Varicose veins on the legs: how effective is treatment with folk remedies?

Varicose veins are very common. With this disease, the veins expand, their surface lengthens. This is due to pathological changes in the walls of the vessels, insufficiency of the venous valves.

There are quite a lot of methods for treating this ailment. Traditional medicine also offers its tools to combat the disease. Let's consider, whether it is possible and how to cure varicose veins of lower extremities independently, what folk remedies for varicose veins on legs are suitable for treatment at home.


  • 1 About varicose veins
  • 2 Should I use alternative medicine?
  • 3 Are there any risks?
  • 4 Safe recipes
    • 4.1 Compresses from tomatoes
    • 4.2 Grindings
    • 4.3 Compresses
    • 4.4 Herbal infusions
    • 4.5 Food as a medicine
    • 4.6 Ointment
  • 5 Combination with traditional therapy
  • 6 Is it effective?

About varicose veins

According to statistics, affects up to 40% of the population in varicose veins in the developed countries, with the first symptoms of the disease appearing at the age of 30-40

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.At the same time in the countries of the so-called third world, this ailment is much more rare - the incidence rate is at the level of 0.1%.The sedentary lifestyle, as well as heredity, is to blame for this trend.

Symptoms of the disease are quite unpleasant - heaviness in the legs, swelling, a feeling of heat, convulsions. In some cases, eczema develops.

Although the disease itself is not dangerous, its consequences, one of which is thrombophlebitis, can lead to a blockage of the pulmonary artery, which in some cases results in the death of the patient.

Should I use alternative medicine?

Traditional medicine is used in the fight against many complex diseases. Bloating of veins on this list is no exception. Some plants, long used for the treatment of legs, now are used for the manufacture of medicines by pharmacologists .

For example, we are talking about horse chestnut, which has a relatively low toxicity - this is one of its advantages. Due to the unique chemical composition, the chestnut reduces vascular permeability, prevents the congestion of venous blood , and fights against atherosclerosis of the extremities.

But horse chestnut is not the only way to fight for healthy veins. There are quite a few other plants with similar properties.

Are there any risks?

All herbs, like any medicine, have contraindications. Most often, admission restrictions apply to women during the period of gestation, especially in the first trimester, although this category of patients often suffers from veins. Very careful to be and breastfeeding. For future and nursing mothers, before using your favorite recipe, you should definitely consult the doctor .

The entire course of treatment is necessary for to control the blood composition of .Some substances in plant preparations lower the level of prothrombin, which affects the function of the blood coagulation system. At a critical drop in the PTI( prothrombin index), which can only be known from the results of laboratory studies, there is a risk of bleeding.

Another property of medicinal herbs is a change in the level of blood pressure. This also needs to be watched. It is important to follow the recommended dosage, the best time to take( before, during or after a meal), as well as the duration of treatment.

Safe recipes

Next - a few safe and popular leg recipes that are used to treat varicose at home.

Compresses from tomatoes

Tomatoes of varying degrees of ripeness is a simple and affordable tool in the fight against the expansion of veins on the legs, especially in summer and autumn. Those who tried them on themselves, say that such compresses are very effective. Here are a few methods of "tomato" therapy.

  • The first way to use: takes unripe fruits , cut them fairly large. Tomato pieces are applied to the venous nodules and kept until burning occurs on those parts of the skin.

    Then the tomato is cleaned and rinsed with cool water. The second method of application is the same, except for the exception that the procedure is repeated five times in a row. In two weeks, the nodes should soften and some time later - to smooth out.

  • Still using ripe tomatoes .Fruits are cut into wedges, Treatment continues for two weeks.


Improving the condition of the skin and blood vessels with varicose helps to rub from simple products that are always available and at hand.

  • Lemon has a toning effect. To use this property of citrus, it is enough to wipe the skin on varicose veins with a slice of lemon.
  • The tincture of horse chestnut is one of the most famous and time-tested. To cook it, take the fruits of chestnut with peel, chop the meat grinder, add to a can of three liters and add up to half with vodka or alcohol( 40%).The tincture is kept in the dark for one month, several times a week the contents of the jar are shaken. The received tincture wipe feet several times a day, and necessarily - for the night.
  • Apple vinegar strengthens the walls of the vessels, tones the skin, eliminates edema. It is sold in the store, but you only need to choose a natural product. Vinegar( 6%) wipe the area where there is a vascular mesh and leave it on the body until the next procedure.


  1. From Kalanchoe .This recipe helps quickly get rid of vascular "stars".Take a few leaves of the plant, grind them into a slurry and pour alcohol( 40%) in a volume of 100 ml. The received means insist week. Apply as a normal compress at night.
  2. Of white cabbage. Damaged skin areas are sprinkled with baking soda. The cabbage leaves are soaped with hard soap( preferably household soap) and applied to the foot, secured from above with a cloth. The compress is kept all night.

Infusions of herbs

  1. In equal amounts, flowers are taken from chamomile, chestnut( you can have fruits), yarrow, plantain, and also raspberry root. Two tablespoons of a dry mixture is poured with three cups of boiling water( 600 ml), brought to a boil, removed from the fire, allowed to stand all night. In the morning, the infusion is filtered and consumed 150 ml each morning and evening.
  2. Two tablespoons of nettles pour a glass of boiling water and allow to infuse. Drink 50 ml 3 times a day. The course of treatment is one month.
  3. Take 20 grams of horse chestnut, oak bark, birch, as well as herbs: horsetail, Icelandic moss - 50 grams of grass, astragalus, immortelle flowers - 20 grams. Two tablespoons of this collection are poured with 500 ml of boiling water onlyand cook for 5 minutes, let them brew. Drink 50 ml four times a day.

Food as a medicine

Even the ancient was known that food can be a medicine. Here is the couple of miraculous recipes from food products .

  • 250 g garlic ( can onion) is cleaned, chopped in a meat grinder, poured over with liquid honey( 350 g).The mixture is gaining strength one week. The drug is consumed inside before meals, on a tablespoon three times a day. Treatment lasts two months.
  • Good results show eating grape .However, only some varieties are suitable for treatment - Riesling, Semillon, Chaushi, Shasla. Within three days on an empty stomach eat half a kilogram of grapes, with a peel and sunflower seeds.


Take comfrey root( 5 parts), comfrey leaf( 1 part), flowers: chestnut( 1 part), white acacia( 1 part), interior pork fat( 2 parts).Dry raw materials are poured with hot fat and kept on a low heat for 3 hours, filter. On the affected sites, bandages are applied with ointment and keep it for three days. The course of treatment consists of five procedures. If necessary, the treatment is repeated after 10-15 days.

This is only a small arsenal of safe and affordable folk remedies that you can prepare yourself at home for the treatment of varicose veins of the lower extremities.

Combination with traditional therapy

Means from the "folk medicine chest" are often recommended by doctors. The fact is that due to its relatively soft impact on the body , such drugs can replace factory funds. In addition, the drugs described above increase the effect of the main line of therapy.

However, before using a popular method of treating lower limb varices( on the legs), the consults with your physician so that the funds do not conflict with each other and do not block each other's actions. It is important to remember that only the right selected therapeutic complex will give the best result and really help to cope with the disease.

Is it effective?

What will be the effect of treating varicose veins on legs with folk remedies at home, depends on many factors. One of the main - the severity of the disease .

At the earliest stages, only one tincture, ointment, herbal remedies can be enough. At a late stage, the doctor can prescribe not only treatment with medications, but also even surgery or other radical procedures.

It is not necessary to refuse from popular recipes, though their efficiency is small enough .However, they perfectly help to eliminate some symptoms of the disease - to remove inflammation, eliminate swelling, improve the skin condition.