Eating with an enlarged liver

Contents of
Features of the
  • diet What are the foods that contribute to the enlargement of the gland
  • Which products improve the liver
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  • Hepatomegaly indicates the development of a pathology that leads to diffuse or focal inflammation, swelling of the liver parenchyma, replacement of normal tissue by a connective. The body is growing on the background of alcoholism, hepatitis, echinococcosis, cirrhosis, intoxications, lipid metabolism, cardiovascular or oncological diseases.

    Gland tissues do not have nerve endings, so until the organ reaches a certain size and does not affect the fibrous capsule surrounding the liver, the pathology proceeds unnoticed for the patient. The liver has a high recovery ability, but if the normal hepatic tissue is replaced by a connective, the part of the gland that has undergone changes will never be able to perform its functions.

    Therefore, it is important to reduce the strength of the inflammatory process, and this can be achieved by adhering to the recommended nutrition by the doctor. Diet with an enlarged liver excludes foods and dishes that adversely affect the parenchyma and increases the intake of substances that improve the functioning of the gland( hepatoprotectors).

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    Features of the diet

    Moderate increase in the body, which is formed in acute viral infections or due to malnutrition, may not manifest itself. When the liver reaches a certain size, there is discomfort under the ribs on the right, a soreness that increases with movement.

    Most patients are concerned about skin itching, rashes( due to the inability of the body to remove bilirubin from the blood), dyspeptic syndrome, bad breath. Moderate hepatomegaly, which develops against a background of common diseases, is characterized by rapid regression, so it will get rid of the symptoms and restore the liver in adults, but this requires a diet and take medication that eliminates the cause of the underlying pathology.

    The enlarged liver is the first step towards cirrhosis and cancer, so it is necessary to begin treatment while the process is still reversible. Pathology can occur without specific signs characteristic of the diseased liver( yellowing of the skin, light feces), but expressed in symptoms of intoxication, such as weakness, decreased efficiency.

    The doctor can already suspect a syndrome at the primary examination while probing the abdominal cavity. If necessary, the doctor will send an additional examination of the liver and spleen( often developing hepatosplenomegaly because the liver is unable to remove toxins), tell you what you can eat, and which products should be refused, will prescribe medication.

    For diseases of the hepatobiliary system, the No5 treatment table for Pevzner is prescribed. It provides shivering of the gland, which reduces the severity of the inflammatory process. The diet with the increase in the liver is full, since it contains a daily nutrient norm, which means that it can be adhered to for a long time.

    Reducing the functional load on the body can be achieved using only gentle products and adhering to the rules of fractional nutrition

    Table No5 provides for a reduction in the amount of refractory fats, table salt( no more than 6-10 g), extractives and products with essential oils, as they possessirritating action. The patient should also exclude fried foods from the menu, limit the amount of products containing purines( seafood, salmon, herring, sardines, tuna, sprats, offal, yeast), and minimize the consumption of chicken yolks.

    Several varieties of the fifth treatment table have been developed. What kind of diet will be prescribed depends on the underlying disease that provoked liver enlargement. Thus, the No5A diet is indicated for acute diseases of the hepatobiliary system and is designed to spare the affected organs as much as possible. It is observed for up to two weeks, until the symptoms subsided.

    No.5 and No5 Diets are prescribed after removal of the gallbladder and contribute to the reduction or intensification of bile secretion, respectively. If the inflammation affects the pancreas, then the diet No5P is recommended. Diets differ in the chemical composition and energy value of the daily diet.

    To reduce the chemical irritation of the liver is possible, using only cooked, stewed or baked dishes, and also removing from the menu harmful to the liver products. This fatty meat, smoked meat, canned food, sausages, cooking oil, in addition, products that can increase fermentation in the digestive tract, containing essential oils or extractives.

    negatively affects the liver and consumption of products that stimulate secretion of gastric juice, fruit acid, alcohol and carbonated beverages, confectionery, ice cream, chocolate, coffee, cocoa. To the outflow of bile was to eat regularly in small portions, 5-6 times a day and at equal intervals.

    The caloric content of the daily ration should be in the range of 2400-2600 kcal( approximately 80 g of fat, 100 g of protein, about 400 g of carbohydrates).

    On the day you need to drink about one and a half liters of free fluid( it should not be cold)

    The main components of the diet with hepatomegaly are lean meats, sea and river fish, vegetables, cereals, sour fruit, vegetarian soups, dairy products, vegetable oils, soybeans.

    What products contribute to enlargement of the gland

    Negatively affects the functioning of the liver. Usage:

    What to eat if the liver is sore?
    • fatty meat, by-products, fat, culinary and animal fats, smoked products;
    • oily fish( salmon, trout, salmon), caviar, seafood, canned fish;
    • confectionery, chocolate, puff and dough, ice cream;
    • legumes and vegetables containing coarse dietary fiber( radish, radish);
    • spinach, sorrel, onion, garlic;
    • of fungi;
    • sauces( mayonnaise, horseradish, mustard, ketchup);
    • pickled, pickled, salted vegetables;
    • whole milk, spicy and salty cheeses. Cottage cheese, cream, sour cream with high fat content and sweet curds should be limited;
    • of chicken eggs raw, fried or hard boiled;
    • strong tea or coffee, cocoa;
    • alcohol, carbonated drinks, purchased juice.

    If the liver is increased, then necessarily need to give up smoking and alcohol

    Alcohol destroys liver cells, it stimulates the development of the inflammatory process, which is accompanied by an increase in cancer. Acetaldehyde and other alcohol products lead to collapse of the lipid metabolism in hepatocytes, due to which the tissue accumulate fat and cholesterol, slows down the synthesis of hepatic enzymes. It is necessary to abandon any drinks containing alcohol, as even small amounts of alcohol can enhance inflammation and irreversible processes run, and an enlarged liver respond pain syndrome and dyspepsia. What products

    ameliorate liver

    By increasing the patient's liver diet should consist of products that do not irritate the tissue and do not cause liver bile increased.

    These products include:

    • dried wheat bread, biscuits;
    • vegetarian soups or first dishes cooked on a weak( second) broth. In the soup must be well boiled cereals and vegetables;
    • dietary meat and fish. You can eat beef, veal, rabbit, chicken, turkey. From the fish, pollock, pike-perch, hake, perch, cod, bream;
    • porridge( rice, buckwheat, oatmeal, pearl barley).You can cook on water and milk;
    • vermicelli, noodles;
    • eggs soft-boiled;
    • vegetables( potatoes, cabbage, carrots, beets, pumpkins, cucumbers, zucchini, zucchini, eggplants, salad greens, tomatoes) and vegetable greens. From vegetables, you can make salads with vegetable oil or stew;
    • sour-milk products( kefir, fermented baked milk, curdled milk, non-acid curd, mild cheese);
    • sweet fruit and berries. You can eat apples, bananas, apricots, pears, peaches, persimmons, cherries, kiwi, quince, currants, plums, strawberries, pomegranates, watermelons, melons, grapes, blueberries. From dried fruits you can include in the menu dates, prunes, dried apricots, raisins. From the fruit you can make freshly squeezed juices( they need to be diluted with water), jelly, compotes, jelly;
    • cream and vegetable oil( sunflower, linseed, olive, corn).The product can only be added to cooked dishes, since the oil should not be subjected to heat treatment. It is recommended to eat butter not more than 40 grams per day;
    • honey, caramel, marshmallow, marmalade, pastille, jam, jam;
    • juices, herbal teas, green tea, rosehip extract, mineral water.

    Some products can be categorized as permitted with liver enlargement, and some must be included in the diet. For example, fruits and vegetables contain pectins, which are natural sorbents and remove toxic substances from the digestive tract, thus facilitating the work of the liver.

    A large amount of pectin is present in sea kale, apples, quince, pumpkin, tomatoes, and cooking only increases its content. Useful for the liver are beets, corn, parsley, dill, coriander, celery, basil, any cabbage and vegetable oil.

    Fresh vegetable salads filled with

    oil should be on a daily menu. To restore liver function, it is also necessary to eat foods containing vitamins C, E, A, K, P, because they are natural antioxidants, help to neutralize fat oxidation products. It contributes to the restoration of the liver taurine, involved in the synthesis of bile acids and improves blood flow in the body.

    L-cysteine ​​and L-glutamic acid are necessary for normal hepatocyte activity. Therefore, the diet of a person with an enlarged liver should include lean pork, chicken meat, walnuts, sunflower seeds, almonds, sea buckthorn, cheese, dog rose, buckwheat, black currant, red and black chokeberry.

    To natural hepatoprotectors include milk thistle oil, artichoke leaves, licorice root extract, senna, chicory, St. John's wort, nightshade. Plants contain substances that accelerate the recovery of hepatocytes and protect cells from pathological effects, so it is useful to make decoctions, infusions and teas on their basis. For example, a drink from chicory is an excellent alternative to morning coffee or black tea.

    A good habit will be to drink tea with the addition of St. John's wort leaves. The possibility of using traditional medicine should be discussed with the attending physician. For example, milk thistle, which is a part of many pharmacy medicines for the liver, strengthens the stagnation of bile, so you can not take funds on its basis with inflammation of the bile ducts.

    Nutrition with an enlarged liver is made individually( because it depends on the disease that provoked hepatomegaly, and from concomitant diseases), so the list of allowed products may be somewhat shorter than the one presented.

    It is necessary to observe a diet developed by a doctor for a long time and even after achieving a therapeutic result it is necessary to adhere to a healthy diet. So, you should maximally limit the presence in the diet of animal fats, fried, smoked, spicy foods, alcohol, easily digestible carbohydrates.