couple of tablespoons of natural honey to a glass of hot milk and drink this solution in small sips during the day.

If the patient is troubled by a runny nose, tom it is possible to drink a decoction prepared from raspberries or wild strawberries. It is recommended to take one glass 3 times a day after meals.


Effective drugs for ARVI and influenza

At the time of worsening epidemiological situation, the question of how to effectively treat ARVI and influenza is very acute; drugs that modern pharmacological industry, help not only to eliminate the symptoms of viral diseases, but also to influence the mechanisms of their development, which makes them the main means of treatment virus infections.

Features of treatment of influenza and ARVI

Influenza is a part of the ARVI group, so this type of illness is similar in its symptoms. The difference is the duration of the incubation period, the course of the disease and the complications of advanced forms of the disease. The similarity of the symptoms makes it possible to apply an identical remedy for cold and flu for therapeutic therapy.

Features of viral infections

To select the effective treatment of viral respiratory diseases, the doctor focuses on such symptoms as:

Symptoms of ARVI
  • fever, chills;
  • pain in the muscles;
  • headache;
  • general malaise, weakness;
  • high body temperature;
  • change in the condition of the lymph nodes;
  • inflammatory processes in the airways.

In some cases, there may be swelling of the larynx mucosa, coughing and lacrimation. Influenza begins suddenly and has more severe symptoms than SARS or ARI. With a typical manifestation of these types of viral infection and their course for more than 7 days, the doctor prescribes effective medications for cold and flu. Especially it concerns small children, if begun ORVI is complicated by additional symptoms from other organs. Of great importance in this case is antiviral therapy, which consists of three main areas:

  • influence on the cause of the disease and directly on the virus-causative agent with the help of etiotropic drugs;
  • influence on the mechanisms of the development of the disease;
  • elimination of painful symptoms.
Symptoms of influenzaThe most effective remedies for colds and flu are etiotropic drugs that have an effect on viruses. In the treatment of colds and influenza, they are given special attention when the first symptoms appear, but by 5-7 The day when bacterial flora can join the disease, doctors recommend taking antibiotics. Etiotropic drugs are not used as preventive agents. If the disease has an easy form of leakage, antiviral drugs doctors do not recommend using, because the body itself is able to cope with the infection under normal immunity.

When new symptoms appear in the form of a cough, runny nose, fever, only the use of antiviral medicines helps. During this period, active propagation of the virus-agent occurs, therefore, as soon as the patient began to observe these symptoms of a cold, these medications must be taken immediately. After a few days, taking these medicines will be useless.

Classification of antiviral agents

Drugs from influenza and colds are divided into several groups:

  • interferons and their inducers;
  • antiviral antibiotics;
  • antiviral phytopreparations;
  • stimulants of immunity - immunomodulators.
Effective drugs for the treatment of coldsInterferons are a protein group of substances that are produced by virus-infected cells.

Due to their effectiveness, the multiplication of viruses in cells ceases, which allows us to further protect the body from a virus attack.Interferon is a powder that is dissolved in boiled water.

It is taken immediately before contact with the infected person and before leaving for places with a large population of people. Use the drug as follows: dissolved powder is injected into each nasal canal for 5 drops for 2 times a day.

For today it is the best remedy for viral diseases. The earlier his reception is begun, the more effective he will show himself. When the infection begins, the dosage of the drug is changed. The drug is administered 5 drops every 2 hours (5 times a day).

Treatment continues for three days. You can treat the disease with Interferon, using it as a substance for inhalation: in 10 ml of warm water dilute 3 ampoules. The thermal procedure is carried out 2 times a day for 3 days.

Interferon for the treatment of influenzaTo this group of drugs is another means for influenza and viral infections - Grippferon, which is a combined preparation of preventive and curative action. The drug is instilled in the nasal passages every 4 hours for 3 drops. If the patient is sensitive to the components of the drug, its use is discontinued. It is contraindicated for pregnant women, especially in the early stages.

ARI and influenza are treated with Viferon. Recently, doctors recommend it for treatment of young children as the best tool to help stimulate the formation of interferons in the body. They have a depressing effect on different groups of viruses such drugs from influenza and ARVI, as Amiksin, Lavomax, where the active substance is Tyloron.

Arpeflus, Arbidol, Immustat - a group of drugs that help increase the body's resistance to viral infections. The main substance in them is Umifenovir.

Other antiviral agents

Treatment for colds and influenza is also carried out with the help of other drugs that inhibit the process of reproduction of the virus by affecting its shell. These medications include Remavir, Rimantadine.

Rimantadine for treatment of influenzaFor children this type of medicine is prescribed for treatment and prevention. Packaged powders are diluted in water and given in the scheme. As a preventive tool, it is recommended to drink the medicine for two weeks with 1 diluted bag (the dosage varies according to the age of the child).

All these groups of drugs have side effects and contraindications. To avoid severe consequences, it is necessary to carry out a sensitivity test and strictly observe the dosages for the treatment prescribed by the doctor. The most common side effects are nausea, dizziness, stools, hypertension, allergies. Especially cautiously should take these drugs to people with kidney disease.

Other types of drugs that act solely on the influenza virus are neuraminidase inhibitors. These include Zanamivir, Relenza. These drugs are used only as inhalants as a curative and preventive agent. Preparations in which the active substance is Zanamivir, have a high degree of toxicity, which demonstrates a large number of side effects. Very carefully it should be taken to people with kidney diseases and prone to allergic reactions.

Preparations of the natural group

Treatment of influenza and ARVI under the supervision of a doctorInhibiting the activity of influenza virus neuraminidase and helping the body to produce its own interferon are antiviral drugs of plant origin.

Effective among them are Proteflazide, Flavozid, Altabor, Immunoflazid, in which the extract is an active alder. This type of medicines has not only antiviral, but also antibacterial action. For medicinal and prophylactic purposes, the medicine is taken three times a day, dissolving two tablets. The course of treatment is 7 days.

If a patient has increased sensitivity to this group of drugs, the doctor appoints others. Against the background of long-term use of drugs in this group, there may be an allergic reaction. When pregnancy and breast-feeding, they are also not recommended.

To reduce and stop the multiplication of viruses, the administration of Proteflazide, Flavozide, Immunoflazide, which are made on the basis of medicinal herbs of pike and turtle, terrestrial.

The first trimester of pregnancy - a contraindication to taking a number of drugsThis group of medicines is also characteristic of its immunomodulating feature. Doctors appoint them as a curative and preventive agent. Immunoflazid - syrup, which is used for two weeks twice a day for 9 ml. With a preventive purpose, it is consumed within a month.

The drug Flavozid is taken according to the scheme: 5 ml twice a day from the first to the third day of the disease, starting with the fourth - 8 ml. Preparations made on the basis of phytocomponents almost never show side effects. Their reception is contraindicated only to pregnant women in the first trimester, as well as during lactation.

Complex homeopathic antiviral drugs that suppress the active action of viruses are Engystol, Sagrippin, Amizon, which have antipyretic, anti-inflammatory, interferonogenic properties.

Treatment of children

In acute respiratory viral diseases, pediatricians recommend the use of homeopathic medicines - candles, powders, syrups. These types of drugs actively suppress viral attacks and increase the protective properties of the child's body. These include Viburkol and Aflubin, Gripp-Heel, EDAS-903 and others. Significant effectiveness of these drugs with simple forms of viral diseases.

Ribaverin - for treatment of influenza in childrenSome pediatricians are inclined to believe that not all phyto-drugs have an effective antiviral effect, so they advise not to experiment with the health of the child. If the drug does not begin to show therapeutic effect within 24 hours, it should be replaced with a drug of another group.

Treatment of influenza and colds in children is carried out with drugs such as Arbidol, Rimantadine, Ribavirin, Tamiflu. In some cases, it is recommended to take Acyclovir, which acts on many types of viruses. Rimantadine, as a rule, is used only to neutralize the influenza virus, it does not have the proper effect on other types of viruses.

This drug is considered the most in demand during the flu epidemic as a preventive. It is shown in the treatment of children and Ribavirin, which in its spectrum of action is very similar to Rimantadine. In addition, it has a depressing effect on the virus that causes pneumonia in infants. If there is a decrease in the effectiveness of rimantadine, it is advised to replace it with Ribavirin.

The spread of the virus in the child's body delays Arbidol. Despite its popularity in ARVI, it can only have a curative effect on influenza viruses. Of all antiviral drugs for children, Tamiflu is recognized as the most effective.


Its activity is observed not only in the early stages of the disease, but also in the period of exacerbation. Its effect is several times stronger than other drugs. Tamiflu has side effects, so it is prescribed only to children who are 12 years old.

Assign drugs and interferon group with a child's dosage - suppositories Viferon, drops Grippferon, suppositories Kipferon. The drug of the new domestic pharmacy Derinat, despite its recent existence on the pharmacological market, has won many positive reviews.

It is available in the form of drops. This helps start an active fight against the viruses through the nasopharynx, preventing them from penetrating further into the body. The drug helps to strengthen the effect of drugs that treat a child in conjunction with Derinatom. It is allowed to use this medicine for infants from the first days of life.


Sometimes children are prescribed immunostimulating agents - Riboxin, IRS 19, Imudon, Bronhomunal, Metiluracil. There are separate types of these medicines, prescribed by the pediatrician as a prophylactic, and those that are can appoint only immunology doctors after a special diagnosis of the immune characteristics of the body child. It must be remembered that immunostimulants do not have a therapeutic effect during the active development of the disease. They are used before the infection begins to multiply in the body.


Antiviral drugs for colds


Antiviral drugs for colds - the main tool in the fight against this category of ailments.

As is known, during the period of activation of catarrhal diseases it is better to be engaged in their prevention, and not to bring them to conditions when treatment is already needed. Activating immunity in the cold season is the most effective measure to protect yourself against colds. Then the disease will not develop or, at least, the situation will not take on a serious form.

If the disease has a viral nature - acute respiratory viral disease (ARVI) - then there can not be no treatment without treatment. And it is best in this case to cope with the problem of antiviral drugs. The essence of their action is in the impact on the virus itself, which is an etiological factor.

Antiviral drugs are used to treat ARVI and influenza. These drugs affect the replication of the virus in such a way as to stop its reproduction. Antiviral drugs are synthetic or natural. They are used both in the fight against the disease, and for its prevention. Different stages of the common cold can be exposed to antiviral drugs. To date, modern science knows about five hundred pathogens of different kinds of colds. Antiviral drugs to fight them quite a bit.

In general, viral diseases are treated with three types of drugs:

  • drugs for a wide spectrum of influenza;
  • drugs for the treatment of herpes infections.
  • means for controlling cytomegalovirus.

In the case of severe disease, antiviral drugs are taken, with the use of interferons is easy. Within a day and a half after the appearance of the first symptoms, it is urgent to begin taking an antiviral drug. If we allow the multiplication of the virus to such a scale that it will occupy the entire body, then it can be brought to the conclusion that taking medications will not have any effect.

Effects of antiviral drugs for colds

With the help of antiviral drugs, the causes of the onset and development of acute respiratory disease are eliminated. The results of this action are:

  • reduction of risks of exacerbations of chronic diseases (chronic bronchitis, bronchial asthma, etc.);
  • shortening the course of the cold for several days, alleviating its symptoms;
  • a reduction in the risk that severe complications will appear after acute respiratory illness.

Antiviral drugs for colds are also used as an emergency prophylaxis in the event that one of the family members becomes ill and needs to reduce the risk of infection of healthy people.

Antiviral tablets for colds

In a class where there are synthetic antiviral drugs that cope well with the influenza virus, there are two groups of effective remedies. The essence of the action of M-channel blockers in the blocking of the virus so that it can not penetrate into cells and multiply. One of the tested preparations against viruses of this category is Amantadine (Midantan), and also Rimantadine (Remantadin). For the desired effect, they should be taken as soon as the disease begins to manifest itself. Another of their drawbacks is that it is not always possible to understand what kind of virus a person has become. And these antiviral drugs are shown in the epidemic from the influenza A virus. In addition, avian and swine flu are resistant to them. It is important to remember that taking an antiviral drug for a cold should be done not only by the sick person himself, but by all members of his family.

Effective antiviral agent for colds

But neuraminidase inhibitors act on influenza A and B viruses. The essence of their action in suppressing the enzyme, which is responsible for the multiplication of the virus. Representatives of this group of drugs are "Oseltamivir" ("Tamiflu") and "Zanamivir" (Relenza). You can start taking them within two days from the initial manifestations of the disease.

List of antiviral drugs for colds

  • Tamiflu;
  • "Relenza
  • "Grippferon
  • Anaferon;
  • "Amiksin
  • Kagocel;
  • Remantadin;
  • "Viferon
  • Arbidol;
  • "Ribavirin
  • "Amizon
  • "Cycloferon."

Antiviral drug for cold "Zanamivir"

"Zanamivir" is prescribed for influenza in adults and children over 5 years of age for 5 mg of inhalation twice a day for 5 days. The total daily dose reaches 10 mg. The drug is not combined with other inhaled medications (including bronchodilators), because of that exacerbations are possible in patients with bronchial asthma and other nonspecific diseases lungs. In a number of people without pulmonary pathology, there may be signs of nasopharyngeal irritation, reaching in rare cases before the appearance of bronchospasm.

Antiviral drug for cold "Oseltamivir"

For influenza for adults and children over 12 years, the recommended dose of "Oseltamivir" is 75 mg 2 times a day for at least 5 days. "Oseltamivir" is prescribed for children older than 1 year - with a body weight of less than 15 kg of 30 mg, 15 to 23 kg of 45 mg, 23 to 40 kg of 60 mg, more than 40 kg - 75 mg twice daily for five days.

The drug is administered with caution in renal failure, it can cause nausea and vomiting during admission.

Antiviral drugs for a cold of a wider spectrum of action - "Ribavirin" ("Ribarin") and "Inosin Pranobeks" ("Grosprinozin").

Antiviral drug for cold "Ribavirin"

"Ribavirin" acts on influenza A and B-viruses, parainfluenza, respiratory syncytial virus, coronaviruses, rhinoviruses. The specificity of the drug is its high toxicity, therefore it is used only if a respiratory syncytial infection is confirmed that often leads to bronchiolitis in children.

"Ribavirin" is used to treat influenza in adults over 18 years (200 mg 3-4 times a day in meal time for 5-7 days) in the absence of pregnancy, kidney failure and hemolytic anemia.

Antiviral drug for cold "Inosin pranobeks"

"Inosin pranobeks" fights against viruses of influenza, parainfluenza, rhinoviruses, adenoviruses. This antiviral drug for cold stimulates the defenses of the human body. To treat influenza and other acute respiratory viral infections it is recommended to take: adults 2 tablets 3-4 once a day at regular intervals for 5-7 days; children a daily dose of 50 mg per kilogram of weight body.

The daily dose should be taken at 3-4 times at regular intervals. The duration of treatment is 5-7 days.

Interferons and interferon inducers

Another large group of antiviral drugs for colds are interferons and interferon inducers. Interferons are protein substances that synthesize the body as a response to infection, due to them the body is more resistant to viruses. They have a wide spectrum of action, which favorably differ from many other synthetic drugs. But some experts say that they are not very effective in ARVI. In the case of colds, they are prescribed as drops in the nose and rectal suppositories. The native leukocyte interferon is digested four or six times a day, Reaferon (interferon alfa-2a) two drops twice-four times a day. Viferon (alpha-2b interferon) usually goes like a candle, adults usually use Viferon 3 and 4.

Antiviral drugs for colds

There are also inducers of interferon. These are drugs that stimulate the body to produce its own interferons. Catarrhal diseases are treated with "Tyloron" ("Amiksin"), "Meglumina acridonacetate" ("Cycloferon") and a number of other antiviral drugs for colds.

Antiviral drug for cold "Amiksin"

For treatment of influenza and acute respiratory disease, "Amiksin" is prescribed inside after eating two tablets, 25 g for adults and 6 g for children over 7 years on the first day of illness and then 1 tablet every other day.

The course of treatment - up to 6 tablets. Contraindicated in pregnant women and children younger than 7 years.

Antiviral drug for cold "Cycloferon"

"Cycloferon" is used to treat influenza and ARI in the form of intramuscular injections at a dose of 250 mg (1% 2 ml) for two consecutive days, then every other day or 1 tablet, 5 g every other day for 20 days.

Antiviral drug for cold "Kagocel"

"Kagocel" is an inducer of interferon with direct antiviral and immunomodulating action.

Usually it is prescribed for influenza and ARI adults 2 tablets 3 times a day for the first two days (daily dose is 72 mg), then 1 tablet 3 times a day (daily dose of 36 mg). A total of 18 tablets per 4-day course.

Antiviral drug for cold "Arbidol"

Effective in treating the common cold is an antiviral drug, like Arbidol. It acts against viruses A, B, it also treats parainfluenza, syncytial infections, adenoviruses. The essence of the drug in stimulating the production of endogenous interferon, it has an antioxidant effect, strengthens the immune system.

Arbidol for colds without complications appoint: children from 3 to 6 years - 50 mg, from 6 to 12 years - 100 mg, over 12 years and adults - 200 mg 4 times a day (every 6 hours) for 5 days. With the development of complications (bronchitis, pneumonia, etc.) children from 3 to 6 years take Arbidol 50 mg each, from 6 to 12 years - 100 mg, over 12 years, adults - 200 mg 4 times a day (every 6 hours) for 5 days, then a single dose once a week for month.

Antiviral drug for cold "Amizon"

Antiviral drug for cold "Amizon" is an inducer of endogenous interferon, has antiviral, immunomodulating and anti-inflammatory action.

Adults take "Amizon" 2-4 times a day after a meal with an average flow of influenza and acute respiratory disease, 5 g, with a heavy - on, g for 5-7 days; the course dose of treatment is 3 Children aged 6-12 years drink on, 25 g 2-3 times a day for 5-7 days.

Antiviral drug for cold "Anaferon"

"Anaferon" refers to homeopathic remedies with antiviral and immunomodulating effect. It is also used to treat colds and flu. Usage for adults: 1 tablet, sublingually from three times a day to six, depending on the severity of the disease.

Treatment begins with the first respiratory symptoms. After improving the condition, it is recommended to switch to taking the drug once a day, for 8-10 days. Children from six months to three years, one tablet dissolved in 15 ml of water and give a drink. For prevention, Anaferon is prescribed one tablet once a day, for one to three months.

Antiviral drug for colds "Grippferon"

"Grippferon" is an immunomodulatory, antiviral and anti-inflammatory drug for intranasal use. The duration of the course of application and dose of the drug "Grippferon" is usually determined by the doctor in charge.

The recommended dose for children younger than 1 year is 500 IU (1 drop of the drug) 5 times a day; for children from 1 year to 3 years is 1000 IU (2 drops of "Grippferon") 3-4 times a day; from 3 to 14 years is 1000 IU (2 drops of the drug "Grippferon") 4-5 times in a day. The recommended adult dose is 1500 IU (3 drops) 5-6 times a day. The course duration is 5 days.

Herbal antiviral drugs for colds

Some herbs also have an antiviral effect. The effect of many herbal medicines is directed against viruses belonging to the herpes family. Catarrhal diseases are often accompanied by herpes rash, in addition, the course of cytomegalovirus infection also often occurs with the same symptoms as ARVI. This category of drugs includes "Alpizarin". The active substance in it is an extract of such plants as an alpine penny, a yellow penny, mango leaves. The antiviral preparation "Flacoside" has in its composition an active substance, which is obtained from velvet Amur and velvet Laval. For external use, the ointments "Megozin" (cottonseed oil), "Helepin" (ground part of the cheesecake), "Gossipol" (are obtained when processing the cotton seeds or the roots of cotton).

Antiviral drugs that are used for colds also include Altabor. It is based on an extract of stems of gray and black (sticky) alder.

The pendulous shank and ground reed give life to the drug "Proteflazidu it is also used in the treatment of colds, influenza and for their prevention. Antiviral and immunomodulating action is possessed by the German preparation "Imupret". It consists of field horsetail, walnut leaves and oak bark.

The price of antiviral drugs for colds

The run-up of prices for antiviral drugs for colds is quite wide - from 20 to 200 hryvnia (of course, it still depends on the packaging and the number of tablets). In any case, it is better to consult with the attending physician who will prescribe the drug, which in the particular case will prove to be the most effective.

If you call the approximate prices for the main antiviral drugs used to treat colds, in pharmacies in Ukraine they are: "Amizon" - from 20 UAH, "Arbidol" - from 50 UAH, "Amiksin" - from 30 UAH, "Anaferon" - from 40 UAH, "Remantadin" - from 11 UAH, "Kagocel" from 70 UAH, "Viferon" - from 70 UAH - from 110 UAH.

Inexpensive antiviral drugs for colds

Inexpensive antiviral drugs for colds, often prescribed by doctors and commonly used - Amizon, Amiksin, Anaferon. For 20-40 hryvnia you can buy 10 tablets. But once again pay attention: before making a decision to purchase an antiviral drug for a cold, it is worth consulting with the treating doctor.

With the help of antiviral drugs, it is not the consequence, but the cause of the catarrhal disease that is eliminated. This is the great advantage of antiviral drugs in the treatment of colds, which also explains their effectiveness. Antiviral drugs shorten the cold for two to three days, ease its course. Due to the use of antiviral drugs for colds, the risk of other chronic diseases worsening (exacerbation bronchial asthma, chronic bronchitis and other diseases), also there will be no various complications, as often happens with other preparations. In addition, antiviral drugs for colds give excellent effect in the prevention of acute respiratory viral infections, influenza, including among healthy family members when the patient is at home.


Antibiotics for ARVI

Many people think that there is no sense in prescribing antibiotics for ARVI, since these are antibacterial drugs, and they do not work for viruses. So why are they still appointed? Let's figure it out.

ARVI is a common infectious disease that is transmitted by airborne droplets, or by contact through unwashed hands, objects, things. The name of an acute respiratory viral infection speaks for itself: the infection is caused by pneumotrophic viruses that mostly damage the respiratory system.

Treatment of acute respiratory viral infections with antibiotics

If the catarrhal disease is caused by a viral infection, it is more logical to take the first symptoms antiviral drugs, carry out detoxification and symptomatic treatment for indications. Antibiotic therapy is usually added about a week after the discovery of a cold if the treatment of viral infection is considered ineffective, the patient's condition worsens, or remains without changes.

In addition, often there are situations when against the background of a decrease in immunity, provoked by an acute respiratory infection, an additional bacterial pathology develops. This is where the use of antibiotics becomes possible and even necessary. Antibiotics are preparations of complex and multifaceted action, their administration is carried out with observance of certain precautions: exact observance of dosage and reception time, with the determination of the sensitivity of the bacterial flora, with simultaneous application of some antifungal and immunomodulating preparations. Therefore, the best solution when choosing an antibiotic is pre-consultation with doctor-therapist or infectiologist who will advise you the most effective in your particular case a drug.

Do antibiotics help in ARVI?

If, within a few days after the onset of the development of SARS, you notice the appearance of painful lymph nodes and sore throat, gland on the glands, shooting in the ear, prolonged, persistent purulent runny nose, wheezing in the lungs, high temperatures (more than three days), the use of antibiotics in such cases is sufficient is justified.

In order for antibiotics to have the expected effect, first of all they must be properly selected: the spectrum of action, localization, dosage and duration of administration is determined.

To achieve positive dynamics, to cure the disease and not to harm the body, it is necessary to adhere strictly to the general rules for taking antibiotics:

  • the prescription of an antibiotic should be due to the presence or possibility of getting a bacterial infection;
  • when taking an antibiotic, its necessary constant concentration in the blood should be determined: if the doctor prescribed an antibiotic 5 times a day, it should be taken exactly 5 times, and you should not self-lower the dosage and change the treatment regimen, this will unbalance your and bacterial microflora;
  • do not stop taking antibiotics immediately after the first signs of relief, the course of admission should be brought to an end: not completed to the end of the course only weakens the strength of bacteria, and for complete recovery it is necessary that they fully were lost. Without destroying them completely, you run the risk of getting sick again soon, or getting a chronic form of the disease;
  • during the reception of antibiotics it is necessary to take measures to prevent dysbacteriosis, since these drugs can be destructive not only to the pathogenic microflora, but also to a healthy intestinal: against the background of antibiotic therapy it is recommended to take antifungal agents, as well as drugs that support the beneficial microflora in organism;
  • for the prevention of toxic effects of antibiotics, it is necessary to take a sufficient amount of liquid, including fermented milk products;
  • Eat plenty of vitamins, drink juices, whenever possible, visit the sun and fresh air.

When are prescribed antibiotics for ARVI?

There are cases of prescribing antibiotics in acute viral pathologies, and they are far from single. Of course, taking antibacterial drugs without need is not necessary, nevertheless, there are quite a lot of reasonable reasons for their appointment:

  • the presence of chronic, often exacerbated inflammation of the middle ear;
  • small children with signs of unfavorable development: lack of body weight, lack of calcium and vitamin D, weakening of immunity, anomalies of the functioning of the body;
  • presence of symptoms of chronic weakness of the body's defense system (frequent inflammatory processes, colds, unmotivated temperature rises, purulent processes, fungal infections, persistent digestive system disorders, malignant neoplasms, AIDS, congenital anomalies of immunity, autoimmune pathology).

Also, the use of antibiotics is effective and understandable for certain complications:

  • joining purulent infection (sinusitis, lesions of lymph nodes, abscesses, phlegmon, bacterial lesion of the throat and respiratory system);
  • simultaneous development of bacterial angina (purulent, with the presence of streptococcal or anaerobic infection);
  • formation of background ear inflammation;
  • joining the inflammatory process in the lungs of any etiology.

Often, antibiotics are prescribed to the weakened patient as a preventive measure in the fight against complications.

What antibiotics to drink in ARVI?

Antibiotics, which are usually prescribed for ARVI, are representatives of the following groups:

  • penicillin series - oxacillin, ampicillin sodium salt, ampiox - antibacterial drugs with a wide bacteriostatic and bactericidal action, are quickly absorbed, effectively act on pneumococcal, meningococcal, streptococcal infection;
  • cephalosporin series - cephaloridine, cephalexin, cefazolin, cefatrexil - low-toxic antibiotics, They act on Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria, they inhibit even penicillin-resistant strains;
  • tetracycline series - tetracycline hydrochloride, morphocycline, doxycycline - inhibit the synthesis of proteins in a microbial cell, active antibacterial drugs;
  • aminoglycosides - gentamicin, amikacin - popular antibiotics for severe infections;
  • macrolide antibiotics - erythromycin, azithromycin - inhibit the multiplication of bacteria;
  • other groups of antibiotics - lincomycin, rifampicin.

The choice of antibiotic is determined by the spectrum of its action, the degree of influence on the bacterial cell. Before taking medications, carefully read the instructions, or even better, consult a doctor.

Antibiotics for adults with ARVI

Antibiotics, as a rule, are not prescribed from the first days of the disease. Viral etiology of ARVI provides for the use of primarily antiviral drugs (rimantadine, zanamivir).

Antibiotic therapy in adults is used when the following signs are found:

  • long (more than three days) high body temperature;
  • symptoms of general intoxication of the body (headache, dizziness, nausea, cyanosis);
  • wheezing, difficulty breathing, inability to cough up the contents of the bronchi, heaviness behind the sternum;
  • increased erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR);
  • increased number of leukocytes in the blood;
  • the appearance of visible foci of microbial damage (phlegmon, abscess, furuncle, purulent sinusitis);
  • absence of positive dynamics of the disease (despite treatment, pathological symptoms progress);
  • old age and a weakened immune system of the body.

Prescribe antibiotics for ARVI in adults also with a mixed and complicated form of the disease.

Antibiotics for children with ARVI

Many parents when the child has ARVI hurry to give him any antibiotic, sometimes without any reason. With antibiotic therapy, you should not rush, especially when it comes to children.

Here are some principles that prescribe antibiotics for ARVI in children:

  • antibiotics are used only in the presence of a high probability or with the proven bacterial etiology of the pathological condition;
  • In determining the antibiotic for treatment, the most likely pathogens of the infectious disease are considered, and the possibility of holding a child with antibacterial therapy for any other disease in the last time;
  • the choice of a therapeutic effect on the child prescribes the administration of drugs with a low level of toxicity;
  • many antibacterial drugs have their age-limiting limitations;
  • dosing of antibiotics for children is usually done taking into account the total body weight of the child.

Uncomplicated forms of acute respiratory viral infection usually do not require the use of antibiotics. They are prescribed with concomitant inflammation of the maxillary sinuses of the nose, tonsillitis, otitis, signs of pneumonia.

Antibiotics for ARVI and influenza

The flu is, in fact, the same viral infection, characterized, in contrast to ARVI, by a sharper onset and the possibility of developing more serious complications.

We return to the question, do antibiotics for ARVI and influenza equally need?

The causative agent of the flu is also a virus, so the unmotivated prescription of antibiotic therapy for influenza is not welcome. First, this additional toxic effect on the liver and gastrointestinal tract, and secondly, the possible formation of resistance of the bacterial flora to the antibiotic.

Antibiotic therapy should be combined with symptomatic and antiviral therapy only in cases of prolonged incessant fever, chronic diseases of the respiratory tract, kidneys, cardiovascular system, diabetes mellitus, decreased immune protection. Antibiotics can be prescribed to prevent the existing danger of developing a secondary bacterial infection.

You should start taking antibiotics only according to the doctor's prescription, you should not take them alone and unreasonably.

List of antibiotics for ARVI

One of the most effective antibacterial drugs for SARS are the following:

  • The cephalosporin series includes cefexin, chainins, apsetil - semi-synthetic drugs with a wide range of effects. Three generations of these drugs are known. Bacteriostatic action allows the use of these antibiotics for any infectious diseases of the respiratory system. Adults can take medication in a daily dose of 400 mg, divided into two doses. The course of treatment is 1-2 weeks;
  • fluoroquinolone series is represented by moxifloxacin and levofloxacin, characterized by rapid absorption and good bactericidal action. Adults are prescribed po, ​​g per day. Not recommended for use in children's practice;
  • macrolide series is represented by erythromycin, azithromycin, used for sinusitis, angina, otitis media, pneumonia. Admission of these drugs during pregnancy is acceptable. Take 5-6 times a day for, 5 g;
  • penicillin series consists of antibiotics-derivatives of penicillin: ampicillin, amoxicillin, oxacillin. Can be used in pediatrics, since they have a low degree of toxicity. The daily dose is from two to three grams, taken for 4 times.

The course of antibiotic therapy is 1-2 weeks, but not less than five and not more than 14 days.

If one antibiotic is ineffective, it should be replaced in the near future with another, with a stronger degree of activity towards bacteria.

When developing an allergic reaction to an antibiotic, you should visit a doctor to replace the drug with a remedy from another group.

The best antibiotic for ARVI

Unfortunately, one can not say for sure what should be the best antibiotic in ARVI. Selection of an antibiotic is carried out individually, taking into account the degree of infectious damage, the age and condition of the patient, the sensitivity of the bacterial flora and allergological anamnesis of the patient. If there was one best antibiotic, there would be no sense in all other antibacterial agents.

However, antibiotics are divided into ordinary (penicillin, tetracycline, levomycetin, erythromycin) and stronger (ceftriaxone, junidox, sumamed, rulid, etc.) according to the degree of exposure to the microbial cell.

When treating infectious diseases of mixed etiology, one should choose not just strong antibacterial means, and antibiotics, showing activity against the widest range of possible pathogens. Sometimes, to achieve the maximum latitude of exposure, it is possible to designate combinations of drugs with different antibacterial spectrum.

It's no secret that new generation drugs have a much higher degree of activity and have fewer side effects than antibiotics, for example, thirty years ago. Such drugs are clarithromycin (klabaks, along with the effect on bacteria contributes to the improvement immunity), as well as sumamed (aka azithromycin, possesses the property of a stable effect on bacterial strains).

Drugs can be taken either orally, as an injection or as a spray.

Many people with the slightest signs of any disease themselves prescribe antibiotics. This is wrong, since unreasonable and unskilled use of antibiotics provokes rapid growth and mutation of bacterial cells, which significantly reduces the effect of antibacterial means.

Antibiotics for ARVI should not be taken uncontrollably yet because these drugs are effective not only for specific bacteria, but also for the whole organism.


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