Runny nose in a 10 month old child than to treat

How to treat a runny nose in a 10-month-old baby?


Laura Petrarkina :)

Are you sure that the crumb does not have allergic rhinitis?
Then try something from the following.
Kollargol, Protargol - drops on the basis of colloidal silver, they are prepared in a pharmacy (in state pharmacies there are, in kiosks do not buy).
A solution of sea salt - concentration, choose one that has a slightly salty taste. This is the same as Aquamaris. Salt is sold in pharmacies and supermarkets, but just do not buy flavored.
Vibrocil - vasoconstrictor drops (dripping at night to facilitate breathing).
Salin, nizivin (we did not try).
Pinosol is an oil-based drop, it is well pierced, it can be applied several times a day.
For the night I hang a napkin in a crib, drop a few drops of aromatic oil on it (fir, eucalyptus, tea tree). It turns out "aromalampa cleans the air around the baby, it's easier to breathe.
You can hang a gauze pouch in a crib with chopped onion or garlic.
Be sure to do a wet cleaning and ventilate the baby's room.

instagram viewer

Sleepy child can be laid in a spout (gently, rasteriev on the inside of the nostrils) Mixture Oxolin-ointment + Pinosol-cream. This helps out in cases where the child is capricious and does not allow to drip a spout, and so - the psyche of the baby does not suffer.
Bioparox is an antibiotic spray (if it's really bad).
Get well!


To begin with, try to pull snot from the nose with a syringe with a soft nozzle. And then to drip "Nazol Baby". The more often the procedure will be repeated, the faster the runny nose will pass.

Vladimir Lazarev

German homeopathic remedy EUFORBIUM SPREY. 2-3 times 1 "pshiku" in the nasal passage. My granddaughter 6 days old helped and will help you.


Rinse the nose, the aquiline baby, saline, if already sopelki protargol drop 1 drop 2p. etc., and the vessel narrowing, only not more than 3 days, so that there is no addiction.

little man

I can advise the juice of the colanchoe to drip, after it the baby is swollen and the nose cleared from the sopecks and there is no need to climax there with all sorts of climbs and wash (wash can drive the virus into the throat and in the ears - the otitis can be from such a procedure, and it is not very pleasant for the baby) .
and at night you can drip to drink to breathe freely, but do not exceed the dose and no longer than 4 days otherwise there may be addiction.


protorgol in the pharmacy. he is on natural. make it to order. month expiration date
you can not drink cold. everything in a warm state


At my child frequent ORVI. we here so do or make during a rhinitis. first 3-4 drops in each nasal passage of aquamaris (only in droplets), then the droplets slightly dilute and move away from the mucosa, then pull the snot with an aspirator for the nose. pears and stuff is nonsense, checked. buy aspirator Pmngwin for example or Otrivin or Canpol Baby. there are a lot of them now. we have the last of those that I wrote. then one drop of Nazivin. your baby 10 months, Nazivin need to buy from 0 to 1 year. aquamaris can wash the nose every 2-3 hours, not more often, so it dries the nasal mucosa. Nasivin only three times a day for 3 days, then as necessary, but it is better to reduce the number of times a day. after the first three days, use Euphorbium Compositum. he is homeopathic. my son is allergic, but he does not give any reaction, and he, too, so they have nothing to fear. this drug is the cure for the common cold, and does not drown it. it every 3-4 hours for 1 injection in each nasal passage. it can be used for a long time, it is not a vasoconstrictor, up to 20 days. health!

Tatiana Lagunova

Tanya, I will give you the BEST OF the cold, which can be used from the first days of a newborn baby. This spray on the arms! Effective, harmless. But very expensive! (10 dollars a small bottle. ) It is called "Delufen production Austria (Bittner). It is convenient in application. Does not bake in the nose, does not burn mucous, does not lead to edema and allergies. Better than him there is nothing!

How to cure a cold a child 10 months? rokno!!! Tell me please.



To bring down the temperature - wipe with vinegar in half with water. Up to 3, the temperature is not recommended to knock down. You can not bathe a child now, you can not walk for 3 days after the temperature. We just got sick, so I'll just write you the doctor's recommendations:
Viferon 2 sv, 2 r. per day - 5 days
Fenistil - 5k. 2 r. in a day
Camomile is warm - drink
Lazolvan in syrup 1/2 tsp 2-3 r. in a day.
If the child is ill call an ambulance, we did so, let the lungs listen, whether everything is in order. And do not hesitate to call, because the baby is small, the metabolism is such that complications can go on the first day. Get well:)


Candles efferolgan (on the temperature), nazivin drip before going to bed, it gives the nose to breathe, aquamaris drip and withdraw snot enema ...
many use Viferon


bathe of course you can not nose spout an egg (warm) roll on the bridge of the nose, the temperature can be brought down - dilute the vinegar with water, acidic water, grease the forehead, the breast

Alexandra Kyrgyasaar

Yes you that bathe the child. it is impossible. Take vodka with water and wrap the baby, the temperature takes off well. and take a snot if you have a doctor in your spout straight into the vestibule with a little cotton wool namas punching and breathing will be better for the child. If there is no such that suck out sopelki with a clinic if there is a small one. and then drip with droplets.


with a temperature you can not bathe! we gave aflubin - it's homeopathic. an excellent tool. in the instruction there is a dosage. if the child is not worried because of the fever, do not knock (as the pediatrician advised), if only 39 and above. the body fights infection with temperature.

I am your dream

You can not swim. In the ass effer lang candle. Nos- buy syringe No. 3 (only with a soft nose), suck her snot, then drip Aquamaris, a couple of minutes later once again suck off the snot, then drip for a couple drops Nazivin for infants, after three to five minutes again suck snot. and to drip protorgol. And all at once will be normul. At the very daughter of 10 months, already twice so precisely cured. And the eldest also treated always.
PS: Mom and grandmother pediatricians


Well, bathe is unpunished unambiguously. And it is true that this is a cold. Can teeth, pay attention to snot, if they are transparent-100% dental, and if yellowish-green, then a cold. Teeth can also give both snot and temper. as well as diarrhea. Too much in the spout, too, should not be dripped, otherwise you will burn there and there will be a chronic rhinitis. Look at the gums can the root so climb?? ?
Eradicate) good luck!

Natalia Volkova

There is such a plant - colanchoe pinnate - people call a doctor. Squeeze the juice from the leaf, dilute with warm water in the proportion: (1 share of juice, 3-water), drip 2 drops into each nostril. The child will sneeze, the snot will jump out. Do not overdo it! First try out for adults. The temperature can be brought down by vinegar, which is diluted with water: 9 (1-vinegar, 19-water), grind the body, do not immediately rub after grinding.

Ainur Akhmetova

ya svoego malisha kupala i ni4e... vodi4ka emu pomogla lu4she sebya 4uvstvovat '(nosk progrelsy, orya4im vzduxom podishal), potom smazala baranim zhirom, ukutala on propotel (oral kone4no celyi 4as), no zato na utro vse kak rukoi snyalo !!!


And to us in 7 months came an ambulance for similar symptoms: the doctor herself scored a bath 3, and put the child for 15 minutes. At home it was warm, they took off all the clothes, dampened the towel with the vinegar solution, wiped it dry, and so 5 times, then rubbed vodka clean and put on a vest and sliders, without a diaper!!! (at a temperature not recommended)
advised to insert in the ass candles viferon-1, clean the nose neatly no more than 5 times, or aloe or Kalanchoe, but it is necessary to scald the leaf and dilute with boiled water:


you take vodka, not watered with water, you rub the child up to a state like if you just came from the bathroom. do not wipe it, it must dry itself. try to lubricate the large vessels: inguinal region, neck, stitch. the temperature of the efflergan and the nurofen syrup went down further. tea children's hippy with linden is an excellent remedy for temperature. To water necessarily every 15 minutes on a teaspoon.
call an ambulance nursery.

What is the best way to treat a runny nose for a 9 month old child?


Irina Vodyanitskaya

Runny nose in such a child - a real punishment for him and his parents! Need patience and self-control! And more: from vasoconstrictive - Vibrocil (does not break the physiological functions of the spout), for washing - Saline and pectoral milk, for treatment - Prothorgol (silver solution), for flaunting - a solution of Kalanchoe juice and water: (2 times in day). Good luck! Get well!


Bury breastmilk.


Rhinitis or runny nose - inflammation of the nasal mucosa. Rhinitis can be both an independent ailment, and a symptom of many infectious and allergic diseases. The occurrence of colds contributes to hypothermia.
There are several good folk recipes for combating the common cold:
1) Mix 1 tablespoon fresh carrot juice and 1 tablespoon vegetable oil (olive or sunflower), which is pre-boiled in a water bath. Add in the mixture 1-3 drops of garlic juice. Blend the mixture daily. Bury a few drops in each nostril 3-4 times a day.
2) Brewed or fresh beet juice to dig in the nose a few drops 4-5 times a day or wash your nose 2-3 times a day with broth beets. You can add honey to the broth. Cotton swabs moistened in beetroot juice, which are inserted into the nostrils 3-4 times a day, help.
3) Mix in equal parts the Kalanchoe juice and honey. Drink with infusion of melissa or St. John's wort - it perfectly removes the stuffiness of the nose.
4) Bury aloe juice 3-5 drops in each nostril 4-5 times a day, throwing your head back and massaging when digging in the wings of the nose.
5) Mix 2 parts of honey and 1 part of mint oil (sold in pharmacies). Lubricate the nasal mucosa.
6) Mix onion, mashed into a gruel, in the ratio: with honey. Take onions and honey mixture for 1 teaspoon 3-4 times a day for 30 minutes before eating. The mixture will be more effective if you use onion juice instead of gruel.
7) Grate the beetroot on a small grater and squeeze the juice. Leave for a day in a warm place. Slightly fermented juice to dig in the nose for 3-4 drops 3 times a day.
8) A wonderful remedy for the cold is a hot foot bath with the addition of mustard (1 tablespoon of mustard powder to 7-8l. water), as well as drinking soda and salt.
9) Pour 6 dry tablespoons herb grasshopper (sold in pharmacies) 1L. water, boil for 3 minutes. Infuse, wrapped, 4 hours and strain. Apply in a warm form for irrigation of the nasal cavity with a strong rhinitis.
10) Mix in equal proportions of Kalanchoe juice and hunter's oil (sold in pharmacies). Lubricate the nasal passages with this mixture several times a day. It is good to combine with the inhalation of St. John's wort.
11) Grind the onion pulp with a glass of hot vegetable oil. Insist, wrapped, 6-8 hours, strain. With this oil, treat the nasal mucosa with a strong cold.

Tanya Chudodeeva

Camoe glavno-eto ydaljat i3 noca vcjy cli, to bu ne bulo otit, ed y maluwej vce cvja3ano vmecte. Kypite v apteke cpez. zhgytik c nakone4nikom dlja otcacuvanija copelek. Ewe ect kapli na ba3e macel ra3nux kekarctv.ractenij. Ho nam oni ne o4en pomogajyt. Mu v3jali Ha3ivin-pomogaet. Ho camoe glavnoe-derzhat noc be3 ckoplenija cli3i.
Ewe ect takoj rezept: cmewat v ravnux koli4ectvax jai4nuj zheltok i me, at nactojatcja nemnogo i 3akapuvat po1 kapelke v kazhdyjy no3drjy. Mu takoe ne proboval, o moja podryga-da. Govori, to pomogaet o4en xorowo.

Tatiana E

Ochen an unpleasant method, but so did according to the advice of a doctor, I really liked and scoffed at my daughter before 3 years. In the drugstore are selling molentkim enemas, make a warm broth of chamomile slightly add soda, but you can not add, into one nostril, inject from the enema, and you will see how from the second will flow all the accumulated snot. or pour the onions with boiling water, cool, and drip, like, drops, but the current should be saturated

Oleg Basov

I drip aquamaris in 3 hours. And for the night I am dripping with navizin or nazol baby. Aquamaris is the sea water. It dries up. Still it is possible breast milk. but I like aquamaris better.


Nazivin, aquamaris. If the nose is laid it is necessary protargol (superfense). Drip into the nose and the medicine comes out with snot ...

Natalya Vikova

That's only advice wais better left unattended, for a small child this will not work.


acupressure shiatsu-not painful. just. and helps.

Julia Borisovna

drain responses and none of the correct ones.
most colds are caused by viruses, and there is no medicine for viruses.
so no one has cured a cold with milk or a massage.
if he is supposed to go 3 days or 8, then it will be.
although the entire pharmacy is poured in with the garden.
no benefit, but side effects please.
It is necessary to drip salty solution into the spout. Aquamaris, Salin, Fizratsvor.. .
and at night, if the child can not breathe, 1 drop of baby vasoconstrictor (nazivin, Naphtizin. them right now a lot of different) no more than 3-4 days.
forget about protorgol - this is a preparation of colloidal silver, extremely toxic substance and dripping it to children is very dangerous.
and it makes no sense... I hope you all understand and follow. once already will know.


best protorgol, only he edeny very, but it helps well


Proporgol based on propolis. Propolis is a natural antibiotic.
There is another option: HE-PI-VI - water extract of propolis.
At this age it is better to dilute with saline solution. 1 drop of hey-pee-you 10 saline. The effect is the same, but it is much easier to transfer.
Drip in the sitting position.
Bury it in your eyes, mouth, ears, just dilute with water. Clean the infection everywhere.
Eliminate the complications in this way

How to cure a cold in a 10 month old child?


Katya Sukhova

Aquamaris)) well, and all sorts of inhalation. At the soma little sister))) my mother heals only so well, and the nose cleans)

and a d = 1372


Protargol during the day, at night nazivin. You can drink Kalanchoe juice bury / chihuanchik /. We are so treated.

on the brink of a foul!

Derinat droplets.


I dripped in my nose with breast milk, or beet juice


Juice of Kalanchoe (not decarative) with a drop of honey. Prochhayetsya and everything will pass. Do not be ill.

Laura Petrarkina :)

Kollargol, Protargol - drops on the basis of colloidal silver, they are prepared in a pharmacy (in state pharmacies there are, in kiosks do not buy).
A solution of sea salt - concentration, choose one that has a slightly salty taste. This is the same as Aquamaris. Salt is sold in pharmacies and supermarkets, but just do not buy flavored.
Vibrocil - vasoconstrictor drops (dripping at night to facilitate breathing).
Salin, nizivin (we did not try).
Pinosol is an oil-based drop, it is well pierced, it can be applied several times a day.
For the night I hang a napkin in a crib, drop a few drops of aromatic oil on it (fir, eucalyptus, tea tree). It turns out "aromalampa cleans the air around the baby, it's easier to breathe.
You can hang a gauze pouch in a crib with chopped onion or garlic.
Be sure to do a wet cleaning and ventilate the baby's room.
Sleepy child can be laid in a spout (gently, rasteriev on the inside of the nostrils) Mixture Oxolin-ointment + Pinosol-cream. This helps out in cases where the child is capricious and does not allow to drip a spout, and so - the psyche of the baby does not suffer.
Bioparox is an antibiotic spray (if it's really bad).
Get well!

How to cure a child 11 month old sots to cure for 10 days of suffering


Anastasia Bakhrenkova

Drops are excellent aquamaris!)


Are the green sniffles green?

Victoria Kuchkina

If the spout is heavily embedded, you need to rinse with an amino cap, then drip with a baby Nazian. If zalozhennosti there is no that aquamaris ochn is good. Did you sow crops from the nose?


PROTORGOL, it is made in a pharmacy, it is a solution of silver, it is inexpensive, harmless and well pomagaet


Runny nose can be from 7 to 10 days. You buy the droplets. And maybe he's allergic to something, did not think... And if you do not treat the ears sick.

Julia Zaitseva

wash with Aquamaris, Aqualor, and then PROTARGOL, for 4 days will pass. Get well!!!

Sofiy Raiskay Raiskay

First you need to wash, you can just mineral water without gas, and then you can squeeze the juice of the colanchoe (home doctor) and drip (will sneeze). And it is possible and on an ultrasonic inhaler to try to remove the symptoms, and then with therapeutic drops-rhinofluucil, for example


Drip pure juice Kalanchoe, a simple and harmless plant. DO NOT CHEAT chemistry.

Laura Petrarkina :)

Kollargol, Protargol - drops on the basis of colloidal silver, they are prepared in a pharmacy (in state pharmacies there are, in kiosks do not buy).
A solution of sea salt - concentration, choose one that has a slightly salty taste. This is the same as Aquamaris. Salt is sold in pharmacies and supermarkets, but just do not buy flavored.
Vibrocil - vasoconstrictor drops (dripping at night to facilitate breathing).
Salin, nizivin (we did not try).
Pinosol is an oil-based drop, it is well pierced, it can be applied several times a day.
For the night I hang a napkin in a crib, drop a few drops of aromatic oil on it (fir, eucalyptus, tea tree). It turns out "aromalampa cleans the air around the baby, it's easier to breathe.
You can hang a gauze pouch in a crib with chopped onion or garlic.
Be sure to do a wet cleaning and ventilate the baby's room.
Sleepy child can be laid in a spout (gently, rasteriev on the inside of the nostrils) Mixture Oxolin-ointment + Pinosol-cream. This helps out in cases where the child is capricious and does not allow to drip a spout, and so - the psyche of the baby does not suffer.
Bioparox is an antibiotic spray (if it's really bad).
Get well!
http: // School of Dr. Komarovsky> Runny nose and cramps from the common cold.

How to cure a severe cough in a 10 month old child?




1. With a deep cough, you can make mustard wrapping:
1st. spoon of honey, art. spoon of sunflower oil. oil, a mustard spoon,
a spoonful of flour (there can be more spoons to cover
the size). All this to bring to a boil, to smear on a rag
and put on the back and the right side of the chest (not a mixture, but
side of the cloth), top with a towel. You can even
at night do.

2. In a rag pouch (about 12x7 cm) with a rope for
pour hot large salt (heated to
frying pan). To deceive even with some rags and this
flat rectangle I put on my chest diagonally across
from the left shoulder to the right armpit and reel
to the body with something warm and a long type of scarf (like
cartridge belt crosswise). The child can walk like this
an hour or two. Then remove the salt, and leave the scarf for the heat
for some time.

3. Onion juice. chop the onion, put it in a jar, fall asleep
sugar (you can replace sugar with honey, if there is no allergy),
allocated onion juice - it is sweet - to give a baby (according to
h. spoon). Very good cough.

4. Baby medicine Triaminic - well cleans the nose,
very quickly helps with coughing, the baby sleeps at night very much
well, the tempo is also knocked down.

5. From a cough to brew mother-and-stepmother (in shop nat.
products bought) and drink a little, but often.

6. Drink chamomile tea (will have to sweeten with fructose).

7. Turn on the hot water in the bathroom, close the door.
The bathroom is heated for 15-20 minutes. Type somewhere 10 cm
water in the bathroom. Then take a tincture of eucalyptus and
Spray her shower on the walls. Come into the bathroom with
baby (undressed) and breathe as much as you can. Child
then it must be wiped off, wrapped and warm. When orvi, cough,
runny nose.

8. Inhalations. brew herbs in a pan (such as chamomile,
root of althea, fennel), cover with a veil and sit
as you can.

9. Gedelix - grinding

10. Balm of Dr. Tayse with eucalyptus smear chest, back,
open leave near the bed to breathe it.

11. Chest and back with Vitaion rub (at worst)
Bronchicum, but that's sticky)

12. Draining massage for better separation of sputum:

- We put the child on the back, from the bottom from the sides (covering the ribs
palms) strokes up-to the center (to the neck). -
We put on the stomach, rubbing the movements from the bottom up (palms
in circular motions move upwards in parallel
spine). You can do when a child is standing or sitting.
It is possible in that position, in which the client succeeds in catching
), more often than not wearing a "pole" in one hand.
Then pat on the back from the bottom up.

- We outweigh the child through the knee (booty up
) and rattling the back from the priests to the head, pretty

- like any massage,
begin and end with easy strokes, the main
the part is quite palpable. But pat on the back of the whole
family all free time.

13. It is also quite obvious that for the liquefaction of macros in
the body should be a liquid - that is,
drink, preferably something warm and sour.

14. If the cough is dry, then you can do it three times a day
inhalation with soda. Gather a hot bath, pour a couple
table spoons of soda, steam in the bathroom itself and sit there
with the child about ten to fifteen minutes. But if wet, then
soda is not worth it.

15. Potion from plantain Dr. Taisa works well.

16. Wrapping. Smear the breast with a thin layer of honey, top
leaf cabbage. You can wrap it, but you can only wear a T-shirt
and pajamas.

17. Lazolvan? cough syrup.


CALL A DOCTOR. he will examine the child and prescribe the necessary medications.


And to the doctor in any way to address ???

Olga Davydova

Call a doctor!

natalia papavidu

zdes' bez vracha ne l'zia, s det'mi ne shutiat


Well, are you all so irresponsibly approaching the issue of the health of your children? Once again I repeat - the types of cough and diseases, caused by a great cough. What does your baby have? Pharyngitis, tracheitis, laryngitis, bronchitis, tonsillitis... or something else? How long has it been coughing? what cough - wet, dry, barking, bouts or persistent? Only a doctor can say this. Well, if you ask such a question, then at least write the exact diagnosis... then knowledgeable people can and will prompt.

Elena Semenova

Do not self-medicate, it's very dangerous!!! I speak like a doctor! If a fit of coughing arose suddenly, the child suffocates, is pale, perhaps it is a false croup. Call an ambulance! Meanwhile, open the hot water in the bathroom, take the baby in his arms in an upright position and let the steam breathe.


the most correct is natural remedies, they are the ones that heal. I use chamomile - to relieve inflammation. and the bark of an oak cough is cured. But here there is one but the bark of an oak knits, i.e. thickens phlegm.
but in general, despite the prescriptions of doctors - look at those who make up several medicines. the price is two times higher, and the composition is the same.
we were helped by bromhexine. and simple mukaltin can help.
find a specialized website.

chinos fender

make an iodine net on your chest and on your back, heart beating, you must call a doctor, then there may be a cold, maybe an allergy


Buy a baby amber. Sodium breast with bear fat or asterisk, Pour the mustard nugget dry into the socks! And in the morning to the doctor for warming up! You can still tincture salodki. and yet in I use HEKSARALO, n truth from the throat, but he at least does not so irritates him when coughing. Mom 2 children.


and only after that questions... he's still quite a kid.. Do not get smart - find out the diagnosis and ask a professional at

Samorodova Zarina

If your child does not have any allergies to honey, then spread the back and chest with a thin layer of honey, lay something waterproof and put on the ryazhonku. You need to do it at night. If it's bronchitis, then in the morning the skin will be dry and not very sticky. Usually 2-3 such procedures take away the cough. Checked on their children.


if there is no allergy to me, o give the juice of black radish. it is necessary to cut off the top of the radish, use a knife or a knife to pick out a small hole and put two h / l of honey there. Putting the night to rest, give the formed juice for 1 h / l several times a day. even with bronchitis recommend. The sama did for her baby-cool helps.


Get medical advice!
As a distraction (if there is no temperature), boil 2-3 potatoes, mash, put in a bag, wrap in a towel and put on the breast. As you cool, unfold the towel. It turns out "good warmth".


Another cough can be caused by a fungus - chlamydia. Do you have a cat in your house? They can be carriers. And if everything in the analyzes is in order and there are no suspicions of a tuberculosis, pneumonia, false cereal, chlamydia. There is a good onion tea. And he treated both husband and child, and niece, a cat. not a cough, but somehow she was crazy. Everyone helps, absolutely harmless and drinks like water. Write to me, I'll take off the recipe.

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