Inflammation of the kidney: symptoms and treatment in adult women and men, in a child, the first signs how to treat

The inflammatory process in the kidneys (nephritis) can affect the parenchyma of the organ (kidney tissue), vessels, tubules and glomeruli, or be localized in the cup-and-pelvic system. The disease occurs at any age - in adult women and men, children of different ages.

Since the kidneys as organs represent a key value for the health and life of the entire human body, one must know the first symptoms and signs of the inflammatory process in them in order to start treatment in time. So you can prevent unwanted effects of kidney failure.

Treat the kidneys necessarily by appointment of a doctor and under his supervision. The doctor-therapist and nephrologist are engaged in diagnostics and treatment of this group of internal renal diseases.


Why and what kind of inflammation in the kidneys happens

Inflammation of the kidneys includes in its possible circle a group of nephritis (inflammatory processes) that differ in symptomatology, developmental reasons and treatment.

In terms of prevalence, two types of pathology are distinguished: diffuse and focal. For the first, complete damage to the glomeruli of the urinary tract is characteristic, for the second, the formation of individual parts of the inflammatory process.

With inflammation of the kidneys, there is another classification:

  1. Homereulonephritis- defeat of renal glomeruli with violation of blood filtration and urination. Without the necessary treatment, connective tissue replaces the glomeruli, resulting in chronic renal failure.
  2. Pyelonephritis- the infection damages the kidney parenchyma, its cup-and-pelvic system as a whole. It enters the organ with blood, lymph, or by urination. It can develop as a chronic inflammation of the kidneys, as well as its acute form.
  3. Shunt jade- encircling glomeruli with antibodies.
  4. Interstitial nephritis- damage to the tubules of the urinary tract and interstitial tissue.

All inflammatory diseases of the kidneys are dangerous for the health and functioning of the urinary system as a whole. Therefore, you should carefully listen to your body and at the first signs or discomfort consult with a specialist.

Causes of the inflammatory process

The causes of inflammation of the kidneys are pathogenic microbial flora - staphylococci, E. coli Escherichia, enterococci and other pathogens. Basically they act in a complex way. Rare are cases of organ damage by a single species of microorganisms.

Pathology is divided into primary and secondary forms. With inflammation of the kidney, symptoms and treatment vary precisely because of this indicator.

The first form develops against the background of another disease: nephroptosis, amyloidosis. The secondary factors include the following:

  1. diseases of an autoimmune nature;
  2. intoxication with heavy metals;
  3. alcohol abuse;
  4. development of a viral infection or bacterial;
  5. permanent inhalation of toxic gases, fumes.

With inflammation of the kidneys, the reason is permanent residence in a room with high humidity. After all, pathology is best developed in a damp microclimate. The disease can also occur as a result of the progression of tuberculosis, lupus erythematosus, rheumatoid arthritis.

Inflammation of the kidney: symptoms

Signs in women

How is the disease manifested in the fairer sex? Symptoms of inflammation of the kidneys in women are more pronounced. This is due to the physiological structure of the urinary system. Because of the short urethra, harmful bacteria are much easier to reach the bladder, and then to the kidneys.

Acute inflammation of the kidneys is equally manifested in women and men:

  1. increased sweating, fever to 40 degrees, chills;
  2. painful sensations of acute manifestation in the lumbar region of the back;
  3. pulling pain in the lower abdomen;
  4. signs of poisoning;
  5. frequent dizziness and headaches;
  6. the appearance of turbid urine, the presence of flakes in it;
  7. painful, frequent emptying.

With chronic manifestation of renal inflammation, sweating at night, general malaise, and lack of appetite increase. The body temperature often changes, hypertension is manifested in combination with nausea and vomiting. The skin becomes dry, possibly with a yellow tinge.

For men

With inflammation of the kidneys in the stronger sex, along with the common signs mentioned above, a number of special symptoms appear. Urine becomes a specific odor and shade. There appear veins of blood. Stability of urge to urinate is disrupted, there is a significant delay. In the lower back, a stable pain syndrome is formed. For the elderly, a common diagnosis is prostate adenoma. As a result, kidney damage and inflammation of the whole of its cup-and-pelvic system occurs.


What are the symptoms and signs that can occur in toddlers? Inflammation of the kidneys in the child is expressed by incontinence or vice versa by the absence of emptying. The process of urination is painful, which brings crumbs to tears.

The temperature is raised, there are painful sensations in the lower abdomen, in the lower back. Urine darkened, the presence of other specific impurities in flakes. In the complex, all the symptoms of kidney inflammation in children cause vomiting.

If parents notice at least one such sign of pathology, it is necessary to immediately show the child to a qualified medical professional.

Signs during pregnancy

Nephrite is a common occurrence in pregnant women. When diagnosing pathology, urgent hospitalization and treatment is needed. After all, the threat extends not only to the health of the mother, but also to the future newborn. In the case of the destruction of the crumbs inside the mother, he has a risk of developing pneumonia or enterocolitis.

Provokes pathology squeezing the pelvic organs through the growth of the uterus, the presence of chronic diseases, hormonal failures.

How to relieve inflammation of the kidney in a woman who is carrying a baby? It's easier to protect yourself from this trouble. A woman should not overcool, regulate the diet and carefully monitor hygiene.

At the first symptoms of a deviation from the standard of health, even if it is a simple temperature, seek help from a therapist or nephrologist in the hospital.

Diagnosis and detection of inflammation of the kidneys

In the detection and diagnosis of pathology, the patient is examined. It includes general and biochemical blood analysis, urine research, urinary ultrasound, MRI, CT and various functional urine samples. Often, the doctor sends the patient for nephroscintigraphy.

In laboratory tests, an increase in the level of leukocytes is noted in the general blood test, in the biochemical study - an increase in the protein metabolism products. In the general analysis of urine, the presence of erythrocytes, bacteria, protein and epithelial particles is distinguished.

Inflammation of the kidney: treatment

Treatment of inflammation of the kidneys is carried out after ascertaining its type, etiology and eliminating the cause of development.

When developingacute formpathology or onset of exacerbation of chronic disease, therapy is performed exclusivelywithin the hospitalunder the strict supervision of a doctor.

Treatment includes medication, diet, regimen, folk remedies. Sometimes the patient is disturbed by insignificant signs of illness: fever, low back pain.

Official means of treatment

With inflammation of the kidneys, antibiotics and uroseptics are used. After a complete examination, the doctor prescribes vitamins C, B, P, calcium, diuretics, immunostimulating drugs and cytotoxic drugs. And also often it is necessary to take antihypertensive drugs, antihistamines, substances that improve blood circulation and nutrition in the organs of urination, glucocorticosteroids.

On a separate page, you can find out which antibiotics are used to treat inflammation of the kidneys and urinary tract for women and men.

Preparations for inflammation of the kidneys improve the patient's condition after one week of admission with timely diagnosis of pathology. Complete recovery is guaranteed after a month of complex therapy. Therefore, it is best to contact the doctor for help with the slightest deviation from the standard of health.

Proper nutrition: diet - table number 7

Table number 7. Seventh tables are designed for renal patients. Of these, table No. 7a is intended for the most severe treatment, it is prescribed for acute nephritis and nephrosis, as well as in far-reaching cases of chronic nephritis.

From food, animals and some vegetable proteins, such as legumes, mushrooms, are excluded; milk is severely restricted. The renal diet is achloride, that is, salt-free; all food is prepared without salt, special saltless bread is baked, since 1 kg of black bread contains 8-16 g of salt.

All kinds of extractive liquids are forbidden. In addition to the liquid contained in food, it is allowed to drink no more than 200-400 ml. The patients are given all sorts of flour and sweet dishes, butter, berries, fruit, compotes, jelly, vegetarian and fruit soups, and from drinks - weak tea with cream or milk and fruit juices. You can give all kinds of vegetables, except for horseradish and spinach. If the achloride diet is prescribed for a long time, then on some days patients receive 1-4 grams of salt per day.

Table number 76. Assigned with some improvement in the patient's condition, when acute events decrease. Drinking is permitted in larger quantities; give milk, allow the intake of proteins, first plant, and then, occasionally, animals in the form of meat and fish.

Table number 7. On the table number 7 pass after the table number 76; It is also used for chronic nephritis. It is allowed to slightly add food (1-4 g), which is prepared without salt and a certain amount of salt is given to patients in their hands. In addition to what is permitted with diet No. 7a and 76, patients receiving table No. 7 are increased in the amount of drinking and protein products. Sometimes patients are given eggs, mostly egg yolks.

Of course, the tables listed can not be provided to all patients with various renal dysfunction and various manifestations of the disease of this organ. When azotemia, with the accumulation of slags in the blood, with a decrease in the concentration function of the kidneys, patients should not be limited to drinking and should be sharply reduced and sometimes excluded from the diet of proteins. In such cases, they are given a plentiful drink - up to 2 liters and more liquid per day and 1-2 times a week or 2 days in a row appoint unloading days: sugar, milk, apple and vegetable.

At nephroses, when patients lose a lot of protein and they develop hypoproteinemia, it is necessary to "load" with protein. The protein load approximately consists of 300 g of cottage cheese and 150 g of meat per day.

With inflammation of the right or left kidney laid a copious drink, if there is no swelling and hypertension. This is water without gas, fresh squeezed juices. Cranberry and cowberry anti-inflammatory fruit drinks will be useful. The diet is aimed at unloading the urine. Therefore, you need fruits, vegetables, cereals and bread from bran. All meals are steamed or boiled. Meat and salt should be limited. Exclude spicy, salty foods, smoked products. Do not eat marinades, fried foods, lots of spices and seasonings.

Watermelon, apples, pumpkin and melon will be useful as plant diuretics. Citrus will saturate the body with vitamin C to strengthen the immune system.

When do kidney surgery?

The operation is assigned to normalize the outflow of urine in the case of urolithiasis (IBD), twisting of the ureters, the formation of a tumor or the development of an abnormality in the urinary system. If nephritis is caused precisely by these pathologies, physicians perform a surgical intervention.

How to treat kidney inflammation: Folk remedies at home

The medicine for kidney inflammation, cooked according to grandmother's recipes, is very effective in fighting the disease. But to use such treatment it is necessary in a complex and only after advice or council with the doctor.

Many doctors recommend folk remedies, how anti-inflammatory drugs are effective against inflammation of the kidneys. The most popular are chamomile, birch, calendula, marshmallow, as well as horsetail, buckthorn, juniper. Bearberry is often used as an anesthetic for inflammation of the urinary tract.

Consider useful recipes for treatment with folk remedies:

  • Take thelicorice root, juniperandsteelman with a loverin equal proportion, mix. Separate a teaspoon, fill with freshly boiled water and leave for 6 hours. After boiling for 15 minutes and cool. Take half a cup twice a day. Good for chronic disease.Do not use when carrying a child, acute inflammation.
  • Brew a spoonfulbearberrya glass of boiling water, leave for 30 minutes. Take a tablespoon after eating after half an hour. It is contraindicated to take such a decoction of herbs from inflammation of the kidneys during pregnancy and glomerulonephritis.
  • Mixhorsetailandwaggonin a proportion of 1: 1: 2. Separate the spoon, pour water and leave the infusion of the medicine for 6 hours. After boiling for 5 minutes, cool and strain. To treat a defeat of kidneys in house conditions such way it is necessary, drinking in day on a glass of broth.
  • Effective folk remedies are consideredBirch budsandcorn silk. Take medication from these ingredients is necessary at least 5 times a day for a glass.

Complications: what will happen if not treated

All kinds of complications when ignoring the disease are very dangerous for human health. As a result of the lack of treatment,

  1. urosepsis (spread of infection with blood throughout the body),
  2. purulent inflammation of the kidneys,
  3. paranephritis (bacteria penetrate the cellulose around the organ),
  4. bacteriotoxic shock or kidney failure.

Lack of timely therapy or illiterate treatment can lead to the death of the patient. Therefore, do not ignore the symptoms of the disease. Timely complex treatment will help restore health in the shortest possible time: therapy with pills against inflammation of the kidneys, traditional medicine, diet, drinking and bed rest.

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