Eye drops when working with a computer: the types and characteristics of drugs

For a minute a person commits about 18 blinking movements. However, while working at a computer, this figure is reduced to 4-5 flashes. As a result, the eye is less often washed by a tear, and the tear film dries up and does not have time to recover. The person experiences at the same time itching, burning, dryness or feeling of sand in the eyes. What should a person do, who has to spend a lot of time at the monitor? The answer is simple - use moisturizing eye drops.What drops to use when working at a computer - we will tell further.


  • 1Application area
  • 2Features of preparations
  • 3List
    • 3.1Moisturizers
    • 3.2Vasodilating drops
  • 4Recommendations for use
  • 5Video
  • 6conclusions

Application area

In modern life, computers, laptops, tablets and other technological achievements densely entered, allowing us to work faster, more efficiently. At the same time, frequent pastime at the monitor affects our eyes.The negative impact of screens on the eyes is determined not only by technical characteristics, but also for physiological reasons.

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When we look at the computer screen, we blink 2-3 times less often than usual. As a result, less tear fluid is produced, it evaporates faster from the surface of the eye. There is overdrying of the eyes, there is pain and fatigue, irritation.In medicine, this problem is known as dry eye syndrome.Having felt such symptoms, many people start looking for drops for the eyes.

The main symptoms that characterize the dry eye syndrome are:

  • Dryness, irritation, itching and burning in the eye area;
  • Blurred vision;
  • Hyperemia of the eye mucosa.

Features of preparations

Often it is enough to drip special drops for the eyes from dryness and fatigue several times during the working day to get rid of discomfort or visual impairment.The most popular eye drops, created on the basis of hyaluronic acid, which has a good moisturizing effect, and the chemical structure is similar to the natural tear produced by the eye.

When choosing a drug that relieves dryness and tired eyes, you should pay attention to other components of the formulation. It is very important that they are natural.It is desirable that the drug does not contain preservatives, dyes, phosphates and was as natural as possible.The maintenance of preservatives sometimes provokes augmentation of dry eyes, and dyes and phosphates make the term of application of any drugs limited and have a negative impact.

The naturalness of the composition and the period of application of drops are the main criteria for choosing drugs prescribed to computer users, since eye drops need to be used for a long time. Sometimes they become a constant companion for those whose activities are related to working with the monitor.


Eye drops, used when working with a computer, can be moisturizing and vasoconstrictive.


To eliminate the symptoms of "computer syndrome" ophthalmologists recommend using drops of "artificial tears".There are many drugs with moisturizing effect.

Drops with low viscosity:

  • Ottolik.These eye drops are used for dry eyes, burning sensations, and also for preventive purposes with prolonged use of the computer. The main active substance of the drug is povidone in combination with polyvinyl alcohol. The agent is prescribed 1-2 drops several times a day.
  • Defisle.Indications for the use of these drops are erosion and microtrauma of the cornea, keratopathy, condition after surgical plasty or deformity of the eyelids. The active substance is hypromellose. The drug is prescribed for 1-2 drops 4-8 times a day. Contraindication - individual sensitivity to the components of drops.
  • The oxial.These drops are used for dry mucous membrane, contact conjunctivitis, microtrauma of the eye. The main active substance is hyaluronic acid. Getting into the eye, the drug forms on its surface a protective moisturizing film that does not affect the visual acuity.
  • Lacrisifi.This is a complete analogue of the preparation of Defisle. It contains hypromellose. In addition, the composition of drops includes benzalkonium chloride. The agent is used for dryness and eye trauma, with dystrophic pathology and mechanical damage. The drug Lakrisifi is contraindicated in the acute stage of inflammatory diseases.
  • Hilo-chest of drawers.It works in the same way as Oxial, because it also contains hyaluronic acid. Requires special storage conditions. It is allowed to apply the solution over contact lenses.
  • A natural tear.The main active substance is duosorb. It is used for any conditions, accompanied by dry eyes and the presence of microtraumas on the mucous membrane. Contraindication - individual hypersensitivity and allergic reactions.
    Chilokomod - has a moisturizing effect

Drops with high viscosity

Their use is recommended for more serious damage to tear film. The list of such preparations:

  • Vidisik.Drops are available in the form of an eye gel with an active substance concentration of 2 mg / g. The main component is carbomer. Indications - dry eye syndrome, insufficient production of tear fluid. Before applying the gel, contact lenses should be removed. It is recommended to abandon the use of soft lenses for the period of treatment. Side effects: eye irritation, blurred vision, burning sensation.
  • Systein.The composition of the drug includes more than 10 active substances. Indication for the use of the remedy is hard to remove dryness of the cornea, insufficient synthesis of tear fluid, long work at the computer.
  • Correregel.Liquid gel, used to treat eye injuries, regeneration in degenerative processes, acute inflammation, conditions after operations on the eyes. In addition, the drug can be used as a means of protecting the eyes from damage by contact lenses. Active ingredients: dexapanthenol and carbomer.
  • Ottagel.The drug based on carbomer is used for dryness and minor trauma to the eye, relieves irritation and moisturizes the cornea. It is applied to the cornea of ​​the eye 1 drop 3-4 times a day.
    Systein-Ultra is used in case of insufficient synthesis of tear fluid

The drug Vadisik belongs to the category of potent and should be used only according to the doctor's prescription.

Vasodilating drops

The image on the monitor constantly flickers and is characterized by low contrast. This exerts an additional load on the eyes and keeps the eye muscles in constant static tension. As a result, the processes of microcirculation and metabolism inside the eye are disturbed.To compensate for the lack of blood circulation and to prevent oxygen starvation of tissues, the blood vessels expand, which causes redness of the eyeball.If a person has to constantly translate the view from the monitor screen to the keyboard or the printed text, redness and pain can worsen. To relieve tension and get rid of eye redness, vasoconstrictive drugs are used. Examples of drugs:

  • Vizin.The active ingredient is tetrisoline hydrochloride. The drug is applied several times a day, one drop in each eye. Indications for use - edema and redness of the conjunctiva of the eye.
  • Naphthysine.In ophthalmology, this drug is used for red eyes due to pathologically dilated vessels. When using the drug for more than 1 week, its effectiveness is reduced.
  • Octilia.Indications for the use of the drug are the same. Contraindication - glaucoma, lack of tear fluid, children's age, corneal dystrophy, allergic reactions to the components of the drug in the anamnesis. Systemic adverse reactions are possible.
  • Okumil.A complex drug used for red eyes. Narrows the vessels, has anti-inflammatory effect. Has a large number of contraindications, so it is not recommended for self-administration.
    Vizin is used for swelling and redness of the conjunctiva of the eye

All of the above drugs require consultation of an ophthalmologist. They are forbidden to use for more than 4 consecutive days.

Recommendations for use

Moisturizing artificial tear preparations are relatively safe and have almost no restrictions. As for the drops containing the vasoconstrictor, they have some limitations on the use. For example, such drops can not be used when driving a car, since there is a possibility of blurring the vision.It is necessary to apply them with caution to people suffering from serious heart disease and those who resort to taking drugs that can increase blood pressure.

Do not use vasoconstrictive drugs during pregnancy and lactation. Users of contact optics should in every possible way avoid direct contact of droplets with the surface of soft contact lenses due to the possible irreversible violation of their transparency.

Special attention should be paid to the use of moisturizing eye drops when wearing soft contact lenses.There are drugs that can be instilled directly with lenses (Hilo-Komod, Oxyal, etc.), while others require mandatory removal of lenses before use; they can not be put on again until 20 minutes after instillation solution.

Sometimes there is intolerance to the components of droplets of different severity, so users computer, before you drip the medicine for eye fatigue, you must visit doctor-ophthalmologist.


What does toric lens mean?

Eye drops with broad-spectrum antibiotic for children are described in this article.

Drops from the redness of the eyes http://eyesdocs.ru/medicinaoperacii/lekarstva/kapli-ot-pokrasneniya-glaz-raznovidnosti-preparaty-rekomendacii-po-primeneniyu.html




Vision is an invaluable gift, so you need to protect your eyes. Remember that any disease is easier to prevent than treat. Excellent vision for a long time at the computer does not guarantee its permanent state. When eye fatigue is necessary to take precautions and prevention if you want to keep your eyesight clear for years to come.

Computer glasses are an excellent eye protection product

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