What are the ailments used antiviral drops for the eyes?

Antiviral eye drops are in demand in ophthalmology. They are used to remove the symptoms of diseases caused by viruses. As a rule, the causative agent is adenovirus, but sometimes in medical practice there are also inflammations of a herpetic nature. Diagnosis of diseases caused by a virus can only be done by an ophthalmologist on the basis of an anamnesis. It should not be confused with bacterial infection, when the infection is acute and accompanied by itching, burning, fever in the area of ​​inflammation and general.


  • 1Application area
  • 2Features of preparations
  • 3List
  • 4Recommendations for use
  • 5Video
  • 6conclusions

Application area

Antiviral agents are prescribed for patients who have adenoviral conjunctivitis, viral keratitis.Treatment of these pathologies is carried out in a complex way: antibacterial drugs are additionally used.

Features of preparations

Antiviral drops have a special mechanism of action.The purpose of their application is to stimulate the production of useful proteins. It is worth saying that the development of these components is carried out in the mucous membranes.

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Proteins that are able to fight infection are called interferons: they are needed for the full vital activity of the body. Medicines with ready interferons are produced: they have a more powerful effect on the stimulus.

Antiviral drops are used in the case of different ophthalmic ailments. Individual drugs suppress herpes activity. They contain specific components, due to which the effect of DNA on viruses. Effective antihermic substance - acyclovir. Other drugs designed to combat herpes are contained in acyclovir.

The advantage of antiviral drops is a low probability of side effects. The funds, as a rule, do not cause allergies, but some people still have hypersensitivity.If a child is diagnosed with a virus-inflammatory disease that affects the eyes, the doctor prescribes Ophthalmoferon.

How to treat a child with viral conjunctivitis will tell this article.

In children, the symptoms of ophthalmic ailments can be pronounced. In some cases, the child has fever, weakness, malaise, tearing of the eyes. Possible rhinitis, unpleasant sensations in the throat.


  1. Ocomistin is an effective antiseptic.It is used to treat inflammatory eye diseases. Ocomistin is a part of complex therapy. The drug is prescribed for pathologies of unclear etiology. According to the instructions for use, eye drops Ocomistin is prescribed for keratitis keratitis, conjunctivitis. It helps to avoid purulent complications. It can be used in the postoperative period: Okomistin will help to restore the organs of vision as soon as possible.
  2. Derinat has appeared on the market recently, but it has proved itself well.It is used to treat various diseases (not only ophthalmic). The peculiarity of Derinat is that it is able to strengthen the action of drugs.
  3. The drug "Poludan" is used to treat viral diseases of the eyes.Basically, it is prescribed with the progression of the herpes virus. An ophthalmologist can recommend Poludan for adenovirus infection.
  4. The drug "Ophthalmoferon" helps in the fight against the virus.It has an anti-inflammatory effect. Ophthalmoferon strengthens the immune system, so the body fights better with the irritant. In addition to the basic properties, the drug soothes the eyes, removes traces of fatigue.

How to treat viral conjunctivitis in adults will tell this article.

Antiviral drops are different by the method of eliminating the virus. Some suppress the synthesis of the cytoplasmic protein and prevent the penetration of viral agents into the cell nuclei. Other drugs have an overwhelming effect on the replication of viruses. In any case, the drugs are selected individually: the doctor takes into account the nature of the ailment. In the ophthalmic industry, the means that stimulate the immune system are actively used. They contain interferon or penetrate the body, stimulate its production.

Recommendations for use

Before using anti-inflammatory drops, you need to clear your eyes of crusts, sorines. For washing, a decoction with chamomile is suitable. Viral eye diseases are common.Drugs prescribed by a doctor are instillated with a pipette. There are many drugs made by the type of mini dropper: they are very convenient to use.Do not exceed the dosage of antiviral drops: this will cause a negative reaction from the organs of vision. If a large amount of medicine gets inside, there is a spasm of the airways.In severe cases, overdoses end up lethal. Drops for the removal of inflammation are not chosen at their own discretion: they are appointed by an experienced doctor!


Eye drops from allergies

The reasons for the edema of the upper eyelids in the morning are described in this article.

Eye Redness: Causes and Treatment http://eyesdocs.ru/zabolevaniya/krasnye-pyatna-pod-glazami/prichiny-pokrasneniya-belkov-glaz.html




Antiviral medicines have many advantages: they are prescribed for adults and children. It is important to say that hypersensitivity can occur on individual components of the medication. In this case, the doctor selects safe and effective analogues. A common viral illness is conjunctivitis: to eliminate its symptoms, antiviral agents are also used.

Also read about the drops of Okumil and Alkain.

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