What does this symptom show - vision is falling, and what diseases are they talking about

To date, we can note a sharp drop in the eyesight of people at any age. This is largely due to the lifestyle of modern man. In our world of modern technology, it is difficult to maintain vision, since all life is connected with gadgets that have the most negative impact on the organs of vision. Computers, telephones and televisions are the most important enemies of the eye, they have captured our lives, the lives of our children and it is very difficult to resist it. Today there is a tendency of a general sharp deterioration of vision in the earliest childhood and this is not always connected with heredity. Children who are left to themselves often spend many hours on the monitors screens, and this most directly affects the loss of visual acuity.


  • 1Definition of a symptom
  • 2Causes
  • 3Possible diseases
  • 4Diagnostic Methods
  • 5Treatment
  • 6Prevention
  • 7Video
  • 8conclusions

Definition of a symptom

Symptoms of the first signs of myopia are simple to determine, the child ceases to distinguish letters written on the board, to recognize from a long distance familiar faces.

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An adult can also start to drop his eyesight not only because of a long stay at the computer. We very often forget about ourselves in the daily life, pay minimal attention to our health. Instead of consulting a doctor at the first symptoms, often waving his hand and bringing the matter to irreversible consequences.

Symptomatic of the onset of myopia development can be expressed in frequent overwork, headache, bad mood and well-being, eyesight and redness.But, the main symptom of a beginning myopia is still expressed in the blurred outlines of those subjects that used to differ without any problems.

If you are at a distance from badly to distinguish numbers of buses, signboards on shops and other information, then it's time to visit an ophthalmologist and begin urgent treatment.


Correct and improve vision is possible at any stage of development of myopia or any other visual impairment, but for this it is necessary to understand the cause of this phenomenon, and there may be several:

  • The main factor is predisposition at the genetic level.If someone in the family had people wearing glasses, most likely the offspring will inherit the disease. In such cases, the child's earliest period of life should be closely monitored for changes in the health of the manhole.
  • Insufficient blood supply,weakness of the sclera or ciliary muscle can contribute to the development of vision loss and be striking factors.
  • If a person experiences high daily stress on the organs of vision, this is the most direct way can trigger a sharp drop in vision. In such cases, you should definitely use relaxing exercises.
  • In case of non-observance of personal hygiene and specifically hygiene of the vision system.
  • The age of a person also affects the development of visual disorders.
  • Unfavorable ecological situationand prolonged stress can affect the health of the eyes.
  • Bad food and inferior rest.
  • Because of the use of alcohol, smokingoften there are problems with blood supply in the vascular system of the eyes, and this is the primary cause of impaired vision.

Possible diseases

Not only external factors can cause the onset of diseases or disorders of the eye functions.Myopia can be provoked by a number of diseases.

  • Among the most well-known diseases that have a negative impact on the eyes, one can calldiabetes.
  • Among the most common causes stands outcervical osteochondrosis.
  • Various pathologies of the vertebral column, which are caused by injuries, severe strokes or bruises.
  • Infectious diseases can cause temporary or permanent loss of vision.Venereal diseases are also included in this list. The defeat of pathogenic properties by viruses and bacteria primarily affects the nerve endings of the visual system.
  • Complications during childbirth, or excessive strain on the eye organs during labor.
  • Diseases of the organs of vision,constant lack of adequate rest.
  • Slag and toxinsaccumulated in the body in excess, directly affect the eyesight.

Not only gadgets and computers are the cause of the fall of vision, but internal factors play a huge role in connection with this, I want to especially emphasize the importance of a healthy lifestyle and attentive attitude towards organism.

Read also about what diseases are in the eyelids.

Diagnostic Methods

First of all, you should visit a specialist who will identify the violations that have begun with the help of modern diagnostic methods.The ophthalmologist will check the degree of the disease, if additional examination is required, other medical specialists will be involved.

There are many methods and healing methods.If the disease is temporary, appropriate therapy will be prescribed to restore vision. In more complex cases, an in-depth examination and possible hospitalization may be required to determine the cause of the vision disorder.


Most likely, treatment will have a complex approach, since in order to restore the eyes and restore visual acuity, a whole complex of measures will be required that will have equally important valuese.

  • The doctor will be recommendedSpecial gymnastics for relaxation and focus.This gymnastics will help improve blood flow and tighten muscle tissue. It plays a huge role in the treatment, and it should not be ignored. It takes only a few minutes a day to help your eyes again become "sharp" again.
  • If necessary, glasses or lenses are to be worn, able to correct vision.
  • Children are usually assigned a course of training sessions on special simulators.
  • It may be necessarydrug treatmentand the use of eye preparations in the form of drops and sprays.
  • Vitamin Complexes and Supplements- an important component of treatment.
  • If the cause of vision loss is a more serious disease, additional therapeutic treatment will be required.
  • Proper nutrition and possible dietalso help to bring the organs of vision into a healthy state.
  • The minimum duration of computer monitorsand televisions is also an important point of treatment.


Vitamins and mineral complexes necessary for the organism should be included in the compulsory diet, both for the child and for the adult.In summer, you should eat mono more fresh vegetables and fruits, herbs and berries. In winter, you can use natural juices of vitamin supplements sold in pharmacies.There are specially developed tools for vision correction, which include all the components necessary for the eye.

Healthy lifestyle, playing sports and refusing bad habits contribute to the elimination of visual ailments and restore lost vision.

For all age groups, it is important tolimit watching TV and games on the computer.

For those who work is connected with the use of computer technology, it is envisaged to wear special glasses and obligatory minutes of rest with relaxing exercises.


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The sight of man is a valuable gift through which he knows the world. Keeping the eyes, as the main organ of knowledge of the world around, is the main concern of every person, and a timely check of their condition is a mandatory annual procedure. Take care of your eyes - they are a guide to the world and a mirror of your soul.

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